Womens inna military


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Okolona, KY
Uncle Ferd says he wouldn't mind bein' inna foxhole with an Aussie woman like dat one dat was in Crocodile Dundee...
Women soldiers in Australia to get front-line roles
Sep 28, 2011 - Australia will remove all gender barriers in its military over the next five years, opening up positions that had previously been considered too dangerous for women, including front-line combat roles.
Australia will follow Canada and New Zealand in allowing women who meet physical and psychological criteria to perform any role they choose, Defence Minister Stephen Smith said yesterday. "This is a significant and major cultural change," he told reporters. "That is why we'd rather err on the side of caution in expressing a five-year period" to implement the change.

Women can currently serve in 93 per cent of employment categories in the Australian Defence Force, which includes the army, navy and air force. But some roles have been reserved for men, including infantry, artillery and naval clearance diving.

The Cabinet agreed to the change on Monday with the support of defence chiefs, Mr Smith said. "This is simply about putting into the front line those people who are best placed to do the job, irrespective of your sex," he said. Australia has 1,550 troops in Afghanistan as part of the US-led mission there.

Mr Smith could not say whether the elite Special Air Service and commando regiments fighting in Uruzgan province could include women troopers before Australia withdraws from Afghanistan in 2014. Only 8,000 of Australia's almost 60,000 troops are female and defence chiefs have long attempted to recruit more women.

Americans and most of the civilized world used to pride themselves in protecting women. Females could serve in the Military in non-combat roles which released men for combat duty. Somewhere along the line democrats managed to convince themselves that it was only fair that females be maimed in combat just like men. The world is upside down under liberalism.
whitehall wrote: The world is upside down under liberalism.

Granny says, "Dat's right...

... dem lefty lib'rals done turned ever'thin' upside down...

... an' now ever'thin' goin' to hell inna handbasket."
I had a lot of Female troops in my Forward Area Signal Platoon. Most of the Platoon would be split up into 3 person teams when we were deployed. I was not permitted to send out a three female team. Why? Because I was told so............................
U would not like my female cousin in da Marines. She's got 7 years and a wake up call, to egt to retirement, and she's a real pecker head.
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While the US has always protected the weaker sex from the horrors of direct combat, other reasons apply. Based on my experience as an advanced combat medic, AKA Navy Independent Duty FMF Corpsman, women should be excluded due to their physiological differences with men. Most cannot handle the rigors and stress of a full combat load. I know, women have to carry the same weight in their pack at OCS and boot camp. That is different in that it is for a shorter duration under less stress. Also, the below the belt anatomy differences that women present requires medical equipment and medications that are not always available.

Women have and still today perform with honor and courage in their traditional roles. It should stay that way.
There are plenty of big bull dykes out there that will make fine meatheadettes.

True. Some women have more testosterone than others and can do the job as well as some men. Imagine the uproar though when the screening process has women submitting to anabolic testing to see who qualifies to go to a line unit. Or maybe they could be picked by appearance. "Hey you. With the short hair and big forearms. Report to Second Marine Division for further assignment to a grunt unit." The libs would go nuts and then all women would have to be available for assignment. Even the dainty ones with painted nails and lipstick. I like it better like we have it.

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