WSJ calls out "journalists"


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Wall Street Journal Editor Admonishes Reporters Over Trump Coverage

for the longest time i've said most *news* are dressed up editorials and blogs and have nothing to do with "Traditional" news. hell watching CNN report on a live scene is like watching mystery science news 2000 as the reporters will tell you what is going on w/o even asking anyone directly involved and tell you what to think about it.

this quote from the story hit home to me and i'm so thankful to see someone in a high position of journalism admit it.

“Sorry. This is commentary dressed up as news reporting,” Mr. Baker wrote at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday morning to a group of Journal reporters and editors, in response to a draft of the rally article that was intended for the newspaper’s final edition.

and that needs to end. give me the news and keep your opinions to yourself.
Yep, modern "news" has become little more than opinion blogs that /anyone/ could do from their bedroom. It's pathetic.
i found him on facebook and posted this in his feed:

from the bottom of my heart and with everything i hold close to me i thank you for saying this. it's been far too obvious for way too long that "news" was gone and it was how to think. how to react. how to feel.

as a journalism minor from 1988, i've seen so many horrible changes in something i love and respect and credibility has become nothing more than how many page hits you got today.

and did we insult trump enough.

there are simply on sharks left to jump anymore and i'm scared we've not hit the bottom as people demand to be right in how they feel, not what is real. i tell my nephews who read these "news" stories the ones to completely ignore are the ones written telling you how to feel or mocking someone.

its my job writing science fiction to develop your emotions, not when i bring you the news. that at one time was sacred and anyone doing this a decade ago would be fired on the spot. now not doing it gets you fired. this can only make me wonder how far left we really have to fall before we quit doing this to each other.

when will compromise and base respect come back? it has to start with the media and ourselves. mostly ourselves. again, thank you for this. i'd almost given up on the news and any of them being credible again but your name came up this am and i will slide it over to "keep an eye on this guy" because whether i like the "news" or not shouldn't matter. the news should be balanced and honest. not the blogging gone mad it has become.

see you next story.
Yep, modern "news" has become little more than opinion blogs that /anyone/ could do from their bedroom. It's pathetic.
the fact that someone in his position called out his profession about it?

the start to something. i'm going to encourage it and hope it spreads by rewarding good behavior with "views" and letting the asshole sink their own ship.
Yep, modern "news" has become little more than opinion blogs that /anyone/ could do from their bedroom. It's pathetic.
the fact that someone in his position called out his profession about it?

the start to something. i'm going to encourage it and hope it spreads by rewarding good behavior with "views" and letting the asshole sink their own ship.

I suppose it's worth being optimistic about. I'll believe it when I see it considering that like 90% of the kids these days live in an "exclusive" social media bubble and only use traditional news sources as "proof" for batting around their personal biases. ~sigh~
Yep, modern "news" has become little more than opinion blogs that /anyone/ could do from their bedroom. It's pathetic.
the fact that someone in his position called out his profession about it?

the start to something. i'm going to encourage it and hope it spreads by rewarding good behavior with "views" and letting the asshole sink their own ship.

I suppose it's worth being optimistic about. I'll believe it when I see it considering that like 90% of the kids these days live in an "exclusive" social media bubble and only use traditional news sources as "proof" for batting around their personal biases. ~sigh~
for me, it was like being adrift in a sea of stupidity and no one even realizing we were lost. but FINALLY - someone says "hey - something is wrong"

it has to start somewhere. here's to hoping this is it. like i said, went to his page and thanked him.
People will ignore the strict news journalist because they report without a bias.
no. sooner or later that non-bias will be back and a selling point. we just have to get through this first.
People will ignore the strict news journalist because they report without a bias.

I think this is true. Had a true journalist done a factual piece on Hillary Clinton's problems early in her campaign instead of just praising her, voters and the DNC may have been grateful and pulled her giving the public a more viable alternative to Donald Trump.
People will ignore the strict news journalist because they report without a bias.

I think this is true. Had a true journalist done a factual piece on Hillary Clinton's problems early in her campaign instead of just praising her, voters and the DNC may have been grateful and pulled her giving the public a more viable alternative to Donald Trump.
except "facts" have been modified to fit emotions. as long as we do that and let it happen, facts are not facts as we grew up knowing them.

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