
Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Barr: I Was Surprised by Mueller Decision

Man things just are not going too well art lefty central these days. Shciff thinks he can threaten to lock up the AG and that the AG will just walk right into the halls of Congress......Barr is no fool.

Mueller says that even with the no indictment of Sitting POTUS rule.....he still would not have recommended and obstruction indictment! OMG....Schiff is going to have to hire a lot of queer hookers to get his mind off of this one! Now Shiff wants to jail Barr and kick the shit out of Mueller....hahahahaha...... In the mean time the entire country is watching this circus.

I kinda figured this would all fall apart but what I didn't figure is that it would absolutely implode....and what's this? It may not be finished? We may now be looking into the wrong doing that was done by the FBI, Mueller and his team of democratic doners disguised as DOJ doners?
Life is good and getting better.



All you do when you post silliness like this is prove that you're an intellectual zero. You know that, right?
Nope. I'm actually one of the most prolific, active, and intelligent members on here that brings nuance, unique perspectives and challenges the status quo.

Now go blow it out your ass snowflake!!!

Last edited:
If you listen carefully, you can hear libloony heads popping all over the country.

Sounds like the 4th of July

All you do when you post silliness like this is prove that you're an intellectual zero. You know that, right?
Nope. I'm actually one of the most prolific, active, and intelligent members here that brings nuance, unique perspectives and challenges the status quo.

Now go blow it out your ass snowflake!!!


Yes your as prolific as a bull's ass packed full of ex lax....
I mean ...Prolific is easy....

If you listen carefully, you can hear libloony heads popping all over the country.

Sounds like the 4th of July

I'm telling you for Mueller to say..... " I wouldn't prosecute this even if we didn't have the sitting president rule "
is an astounding admission. Schiff is going to die of a heart attack now.


All you do when you post silliness like this is prove that you're an intellectual zero. You know that, right?
Nope. I'm actually one of the most prolific, active, and intelligent members here that brings nuance, unique perspectives and challenges the status quo.

Now go blow it out your ass snowflake!!!

I'm going to use that as my signature. Thank you.

All you do when you post silliness like this is prove that you're an intellectual zero. You know that, right?
Nope. I'm actually one of the most prolific, active, and intelligent members here that brings nuance, unique perspectives and challenges the status quo.

Now go blow it out your ass snowflake!!!


I know, right?

And I'm queen of Egypt!

I'm gonna clean up a lot of this wretched sand take out this old shit like the sphinx and pyramids to make way for the future.

The FUTURE baaaybee!
Barr: I Was Surprised by Mueller Decision

Man things just are not going too well art lefty central these days. Shciff thinks he can threaten to lock up the AG and that the AG will just walk right into the halls of Congress......Barr is no fool.

Mueller says that even with the no indictment of Sitting POTUS rule.....he still would not have recommended and obstruction indictment! OMG....Schiff is going to have to hire a lot of queer hookers to get his mind off of this one! Now Shiff wants to jail Barr and kick the shit out of Mueller....hahahahaha...... In the mean time the entire country is watching this circus.

I kinda figured this would all fall apart but what I didn't figure is that it would absolutely implode....and what's this? It may not be finished? We may now be looking into the wrong doing that was done by the FBI, Mueller and his team of democratic doners disguised as DOJ doners?
Life is good and getting better.


Don't forget the Clinton can of worms is now about to be reopened along with look sees into Obummer blunders.
All you do when you post silliness like this is prove that you're an intellectual zero. You know that, right?
Nope. I'm actually one of the most prolific, active, and intelligent members here that brings nuance, unique perspectives and challenges the status quo.

Now go blow it out your ass snowflake!!!


You are hilarious! Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa

He's an idiot.
I watched it on CBS for an hour, and I'll tell you just what really happened:
  • Lindsay Graham eviscerated the Democrats reiterating again that there was clearly a lapse in the investigation concerning the Democrats role in paying, collaborating with and getting fraudulent information from the Russians which Hillary's team used to try to destroy Trump with that needs to be and Barr agreed WILL BE DEEPLY INVESTIGATED.
  • Lindsay went on to elucidate on the many emails from Strozk and Page, the two most responsible for "investigating" Hillary, that they clearly said they would stop at nothing to stop and destroy Trump. That HE COULD NOT WIN. THAT IT WOULD BE DEVASTATING FOR THEM. And Lindsay made clear that this too shall be DEEPLY INVESTIGATED. He went on to describe other troubling aspects and that nothing has happened to the people involved. Yet.
  • Feinstein and others again tried to parse words with Barr that a lack of conclusion on obstruction by Mueller must result in a separate obstruction investigation, and Barr was emphatic again that the purpose of the investigation was to investigate and bring charges where possible and that Mueller did not find grounds for obstruction, that he had no issue with Barr's summary and that it is the job of the attorney general to summarize such investigations and to draw legal conclusions where the investigation itself had provided none.
  • That all necessary redactions were completed and that Mueller had failed to complete the legally required 6e redactions, Barr explained the other two types required under law, and that the public has been given an unusually thorough transparency on the matter and that Congress has received copies with even less redactions.
  • Barr explained the actions of the president and in their context, did not meet the legal requirement of obstruction.
  • Lindsay also enumerated on the fact that during the FBI investigation of Hillary, that she used EIGHTEEN DEVICES and that the FBI retained none of them, and named the lady who DESTROYED two of them under subpoena and that nothing had happened to her. Yet.
  • Lindsay concluded by naming the person who used Bleach-Bit to scrub Hillary's private server clean and pointed out that nothing has happened to him yet either.
  • CBS wrapped up by providing two legal experts which ignored the democrat-related issues and only expounded further on those POV supporting democrat wishes.
Therefore, nothing new was gained at all, but we ARE moving closer and closer to proceeding with a new special investigation into the actions of the Democrats working with the Russians to try to obstruct and interfere with the Trump campaign, election and administration, the basis of which they used to create the Trump false charges and witch-hunt to begin with that is ultimately going to lead to the investigation of Hillary and Barack Obama themselves, the real people at the center of all this conspiracy to tamper with an election!

This is just the beginning folks and the democrats started it. The Mueller investigation is dead, it went nowhere, it isn't going nowhere, any testimony by Mueller will further put it to rest. The DNC witch-hunt has backfired and now going into next years election, the Republicans are going to stick a proctoscope up the asses of the Democrats to reveal the crimes to the public and conspiracy and collusion they have been hiding all along, they are going to prosecute many people connected to Hillary, the DNC and Obama at the very least and this will provide a lot of sympathy and support for the Donald and a lot of question that Biden cannot answer as VP in charge while all this went on!
If you listen carefully, you can hear libloony heads popping all over the country.

Sounds like the 4th of July

I'm telling you for Mueller to say..... " I wouldn't prosecute this even if we didn't have the sitting president rule "
is an astounding admission. Schiff is going to die of a heart attack now.


All the more reason for Mueller to testify.
If you listen carefully, you can hear libloony heads popping all over the country.

Sounds like the 4th of July

I'm telling you for Mueller to say..... " I wouldn't prosecute this even if we didn't have the sitting president rule "
is an astounding admission. Schiff is going to die of a heart attack now.


Yeah, he might have some sort of cardiac malfunction, but the crazy bastard will likely jump right up and carry on with the same tired old crap he was before.

Talk about a break with reality. We got reality on one side and Schiff for brains wandering around on Pluto.
He's an idiot.
I watched it on CBS for an hour, and I'll tell you just what really happened:
  • Lindsay Graham eviscerated the Democrats reiterating again that there was clearly a lapse in the investigation concerning the Democrats role in paying, collaborating with and getting fraudulent information from the Russians which Hillary's team used to try to destroy Trump with that needs to be and Barr agreed WILL BE DEEPLY INVESTIGATED.
  • Lindsay went on to elucidate on the many emails from Strozk and Page, the two most responsible for "investigating" Hillary, that they clearly said they would stop at nothing to stop and destroy Trump. That HE COULD NOT WIN. THAT IT WOULD BE DEVASTATING FOR THEM. And Lindsay made clear that this too shall be DEEPLY INVESTIGATED. He went on to describe other troubling aspects and that nothing has happened to the people involved. Yet.
  • Feinstein and others again tried to parse words with Barr that a lack of conclusion on obstruction by Mueller must result in a separate obstruction investigation, and Barr was emphatic again that the purpose of the investigation was to investigate and bring charges where possible and that Mueller did not find grounds for obstruction, that he had no issue with Barr's summary and that it is the job of the attorney general to summarize such investigations and to draw legal conclusions where the investigation itself had provided none.
  • That all necessary redactions were completed and that Mueller had failed to complete the legally required 6e redactions, Barr explained the other two types required under law, and that the public has been given an unusually thorough transparency on the matter and that Congress has received copies with even less redactions.
  • Barr explained the actions of the president and in their context, did not meet the legal requirement of obstruction.
  • Lindsay also enumerated on the fact that during the FBI investigation of Hillary, that she used EIGHTEEN DEVICES and that the FBI retained none of them, and named the lady who DESTROYED two of them under subpoena and that nothing had happened to her. Yet.
  • Lindsay concluded by naming the person who used Bleach-Bit to scrub Hillary's private server clean and pointed out that nothing has happened to him yet either.
  • CBS wrapped up by providing two legal experts which ignored the democrat-related issues and only expounded further on those POV supporting democrat wishes.
Therefore, nothing new was gained at all, but we ARE moving closer and closer to proceeding with a new special investigation into the actions of the Democrats working with the Russians to try to obstruct and interfere with the Trump campaign, election and administration, the basis of which they used to create the Trump false charges and witch-hunt to begin with that is ultimately going to lead to the investigation of Hillary and Barack Obama themselves, the real people at the center of all this conspiracy to tamper with an election!

This is just the beginning folks and the democrats started it. The Mueller investigation is dead, it went nowhere, it isn't going nowhere, any testimony by Mueller will further put it to rest. The DNC witch-hunt has backfired and now going into next years election, the Republicans are going to stick a proctoscope up the asses of the Democrats to reveal the crimes to the public and conspiracy and collusion they have been hiding all along, they are going to prosecute many people connected to Hillary, the DNC and Obama at the very least and this will provide a lot of sympathy and support for the Donald and a lot of question that Biden cannot answer as VP in charge while all this went on!
Looking forward to Mueller's testimony?
Barr: I Was Surprised by Mueller Decision

Man things just are not going too well art lefty central these days. Shciff thinks he can threaten to lock up the AG and that the AG will just walk right into the halls of Congress......Barr is no fool.

Mueller says that even with the no indictment of Sitting POTUS rule.....he still would not have recommended and obstruction indictment! OMG....Schiff is going to have to hire a lot of queer hookers to get his mind off of this one! Now Shiff wants to jail Barr and kick the shit out of Mueller....hahahahaha...... In the mean time the entire country is watching this circus.

I kinda figured this would all fall apart but what I didn't figure is that it would absolutely implode....and what's this? It may not be finished? We may now be looking into the wrong doing that was done by the FBI, Mueller and his team of democratic doners disguised as DOJ doners?
Life is good and getting better.


Don't forget the Clinton can of worms is now about to be reopened along with look sees into Obummer blunders.

Yep....this is what a Crime detective calls the " Full tilt Boogie ".... now that the rats are being exposed they are going to start making more and more mistakes to prevent Barr from looking into their misconduct.

What makes me laugh is these idiots attacking News Max as if News Max and Bill Barr were one and the same entity.....

Weak minded morons.

I noticed the MSNBC totally ignored Muellers letter to Barr in their coverage today.
So Naturally you have to go with an source that does not want to hide the facts.

Barr: I Was Surprised by Mueller Decision

Man things just are not going too well art lefty central these days. Shciff thinks he can threaten to lock up the AG and that the AG will just walk right into the halls of Congress......Barr is no fool.

Mueller says that even with the no indictment of Sitting POTUS rule.....he still would not have recommended and obstruction indictment! OMG....Schiff is going to have to hire a lot of queer hookers to get his mind off of this one! Now Shiff wants to jail Barr and kick the shit out of Mueller....hahahahaha...... In the mean time the entire country is watching this circus.

I kinda figured this would all fall apart but what I didn't figure is that it would absolutely implode....and what's this? It may not be finished? We may now be looking into the wrong doing that was done by the FBI, Mueller and his team of democratic doners disguised as DOJ doners?
Life is good and getting better.


Of course he wouldn't indict because he doesn't belive that's his place to do as a single un-elected official, but rather a JOB FOR CONGRESS.

The heading, that Muller belived there was no obstruction is bullshit - CLEARLY he does belive there was, otherwise he would simply clear the president like he did on conpiracy with Russians.

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