Write it down...coming soon: "The American Flag is offensive"


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.
What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.

I demand you tear up all your $20, $50, and $100 dollar bills you rasissss.
The left have been burning American flags for decades.

Yeah but at least they're dumbasses try to pretend that it's for a "good cause".
I'm thinking they'll get the twisted media and all the barely American politicians behind the narrative and become blatant with it.

Numerous high schools in California have banned the US flag for its offensiveness

What schools?
What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.

I'm betting they will try to get rid of the US Constitution next. You know, that document that was written by slave owners? I mean, they've been trying to get rid of it for years, but this time they have an excuse.
Progs already use it as an example of a symbol of hate.

Nationalism is hatred, throwing urine and rocks at Police is apparently love.
What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.

I'm betting they will try to get rid of the US Constitution next. You know, that document that was written by slave owners? I mean, they've been trying to get rid of it for years, but this time they have an excuse.

That is the ultimate goal.

Characterize the founding fathers as inherently bad people because they owned slaves, then discredit anything they ever did because by definition, those things are also bad...like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

They are trying to get there.
Number of actual cases of "discrimination" against minorities continues to drop near zero

Number of taxpayer funded college educated race baiters looking to justify their "pay" keeps rising beyond any rational explanation as to why they are needed...

so invent new "causes" they will... at taxpayer's expense.
They have been taking down these for years


why should the latest destruction of our nation surprise us, AND YES the Constitution is next it is all that controls the power of the state. Their problem is if it gets suspended by Trump they will pay dearly. I wish he would wait till the next violent attack by leftist and declare martial law, RESTORE order by a complete activation of all national guard units, He can also require all police forces to act as he directs STATE AND local Then all he has to do is remove and execute all of the communist scum in our government, and try the ones in media and hollywoods finest scum..
Notice how not one single LeftTard has chimed in to condemn the notion..haha
The un-American savages are sitting behind their keyboards salivating as we speak...thinking; "Fuck yeah that's our next move!"
Maybe you RWNJs could stop your incessant lies and whining long enough to tell us why you think First Amendment rights are a bad thing?

Or is it a bad thing ONLY for people of color?

Dear Luddite,

You folks on the left are the ones trying to censor people here. You are the ONLY ones.

Indeed, that's probably you burning the American flag after you personally cheered on the "lousy shot at the ballpark..."

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