WRONG AGAIN: Rice touted Obama administration's 'success' in removing Syrian WMDs months before atta


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
Susan Rice and other former Obama administration officials are taking heat for past claims that their 2013 Syria agreement successfully led to the Assad regime purging its entire chemical weapons stockpile -- in the wake of this week's alleged sarin gas attack.

On Thursday, President Trump launched a targeted strike at a Syrian airfield in response to what he called a barbaric chemical attack on innocent civilians at the hand of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

“There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and ignored the urging of the U.N. Security Council,” Trump said.

Video footage from the chemical attack scene immediately raised credibility problems for claims made by members of the Obama administration that the prior agreement had rid the war-torn country of chemical agents.
Susan Rice, Obama colleagues take heat for past claims on Syria chemical weapons purge
So PUTIN lied to us? He was responsible for brokering the deal with Syria 3 years ago, no?
So PUTIN lied to us? He was responsible for brokering the deal with Syria 3 years ago, no?
/---- Then Obozo and Rice-a-Roni were STUUUUUUPID for trusting Assad and Putin. No Republican president and SoS would have.
So PUTIN lied to us? He was responsible for brokering the deal with Syria 3 years ago, no?
I don't know if Putin lied or what. I did read that it was actually Russian Advisors who saw the chemical weapons and informed the US GOV through back channels. This is why we took the step to warn just Russia about the strike, as a courtesy.
It's racist to accuse a person of color of lying.

It's racist just to hear someone considering talking about it.
race card.jpg
In January, Susan Rice Assured NPR the Obama Admin Removed Chemical Weapons From Syria

Here is what she said:

"We were able to find a solution that didn't necessitate the use of force that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from Syria, in a way that the use of force would never have accomplished. Our aim in contemplating the use of force following the use of chemical weapons in August of 2013 was not to intervene in the civil war, not to become involved in the combat between Assad and the opposition, but to deal with the threat of chemical weapons by virtue of the diplomacy that we did with Russia and with the Security Council. We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile."


Susan Rice is full of shit? I am shocked!
Russia removed them - supposedly. You can't blame Dr. Rice.
Facts seem to really fuck with Snowflakes.

Let me lay it out for you guys:

1) In January, Susan Rice said the Obama Admin had gotten Syria to "verifiably" remove all of its chemical weapons.

2) 2 days ago, Assad launched a chemical attack on Syrian citizens.

3) Conclusion: Susan Rice is full of shit.

Apparently, there are some kinks to work out of the verification process.
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I have not been able to make up my mind if this person, Susan Rice, is a Rank Fool or a Gross Liar.

I at first thought it had to be one or the other, but I was wrong.

She is both.
Russia removed them - supposedly. You can't blame Dr. Rice.
The Russian's claim they didn't collude with Trump
Thank you for giving further evidence the Russians can be believed.
sarcasm sarcasm
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I have not been able to make up my mind if this person, Susan Rice, is a Rank Fool or a Gross Liar.

I at first thought it had to be one or the other, but I was wrong.

She is both.

She is an Obama captain. Just like the mob.
Can someone explain to me how that lying sack of shit Rice still has a job? Let's go Trump do what you do best "Susan You're Fired!"

She was an Obama National Security Advisor. She is no longer employed by the White House.
Russia removed them - supposedly. You can't blame Dr. Rice.
The Russian's claim they didn't collude with Trump
Thank you for giving further evidence the Russians can be believed.
sarcasm sarcasm

Susan Rice said there were "verifiably" no longer chemical weapons in Syria.

What's the spin on that one? Trump gave Sarin gas bombs to Assad to cover up Putin's election hack?
It's pretty plain to see that Susan Rice was hired to lie for Obama. What else has she ever done?

Precisely. She is a hired goon. Her interests are political, not the National Security of the USA.
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