CDZ Would a 2020 Trump victory cause a reassessment by the voters of the left?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
I believe the the most important reason Trump needs to win in 2020 is so that the ordinary citizens that make up the left voting base QUESTION why Mainstream Media polls were wrong in 2016 and 2020 and QUESTION why Americans voted Trump in twice, despite all the horrific news coverage Trump received for the last four years...

Would a second Trump victory encourage the left to break their bubble and look outside and seek new sources of information?
Marxism doesn't give up, if they've lost an election. The goal of Marxism is to tear down any non-Marxist nation, so you could expect more of the same crap they've been doing all along.
The only true way to end Marxist goals is to totally defeat it in war.
I believe the the most important reason Trump needs to win in 2020 is so that the ordinary citizens that make up the left voting base QUESTION why Mainstream Media polls were wrong in 2016 and 2020 and QUESTION why Americans voted Trump in twice, despite all the horrific news coverage Trump received for the last four years...

Would a second Trump victory encourage the left to break their bubble and look outside and seek new sources of information?
After the initial shock, some will go to the streets and engage in violence and the rest will be addicted to some sort of drug. They will, in time settle down and feel that they were wrong AGAIN, Morality wins. We will be funding the LE agencies more than ever before and possibly building more prisons to take care of the ne'er do wells.
I believe the the most important reason Trump needs to win in 2020 is so that the ordinary citizens that make up the left voting base QUESTION why Mainstream Media polls were wrong in 2016 and 2020 and QUESTION why Americans voted Trump in twice, despite all the horrific news coverage Trump received for the last four years...

Would a second Trump victory encourage the left to break their bubble and look outside and seek new sources of information?
His first victory had just the opposite effect. In what fantasy world do you think we'll all just say "I guess we were wrong" because the Electoral College says so? Would a Trump loss cause you to break your bubble and look outside and seek new sources of information?
There is also the unsettling possibility that the polls were right and this time Trump's voters would accept even a massive discrepancy caused by the cumulative effect of republican election rigging and voter suppression tactics.
I believe the the most important reason Trump needs to win in 2020 is so that the ordinary citizens that make up the left voting base QUESTION why Mainstream Media polls were wrong in 2016 and 2020 and QUESTION why Americans voted Trump in twice, despite all the horrific news coverage Trump received for the last four years...

Would a second Trump victory encourage the left to break their bubble and look outside and seek new sources of information?

Nope. They don't have a clue why he won last time, and I seriously doubt that they'd be able to figure out why he'd win again. They'd blame it on Russia, Macedonian content farms, racism, white supremacists, election fraud, voter suppression (see above), or Trump's "cult" followers. But they'd never pony up and admit the real reason. That reason is as it was in 2016: They had a terrible candidate foisted upon them. A candidate who doesn't have a clue, a solution, a plan, or the wherewithal to carry out a plan if he had one. A candidate who has been a Washington insider most of his life, and hasn't accomplished anything noteworthy.
You think the democrat cities burning now are bad? Nothing might prepare you for what will happen when Trump wins. Pelosi says she doesn't care what the election says, Trump will be removed. Take that to the bank. When Trump wins this country will erupt into violence we have never seen in this country.
I believe the the most important reason Trump needs to win in 2020 is so that the ordinary citizens that make up the left voting base QUESTION why Mainstream Media polls were wrong in 2016 and 2020 and QUESTION why Americans voted Trump in twice, despite all the horrific news coverage Trump received for the last four years...

Would a second Trump victory encourage the left to break their bubble and look outside and seek new sources of information?
His first victory had just the opposite effect. In what fantasy world do you think we'll all just say "I guess we were wrong" because the Electoral College says so? Would a Trump loss cause you to break your bubble and look outside and seek new sources of information?
I don't see Trump as a gift from the Gods, but I do see him as a clear choice against Biden. If Trump loses, the next presidential election must be
You think the democrat cities burning now are bad? Nothing might prepare you for what will happen when Trump wins. Pelosi says she doesn't care what the election says, Trump will be removed. Take that to the bank. When Trump wins this country will erupt into violence we have never seen in this country.
Time for Pelosi to pack it up.
If having Trump and Clinton, followed by Trump and Biden, doesn't cause people to reassess the two-party system, I don't see why Trump winning or losing would cause either 'side' to reassess things.

It seems to me that the American voting public is content with pretty horrible presidential candidates.
I believe the the most important reason Trump needs to win in 2020 is so that the ordinary citizens that make up the left voting base QUESTION why Mainstream Media polls were wrong in 2016 and 2020 and QUESTION why Americans voted Trump in twice, despite all the horrific news coverage Trump received for the last four years...

Would a second Trump victory encourage the left to break their bubble and look outside and seek new sources of information?

They don't care. So no, it won't make them think about why they lost......they will just think they need to use more violent techniques to get what they want.....

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