With Biden Sworn In,‭ ‬QAnon Leadership And Members Melt Down


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
With Biden Sworn In,‭ ‬QAnon Leadership And Members Melt Down

There is a decades-long list of land developers,‭ ‬contractors,‭ ‬investors,‭ ‬city officials,‭ ‬state leaders,‭ ‬individuals,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬all have been swindled by the twice impeached,‭ ‬former grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬prior to his stint in the White House.

All those on that long,‭ ‬long list remember the moment when all the lies he told them,‭ ‬and the lies they told themselves,‭ ‬blew up in their faces.‭ ‬Those feelings of disillusionment and despair among the Proud Pu$$ies,‭ ‬and now the QAnon wackos are not unfamiliar to the many others victimized by the con man trump.

During the roughly five years since his presidential campaign lies began,‭ ‬legions of his devoted RWNJs also became his cult,‭ ‬so,‭ ‬there could be no truth in the liberals‭’ ‬and progressives‭’ ‬warnings that their orange-tinted messiah is nothing more than a con man.‭

However,‭ ‬on Wednesday,‭ ‬forums of the conspiracy theory known as QAnon went berserk as their delusional dreams dissolved into dust while the completely obvious took place:‭ ‬Joe Biden was sworn in as the‭ ‬46th president of the United States.

According to a report by NBC News‭’ ‬Ben Collins,‭ ‬the QAnon-ers had expected their orange-tinted messiah would use the Emergency Broadcasting System to announce the The Storm had arrived.‭ ‬Democrats would be rounded up and arrested‭ ‬as their beloved cult leader was declared president.‭ ‬Q supporters had apparently bought CB radios for the blackout.

Instead,‭ ‬Biden is now president,‭ ‬and America's legal system is getting ready to rain down comeuppance on the RWNJs beloved messiah.‭

And now,‭ ‬more good news,‭ ‬the meltdown that ensued in QAnon forums was epic.

‭"‬I don't think this is supposed to happen‭?" ‬wrote one follower.‭ "‬How long does it take the fed to run up the stairs and arrest him‭ [‬Biden‭]?" ‬Apparently,‭ ‬a very very long time,‭ ‬known in the real world as:‭ ‬never.

No emergency announcement from their beloved cult leader.‭ ‬No mass arrests.‭ ‬Just the continuation of American democracy as regularly scheduled every four years at‭ ‬12:01‭ ‬PM on Jan.‭ ‬20.

‭"‬I'm about to puke,‭" ‬wrote another conspirator.‭ ‬Okay.‭ ‬Now that’s getting to where the rest of us here in reality have been for the past four years.

And beyond the Q-ies‭’ ‬nausea,‭ ‬a whole lot of disorienting bafflement poured out.‭ "‬There is no plan,‭" ‬noted one person.‭ "‬It's over and nothing makes sense...‭ ‬absolutely nothing...‭" ‬wrote another.‭

Many followers cycled through the classic stages of grief‭ (‬documented here‭)‬:‭ ‬denial,‭ ‬anger,‭ ‬bargaining,‭ ‬depression,‭ ‬and acceptance.

Some rather infamous purveyors of the QAnon nonsense even suggested they might have reached the end of the line with the conspiracy theory.‭ "‬We gave it our all,‭" ‬wrote Ron Watkins,‭ ‬the former‭ ‬8kun administrator,‭ ‬under the handle CodeMonkeyZ.‭ "‬Now we need to keep our chins up and go back to our lives as best we are able.‭"

At the end of the day,‭ ‬a conspiracy theory that was so certain of its ability to predict the future,‭ ‬left its followers deeply disillusioned.

‭"‬It's like being a kid and seeing the big gift under the tree thinking it is exactly what you want only to open it and realize it was a lump of coal,‭" ‬observed one.

Better the RWNJs,‭ ‬than the rest of America...‭ ‬and the world.

With Biden Sworn In,‭ ‬QAnon Leadership And Members Melt Down

There is a decades-long list of land developers,‭ ‬contractors,‭ ‬investors,‭ ‬city officials,‭ ‬state leaders,‭ ‬individuals,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬all have been swindled by the twice impeached,‭ ‬former grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬prior to his stint in the White House.

All those on that long,‭ ‬long list remember the moment when all the lies he told them,‭ ‬and the lies they told themselves,‭ ‬blew up in their faces.‭ ‬Those feelings of disillusionment and despair among the Proud Pu$$ies,‭ ‬and now the QAnon wackos are not unfamiliar to the many others victimized by the con man trump.

During the roughly five years since his presidential campaign lies began,‭ ‬legions of his devoted RWNJs also became his cult,‭ ‬so,‭ ‬there could be no truth in the liberals‭’ ‬and progressives‭’ ‬warnings that their orange-tinted messiah is nothing more than a con man.‭

However,‭ ‬on Wednesday,‭ ‬forums of the conspiracy theory known as QAnon went berserk as their delusional dreams dissolved into dust while the completely obvious took place:‭ ‬Joe Biden was sworn in as the‭ ‬46th president of the United States.

According to a report by NBC News‭’ ‬Ben Collins,‭ ‬the QAnon-ers had expected their orange-tinted messiah would use the Emergency Broadcasting System to announce the The Storm had arrived.‭ ‬Democrats would be rounded up and arrested‭ ‬as their beloved cult leader was declared president.‭ ‬Q supporters had apparently bought CB radios for the blackout.

Instead,‭ ‬Biden is now president,‭ ‬and America's legal system is getting ready to rain down comeuppance on the RWNJs beloved messiah.‭

And now,‭ ‬more good news,‭ ‬the meltdown that ensued in QAnon forums was epic.

‭"‬I don't think this is supposed to happen‭?" ‬wrote one follower.‭ "‬How long does it take the fed to run up the stairs and arrest him‭ [‬Biden‭]?" ‬Apparently,‭ ‬a very very long time,‭ ‬known in the real world as:‭ ‬never.

No emergency announcement from their beloved cult leader.‭ ‬No mass arrests.‭ ‬Just the continuation of American democracy as regularly scheduled every four years at‭ ‬12:01‭ ‬PM on Jan.‭ ‬20.

‭"‬I'm about to puke,‭" ‬wrote another conspirator.‭ ‬Okay.‭ ‬Now that’s getting to where the rest of us here in reality have been for the past four years.

And beyond the Q-ies‭’ ‬nausea,‭ ‬a whole lot of disorienting bafflement poured out.‭ "‬There is no plan,‭" ‬noted one person.‭ "‬It's over and nothing makes sense...‭ ‬absolutely nothing...‭" ‬wrote another.‭

Many followers cycled through the classic stages of grief‭ (‬documented here‭)‬:‭ ‬denial,‭ ‬anger,‭ ‬bargaining,‭ ‬depression,‭ ‬and acceptance.

Some rather infamous purveyors of the QAnon nonsense even suggested they might have reached the end of the line with the conspiracy theory.‭ "‬We gave it our all,‭" ‬wrote Ron Watkins,‭ ‬the former‭ ‬8kun administrator,‭ ‬under the handle CodeMonkeyZ.‭ "‬Now we need to keep our chins up and go back to our lives as best we are able.‭"

At the end of the day,‭ ‬a conspiracy theory that was so certain of its ability to predict the future,‭ ‬left its followers deeply disillusioned.

‭"‬It's like being a kid and seeing the big gift under the tree thinking it is exactly what you want only to open it and realize it was a lump of coal,‭" ‬observed one.

Better the RWNJs,‭ ‬than the rest of America...‭ ‬and the world.


It just goes to show you that the world isn't like it is on TV where the good guys always win. It seems in this reality which some may say is the real world, it is the darkness and corrupt individuals that always win. Christians may be right in a way when they say Satan rules this world. I speak figuratively but it sure looks that way if their really was a Satan.
I like how this great researcher did a rundown on this. And he has been saying this for awhile now.

It has been a long battle trying to convince subscribers and Trump supporters that all the stories of false hope spread by “insiders” like Q about Trump staying in office after the theft of the election were bogus. In reality, Q was only a small part of the plot to lead Trump supporters astray with false hope. There were also former and current people in various branches of intelligence who would call up people like Generals Flynn and McInerny to feed them false information. They were so effective the good generals bought it—in part because they were naïve about the depth of control held by the Deep State over the NSA and the rest of our government and military. Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood were also targets of disinformation, with Wood spreading some of the most bizarre rumors.

Simon Parkes, an old intelligence man in the UK, developed quite a following to his daily “Online Updates” with a mixture of true facts and outrageous claims. The disinformation he gets must be coming from British Intelligence which is in league with our own Deep State, because it echoes what many have been saying in the US. It became downright absurd last Wednesday when he claimed that the Inauguration would be faked —that it would be a computer generated event using Deep Fake computer animation and that all the soldiers in DC were there to arrest all the traitors and reinstall Donald Trump as president. Of course, that never happened. Even as he was saying it, president Trump was packing up and moving out of the White House. What is most disturbing is that NONE of the sincere recipients of this massive disinformation campaign have come out and apologized for passing on the bogus information. None have come out to expose and decry the people who whispered these lies in their ears. How are we to learn from these campaigns to deceive if the victims of this disinformation campaign don’t have the courage to reject and expose it?

With Biden Sworn In,‭ ‬QAnon Leadership And Members Melt Down

You keep telling yourself that, Moron. How would you know there was a meltdown unless you were a member there? I'm not even sure Qanon really exists, more likely just another leftist construct trying to paint the Trump voters as minimized.

Many are saying that Q was pretty much a psyops brought to you by DARPA, CIA and entities like that. It even sucked me in a bit. I think it would suck people in because it offered people hope. But now we can see there is no good at all in the government and politicians and military. I mean, for sure there are some good people in each thing but overall they are nothing but darkness and negative sucking the life out of us humans.
It won't be long before the vast majority of the twice impeached, former president trump's cultists realize he was scamming them. After weeks mourning the loss of a life that never was, they will then return to the mediocre existences they knew as their true reality.

Their lies to themselves of a right-wing utopia, inspired by their beloved cult leaders tens-of-thousands lies about... everything, will no longer ring in their ears. All that will remain is the FOX Noise repetitive GOP propaganda, coupled with newer versions of the Republican Southern Strategy.

The Republican Strategy will forgo the Nazi-worship of the grifter-in-chief, but, the old fashioned racism and bigotry of their Southern Strategy, will soon have the RWNJs back in their first-loved fantasy reality and world of denial.

The Republican Party will then wish the RWNJs a warm welcome home, and get back to exploiting their stupidity to further enrich the ruling billionaire class.

But now we can see there is no good at all in the government and politicians and military.

When has there ever been? What country has "good" in its government, politicians or military? No government is the history of this world has ever been good, no politician, they are worse than lawyers, they ae lice, and militaries are only about war. That is why we have a constitution to LIMIT the power of our government, problem is that the constitution isn't being adhered to and our programmed, uneducated society is too stupid to see it or care.

So the power is with the people as it always is: just how much are they willing to take? Trump may not have been no angel, but the essence of his message was correct. Our government is the problem and they are NOT representing the interests of the people or the good of the nation, but rather what is good for THEM (and by that, what is good for the lobby interest that supports them).

Name me one fucking thing Joe has done so far the average person on the street is saying: Thank God!?
It won't be long before the vast majority of the twice impeached, former president trump's cultists realize he was scamming them. After weeks mourning the loss of a life that never was, they will then return to the mediocre existences they knew as their true reality.

Their lies to themselves of a right-wing utopia, inspired by their beloved cult leaders tens-of-thousands lies about... everything, will no longer ring in their ears. All that will remain is the FOX Noise repetitive GOP propaganda, coupled with newer versions of the Republican Southern Strategy.

The Republican Strategy will forgo the Nazi-worship of the grifter-in-chief, but, the old fashioned racism and bigotry of their Southern Strategy, will soon have the RWNJs back in their first-loved fantasy reality and world of denial.

The Republican Party will then wish the RWNJs a warm welcome home, and get back to exploiting their stupidity to further enrich the ruling billionaire class.


I don't know if you know it but you are also in a cult. It is a hate Trump cult the MSM and Hollywood created brought to you by DARPA and the CIA. That is another psyops so you can't think correctly. You are perpetually in fight or flight mode. An very reptilian brained instinct. So in reality you fall for the same thing as the Q movement has. Just on the other side of the coin.
But now we can see there is no good at all in the government and politicians and military.

When has there ever been? What country has "good" in its government, politicians or military? No government is the history of this world has ever been good, no politician, they are worse than lawyers, they ae lice, and militaries are only about war. That is why we have a constitution to LIMIT the power of our government, problem is that the constitution isn't being adhered to and our programmed, uneducated society is too stupid to see it or care.

So the power is with the people as it always is: just how much are they willing to take? Trump may not have been no angel, but the essence of his message was correct. Our government is the problem and they are NOT representing the interests of the people or the good of the nation, but rather what is good for THEM (and by that, what is good for the lobby interest that supports them).

Name me one fucking thing Joe has done so far the average person on the street is saying: Thank God!?

You are correct. I think we have been so brainwashed to believe we have no power. They have really learned how to manipulate people through fear and media and intimidation. They know exactly what makes humans tick. The Cabal did learn a lot from Nazi Germany. Which is why, what was called Project Paperclip. Many of the German scientist were brought to the USA. And even one of them was in charge of Nasa in the early years.
With Biden Sworn In,‭ ‬QAnon Leadership And Members Melt Down

There is a decades-long list of land developers,‭ ‬contractors,‭ ‬investors,‭ ‬city officials,‭ ‬state leaders,‭ ‬individuals,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬all have been swindled by the twice impeached,‭ ‬former grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬prior to his stint in the White House.

All those on that long,‭ ‬long list remember the moment when all the lies he told them,‭ ‬and the lies they told themselves,‭ ‬blew up in their faces.‭ ‬Those feelings of disillusionment and despair among the Proud Pu$$ies,‭ ‬and now the QAnon wackos are not unfamiliar to the many others victimized by the con man trump.

During the roughly five years since his presidential campaign lies began,‭ ‬legions of his devoted RWNJs also became his cult,‭ ‬so,‭ ‬there could be no truth in the liberals‭’ ‬and progressives‭’ ‬warnings that their orange-tinted messiah is nothing more than a con man.‭

However,‭ ‬on Wednesday,‭ ‬forums of the conspiracy theory known as QAnon went berserk as their delusional dreams dissolved into dust while the completely obvious took place:‭ ‬Joe Biden was sworn in as the‭ ‬46th president of the United States.

According to a report by NBC News‭’ ‬Ben Collins,‭ ‬the QAnon-ers had expected their orange-tinted messiah would use the Emergency Broadcasting System to announce the The Storm had arrived.‭ ‬Democrats would be rounded up and arrested‭ ‬as their beloved cult leader was declared president.‭ ‬Q supporters had apparently bought CB radios for the blackout.

Instead,‭ ‬Biden is now president,‭ ‬and America's legal system is getting ready to rain down comeuppance on the RWNJs beloved messiah.‭

And now,‭ ‬more good news,‭ ‬the meltdown that ensued in QAnon forums was epic.

‭"‬I don't think this is supposed to happen‭?" ‬wrote one follower.‭ "‬How long does it take the fed to run up the stairs and arrest him‭ [‬Biden‭]?" ‬Apparently,‭ ‬a very very long time,‭ ‬known in the real world as:‭ ‬never.

No emergency announcement from their beloved cult leader.‭ ‬No mass arrests.‭ ‬Just the continuation of American democracy as regularly scheduled every four years at‭ ‬12:01‭ ‬PM on Jan.‭ ‬20.

‭"‬I'm about to puke,‭" ‬wrote another conspirator.‭ ‬Okay.‭ ‬Now that’s getting to where the rest of us here in reality have been for the past four years.

And beyond the Q-ies‭’ ‬nausea,‭ ‬a whole lot of disorienting bafflement poured out.‭ "‬There is no plan,‭" ‬noted one person.‭ "‬It's over and nothing makes sense...‭ ‬absolutely nothing...‭" ‬wrote another.‭

Many followers cycled through the classic stages of grief‭ (‬documented here‭)‬:‭ ‬denial,‭ ‬anger,‭ ‬bargaining,‭ ‬depression,‭ ‬and acceptance.

Some rather infamous purveyors of the QAnon nonsense even suggested they might have reached the end of the line with the conspiracy theory.‭ "‬We gave it our all,‭" ‬wrote Ron Watkins,‭ ‬the former‭ ‬8kun administrator,‭ ‬under the handle CodeMonkeyZ.‭ "‬Now we need to keep our chins up and go back to our lives as best we are able.‭"

At the end of the day,‭ ‬a conspiracy theory that was so certain of its ability to predict the future,‭ ‬left its followers deeply disillusioned.

‭"‬It's like being a kid and seeing the big gift under the tree thinking it is exactly what you want only to open it and realize it was a lump of coal,‭" ‬observed one.

Better the RWNJs,‭ ‬than the rest of America...‭ ‬and the world.

Who is QAnon leadership?
It won't be long before the vast majority of the twice impeached, former president trump's cultists realize he was scamming them. After weeks mourning the loss of a life that never was, they will then return to the mediocre existences they knew as their true reality.

Their lies to themselves of a right-wing utopia, inspired by their beloved cult leaders tens-of-thousands lies about... everything, will no longer ring in their ears. All that will remain is the FOX Noise repetitive GOP propaganda, coupled with newer versions of the Republican Southern Strategy.

The Republican Strategy will forgo the Nazi-worship of the grifter-in-chief, but, the old fashioned racism and bigotry of their Southern Strategy, will soon have the RWNJs back in their first-loved fantasy reality and world of denial.

The Republican Party will then wish the RWNJs a warm welcome home, and get back to exploiting their stupidity to further enrich the ruling billionaire class.

What were we all “scammed” on?

“Right-wing utopia”? What is that? I never heard of it.

The Republican Southern strategy?

I’m glad you’re here to tell us all these things I never knew about.
You are correct. I think we have been so brainwashed to believe we have no power.

Do you have any idea how many people were at the capitol on the 6th? Have you looked at the photos? Do you think 25,000 troops could have stopped them? What do you think would be the consequence if they just kept coming and the NG start just gunning them down unarmed? Mountains of bodies. What do you think the NG would have done if faced with 50,000 people shooting back? How hard do you think it is for a rally of Trump supporters to gather that many? Do you suppose that faced with dying or gunning down thousands of people armed or unarmed, AMERICAN PEOPLE, people opposing this fraud election, how many NG would stand there and die or kill their fellow American to stop a redress of grievance with a crooked, unjust government or would have stepped aside or even joined them?

THE BIG LIE is that the riot on the Capitol was UNPATRIOTIC. The big lie is that it was an attack. It was not an attack, it was a riot against injustice, the VERY THING this nation was founded on. People confuse government with the country, it is not. The government is an instrument of the people, a thing--- it serves at the pleasure of the people. The nation of America is its people, and a government must serve the people rather than its people be made to serve its government or we no longer have a nation of free men.

You are correct. I think we have been so brainwashed to believe we have no power.

Do you have any idea how many people were at the capitol on the 6th? Have you looked at the photos? Do you think 25,000 troops could have stopped them? What do you think would be the consequence if they just kept coming and the NG start just gunning them down unarmed? Mountains of bodies. What do you think the NG would have done if faced with 50,000 people shooting back? How hard do you think it is for a rally of Trump supporters to gather that many? Do you suppose that faced with dying or gunning down thousands of people armed or unarmed, AMERICAN PEOPLE, people opposing this fraud election, how many NG would stand there and die or kill their fellow American to stop a redress of grievance with a crooked, unjust government or would have stepped aside or even joined them?

THE BIG LIE is that the riot on the Capitol was UNPATRIOTIC. The big lie is that it was an attack. It was not an attack, it was a riot against injustice, the VERY THING this nation was founded on. People confuse government with the country, it is not. The government is an instrument of the people, a thing--- it serves at the pleasure of the people. The nation of America is its people, and a government must serve the people rather than its people be made to serve its government or we no longer have a nation of free men.

View attachment 448269

All good points. I would further add which is why they are trying to spread fear onto people to not do something like that again. People losing their jobs, being labeled as terrorist. Just for protesting. And the other problem is BLM and Antifa who disguise themselves as Patriots and create havoc and blame it on the Patriots. I really am not sure what the solution is at this point.
You're confusing laughing at the dementia riddled, 2 time loser Kid Sniffer you installed as president with melting down.
With Biden Sworn In,‭ ‬QAnon Leadership And Members Melt Down

There is a decades-long list of land developers,‭ ‬contractors,‭ ‬investors,‭ ‬city officials,‭ ‬state leaders,‭ ‬individuals,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬all have been swindled by the twice impeached,‭ ‬former grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬prior to his stint in the White House.

All those on that long,‭ ‬long list remember the moment when all the lies he told them,‭ ‬and the lies they told themselves,‭ ‬blew up in their faces.‭ ‬Those feelings of disillusionment and despair among the Proud Pu$$ies,‭ ‬and now the QAnon wackos are not unfamiliar to the many others victimized by the con man trump.

During the roughly five years since his presidential campaign lies began,‭ ‬legions of his devoted RWNJs also became his cult,‭ ‬so,‭ ‬there could be no truth in the liberals‭’ ‬and progressives‭’ ‬warnings that their orange-tinted messiah is nothing more than a con man.‭

However,‭ ‬on Wednesday,‭ ‬forums of the conspiracy theory known as QAnon went berserk as their delusional dreams dissolved into dust while the completely obvious took place:‭ ‬Joe Biden was sworn in as the‭ ‬46th president of the United States.

According to a report by NBC News‭’ ‬Ben Collins,‭ ‬the QAnon-ers had expected their orange-tinted messiah would use the Emergency Broadcasting System to announce the The Storm had arrived.‭ ‬Democrats would be rounded up and arrested‭ ‬as their beloved cult leader was declared president.‭ ‬Q supporters had apparently bought CB radios for the blackout.

Instead,‭ ‬Biden is now president,‭ ‬and America's legal system is getting ready to rain down comeuppance on the RWNJs beloved messiah.‭

And now,‭ ‬more good news,‭ ‬the meltdown that ensued in QAnon forums was epic.

‭"‬I don't think this is supposed to happen‭?" ‬wrote one follower.‭ "‬How long does it take the fed to run up the stairs and arrest him‭ [‬Biden‭]?" ‬Apparently,‭ ‬a very very long time,‭ ‬known in the real world as:‭ ‬never.

No emergency announcement from their beloved cult leader.‭ ‬No mass arrests.‭ ‬Just the continuation of American democracy as regularly scheduled every four years at‭ ‬12:01‭ ‬PM on Jan.‭ ‬20.

‭"‬I'm about to puke,‭" ‬wrote another conspirator.‭ ‬Okay.‭ ‬Now that’s getting to where the rest of us here in reality have been for the past four years.

And beyond the Q-ies‭’ ‬nausea,‭ ‬a whole lot of disorienting bafflement poured out.‭ "‬There is no plan,‭" ‬noted one person.‭ "‬It's over and nothing makes sense...‭ ‬absolutely nothing...‭" ‬wrote another.‭

Many followers cycled through the classic stages of grief‭ (‬documented here‭)‬:‭ ‬denial,‭ ‬anger,‭ ‬bargaining,‭ ‬depression,‭ ‬and acceptance.

Some rather infamous purveyors of the QAnon nonsense even suggested they might have reached the end of the line with the conspiracy theory.‭ "‬We gave it our all,‭" ‬wrote Ron Watkins,‭ ‬the former‭ ‬8kun administrator,‭ ‬under the handle CodeMonkeyZ.‭ "‬Now we need to keep our chins up and go back to our lives as best we are able.‭"

At the end of the day,‭ ‬a conspiracy theory that was so certain of its ability to predict the future,‭ ‬left its followers deeply disillusioned.

‭"‬It's like being a kid and seeing the big gift under the tree thinking it is exactly what you want only to open it and realize it was a lump of coal,‭" ‬observed one.

Better the RWNJs,‭ ‬than the rest of America...‭ ‬and the world.

that sure is a lot of babble crap opinion
With Biden Sworn In,‭ ‬QAnon Leadership And Members Melt Down

There is a decades-long list of land developers,‭ ‬contractors,‭ ‬investors,‭ ‬city officials,‭ ‬state leaders,‭ ‬individuals,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬all have been swindled by the twice impeached,‭ ‬former grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬prior to his stint in the White House.

All those on that long,‭ ‬long list remember the moment when all the lies he told them,‭ ‬and the lies they told themselves,‭ ‬blew up in their faces.‭ ‬Those feelings of disillusionment and despair among the Proud Pu$$ies,‭ ‬and now the QAnon wackos are not unfamiliar to the many others victimized by the con man trump.

During the roughly five years since his presidential campaign lies began,‭ ‬legions of his devoted RWNJs also became his cult,‭ ‬so,‭ ‬there could be no truth in the liberals‭’ ‬and progressives‭’ ‬warnings that their orange-tinted messiah is nothing more than a con man.‭

However,‭ ‬on Wednesday,‭ ‬forums of the conspiracy theory known as QAnon went berserk as their delusional dreams dissolved into dust while the completely obvious took place:‭ ‬Joe Biden was sworn in as the‭ ‬46th president of the United States.

According to a report by NBC News‭’ ‬Ben Collins,‭ ‬the QAnon-ers had expected their orange-tinted messiah would use the Emergency Broadcasting System to announce the The Storm had arrived.‭ ‬Democrats would be rounded up and arrested‭ ‬as their beloved cult leader was declared president.‭ ‬Q supporters had apparently bought CB radios for the blackout.

Instead,‭ ‬Biden is now president,‭ ‬and America's legal system is getting ready to rain down comeuppance on the RWNJs beloved messiah.‭

And now,‭ ‬more good news,‭ ‬the meltdown that ensued in QAnon forums was epic.

‭"‬I don't think this is supposed to happen‭?" ‬wrote one follower.‭ "‬How long does it take the fed to run up the stairs and arrest him‭ [‬Biden‭]?" ‬Apparently,‭ ‬a very very long time,‭ ‬known in the real world as:‭ ‬never.

No emergency announcement from their beloved cult leader.‭ ‬No mass arrests.‭ ‬Just the continuation of American democracy as regularly scheduled every four years at‭ ‬12:01‭ ‬PM on Jan.‭ ‬20.

‭"‬I'm about to puke,‭" ‬wrote another conspirator.‭ ‬Okay.‭ ‬Now that’s getting to where the rest of us here in reality have been for the past four years.

And beyond the Q-ies‭’ ‬nausea,‭ ‬a whole lot of disorienting bafflement poured out.‭ "‬There is no plan,‭" ‬noted one person.‭ "‬It's over and nothing makes sense...‭ ‬absolutely nothing...‭" ‬wrote another.‭

Many followers cycled through the classic stages of grief‭ (‬documented here‭)‬:‭ ‬denial,‭ ‬anger,‭ ‬bargaining,‭ ‬depression,‭ ‬and acceptance.

Some rather infamous purveyors of the QAnon nonsense even suggested they might have reached the end of the line with the conspiracy theory.‭ "‬We gave it our all,‭" ‬wrote Ron Watkins,‭ ‬the former‭ ‬8kun administrator,‭ ‬under the handle CodeMonkeyZ.‭ "‬Now we need to keep our chins up and go back to our lives as best we are able.‭"

At the end of the day,‭ ‬a conspiracy theory that was so certain of its ability to predict the future,‭ ‬left its followers deeply disillusioned.

‭"‬It's like being a kid and seeing the big gift under the tree thinking it is exactly what you want only to open it and realize it was a lump of coal,‭" ‬observed one.

Better the RWNJs,‭ ‬than the rest of America...‭ ‬and the world.

I was never a follower of these people. In my mind, they are either crazy or part of the DNC plot to undermine those who are ideologically opposed to them.

Either way, they have no significance to me.

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