WTF is going on with this?!

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
Okay so me and Mr. Lucy have a friend, he's a nice person and would help anyone and often does.

The problem is his wife who literally controls his entire life, he has no life of his own, he has no time to himself, she has him basically trained to do what she tells him. When he's at work she is phoning him all the time, usually with trivial things, we know this because he has shown us his phone and the amount of calls a day he gets from her. If he does a job as a favour for someone she is phoning him at random when he's doing the job, we know this as he did a job for us and his wife phoned him TWO TIMES in 30 minutes to see when he was going home.

Its as if she CANNOT let him out of her sight, that she wants him in the house at ALL times he is NOT at work. Mr. Lucy plays Squash and asked him did he want to join the Squash Club and play a game a few times a week and he said he couldn't spare the time because he has a ton of jobs to do at home, jobs that his wife literally seems to have WAITING for him as SOON as he gets through the door.

She will do things to create MORE jobs to keep him in the house eg. he said during his holiday time he was having to redecorate because his wife had torn off some wallpaper to indicate she wanted the bedroom redecorating. Now he has 10 days off again on holiday beginning yesterday and she has decided they need a new bathroom, not a few things but an ENTIRE new bathroom which he will be putting in himself.

He often acts as my Maintenance man on some apartments I rent out, I literally a month ago got rid of a NIGHTMARE tenant and there is some damage inside the apartment that he promised he would do, of course he can't do this now because his wife has things she has created for him to do, we think deliberately because she is so insecure she cannot handle him doing things for anyone else because she wants him at home where she can keep an eye of him and control him.

On Saturday Mr. Lucy saw him and mentioned when was he going to be able to do the Maintenance on this apartment I mention above, this is when we found she has decided he had to put an ENTIRE new bathroom in their house. Mr. Lucy said to him what EVERYONE has already thought that he couldn't do the Maintenance because his wife doesn't want him to do it. He then started SCREAMING ABUSE at Mr. Lucy probably because he KNOWS what Mr. Lucy said to him was correct.

Last week he was at our house and his wife gets home at approx 5.15PM and so at 5.45PM she phones him and literally says to him that she was going to bed because quote "I'm sick of being on my own" WTF?! On average the man has NO LIFE, he cannot MOVE without she is checking on him, she has him in the house doing shit for her on average FIVE HOURS a day during the week 6PM-11PM and ALL WEEKEND doing shit for her.

She won't even allow him to have his own bank account, they have a Joint Account so she can keep track, this results in him NEVER having ANY money of his own to spend because SHE controls the account and has all the bank account numbers and the CARD. With this I should add that SHE ran up a 25.000 DEBT two years ago by Maxing out their previous card, she then sat on her buttocks while he got TWO other jobs to work round the clock to pay HER DEBT and he did that for a quiet life, yes she seems to go batshit IF he does not do EVERYTHING she says. She also at random plays the Threatening To Kill Herself Card and the You Would Be Better Without Me Card to further put him firmly under her control.

WTF is WRONG with this woman? I would NEVER treat Mr. Lucy this way. I am totally disgusted at how this man has allowed himself to be controlled by this woman like this, WTF why doesn't he get some balls and tell her: He needs time on his own, he needs a LIFE that does NOT revolve around being around her 24/7, he wants his OWN bank account and he would like to join Mr . Lucy's Squash Club and play a game a few times a week.

WTF is going on with this?!
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Jealousy? An insecure woman who needs to micromanage the people who matter so she won't lose them?

Sounds like the green eyed monster, to me.

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Is his wife at least hot?

She and he are older than we are, I saw a picture when she was younger and she was okay but now she's all facially bloated, oh I forgot we think she has a drinking problem, this because on more than one occasion Mr. Lucy and me have watched her down two bottles of wine to herself in ONE sitting. The last time was a few weeks ago when it was their daughter's 19th birthday and they had a party in the garden. Oh yes a party that got out of hand after Mr. Lucy and me went home and at approx 2AM the police had to go to their house because of the MASSIVE noise level. I only found this out on the Monday when I got into my Office and was looking at recent Reports and I saw a Report on THEM and was like WTF?!
Is his wife at least hot?

She and he are older than we are, I saw a picture when she was younger and she was okay but now she's all facially bloated, oh I forgot we think she has a drinking problem, this because on more than one occasion Mr. Lucy and me have watched her down two bottles of wine to herself in ONE sitting. The last time was a few weeks ago when it was their daughter's 19th birthday and they had a party in the garden. Oh yes a party that got out of hand after Mr. Lucy and me went home and at approx 2AM the police had to go to their house because of the MASSIVE noise level. I only found this out on the Monday when I got into my Office and was looking at recent Reports and I saw a Report on THEM and was like WTF?!

The alcohol is the problem here. She needs treatment.
Jealousy? An insecure woman who needs to micromanage the people who matter so she won't lose them?

Sounds like the green eyed monster, to me.

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More than once we have given him some money, he's always paid it back, but sometimes he wants something and he NEVER has ANY money because she controls the money and so either me or Mr. Lucy have given it him and then the next day he's paid it . This is all very sad and I have to say pathetic. A GROWN man, he's 53 years old and he's allowed himself to be conditioned in this way, the thing is he seems content with it but on OCCASION he has hinted that he's not.
Is his wife at least hot?

She and he are older than we are, I saw a picture when she was younger and she was okay but now she's all facially bloated, oh I forgot we think she has a drinking problem, this because on more than one occasion Mr. Lucy and me have watched her down two bottles of wine to herself in ONE sitting. The last time was a few weeks ago when it was their daughter's 19th birthday and they had a party in the garden. Oh yes a party that got out of hand after Mr. Lucy and me went home and at approx 2AM the police had to go to their house because of the MASSIVE noise level. I only found this out on the Monday when I got into my Office and was looking at recent Reports and I saw a Report on THEM and was like WTF?!

The alcohol is the problem here. She needs treatment.

Yes we better not go there, as she does not recognise she has a problem if this is suggested this would cause not a good situation.
Okay so me and Mr. Lucy have a friend, he's a nice person and would help anyone and often does.

The problem is his wife who literally controls his entire life, he has no life of his own, he has no time to himself, she has him basically trained to do what she tells him. When he's at work she is phoning him all the time, usually with trivial things, we know this because he has shown us his phone and the amount of calls a day he gets from her. If he does a job as a favour for someone she is phoning him at random when he's doing the job, we know this as he did a job for us and his wife phoned him TWO TIMES in 30 minutes to see when he was going home.

Its as if she CANNOT let him out of her sight, that she wants him in the house at ALL times he is NOT at work. Mr. Lucy plays Squash and asked him did he want to join the Squash Club and play a game a few times a week and he said he couldn't spare the time because he has a ton of jobs to do at home, jobs that his wife literally seems to have WAITING for him as SOON as he gets through the door.

She will do things to create MORE jobs to keep him in the house eg. he said during his holiday time he was having to redecorate because his wife had torn off some wallpaper to indicate she wanted the bedroom redecorating. Now he has 10 days off again on holiday beginning yesterday and she has decided they need a new bathroom, not a few things but an ENTIRE new bathroom which he will be putting in himself.

He often acts as my Maintenance man on some apartments I rent out, I literally a month ago got rid of a NIGHTMARE tenant and there is some damage inside the apartment that he promised he would do, of course he can't do this now because his wife has things she has created for him to do, we think deliberately because she is so insecure she cannot handle him doing things for anyone else because she wants him at home where she can keep an eye of him and control him.

On Saturday Mr. Lucy saw him and mentioned when was he going to be able to do the Maintenance on this apartment I mention above, this is when we found she has decided he had to put an ENTIRE new bathroom in their house. Mr. Lucy said to him what EVERYONE has already thought that he couldn't do the Maintenance because his wife doesn't want him to do it. He then started SCREAMING ABUSE at Mr. Lucy probably because he KNOWS what Mr. Lucy said to him was correct.

Last week he was at our house and his wife gets home at approx 5.15PM and so at 5.45PM she phones him and literally says to him that she was going to bed because quote "I'm sick of being on my own" WTF?! On average the man has NO LIFE, he cannot MOVE without she is checking on him, she has him in the house doing shit for her on average FIVE HOURS a day during the week 6PM-11PM and ALL WEEKEND doing shit for her.

She won't even allow him to have his own bank account, they have a Joint Account so she can keep track, this results in him NEVER having ANY money of his own to spend because SHE controls the account and has all the bank account numbers and the CARD. With this I should add that SHE ran up a 25.000 DEBT two years ago by Maxing out their previous card, she then sat on her buttocks while he got TWO other jobs to work round the clock to pay HER DEBT and he did that for a quiet life, yes she seems to go batshit IF he does not do EVERYTHING she says. She also at random plays the Threatening To Kill Herself Card and the You Would Be Better Without Me Card to further put him firmly under her control.

WTF is WRONG with this woman? I would NEVER treat Mr. Lucy this way. I am totally disgusted at how this man has allowed himself to be controlled by this woman like this, WTF why doesn't he get some balls and tell her: He needs time on his own, he needs a LIFE that does NOT revolve around being around her 24/7, he wants his OWN bank account and he would like to join Mr . Lucy's Squash Club and play a game a few times a week.

WTF is going on with this?!

Okay so me and Mr. Lucy have a friend, he's a nice person and would help anyone and often does.

The problem is his wife who literally controls his entire life, he has no life of his own, he has no time to himself, she has him basically trained to do what she tells him. When he's at work she is phoning him all the time, usually with trivial things, we know this because he has shown us his phone and the amount of calls a day he gets from her. If he does a job as a favour for someone she is phoning him at random when he's doing the job, we know this as he did a job for us and his wife phoned him TWO TIMES in 30 minutes to see when he was going home.

Its as if she CANNOT let him out of her sight, that she wants him in the house at ALL times he is NOT at work. Mr. Lucy plays Squash and asked him did he want to join the Squash Club and play a game a few times a week and he said he couldn't spare the time because he has a ton of jobs to do at home, jobs that his wife literally seems to have WAITING for him as SOON as he gets through the door.

She will do things to create MORE jobs to keep him in the house eg. he said during his holiday time he was having to redecorate because his wife had torn off some wallpaper to indicate she wanted the bedroom redecorating. Now he has 10 days off again on holiday beginning yesterday and she has decided they need a new bathroom, not a few things but an ENTIRE new bathroom which he will be putting in himself.

He often acts as my Maintenance man on some apartments I rent out, I literally a month ago got rid of a NIGHTMARE tenant and there is some damage inside the apartment that he promised he would do, of course he can't do this now because his wife has things she has created for him to do, we think deliberately because she is so insecure she cannot handle him doing things for anyone else because she wants him at home where she can keep an eye of him and control him.

On Saturday Mr. Lucy saw him and mentioned when was he going to be able to do the Maintenance on this apartment I mention above, this is when we found she has decided he had to put an ENTIRE new bathroom in their house. Mr. Lucy said to him what EVERYONE has already thought that he couldn't do the Maintenance because his wife doesn't want him to do it. He then started SCREAMING ABUSE at Mr. Lucy probably because he KNOWS what Mr. Lucy said to him was correct.

Last week he was at our house and his wife gets home at approx 5.15PM and so at 5.45PM she phones him and literally says to him that she was going to bed because quote "I'm sick of being on my own" WTF?! On average the man has NO LIFE, he cannot MOVE without she is checking on him, she has him in the house doing shit for her on average FIVE HOURS a day during the week 6PM-11PM and ALL WEEKEND doing shit for her.

She won't even allow him to have his own bank account, they have a Joint Account so she can keep track, this results in him NEVER having ANY money of his own to spend because SHE controls the account and has all the bank account numbers and the CARD. With this I should add that SHE ran up a 25.000 DEBT two years ago by Maxing out their previous card, she then sat on her buttocks while he got TWO other jobs to work round the clock to pay HER DEBT and he did that for a quiet life, yes she seems to go batshit IF he does not do EVERYTHING she says. She also at random plays the Threatening To Kill Herself Card and the You Would Be Better Without Me Card to further put him firmly under her control.

WTF is WRONG with this woman? I would NEVER treat Mr. Lucy this way. I am totally disgusted at how this man has allowed himself to be controlled by this woman like this, WTF why doesn't he get some balls and tell her: He needs time on his own, he needs a LIFE that does NOT revolve around being around her 24/7, he wants his OWN bank account and he would like to join Mr . Lucy's Squash Club and play a game a few times a week.

WTF is going on with this?!
She needs to be housebroken. Takes a master to do that though.
Sounds like my ex-wife got remarried. I never once cheated on her but it turns out her insanely jealous ass cheated on me a bunch of times while I worked. In the end it cost me everything to leave her but it was worth it in the long-run.
Okay so me and Mr. Lucy have a friend, he's a nice person and would help anyone and often does.

The problem is his wife who literally controls his entire life, he has no life of his own, he has no time to himself, she has him basically trained to do what she tells him. When he's at work she is phoning him all the time, usually with trivial things, we know this because he has shown us his phone and the amount of calls a day he gets from her. If he does a job as a favour for someone she is phoning him at random when he's doing the job, we know this as he did a job for us and his wife phoned him TWO TIMES in 30 minutes to see when he was going home.

Its as if she CANNOT let him out of her sight, that she wants him in the house at ALL times he is NOT at work. Mr. Lucy plays Squash and asked him did he want to join the Squash Club and play a game a few times a week and he said he couldn't spare the time because he has a ton of jobs to do at home, jobs that his wife literally seems to have WAITING for him as SOON as he gets through the door.

She will do things to create MORE jobs to keep him in the house eg. he said during his holiday time he was having to redecorate because his wife had torn off some wallpaper to indicate she wanted the bedroom redecorating. Now he has 10 days off again on holiday beginning yesterday and she has decided they need a new bathroom, not a few things but an ENTIRE new bathroom which he will be putting in himself.

He often acts as my Maintenance man on some apartments I rent out, I literally a month ago got rid of a NIGHTMARE tenant and there is some damage inside the apartment that he promised he would do, of course he can't do this now because his wife has things she has created for him to do, we think deliberately because she is so insecure she cannot handle him doing things for anyone else because she wants him at home where she can keep an eye of him and control him.

On Saturday Mr. Lucy saw him and mentioned when was he going to be able to do the Maintenance on this apartment I mention above, this is when we found she has decided he had to put an ENTIRE new bathroom in their house. Mr. Lucy said to him what EVERYONE has already thought that he couldn't do the Maintenance because his wife doesn't want him to do it. He then started SCREAMING ABUSE at Mr. Lucy probably because he KNOWS what Mr. Lucy said to him was correct.

Last week he was at our house and his wife gets home at approx 5.15PM and so at 5.45PM she phones him and literally says to him that she was going to bed because quote "I'm sick of being on my own" WTF?! On average the man has NO LIFE, he cannot MOVE without she is checking on him, she has him in the house doing shit for her on average FIVE HOURS a day during the week 6PM-11PM and ALL WEEKEND doing shit for her.

She won't even allow him to have his own bank account, they have a Joint Account so she can keep track, this results in him NEVER having ANY money of his own to spend because SHE controls the account and has all the bank account numbers and the CARD. With this I should add that SHE ran up a 25.000 DEBT two years ago by Maxing out their previous card, she then sat on her buttocks while he got TWO other jobs to work round the clock to pay HER DEBT and he did that for a quiet life, yes she seems to go batshit IF he does not do EVERYTHING she says. She also at random plays the Threatening To Kill Herself Card and the You Would Be Better Without Me Card to further put him firmly under her control.

WTF is WRONG with this woman? I would NEVER treat Mr. Lucy this way. I am totally disgusted at how this man has allowed himself to be controlled by this woman like this, WTF why doesn't he get some balls and tell her: He needs time on his own, he needs a LIFE that does NOT revolve around being around her 24/7, he wants his OWN bank account and he would like to join Mr . Lucy's Squash Club and play a game a few times a week.

WTF is going on with this?!

You can't even phone him when he's at home, if you need to tell him something, if you phone him SHE is CONSTANTLY talking to him when he's trying to talk to you.

When we had to go to the apartment I mention above, this was for me to do a Check Out and also take photographs of what had been damaged to send to the End Of Lease crowd at my Letting Agency, well we were going to be there approx 30 minutes doing this and he had to phone his wife to tell her NOT to phone him. WTF?! 30 minutes and he has to tell her not to phone him. Anyhow she didn't but as SOON as we had finished she was on the phone to him.

I can go 5-6 hours without talking with Mr. Lucy, sometimes up to 10 hours, I am meaning when we are at work, we can see each other in the morning and not speak at all until we are at home after work.
Is his wife at least hot?

She and he are older than we are, I saw a picture when she was younger and she was okay but now she's all facially bloated, oh I forgot we think she has a drinking problem, this because on more than one occasion Mr. Lucy and me have watched her down two bottles of wine to herself in ONE sitting. The last time was a few weeks ago when it was their daughter's 19th birthday and they had a party in the garden. Oh yes a party that got out of hand after Mr. Lucy and me went home and at approx 2AM the police had to go to their house because of the MASSIVE noise level. I only found this out on the Monday when I got into my Office and was looking at recent Reports and I saw a Report on THEM and was like WTF?!

The alcohol is the problem here. She needs treatment.
Sounds like she's got a basketful of problems. Self-medicating goes right along with it. Get her dried out and she'd still be pulling the rest of that shit.
Okay so me and Mr. Lucy have a friend, he's a nice person and would help anyone and often does.

The problem is his wife who literally controls his entire life, he has no life of his own, he has no time to himself, she has him basically trained to do what she tells him. When he's at work she is phoning him all the time, usually with trivial things, we know this because he has shown us his phone and the amount of calls a day he gets from her. If he does a job as a favour for someone she is phoning him at random when he's doing the job, we know this as he did a job for us and his wife phoned him TWO TIMES in 30 minutes to see when he was going home.

Its as if she CANNOT let him out of her sight, that she wants him in the house at ALL times he is NOT at work. Mr. Lucy plays Squash and asked him did he want to join the Squash Club and play a game a few times a week and he said he couldn't spare the time because he has a ton of jobs to do at home, jobs that his wife literally seems to have WAITING for him as SOON as he gets through the door.

She will do things to create MORE jobs to keep him in the house eg. he said during his holiday time he was having to redecorate because his wife had torn off some wallpaper to indicate she wanted the bedroom redecorating. Now he has 10 days off again on holiday beginning yesterday and she has decided they need a new bathroom, not a few things but an ENTIRE new bathroom which he will be putting in himself.

He often acts as my Maintenance man on some apartments I rent out, I literally a month ago got rid of a NIGHTMARE tenant and there is some damage inside the apartment that he promised he would do, of course he can't do this now because his wife has things she has created for him to do, we think deliberately because she is so insecure she cannot handle him doing things for anyone else because she wants him at home where she can keep an eye of him and control him.

On Saturday Mr. Lucy saw him and mentioned when was he going to be able to do the Maintenance on this apartment I mention above, this is when we found she has decided he had to put an ENTIRE new bathroom in their house. Mr. Lucy said to him what EVERYONE has already thought that he couldn't do the Maintenance because his wife doesn't want him to do it. He then started SCREAMING ABUSE at Mr. Lucy probably because he KNOWS what Mr. Lucy said to him was correct.

Last week he was at our house and his wife gets home at approx 5.15PM and so at 5.45PM she phones him and literally says to him that she was going to bed because quote "I'm sick of being on my own" WTF?! On average the man has NO LIFE, he cannot MOVE without she is checking on him, she has him in the house doing shit for her on average FIVE HOURS a day during the week 6PM-11PM and ALL WEEKEND doing shit for her.

She won't even allow him to have his own bank account, they have a Joint Account so she can keep track, this results in him NEVER having ANY money of his own to spend because SHE controls the account and has all the bank account numbers and the CARD. With this I should add that SHE ran up a 25.000 DEBT two years ago by Maxing out their previous card, she then sat on her buttocks while he got TWO other jobs to work round the clock to pay HER DEBT and he did that for a quiet life, yes she seems to go batshit IF he does not do EVERYTHING she says. She also at random plays the Threatening To Kill Herself Card and the You Would Be Better Without Me Card to further put him firmly under her control.

WTF is WRONG with this woman? I would NEVER treat Mr. Lucy this way. I am totally disgusted at how this man has allowed himself to be controlled by this woman like this, WTF why doesn't he get some balls and tell her: He needs time on his own, he needs a LIFE that does NOT revolve around being around her 24/7, he wants his OWN bank account and he would like to join Mr . Lucy's Squash Club and play a game a few times a week.

WTF is going on with this?!

So years ago I was listening to this pastor talking about what he learned in marriage counseling.

Now in his case, it was mostly women coming to him and asking about their badly behaving spouse.

After he had been in this for a few years, he was sitting at home with his wife and he was just wondering why he did not act like the spouses of the people he was counseling.

His wife said "Well it's because you are good man". He sat back, and thought about that... and said ... well... no... that's not it. And so his wife asked, so why then do you not act like them?

Thought about it... "because you'd kill me".

He said, that this revelation completely changed how he counseled people, because he would always look at it from the perspective of what the spouse was willing to allow. Over and over, the people that had problems, were the people who allowed their spouse to treat them badly. And the couples where neither spouse allowed the other spouse to treat them badly, the result was they didn't treat each other badly.

He also found that the same was true in other situation. For example, raising kids. Kids that are spoiled brats, and mistreat their parents, they do that because their parents let them be ungrateful and spoiled.

Even the best of people can end up being jerks, if you allow them to be jerks.

My guess is, one of the reasons you would never do anything to upset your spouse, is not just because you wouldn't do that, but also because they wouldn't accept that.

And the reason this guy is being treated like crap by his spouse, is specifically because he lets her.

I've seen this played out, unfortunately. There was a guy who married a lady, knew them for decades. She treated him badly. Not as bad as your example, but badly. And he was a kind, faithful, productive husband, who fed their family and cared for her, and it was stupid how she down-talked to him all the time. After the last kids moved out, he disappeared. It was a funny thing too, because she had no idea that... shockingly, treating him badly wasn't appreciated. She ended up deciding that being alone sucked, and he laid down the law on her. And I won't say she ever treated him how she should have, but she was way better, and they canceled the divorce and remained together. Thank G-d.

So the bottom line is, he is being treated this way, for the most part because he lets her treat him this way. Sad isn't it.
Okay so me and Mr. Lucy have a friend, he's a nice person and would help anyone and often does.

The problem is his wife who literally controls his entire life, he has no life of his own, he has no time to himself, she has him basically trained to do what she tells him. When he's at work she is phoning him all the time, usually with trivial things, we know this because he has shown us his phone and the amount of calls a day he gets from her. If he does a job as a favour for someone she is phoning him at random when he's doing the job, we know this as he did a job for us and his wife phoned him TWO TIMES in 30 minutes to see when he was going home.

Its as if she CANNOT let him out of her sight, that she wants him in the house at ALL times he is NOT at work. Mr. Lucy plays Squash and asked him did he want to join the Squash Club and play a game a few times a week and he said he couldn't spare the time because he has a ton of jobs to do at home, jobs that his wife literally seems to have WAITING for him as SOON as he gets through the door.

She will do things to create MORE jobs to keep him in the house eg. he said during his holiday time he was having to redecorate because his wife had torn off some wallpaper to indicate she wanted the bedroom redecorating. Now he has 10 days off again on holiday beginning yesterday and she has decided they need a new bathroom, not a few things but an ENTIRE new bathroom which he will be putting in himself.

He often acts as my Maintenance man on some apartments I rent out, I literally a month ago got rid of a NIGHTMARE tenant and there is some damage inside the apartment that he promised he would do, of course he can't do this now because his wife has things she has created for him to do, we think deliberately because she is so insecure she cannot handle him doing things for anyone else because she wants him at home where she can keep an eye of him and control him.

On Saturday Mr. Lucy saw him and mentioned when was he going to be able to do the Maintenance on this apartment I mention above, this is when we found she has decided he had to put an ENTIRE new bathroom in their house. Mr. Lucy said to him what EVERYONE has already thought that he couldn't do the Maintenance because his wife doesn't want him to do it. He then started SCREAMING ABUSE at Mr. Lucy probably because he KNOWS what Mr. Lucy said to him was correct.

Last week he was at our house and his wife gets home at approx 5.15PM and so at 5.45PM she phones him and literally says to him that she was going to bed because quote "I'm sick of being on my own" WTF?! On average the man has NO LIFE, he cannot MOVE without she is checking on him, she has him in the house doing shit for her on average FIVE HOURS a day during the week 6PM-11PM and ALL WEEKEND doing shit for her.

She won't even allow him to have his own bank account, they have a Joint Account so she can keep track, this results in him NEVER having ANY money of his own to spend because SHE controls the account and has all the bank account numbers and the CARD. With this I should add that SHE ran up a 25.000 DEBT two years ago by Maxing out their previous card, she then sat on her buttocks while he got TWO other jobs to work round the clock to pay HER DEBT and he did that for a quiet life, yes she seems to go batshit IF he does not do EVERYTHING she says. She also at random plays the Threatening To Kill Herself Card and the You Would Be Better Without Me Card to further put him firmly under her control.

WTF is WRONG with this woman? I would NEVER treat Mr. Lucy this way. I am totally disgusted at how this man has allowed himself to be controlled by this woman like this, WTF why doesn't he get some balls and tell her: He needs time on his own, he needs a LIFE that does NOT revolve around being around her 24/7, he wants his OWN bank account and he would like to join Mr . Lucy's Squash Club and play a game a few times a week.

WTF is going on with this?!
She needs to be housebroken. Takes a master to do that though.

They are older than we are, they've been married at least 20 years and so after 20 years it would seem impossible for any housebroken thing, it seems she has had him Conditioned for a very long time, so much that he's used to it. He once showed us some pictures of him before he was married and he was heavily into riding his Motorcycle and camping and general Outdoor type hobbies, well since we have known him he has done ZERO of that and we have known him about 6 years now. Oh I forgot this must have been in January or about that time he bought a TON of camping equipment and asked could he store it in our second garage and we said okay, so he came around and put it all in there and about three weeks later he came around and took it all out of there and the next thing we found was that he had it ALL up for sale on eBay. Mr. Lucy said that his wife probably found out and that was why all of a sudden he was selling the new camping equipment because SHE decided he was NOT going to start going camping again.

I think it's IMPORTANT when you are married to also have time to yourself, to see your friends and do things and go out without your other half. You do have to keep a certain amount of Independence, this to me I think is healthy.

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