Woman raped by random group of men in park.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I would like to understand if this is a better outcome than if this woman had a choice to use a legal gun to stop this attack. Please explain to me that this is better than the woman taking out a legal gun, and driving off these attackers, instead of having to endure however long it took the men to take turns raping her.......

And before you say "they would have taken the gun away from her...."

Lancaster Woman Scares Off Bat-Wielding Attackers By Pulling Gun On Them

LANCASTER, Ohio - It happened along a walking path in Lancaster.

Dinah Burns is licensed to carry a concealed gun, but she'd only recently started taking her weapon while walking her dog.

Based on what happened, it looks like she'll make a point of carrying from now on.

"I think if they'd gotten any closer, I probably would have fired,” said Burns.

It was Monday when Burns was on a footpath near Sanderson Elementary School.

"Two gentlemen came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said 'You're coming with us'."

The men weren't deterred by Dinah's dog Gracie.

"I said, 'Well, what do you want?,' and as I was saying that I reached in to my pocket and slipped my gun out, slipped the safety off as I pulled it out. As I was doing that the other gentleman came toward me and raised the baseball bat. And, I pointed the gun at them and said, 'I have this and I'm not afraid to use it.'"

The men took off and so far have eluded police. Dinah posted about the incident on Facebook to alert friends and neighbors, to criticism by some.

"Most of the males' opinion was, 'Why didn't you shoot them?'"

Easy to second-guess a decision made under pressure, based on her concealed carry training, and police agree.

"To get out of a situation, back out, get out of it as much as you can without having to discharge your firearm."

"I will say it's a good thing to go from a place of danger to a place of safety, however you get that done,” said Sgt. Matt Chambers, Lancaster Police.

"Very thankful that it turned out the way it did, and hope it doesn't happen again, but I will be prepared."

So.....tell me that is the wrong outcome...tell me this one is better.......

A woman in her 20s has been gang raped by a group of men overnight in Manchester, police said.

Read more: Woman in 20s raped by group of men in 'random attack' in park

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: Metro

I notice they did not state the number of men who attacked her, their race or any other descriptor........I wonder why?
Myyyyy house... its a very very nice house, 2 Great Danes in the yarrrrd

I would like to understand if this is a better outcome than if this woman had a choice to use a legal gun to stop this attack. Please explain to me that this is better than the woman taking out a legal gun, and driving off these attackers, instead of having to endure however long it took the men to take turns raping her.......

And before you say "they would have taken the gun away from her...."

Lancaster Woman Scares Off Bat-Wielding Attackers By Pulling Gun On Them

LANCASTER, Ohio - It happened along a walking path in Lancaster.

Dinah Burns is licensed to carry a concealed gun, but she'd only recently started taking her weapon while walking her dog.

Based on what happened, it looks like she'll make a point of carrying from now on.

"I think if they'd gotten any closer, I probably would have fired,” said Burns.

It was Monday when Burns was on a footpath near Sanderson Elementary School.

"Two gentlemen came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said 'You're coming with us'."

The men weren't deterred by Dinah's dog Gracie.

"I said, 'Well, what do you want?,' and as I was saying that I reached in to my pocket and slipped my gun out, slipped the safety off as I pulled it out. As I was doing that the other gentleman came toward me and raised the baseball bat. And, I pointed the gun at them and said, 'I have this and I'm not afraid to use it.'"

The men took off and so far have eluded police. Dinah posted about the incident on Facebook to alert friends and neighbors, to criticism by some.

"Most of the males' opinion was, 'Why didn't you shoot them?'"

Easy to second-guess a decision made under pressure, based on her concealed carry training, and police agree.

"To get out of a situation, back out, get out of it as much as you can without having to discharge your firearm."

"I will say it's a good thing to go from a place of danger to a place of safety, however you get that done,” said Sgt. Matt Chambers, Lancaster Police.

"Very thankful that it turned out the way it did, and hope it doesn't happen again, but I will be prepared."

So.....tell me that is the wrong outcome...tell me this one is better.......

A woman in her 20s has been gang raped by a group of men overnight in Manchester, police said.

Read more: Woman in 20s raped by group of men in 'random attack' in park

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: Metro

I notice they did not state the number of men who attacked her, their race or any other descriptor........I wonder why?

Too bad. She should have shot them all in the nuts then turned them over to police.
Notice.......this woman was raped by multiple men......if the anti-gunners had their wish granted, and only the government and criminals had guns....or all guns were just magically gone....this rape would still happen. Men are bigger, stronger and more aggressive than women...they don't need a gun to beat, torture and rape a woman....this is why thinking getting rid of guns will lower the crime rate is just stupid......

Who needs a gun? Well...this woman......and good people who are not criminals, who will face criminals who are either attacking in groups, or attacking with knives, clubs or their bare hands.......

But...again, for anti-gunners, they would rather this woman is raped by a group of men, each taking their turn at raping and humiliating the woman, than that she have the option to stop it with a gun....dittos the murder and robberies....in their world, it is better to be raped, robbed or murdered than to save your life with a gun.
I would like to understand if this is a better outcome than if this woman had a choice to use a legal gun to stop this attack. Please explain to me that this is better than the woman taking out a legal gun, and driving off these attackers, instead of having to endure however long it took the men to take turns raping her.......

And before you say "they would have taken the gun away from her...."

Lancaster Woman Scares Off Bat-Wielding Attackers By Pulling Gun On Them

LANCASTER, Ohio - It happened along a walking path in Lancaster.

Dinah Burns is licensed to carry a concealed gun, but she'd only recently started taking her weapon while walking her dog.

Based on what happened, it looks like she'll make a point of carrying from now on.

"I think if they'd gotten any closer, I probably would have fired,” said Burns.

It was Monday when Burns was on a footpath near Sanderson Elementary School.

"Two gentlemen came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said 'You're coming with us'."

The men weren't deterred by Dinah's dog Gracie.

"I said, 'Well, what do you want?,' and as I was saying that I reached in to my pocket and slipped my gun out, slipped the safety off as I pulled it out. As I was doing that the other gentleman came toward me and raised the baseball bat. And, I pointed the gun at them and said, 'I have this and I'm not afraid to use it.'"

The men took off and so far have eluded police. Dinah posted about the incident on Facebook to alert friends and neighbors, to criticism by some.

"Most of the males' opinion was, 'Why didn't you shoot them?'"

Easy to second-guess a decision made under pressure, based on her concealed carry training, and police agree.

"To get out of a situation, back out, get out of it as much as you can without having to discharge your firearm."

"I will say it's a good thing to go from a place of danger to a place of safety, however you get that done,” said Sgt. Matt Chambers, Lancaster Police.

"Very thankful that it turned out the way it did, and hope it doesn't happen again, but I will be prepared."

So.....tell me that is the wrong outcome...tell me this one is better.......

A woman in her 20s has been gang raped by a group of men overnight in Manchester, police said.

Read more: Woman in 20s raped by group of men in 'random attack' in park

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: Metro

I notice they did not state the number of men who attacked her, their race or any other descriptor........I wonder why?

If it would be happened in Sweden or Germany 'men' would receive no punishment.
The only condition: they must be Muslims
'Progressives', Lefts, Democrats, Muslims, Communists and another perverts don't like women with AR-15.
It's difficult to believe they will get raped

Only second Amendments and free possessions of guns make peoples free.
All dictators disarmed peoples. Look Merkel, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.

So....this has been out there since April 20.....and none of the European anti-gun extremists have weighed in...........

They have no answer to this question.....well...they do, they just don't want to acknowledge that they would prefer this woman is violently gang raped, rather than she have the chance to stop it with a gun.
I am interested to learn how you have eliminated rape and murder in the US.There must be a lesson for all of us there.
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I am interested to learn how you have eliminated rape and murder in the US.There must be a lesson for all of us there.

Didn't say we did....my question to you, which you never answer...is which do you prefer...

The woman being gang raped by a group of men.

She has the option to use a legal gun to stop the rape.

You refuse to answer this question....in the U.S. we have rape and murder...

In Britain, the mayor of London stated that London is not safe for women or girls.....and it cannot be safe for them since they can't use any tool to protect themselves from larger, stronger, more aggressive males, or many larger, stronger, more aggressive males......if they are alone, they must simply endure the rape.....and possibly torture and murder as well...

but here, Americans have the option to own and carry a legal gun to stop the rape or murder....like these women...

Lancaster Woman Scares Off Bat-Wielding Attackers By Pulling Gun On Them

LANCASTER, Ohio - It happened along a walking path in Lancaster.

Dinah Burns is licensed to carry a concealed gun, but she'd only recently started taking her weapon while walking her dog.

Based on what happened, it looks like she'll make a point of carrying from now on.

"I think if they'd gotten any closer, I probably would have fired,” said Burns.

It was Monday when Burns was on a footpath near Sanderson Elementary School.

"Two gentlemen came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said 'You're coming with us'."

The men weren't deterred by Dinah's dog Gracie.

"I said, 'Well, what do you want?,' and as I was saying that I reached in to my pocket and slipped my gun out, slipped the safety off as I pulled it out. As I was doing that the other gentleman came toward me and raised the baseball bat. And, I pointed the gun at them and said, 'I have this and I'm not afraid to use it.'"

The men took off and so far have eluded police. Dinah posted about the incident on Facebook to alert friends and neighbors, to criticism by some.

"Most of the males' opinion was, 'Why didn't you shoot them?'"

Easy to second-guess a decision made under pressure, based on her concealed carry training, and police agree.

"To get out of a situation, back out, get out of it as much as you can without having to discharge your firearm."

"I will say it's a good thing to go from a place of danger to a place of safety, however you get that done,” said Sgt. Matt Chambers, Lancaster Police.

"Very thankful that it turned out the way it did, and hope it doesn't happen again, but I will be prepared."
What I want you to know on Gun Violence Awareness Day | Fox News

I correctly listened to my instincts; I had a feeling that my life was in danger in that elevator and prepared myself mentally for what was potentially to come.

I ran to my car in an attempt to escape and, before I could even get my entire body in my car, I was tackled by my attacker.

This man quickly overpowered me, stabbed at me with a knife, clamped his hand over my mouth multiple times, and repeatedly tried forcing me in the passenger seat of my car while telling me, “We’re going.”

The entire time this was happening, a rusted, serrated knife was being stabbed towards my abdomen and held at my face.

I had been hit in the face, thrown over my driver’s side console, and had rips in my tights from his hands trying to force my legs up and over into the passenger seat.

There are some individuals that think gun owners are “trigger happy” and wanting to pull their weapons out at the first opportunity. There is nothing further from the truth.

The night I was attacked, I fought like hell for my life before reaching for my gun. I kicked, I screamed, I had all ten fingernails ripped off and bloodied from scratching and trying to fight my way out of a literal life and death situation.
Ultimately, I accessed my gun, shot my attacker multiple times, and saved my life. He will be spending years in prison for what he did to me.

Using a gun in self-protection is not a decision one makes lightly; in fact, I never dreamed that I would be forced into a situation where I would have to do so. However, I also never imagined such evil existing in the world so that I would be powerless, wounded, on my back and unable to physically force my attacker off of me.

I owned a gun and had been trained on how to use it. I know how to safely carry and that a gun is a serious and significant weapon; it is not to be used carelessly. Naysayers and people with opposing opinions may try to undermine my situation with hypotheticals. I cannot answer these questions. All I can do is tell the facts of my story and the true account of how I saved my own life.

What I want you to know on Gun Awareness Day is that a gun in the hands of a potential victim is not improperly placed; it can be the only thing keeping her from being brutally raped and murdered.

Without my gun, I would not be alive today.

Guns are not the problem in America; men like my attacker -- who are willing to violently change one person’s life for no reason except for pure evil – are the problem.

Be safe at all times. Be aware of your surroundings. Trust your instincts. Always be able to protect yourself. Refuse to be a victim, and instead be a fighter and a survivor. Live to tell your tale and make a criminal regret the day he chose you as a “soft target.” My gun saved my life, and one could save yours too.
Notice....Tommy did not answer the question....
I'm not an expert on crime etc, but I want to say the following...

As a woman living in Europe, I HAVE been in a situation where a man (not a group of men) tried to rape me. I was at an age I should probably not mention, and the man was about 35. I won that fight. I did not have a gun (and I doubt that even in the US it would have been legal for me to carry one at that age). What made me win that fight, was the luck I'm not one of the women who freeze (it's something you cannot control) or panic, but I continued to be able to think; I also was more nimble than the guy, and I hit him hard in a sensitive spot (on his throat). I got free, and ran off.

I also have been attacked by a group of 3 boys in a public place, and again won that fight by kicking two of them where it hurts, and the third then let go of me. I later learned I should have attacked the one holding me first, but whatever, it worked and I got out. Also at that time, I was at an age that probably should not be mentioned.

In case I had had a gun and would have been able to fire it (not a good idea when someone is holding you from behind, as you can't see what you're firing at and would maybe shoot yourself in the foot), maybe escaping would have been easier / could have prevented being attacked in the first place in one instance. BUT...
Also, chances would have been higher that at least one of my attackers would have been armed as well, and they would have been more prepared. In that case, I may have been just too scared to even try fighting, leading to a totally different outcome...

Then another thing, not related to a situation of attack: how many accidents happen in the US each year with children playing with the guns found at home, with death or permanent injury of a sibbling or friend as the consequence? ALL of those accidents could have been prevented if guns were forbidden in the US.

Just my two cents...
I would like to understand if this is a better outcome than if this woman had a choice to use a legal gun to stop this attack. Please explain to me that this is better than the woman taking out a legal gun, and driving off these attackers, instead of having to endure however long it took the men to take turns raping her.......

And before you say "they would have taken the gun away from her...."

Lancaster Woman Scares Off Bat-Wielding Attackers By Pulling Gun On Them

LANCASTER, Ohio - It happened along a walking path in Lancaster.

Dinah Burns is licensed to carry a concealed gun, but she'd only recently started taking her weapon while walking her dog.

Based on what happened, it looks like she'll make a point of carrying from now on.

"I think if they'd gotten any closer, I probably would have fired,” said Burns.

It was Monday when Burns was on a footpath near Sanderson Elementary School.

"Two gentlemen came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said 'You're coming with us'."

The men weren't deterred by Dinah's dog Gracie.

"I said, 'Well, what do you want?,' and as I was saying that I reached in to my pocket and slipped my gun out, slipped the safety off as I pulled it out. As I was doing that the other gentleman came toward me and raised the baseball bat. And, I pointed the gun at them and said, 'I have this and I'm not afraid to use it.'"

The men took off and so far have eluded police. Dinah posted about the incident on Facebook to alert friends and neighbors, to criticism by some.

"Most of the males' opinion was, 'Why didn't you shoot them?'"

Easy to second-guess a decision made under pressure, based on her concealed carry training, and police agree.

"To get out of a situation, back out, get out of it as much as you can without having to discharge your firearm."

"I will say it's a good thing to go from a place of danger to a place of safety, however you get that done,” said Sgt. Matt Chambers, Lancaster Police.

"Very thankful that it turned out the way it did, and hope it doesn't happen again, but I will be prepared."

So.....tell me that is the wrong outcome...tell me this one is better.......

A woman in her 20s has been gang raped by a group of men overnight in Manchester, police said.

Read more: Woman in 20s raped by group of men in 'random attack' in park

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: Metro

I notice they did not state the number of men who attacked her, their race or any other descriptor........I wonder why?
Women allowed to carry guns to shoot rapists? Hunter Biden would likely already be dead.
I am interested to learn how you have eliminated rape and murder in the US.There must be a lesson for all of us there.

Most of the shitheads that do rape and murder in the US are Negroes and 'Spicks living in Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

You want us to send them over to you?
I am interested to learn how you have eliminated rape and murder in the US.There must be a lesson for all of us there.

Most of the shitheads that do rape and murder in the US are Negroes and 'Spicks living in Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

You want us to send them over to you?
Only if they agree to rape him.
I would like to understand if this is a better outcome than if this woman had a choice to use a legal gun to stop this attack. Please explain to me that this is better than the woman taking out a legal gun, and driving off these attackers, instead of having to endure however long it took the men to take turns raping her.......

And before you say "they would have taken the gun away from her...."

Lancaster Woman Scares Off Bat-Wielding Attackers By Pulling Gun On Them

LANCASTER, Ohio - It happened along a walking path in Lancaster.

Dinah Burns is licensed to carry a concealed gun, but she'd only recently started taking her weapon while walking her dog.

Based on what happened, it looks like she'll make a point of carrying from now on.

"I think if they'd gotten any closer, I probably would have fired,” said Burns.

It was Monday when Burns was on a footpath near Sanderson Elementary School.

"Two gentlemen came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said 'You're coming with us'."

The men weren't deterred by Dinah's dog Gracie.

"I said, 'Well, what do you want?,' and as I was saying that I reached in to my pocket and slipped my gun out, slipped the safety off as I pulled it out. As I was doing that the other gentleman came toward me and raised the baseball bat. And, I pointed the gun at them and said, 'I have this and I'm not afraid to use it.'"

The men took off and so far have eluded police. Dinah posted about the incident on Facebook to alert friends and neighbors, to criticism by some.

"Most of the males' opinion was, 'Why didn't you shoot them?'"

Easy to second-guess a decision made under pressure, based on her concealed carry training, and police agree.

"To get out of a situation, back out, get out of it as much as you can without having to discharge your firearm."

"I will say it's a good thing to go from a place of danger to a place of safety, however you get that done,” said Sgt. Matt Chambers, Lancaster Police.

"Very thankful that it turned out the way it did, and hope it doesn't happen again, but I will be prepared."

So.....tell me that is the wrong outcome...tell me this one is better.......

A woman in her 20s has been gang raped by a group of men overnight in Manchester, police said.

Read more: Woman in 20s raped by group of men in 'random attack' in park

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: Metro

I notice they did not state the number of men who attacked her, their race or any other descriptor........I wonder why?
I am sure they were an appropriately diverse squad of rapists. Remember, diversity is our strength.

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