Worlds Collide - Episode 1 streams here, live(6/24/16 8pm, East Coast)


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
Worlds Collide - Episode 1

The Link to Stream the show is right there ^ :link: :finger3:^

The time the show will go live is Friday, 6/24 @8pm East Coast .

You can also listen via telephone, with the added option of joining the chat, by calling this number:
(914) 205-5546

This episode of Worlds Collide will be a casual chat centered on the controversial topic of: Eugenics. As always, we invite the joining of our discussion by any of our casual listeners. To do so, simply call the number during show hours (Friday, June 24th from 8pm until 10pm, east coast time). That number is (914) 205-5546.

We hope to have a lively discussion which touches on the key components and controversy regarding Eugenics and its historical applications.

This episode will also feature a fun, 10-question trivia game. Participants are welcome! Last, we will do a rendition of the popular net segment "mean tweets;" which, in our case would be posts from the messageboard.

The Episode will be hosted by Mr. LoneLaugher (Lone, or LL), Mr. Sonny Clark (SFC) and Mr. Genius Tracks (GT).

*special thanks to Ms. Gracie , who entered the winning submission for show names when we were without title.

Thank You,

The Worlds Collide Team
AngelsNDemons , strollingbones , TNHarley , Sonny Clark , LoneLaugher & G.T.

Worlds Collide (1).jpg

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At this time, anyone who cares to........ can begin with their thoughts regarding Eugenics. Even if you're not comfy calling and chatting with us, your comments may be brought into the discussion by one of the hosts.

Eugenics, while not under this title, is found back as far as ancient Greece. Ancient greece - like a frat house stove.
Plutarch wrote that in Sparta, the Elders would inspect all newborns for defects. If they were found "ill", they would leave them in the bush in the mountains.
“Offspring was not reared at the will of the father, but was

taken and carried by him to a place called Lesche, where the elders of the tribes officially examined the
infant, and if it was well-built and sturdy, they ordered the father to rear it, and assigned it one of the
nine thousand lots of land; but if it was ill-born and deformed, they sent it to the so-called Apothetae, a
chasm-like place at the foot of Mount Taygetus, in the conviction that the life of that which nature had not
well equipped at the very beginning for health and strength, was of no advantage either to itself or the
Plato quoted Socrates saying that

children with any defects should be killed
: “For we must take care that we don’t overlook some

defect in this thing that is entering into life; it may be something not worth bringing up, a wind-egg, a

falsehood. What do you say? Is it your opinion that your child ought in any case to be brought up and not

exposed to die? Can you bear to see it found fault with and not get into a rage if your first-born is stolen

away from you?”
chill for a sec regarding historical references only b.c. ive got a lot of that for the broadcast

just looking for your personal opinions regarding the practice....and if you feel it could be used for "good," how would you personally implement such a strategy
My boy sonny clark is all over this topic like a librarian fingerbanging herself to the sweet sound of no sound
TNHarley loves this topic like a girl with a "chh....chhh....chhhh...chhh" tourettes issue..... LOVED it when the Chia Pet jingle was invented.
This topic is such awesome sauce LoneLaugher printed it out and melted it over a toilet bowl full of alcohol rice for his diet
The Worlds Collide team came together to form like Voltron.

Hopefully we dont fall apart when it dries.
AngelsNDemons feels this topic can fly off into so many different directions, like strollingbones does on her broom after a joint of purple haze
I do, like any other convo, it could end up trailing off topic at some point into anything from abortion to stem cell research...I, myself, was wondering about gender selection and IVF too...or what about going to the sperm bank and choosing the father with the highest IQ and good looks? Isn't that "playing God" as well?
AngelsNDemons feels this topic can fly off into so many different directions, like strollingbones does on her broom after a joint of purple haze
I do, like any other convo, it could end up trailing off topic at some point into anything from abortion to stem cell research...I, myself, was wondering about gender selection and IVF too...or what about going to the sperm bank and choosing the father with the highest IQ and good looks? Isn't that "playing God" as well?
Yupp, it is. It all kind of is.

As an expression "playing god" is a discussion in and of itself. **falls off chair**

I will keep us focused.
I meant in the sense of positives of eugenics... I was replying with the the other convo going in the FZ on my mind..
AngelsNDemons feels this topic can fly off into so many different directions, like strollingbones does on her broom after a joint of purple haze
I do, like any other convo, it could end up trailing off topic at some point into anything from abortion to stem cell research...I, myself, was wondering about gender selection and IVF too...or what about going to the sperm bank and choosing the father with the highest IQ and good looks? Isn't that "playing God" as well?

Good questions.

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