Wow, Politico Is No Longer Covering Up Biden's Cognitive Decline


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Wow, Politico Is No Longer Covering Up Biden's Cognitive Decline

The MSM Is No Longer Covering up Biden's Cognitive Decline (
20 Jn 2021 ~~ By Matt Margolis

On the eve of his inauguration, Politico published an article that contains an anecdote that is actually quite disturbing.
For higher-profile remarks, [Biden would] obsessively rehearse portions until he committed them to memory. And at times through the various iterations of outlining remarks, Biden could grow downright ornery.​
“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”​
The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier.​


There are many troubling things about this story. Biden forgetting part of a stump speech is bad enough, but this is an incident that took place last year, but has only come out now. Biden’s handlers kept it under wraps until now. How many other examples of Biden’s cognitive decline from the 2020 campaign have been covered up? If it was leaked to the media earlier, they didn’t report on it then. The obvious question is “why not?”
Obviously, Politico got the memo. The election is over. Trump is out of office. Biden’s cognitive decline is no longer taboo. It can be discussed ad nauseam by the media now because getting Biden into office wasn’t the primary objective of getting him elected.
Biden’s sole purpose was to play the role of an “electable” candidate who could appeal to independents and anti-Trump Republicans under the ruse of being a centrist just to get Trump out of office. For all intents and purposes, Biden’s job is complete, and a San Francisco liberal is now waiting in the wings to take his place at the appropriate time.
While conservative media outlets didn’t shy away from reporting on Biden’s deteriorating mental faculties, the mainstream media tried to pretend they didn’t exist. But the rules have changed now. Expect more anecdotes like the one above to make their way into mainstream media reports.

This only makes sense if we realize that putting Kamaltoe in the top office was the ultimate goal of this charade. Biden was nothing more than a useful idiot.
The countdown begins, 6 to 9 months and China Joe will move on...His usefullness will be at an end.
Who knew the old pervert is also early stage dementia? Everyone!... even the dead voters that voted for him. 25th Amendment here we come.
Joey Xi's call for "Unity" if ever implemented will end when Kamaltoe assumes the unelected post of the presidency. Then it's full bore Marxist implementation within America, but remember Big Brother is with you,
But yowling about antifa, BLM and thePfrogressive Marxist/DSA Commies won't really fly even though as we speak Seattle and Portland continue their destruction on the night of the Inauguration.
Oh, I know the Quisling Media will not report the truth, and it won't be blamed on the anachist Left but will be blamed upon those Trump insurrectionalists.
Meanwhile the Joey Xi will be sedated and tucked into his rail guarded bed for the night.
This is tricky for the DNC, because Sleepy Joe still have powerful allies with Dr. Biden and the prankster 1st Son, Hunter.

Further, Hunter is beholden to Red China's Chairman Xi.

I don't think they have any intention of relinquishing power.

If I were advising the Bidens, I'd tell them to consider preemptive action to consolidate their power.
This is tricky for the DNC, because Sleepy Joe still have powerful allies with Dr. Biden and the prankster 1st Son, Hunter.

Further, Hunter is beholden to Red China's Chairman Xi.

I don't think they have any intention of relinquishing power.

If I were advising the Bidens, I'd tell them to consider preemptive action to consolidate their power.
Nah. Hunter is the backup plan to remove joe if the senile edge doesn’t work.
Wow, Politico Is No Longer Covering Up Biden's Cognitive Decline

The MSM Is No Longer Covering up Biden's Cognitive Decline (
20 Jn 2021 ~~ By Matt Margolis

On the eve of his inauguration, Politico published an article that contains an anecdote that is actually quite disturbing.
For higher-profile remarks, [Biden would] obsessively rehearse portions until he committed them to memory. And at times through the various iterations of outlining remarks, Biden could grow downright ornery.​
“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”​
The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier.​


There are many troubling things about this story. Biden forgetting part of a stump speech is bad enough, but this is an incident that took place last year, but has only come out now. Biden’s handlers kept it under wraps until now. How many other examples of Biden’s cognitive decline from the 2020 campaign have been covered up? If it was leaked to the media earlier, they didn’t report on it then. The obvious question is “why not?”
Obviously, Politico got the memo. The election is over. Trump is out of office. Biden’s cognitive decline is no longer taboo. It can be discussed ad nauseam by the media now because getting Biden into office wasn’t the primary objective of getting him elected.
Biden’s sole purpose was to play the role of an “electable” candidate who could appeal to independents and anti-Trump Republicans under the ruse of being a centrist just to get Trump out of office. For all intents and purposes, Biden’s job is complete, and a San Francisco liberal is now waiting in the wings to take his place at the appropriate time.
While conservative media outlets didn’t shy away from reporting on Biden’s deteriorating mental faculties, the mainstream media tried to pretend they didn’t exist. But the rules have changed now. Expect more anecdotes like the one above to make their way into mainstream media reports.

This only makes sense if we realize that putting Kamaltoe in the top office was the ultimate goal of this charade. Biden was nothing more than a useful idiot.
The countdown begins, 6 to 9 months and China Joe will move on...His usefullness will be at an end.
Who knew the old pervert is also early stage dementia? Everyone!... even the dead voters that voted for him. 25th Amendment here we come.
Joey Xi's call for "Unity" if ever implemented will end when Kamaltoe assumes the unelected post of the presidency. Then it's full bore Marxist implementation within America, but remember Big Brother is with you,
But yowling about antifa, BLM and thePfrogressive Marxist/DSA Commies won't really fly even though as we speak Seattle and Portland continue their destruction on the night of the Inauguration.
Oh, I know the Quisling Media will not report the truth, and it won't be blamed on the anachist Left but will be blamed upon those Trump insurrectionalists.
Meanwhile the Joey Xi will be sedated and tucked into his rail guarded bed for the night.

Could be 6 to 9 hours or even days. Hell, maybe Biden will play Simon Says with the nuclear launch device and we won't have to suffer his corpse POTUS countenance all that much longer. Mushroom clouds at midnight? I'll bring the White Russians.
This is the first shot at the progressive's campaign to get rid of the old white man and stick us with Harris...Joe doesn't know what's about to hit him...the left will expose his decades of family crime if he doesn't step down.....


But maybe the DNC underestimated Bite Me? Could he be at least partially "faking it" like The Chin and is more cognitive than they give him credit for?

Further, he has family members dependent on his continued tenure. Secret Service agents get to hang with the First Son nowadays.

Could Biden preemptively have people he suspects of plotting against him arrested?

Its been done before.
This is the first shot at the progressive's campaign to get rid of the old white man and stick us with Harris...Joe doesn't know what's about to hit him...the left will expose his decades of family crime if he doesn't step down.....


But maybe the DNC underestimated Bite Me? Could he be at least partially "faking it" like The Chin and is more cognitive than they give him credit for?

Further, he has family members dependent on his continued tenure. Secret Service agents get to hang with the First Son nowadays.

Could Biden preemptively have people he suspects of plotting against him arrested?

Its been done before.

Sounds very Roman Empire, Third Century.
Wow, Politico Is No Longer Covering Up Biden's Cognitive Decline

The MSM Is No Longer Covering up Biden's Cognitive Decline (
20 Jn 2021 ~~ By Matt Margolis

On the eve of his inauguration, Politico published an article that contains an anecdote that is actually quite disturbing.
For higher-profile remarks, [Biden would] obsessively rehearse portions until he committed them to memory. And at times through the various iterations of outlining remarks, Biden could grow downright ornery.​
“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”​
The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier.​


There are many troubling things about this story. Biden forgetting part of a stump speech is bad enough, but this is an incident that took place last year, but has only come out now. Biden’s handlers kept it under wraps until now. How many other examples of Biden’s cognitive decline from the 2020 campaign have been covered up? If it was leaked to the media earlier, they didn’t report on it then. The obvious question is “why not?”
Obviously, Politico got the memo. The election is over. Trump is out of office. Biden’s cognitive decline is no longer taboo. It can be discussed ad nauseam by the media now because getting Biden into office wasn’t the primary objective of getting him elected.
Biden’s sole purpose was to play the role of an “electable” candidate who could appeal to independents and anti-Trump Republicans under the ruse of being a centrist just to get Trump out of office. For all intents and purposes, Biden’s job is complete, and a San Francisco liberal is now waiting in the wings to take his place at the appropriate time.
While conservative media outlets didn’t shy away from reporting on Biden’s deteriorating mental faculties, the mainstream media tried to pretend they didn’t exist. But the rules have changed now. Expect more anecdotes like the one above to make their way into mainstream media reports.

This only makes sense if we realize that putting Kamaltoe in the top office was the ultimate goal of this charade. Biden was nothing more than a useful idiot.
The countdown begins, 6 to 9 months and China Joe will move on...His usefullness will be at an end.
Who knew the old pervert is also early stage dementia? Everyone!... even the dead voters that voted for him. 25th Amendment here we come.
Joey Xi's call for "Unity" if ever implemented will end when Kamaltoe assumes the unelected post of the presidency. Then it's full bore Marxist implementation within America, but remember Big Brother is with you,
But yowling about antifa, BLM and thePfrogressive Marxist/DSA Commies won't really fly even though as we speak Seattle and Portland continue their destruction on the night of the Inauguration.
Oh, I know the Quisling Media will not report the truth, and it won't be blamed on the anachist Left but will be blamed upon those Trump insurrectionalists.
Meanwhile the Joey Xi will be sedated and tucked into his rail guarded bed for the night.

You let us know when this here "cognitive decline" gets anywhere remotely near declaring the Bronx is a very wonderful place in Germany, or that the revolutionary army took over the airports of the eighteenth century there, Buckaroo.
Wow, Politico Is No Longer Covering Up Biden's Cognitive Decline

The MSM Is No Longer Covering up Biden's Cognitive Decline (
20 Jn 2021 ~~ By Matt Margolis

On the eve of his inauguration, Politico published an article that contains an anecdote that is actually quite disturbing.
For higher-profile remarks, [Biden would] obsessively rehearse portions until he committed them to memory. And at times through the various iterations of outlining remarks, Biden could grow downright ornery.​
“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”​
The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier.​


There are many troubling things about this story. Biden forgetting part of a stump speech is bad enough, but this is an incident that took place last year, but has only come out now. Biden’s handlers kept it under wraps until now. How many other examples of Biden’s cognitive decline from the 2020 campaign have been covered up? If it was leaked to the media earlier, they didn’t report on it then. The obvious question is “why not?”
Obviously, Politico got the memo. The election is over. Trump is out of office. Biden’s cognitive decline is no longer taboo. It can be discussed ad nauseam by the media now because getting Biden into office wasn’t the primary objective of getting him elected.
Biden’s sole purpose was to play the role of an “electable” candidate who could appeal to independents and anti-Trump Republicans under the ruse of being a centrist just to get Trump out of office. For all intents and purposes, Biden’s job is complete, and a San Francisco liberal is now waiting in the wings to take his place at the appropriate time.
While conservative media outlets didn’t shy away from reporting on Biden’s deteriorating mental faculties, the mainstream media tried to pretend they didn’t exist. But the rules have changed now. Expect more anecdotes like the one above to make their way into mainstream media reports.

This only makes sense if we realize that putting Kamaltoe in the top office was the ultimate goal of this charade. Biden was nothing more than a useful idiot.
The countdown begins, 6 to 9 months and China Joe will move on...His usefullness will be at an end.
Who knew the old pervert is also early stage dementia? Everyone!... even the dead voters that voted for him. 25th Amendment here we come.
Joey Xi's call for "Unity" if ever implemented will end when Kamaltoe assumes the unelected post of the presidency. Then it's full bore Marxist implementation within America, but remember Big Brother is with you,
But yowling about antifa, BLM and thePfrogressive Marxist/DSA Commies won't really fly even though as we speak Seattle and Portland continue their destruction on the night of the Inauguration.
Oh, I know the Quisling Media will not report the truth, and it won't be blamed on the anachist Left but will be blamed upon those Trump insurrectionalists.
Meanwhile the Joey Xi will be sedated and tucked into his rail guarded bed for the night.
They want Biden out !!!
Today we were told t
Wow, Politico Is No Longer Covering Up Biden's Cognitive Decline

The MSM Is No Longer Covering up Biden's Cognitive Decline (
20 Jn 2021 ~~ By Matt Margolis

On the eve of his inauguration, Politico published an article that contains an anecdote that is actually quite disturbing.
For higher-profile remarks, [Biden would] obsessively rehearse portions until he committed them to memory. And at times through the various iterations of outlining remarks, Biden could grow downright ornery.​
“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”​
The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier.​


There are many troubling things about this story. Biden forgetting part of a stump speech is bad enough, but this is an incident that took place last year, but has only come out now. Biden’s handlers kept it under wraps until now. How many other examples of Biden’s cognitive decline from the 2020 campaign have been covered up? If it was leaked to the media earlier, they didn’t report on it then. The obvious question is “why not?”
Obviously, Politico got the memo. The election is over. Trump is out of office. Biden’s cognitive decline is no longer taboo. It can be discussed ad nauseam by the media now because getting Biden into office wasn’t the primary objective of getting him elected.
Biden’s sole purpose was to play the role of an “electable” candidate who could appeal to independents and anti-Trump Republicans under the ruse of being a centrist just to get Trump out of office. For all intents and purposes, Biden’s job is complete, and a San Francisco liberal is now waiting in the wings to take his place at the appropriate time.
While conservative media outlets didn’t shy away from reporting on Biden’s deteriorating mental faculties, the mainstream media tried to pretend they didn’t exist. But the rules have changed now. Expect more anecdotes like the one above to make their way into mainstream media reports.

This only makes sense if we realize that putting Kamaltoe in the top office was the ultimate goal of this charade. Biden was nothing more than a useful idiot.
The countdown begins, 6 to 9 months and China Joe will move on...His usefullness will be at an end.
Who knew the old pervert is also early stage dementia? Everyone!... even the dead voters that voted for him. 25th Amendment here we come.
Joey Xi's call for "Unity" if ever implemented will end when Kamaltoe assumes the unelected post of the presidency. Then it's full bore Marxist implementation within America, but remember Big Brother is with you,
But yowling about antifa, BLM and thePfrogressive Marxist/DSA Commies won't really fly even though as we speak Seattle and Portland continue their destruction on the night of the Inauguration.
Oh, I know the Quisling Media will not report the truth, and it won't be blamed on the anachist Left but will be blamed upon those Trump insurrectionalists.
Meanwhile the Joey Xi will be sedated and tucked into his rail guarded bed for the night.

You let us know when this here "cognitive decline" gets anywhere remotely near declaring the Bronx is a very wonderful place in Germany, or that the revolutionary army took over the airports of the eighteenth century there, Buckaroo.

Hah,,,, China Joey Xi has already done that gig....
So much will depend on Chairman Xi.

Cameltoes needs must suck up to him (she DOES have experience....) or there could be nuclear war if Xiden gets tucked into the rubber room at the funny farm without Xi's blessing.

Only after he takes a double dose of Cialis and waits twenty minutes for it to take effect.
Biden's ego is bigger than Hunter's drug addiction. He wouldn't dream of relinquishing the office. He and Obama will be president for the next 4 years and then Kamaltoe will run and pick AOC for her running mate. And they will win because of the millions and millions of foreigners they destroyed our country with.
The UN will be ushered in at that time. And the "re-education/concentration camps" will be in full swing by then.
Biden's ego is bigger than Hunter's drug addiction. He wouldn't dream of relinquishing the office. He and Obama will be president for the next 4 years and then Kamaltoe will run and pick AOC for her running mate. And they will win because of the millions and millions of foreigners they destroyed our country with.
The UN will be ushered in at that time. And the "re-education/concentration camps" will be in full swing by then.
They won’t need any illegal alien stampede because the entire election system has already been destroyed. Elections are now contrived formalities. It’s only a matter of which Marxist will be preordained.

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