Wow. Ron Paul wasn't kidding about letting people die!


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
As it turns out, Paul was not speaking purely in hypotheticals. Back in 2008, Kent Snyder — Paul's former campaign chairman — died of complications from pneumonia. Like the man in Blitzer's example, the 49-year-old Snyder (pictured) was relatively young and seemingly healthy* when the illness struck. He was also uninsured. When he died on June 26, 2008, two weeks after Paul withdrew his first bid for the presidency, his hospital costs amounted to $400,000. The bill was handed to Snyder's surviving mother (pictured, left), who was incapable of paying. Friends launched a website to solicit donations.

According to the Wall Street Journal's 2008 story on his death, Snyder was more than just a strategic ally: He was the only reason Paul thought he ever had a shot at the presidency in the first place.

"It was Kent more than anyone else who encouraged and pushed Ron to run for president," said Jesse Benton, a spokesman for Mr. Paul. "Ron would not have run for the presidency if it had not been for Kent. Ron was really hesitant, but Kent drove him forward."

Ron Paul's Campaign Manager Died of Pneumonia, Penniless and Uninsured

Live the madness! :eek:
Dying does not absolve your estate of debt accrued.

And if the 'estate' does not have the funds to cover the debt, it typically goes unpaid, as family is NOT responsible for it.

Who is Responsible for a Deceased Relative’s Debts?
If your relative leaves unpaid debts when he or she dies, do you have to pay?

According to the Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s consumer protection agency, surviving relatives usually have no legal obligation to pay the debts of a family member who has died. Generally, that person’s estate is responsible for paying his or her debts. But if there isn’t enough in the estate to cover the debts, they typically go unpaid.

After a relative dies, debt collectors may contact family members and ask them to pay their loved ones’ debts. The rights of surviving relatives are covered by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which the FTC enforces. The FTC has developed a new consumer alert about this issue titled Paying the Debts of a Deceased Relative: Who Is Responsible? To learn more, go to Telemarketing Recovery Scams.
Dying does not absolve your estate of debt accrued.


But don't ya think Dr. Paul would get more involved in the health issues of a good friend and someone who worked with him?


not really his problem. He was not the estate, and he was not a relative. He advocates personal responsibility, and I see nothing in this story that counters that.

Much ado about nothing.
That's low, even for a Democrat.

I keep thinking they hit bottom, of it's only a ledge and they slide further down the Laurentian Abyss of poor taste.
Character assassination does not make for a policy critique.

Sallow, do you have a more pertinent point about Ron Paul's position on health care, or are you going to play on emotion?
Looks like the medical estabilshement most likely a corporation ain't so evil after all.

They took a $400,000 unsecured risk and lost trying to save his life.
I saw the debate.

Ron Paul never said to let anyone die.

He did say that charity, he specifically referenced the church, had alway been active in
the area.

BTW, do you know how much charity the American people voluntarily gave last year?
Character assassination does not make for a policy critique.

Sallow, do you have a more pertinent point about Ron Paul's position on health care, or are you going to play on emotion?

The "perinent" point is that he ain't kiddin'
That's low, even for a Democrat.

I keep thinking they hit bottom, of it's only a ledge and they slide further down the Laurentian Abyss of poor taste.

You're such a creep dude. Don't act high horse, you're the biggest hypocrit of evaaa
Sallow, as usual you are a little late to the game. This thread should be merged with the other threads on the same subject. Why don't you do a search before creating yet another thread on the same subjects that have already been discussed.

You are aware that Kent Snyder died in the hospital while being treated........don't you? He was never denied treatment, he just didn't have a way to pay for it. Since he didn't have insurance, his friends started a fund to collect the money to pay for it. You know, people who cared about he and his family enough to help instead of just expecting the gubmint to use taxpayer's money to take care of it. Kent Snyder would have been apalled at the thought of the gubmint paying his tab.
So not paying someone's hospital bill after they die=you like the idea of letting someone die?

What type of medication causes a brain to spill out these things?
That's low, even for a Democrat.

I keep thinking they hit bottom, of it's only a ledge and they slide further down the Laurentian Abyss of poor taste.

Wow are you really attacking the story writer for reporting that guy died? The dying is cool but talking about it is beyond the pale?

What is this Bizzaro world?
Sallow, as usual you are a little late to the game. This thread should be merged with the other threads on the same subject. Why don't you do a search before creating yet another thread on the same subjects that have already been discussed.

You are aware that Kent Snyder died in the hospital while being treated........don't you? He was never denied treatment, he just didn't have a way to pay for it. Since he didn't have insurance, his friends started a fund to collect the money to pay for it. You know, people who cared about he and his family enough to help instead of just expecting the gubmint to use taxpayer's money to take care of it. Kent Snyder would have been apalled at the thought of the gubmint paying his tab.

Actually..what I am aware of is this was a friend. When people I didn't know to well at my office went ill, all the co-workers took up collections and we visited the guy/gal in the hospital. And those were people WITH insurance.

It sounds like Paul abandoned this guy.

And he RAISED 19.5 million dollars for his freaking campaign.

You guys talk all about someone's character.

What does that say..about character?
Sallow, as usual you are a little late to the game. This thread should be merged with the other threads on the same subject. Why don't you do a search before creating yet another thread on the same subjects that have already been discussed.

You are aware that Kent Snyder died in the hospital while being treated........don't you? He was never denied treatment, he just didn't have a way to pay for it. Since he didn't have insurance, his friends started a fund to collect the money to pay for it. You know, people who cared about he and his family enough to help instead of just expecting the gubmint to use taxpayer's money to take care of it. Kent Snyder would have been apalled at the thought of the gubmint paying his tab.

Actually..what I am aware of is this was a friend. When people I didn't know to well at my office went ill, all the co-workers took up collections and we visited the guy/gal in the hospital. And those were people WITH insurance.

It sounds like Paul abandoned this guy.

And he RAISED 19.5 million dollars for his freaking campaign.

You guys talk all about someone's character.

What does that say..about character?

I think that your thread title insinuated that this story had something to do with letting someone die because they have no insurance...............which it doesn't.
Sallow, as usual you are a little late to the game. This thread should be merged with the other threads on the same subject. Why don't you do a search before creating yet another thread on the same subjects that have already been discussed.

You are aware that Kent Snyder died in the hospital while being treated........don't you? He was never denied treatment, he just didn't have a way to pay for it. Since he didn't have insurance, his friends started a fund to collect the money to pay for it. You know, people who cared about he and his family enough to help instead of just expecting the gubmint to use taxpayer's money to take care of it. Kent Snyder would have been apalled at the thought of the gubmint paying his tab.

Actually..what I am aware of is this was a friend. When people I didn't know to well at my office went ill, all the co-workers took up collections and we visited the guy/gal in the hospital. And those were people WITH insurance.

It sounds like Paul abandoned this guy.

And he RAISED 19.5 million dollars for his freaking campaign.

You guys talk all about someone's character.

What does that say..about character?

Can I have proof of your hero ever paying someone's hospital bills who worked for him?

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