World leaders slam Twitter and other social media for banning Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
These leaders understand, especially a German Chancellor, what banning opinions and speech can lead to.

Does anyone know which particular university years ago, began training students to not accept free speech if you do not agree with it?

Today, it's across the board, pretty much all universities will allow Conservatives to be completely silenced, but I wonder where this actually started? Berkeley?

A ‘bad sign’: World leaders and officials blast Twitter Trump ban
Allies and critics of the US president slam Twitter’s move to ban him from its platform, citing freedom of speech.

Citing the danger of inciting further acts of violence, on January 8 Twitter suspended United States President Donald Trump’s account – three days after he called on his supporters on Twitter to march towards the US Capitol building while Congress was meeting to certify Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

“After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” Twitter said.


A ‘bad sign’: World leaders and officials blast Twitter Trump ban | Donald Trump News | Al Jazeera
First, they came for our freedom of speech,
and I did not speak out, because I was afraid

Then, they came for our right to bear arms,
and I did not speak out, because I was afraid

Then, they came for the Republicans,
and I did not speak out, because I was afraid

Then they came for me,
and I did not speak out, I had no right to speak, I had no right to protect myself, I could only run and hide.........................................
Unfortunately, you right-wing a$$holes want your sh!thead-in-chief to have the right to shout "FIRE!" in every crowded theater he can find.

They are entitled to their opinions. But Trump can walk into the Press Room any time he wants. It's right down the hall. He will be covered by every news outlet. Not a bit of his free speech is being restricted. He can also call into FOX or any of the other outlets.
They are entitled to their opinions. But Trump can walk into the Press Room any time he wants. It's right down the hall. He will be covered by every news outlet. Not a bit of his free speech is being restricted. He can also call into FOX or any of the other outlets.
Posting opinions is fine. But trump's use of the social media platform to encourage his cultists' violence and treasonous actions goes a bit beyond the First Amendment protections.

This is what the RWNJs do not understand.

They are entitled to their opinions. But Trump can walk into the Press Room any time he wants. It's right down the hall. He will be covered by every news outlet. Not a bit of his free speech is being restricted. He can also call into FOX or any of the other outlets.

Great post. So true. I mean I agree. Twitter and Facebook should not have banned Trump. The truth is, they should not HAVE TO. But here is the deal, Trump vetoed the Defense Bill because it did not revoke the protections Facebook and Twitter have against lawsuits for the content they provide. Trump actually wants to hold social media accountable for the actions of people due to their content. So there you go, they had to ban Trump because they could be held accountable for the actions of his supporters. But like I said, they should not have to, but people are SO DAMN STUPID. I mean I am ashamed, honestly ashamed, that a well known conman ascended to the presidency, garnished tremendous support, and attempted to overthrow our democracy, just like Hamilton predicted.
As expected, the board's leftist members are ok with shutting up their opposition no matter what it takes.
Yesterday's Dimocrats/liberals:

"I disagree with everything you are saying, but I will fight for and defend your right to say it!"

Today's Dimocrats/Liberals:

"I disagree with everything you are saying, and I will fight and do everything I can to SHUT.......YOU.......UP!!!!!!!!"
I mean I am ashamed, honestly ashamed, that a well known conman ascended to the presidency
Yes! Well-known con man. Over 3 decades worth of documenting his many failures, scams, bullshit PR stunts, and everything else. He was in the NY tabloids every single week, and it wasn't to cover his business successes.

We tried to tell them but you can't fix stupid.
Yesterday's Dimocrats/liberals:

"I disagree with everything you are saying, but I will fight for and defend your right to say it!"

Today's Dimocrats/Liberals:

"I disagree with everything you are saying, and I will fight and do everything I can to SHUT.......YOU.......UP!!!!!!!!"
Do you have to obey rules here on USMB?

You're kind of stupid.
They are entitled to their opinions. But Trump can walk into the Press Room any time he wants. It's right down the hall. He will be covered by every news outlet. Not a bit of his free speech is being restricted. He can also call into FOX or any of the other outlets.
Posting opinions is fine. But trump's use of the social media platform to encourage his cultists' violence and treasonous actions goes a bit beyond the First Amendment protections.

This is what the RWNJs do not understand.


Trump did no such thing. He never said to go out and riot. Trump is responsible for telling people to protest which turned into riots, but knowing how pissed off people are about this phony election, the commies rile them up even more with another phony impeachment, then social media and Apple jump on board.

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear your leftist leaders were trying to start another civil war; trying to piss off their foes so much they do get violent.
Yesterday's Dimocrats/liberals:

"I disagree with everything you are saying, but I will fight for and defend your right to say it!"

Today's Dimocrats/Liberals:

"I disagree with everything you are saying, and I will fight and do everything I can to SHUT.......YOU.......UP!!!!!!!!"
Do you have to obey rules here on USMB?

You're kind of stupid.

You're way WAY past the "kind of" range.

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