Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

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Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?
You left out the choice of Majority Hispanic School of which I went to as a White person.
It was not a problem at all that the majority of my High School was Hispanic with the Minority's being White and Black.
I would prefer that my grandchildren go to schools with good academic records and reviews.

But, do remember that the parental involvement is most instrumental for a school's and its students achievements.
You left out the choice of Majority Hispanic School of which I went to as a White person.
It was not a problem at all that the majority of my High School was Hispanic with the Minority's being White and Black.

That was purposely omitted because it has no bearing on your response to the above question. Between the two, which do you prefer?
I would prefer that my grandchildren go to schools with good academic records and reviews.

But, do remember that the parental involvement is most instrumental for a school's and its students achievements.

That's not an answer to the question posted above. Although I expect many more just as you have posted.
I would love to hear from those who elect "It depends" and "It does not matter."

I wouldn't send my kids to an inner city school, even if I was getting paid. Dems keep those kids dumb so they stay poor and repeat the process of welfare dependency, fatherless kids, etc....

outside the cities, it doesn't matter that much.

teach your kids to be proud of who they are, not what they are.

I wouldn't send my kids to an inner city school, even if I was getting paid. Dems keep those kids dumb so they stay poor and repeat the process of welfare dependency, fatherless kids, etc....

outside the cities, it doesn't matter that much.

teach your kids to be proud of who they are, not what they are.

I would venture as to say there a few all black non-intercity schools by comparison. Likewise, black heavy districts are always run by Democrats. I went to an 98% black intercity school. I would travel to the ends of heaven and earth to avoid the same fate for my two kids. They will get the talk http://takimag.com/article/the_talk_nonblack_version_john_derbyshire/print#axzz2pSlytmc7

Teaching our children to be proud of who they are was not the question posed in the op.
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I would prefer that my grandchildren go to schools with good academic records and reviews.

But, do remember that the parental involvement is most instrumental for a school's and its students achievements.

That's not an answer to the question posted above. Although I expect many more just as you have posted.

When an OP is crafted with a biased agenda, then the OP will be opened Every time.
I would prefer that my grandchildren go to schools with good academic records and reviews.

But, do remember that the parental involvement is most instrumental for a school's and its students achievements.

That's not an answer to the question posted above. Although I expect many more just as you have posted.

When an OP is crafted with a biased agenda, then the OP will be opened Every time.

Everyone has biases. The only question is whether the bias is justified. There is nothing in the OP other than the question. Everyone is free to choose and explain why they chose the answer they picked. Everyone is free to answer the question honestly. Those who do not choose or explain their answer are obviously to uncomfortable to answer the question honestly. There is no problem in being uncomfortable. It is in fact a disturbing and controversial question. However, can you explain to me a way of which I could have made the op less biased? Or are you caught up with simply the intent you assume of the person that posted it? If that is the case then why does intent matter and why is your assumption of my intent valid?
Got data?

No, there is no data for questions that pollsters will be charged with racism for asking. There is, however, a historic white flight epidemic and a black population protesting for forced bussing so as to get their children into the majority white schools. What more do I need?
I would love to hear from those who elect "It depends" and "It does not matter."

I did vote It does not matter.
You did not like the answer.

I like your answer fine. It's not the one that I chose, however, do not get my honest request to figure out why you chose your option so as to understand your thinking better confused with not liking your choice. Indeed, I may learn something from you.
I think everyone knows someone who has used a friend or relatives address for a "better" school district, here in Los Angeles I know many people who drive out their way everyday to take their kids to a whiter school.
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