With 23,604,690 Million More Votes Cast for Trump/Biden, Hillary PV Was 27,263 More Then Biden's Increase


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2016
Joe bested Trump in the PV by only 2,841,423 more votes than 2016
which is 27,263 fewer votes then Hillary was LEFT WITH and won the PV by in 2016

People are not analyzing the numbers properly

By the end of the 2016 elections, Democrats lost 6,681,507 votes
of the 10,470,072 they gained in 2008

Democrats lost voters in 2012 and 2016 and Republicans gained voters those same years
In 2008, McCain had 2,092,287 fewer votes then Bush had in 2004
In 2012, Mitt had 985,181 more votes then John in 2008,
leaving a 1,107,106 deficit from the 2,092,287 loss in '08
In 2016, Trump had 2,051,324 more votes then Mitt in 2012,
erasing the Republicans remaining deficit from 2008 loses

In 2004 Bush beat Kerry by 3,012,166 votes
There were 16,873,920 more votes cast in 2004 then 2000
Bush got 11,584,608 more votes then he did in 2000
Kerry got 8,028,547 more votes then Gore got in 2000

In 2008 there were 9,018,480 more votes cast then 2004
Obama got 10,470,072 more votes then Kerry did in 2004
and won the PV by 9,550,193..919,879 fewer votes then he received
(3,012,166[2004 R up]-2,092,287[Mc loss 2008]=919,879
10,470,072[D vote gain from 2004]-919,879[R outstanding gains]=9,550,193

With 9,018,480 more votes cast in 2008, Obama picked up 2,441,525 more votes
then Kerry got in 2004 with 16,873,920 more voters then 2000

So, Obama erased Republican gains and Democrats were up by 3,012,166 votes and gained 6,538,027 votes
(9,550,193[PV D]-3,012,166[PV R 2004]=6,538,027)
and Republicans were in the red 9,550,193(6,538,027[PV gain 08]+3,012,166[04 PV lost in 08]=9,550,193

In 2012 there were 2,236,111 fewer voters then 2008...the love was lost
Obama got 3,582,721 fewer votes in 2012 then he did in 2008
On the flip side, Mitt got 985,181 more votes then McCain did in 2008

So, Democrats lost a total of 4,567,902 votes they gained in 2008 with 2,236,111 fewer voters
(3,582,721[O fewer votes then 08]+985,181[R gain from 08]=4,567,902)

Obama won the 2012 PV by 4,982,291 votes...4,567,902 fewer votes then 2008
6,538,027[PV increase in 08 from 04,+D]- 4,567,902[PV decrease in 12 from 08,+D]=1,970,125 of 08 gains remaining

Republicans on the other hand reclaimed some of their votes McCain lost in 2008
2,092,287[votes R lost in 08 from 04]-985,181[votes R gained in 12 from 08]=1,107,106
So, Republicans were now -1,107,106 votes and Democrats already ate most of their margin from '08

In 2016 there were 7,583,866 more votes cast then 2012
7,830,934 votes were cast for someone other then Trump or Hillary
That's 247,068 more votes then the voter turnout difference in 2016 from 2012 of 7,583,866
247,068 voters, other then the additional 7,583,866 voters in 2016, voted for someone other then Trump or Hillary

Trump got 2,051,324 more votes then Mitt got in 2012
Erasing the 1,107,106 deficit remaining from the votes McCain lost in 2008
and the remaining 919,879 from the 2004 PV loss leaving 24,339 to cut into Democrats gains

Hillary on the other hand HAD 62,281 FEWER VOTES THEN OBAMA HAD IN 2012

She won the PV by 2,868,686 votes, 2,113,605 fewer votes then Obama in 2012
Trump gained 2,113,605 more votes in 2016 then Mitt had in 2012
Hillary had 62,281 fewer votes then Obama had in 2012

In 2012 Democrats lost more then half(1/2) of the PV they had in 2008
in 2016 Democrats lost more then half(1/2) of the PV they had left in 2012
Hillary won the PV by 2,868,686 votes, 2,113,605 fewer votes then Obama won by in 2012
because Trump had 2,051,324 more votes then Hillary and she lost 62,281 votes Obama had in 2012

In 2016 there were 128,838,340 votes cast for Trump and Hillary alone

Now, according to the NYT data dumps,
Joe got 79,076,573 votes...13,223,059 more than Hillary did in 2016
Trump got 73,366,464...10,381,636 more then he had in 2016
Joe won the PV by 5,710,109 votes

That means 23,604,690 more votes were cast for Trump or Biden in 2020
then were cast for Trump or Hillary in 2016

Joe won the PV by 5,710,109 votes which is 2,841,423 more then Hillary bested Trump by in 2016
And in 2016 Hillary didn't gain ANY votes from 2012, she LOST 62,281 of Obamas votes
and LOST 2,113,605 of the PV total from 2012 because TRUMP GAINED VOTES, NOT HER

It wasn't Hillary's PV in 2016, it was Obama's
She didn't get 2,868,686 more votes then Trump in 2016,
that's what was left from Obamas PV in 2012 after she tanked
she got 62,281 fewer votes then Obama and Trump got 2,113,605 more then her

That means Joe won the PV by 27,263 fewer votes, with 13,223,059 more votes then Hillary
then Hillary won the PV by after losing 62,281 of Obama's votes and getting none of her own

Obama lost more then half his votes and more than half the PV from 2008 in 2012
Hillary had 62,281 fewer votes then Obama had in 2012 gaining NONE herself in 2016
losing more then half of the remaining PV from 2012 in 2016 because of Trumps gains
Joe couldn't even double the PV total remaining in 2016 with over 13 million votes

Because Trump had so many votes Joe needed at least as many
10,381,636[increase from 16, Trump]+2,841,423[increase from 16, Biden]=13,223,059

When you only increase the PV from 4 years ago by 2,841,423 votes
with over 23 million more votes cast and getting over 13 million more then the last candidate
I hardly consider that anything to brag about or is a testament of 'people don't want Trump'
This election was rigged, bottom line, end of story
Joe bested Trump in the PV by only 2,841,423 more votes than 2016
which is 27,263 fewer votes then Hillary was LEFT WITH and won the PV by in 2016

People are not analyzing the numbers properly

By the end of the 2016 elections, Democrats lost 6,681,507 votes
of the 10,470,072 they gained in 2008

Democrats lost voters in 2012 and 2016 and Republicans gained voters those same years
In 2008, McCain had 2,092,287 fewer votes then Bush had in 2004
In 2012, Mitt had 985,181 more votes then John in 2008,
leaving a 1,107,106 deficit from the 2,092,287 loss in '08
In 2016, Trump had 2,051,324 more votes then Mitt in 2012,
erasing the Republicans remaining deficit from 2008 loses

In 2004 Bush beat Kerry by 3,012,166 votes
There were 16,873,920 more votes cast in 2004 then 2000
Bush got 11,584,608 more votes then he did in 2000
Kerry got 8,028,547 more votes then Gore got in 2000

In 2008 there were 9,018,480 more votes cast then 2004
Obama got 10,470,072 more votes then Kerry did in 2004
and won the PV by 9,550,193..919,879 fewer votes then he received
(3,012,166[2004 R up]-2,092,287[Mc loss 2008]=919,879
10,470,072[D vote gain from 2004]-919,879[R outstanding gains]=9,550,193

With 9,018,480 more votes cast in 2008, Obama picked up 2,441,525 more votes
then Kerry got in 2004 with 16,873,920 more voters then 2000

So, Obama erased Republican gains and Democrats were up by 3,012,166 votes and gained 6,538,027 votes
(9,550,193[PV D]-3,012,166[PV R 2004]=6,538,027)
and Republicans were in the red 9,550,193(6,538,027[PV gain 08]+3,012,166[04 PV lost in 08]=9,550,193

In 2012 there were 2,236,111 fewer voters then 2008...the love was lost
Obama got 3,582,721 fewer votes in 2012 then he did in 2008
On the flip side, Mitt got 985,181 more votes then McCain did in 2008

So, Democrats lost a total of 4,567,902 votes they gained in 2008 with 2,236,111 fewer voters
(3,582,721[O fewer votes then 08]+985,181[R gain from 08]=4,567,902)

Obama won the 2012 PV by 4,982,291 votes...4,567,902 fewer votes then 2008
6,538,027[PV increase in 08 from 04,+D]- 4,567,902[PV decrease in 12 from 08,+D]=1,970,125 of 08 gains remaining

Republicans on the other hand reclaimed some of their votes McCain lost in 2008
2,092,287[votes R lost in 08 from 04]-985,181[votes R gained in 12 from 08]=1,107,106
So, Republicans were now -1,107,106 votes and Democrats already ate most of their margin from '08

In 2016 there were 7,583,866 more votes cast then 2012
7,830,934 votes were cast for someone other then Trump or Hillary
That's 247,068 more votes then the voter turnout difference in 2016 from 2012 of 7,583,866
247,068 voters, other then the additional 7,583,866 voters in 2016, voted for someone other then Trump or Hillary

Trump got 2,051,324 more votes then Mitt got in 2012
Erasing the 1,107,106 deficit remaining from the votes McCain lost in 2008
and the remaining 919,879 from the 2004 PV loss leaving 24,339 to cut into Democrats gains

Hillary on the other hand HAD 62,281 FEWER VOTES THEN OBAMA HAD IN 2012

She won the PV by 2,868,686 votes, 2,113,605 fewer votes then Obama in 2012
Trump gained 2,113,605 more votes in 2016 then Mitt had in 2012
Hillary had 62,281 fewer votes then Obama had in 2012

In 2012 Democrats lost more then half(1/2) of the PV they had in 2008
in 2016 Democrats lost more then half(1/2) of the PV they had left in 2012
Hillary won the PV by 2,868,686 votes, 2,113,605 fewer votes then Obama won by in 2012
because Trump had 2,051,324 more votes then Hillary and she lost 62,281 votes Obama had in 2012

In 2016 there were 128,838,340 votes cast for Trump and Hillary alone

Now, according to the NYT data dumps,
Joe got 79,076,573 votes...13,223,059 more than Hillary did in 2016
Trump got 73,366,464...10,381,636 more then he had in 2016
Joe won the PV by 5,710,109 votes

That means 23,604,690 more votes were cast for Trump or Biden in 2020
then were cast for Trump or Hillary in 2016

Joe won the PV by 5,710,109 votes which is 2,841,423 more then Hillary bested Trump by in 2016
And in 2016 Hillary didn't gain ANY votes from 2012, she LOST 62,281 of Obamas votes
and LOST 2,113,605 of the PV total from 2012 because TRUMP GAINED VOTES, NOT HER

It wasn't Hillary's PV in 2016, it was Obama's
She didn't get 2,868,686 more votes then Trump in 2016,
that's what was left from Obamas PV in 2012 after she tanked
she got 62,281 fewer votes then Obama and Trump got 2,113,605 more then her

That means Joe won the PV by 27,263 fewer votes, with 13,223,059 more votes then Hillary
then Hillary won the PV by after losing 62,281 of Obama's votes and getting none of her own

Obama lost more then half his votes and more than half the PV from 2008 in 2012
Hillary had 62,281 fewer votes then Obama had in 2012 gaining NONE herself in 2016
losing more then half of the remaining PV from 2012 in 2016 because of Trumps gains
Joe couldn't even double the PV total remaining in 2016 with over 13 million votes

Because Trump had so many votes Joe needed at least as many
10,381,636[increase from 16, Trump]+2,841,423[increase from 16, Biden]=13,223,059

When you only increase the PV from 4 years ago by 2,841,423 votes
with over 23 million more votes cast and getting over 13 million more then the last candidate
I hardly consider that anything to brag about or is a testament of 'people don't want Trump'
This election was rigged, bottom line, end of story
The thread premise is a lie, bottom line, end of story.
Joe bested Trump in the PV by only 2,841,423 more votes than 2016
which is 27,263 fewer votes then Hillary was LEFT WITH and won the PV by in 2016

People are not analyzing the numbers properly

By the end of the 2016 elections, Democrats lost 6,681,507 votes
of the 10,470,072 they gained in 2008

Democrats lost voters in 2012 and 2016 and Republicans gained voters those same years
In 2008, McCain had 2,092,287 fewer votes then Bush had in 2004
In 2012, Mitt had 985,181 more votes then John in 2008,
leaving a 1,107,106 deficit from the 2,092,287 loss in '08
In 2016, Trump had 2,051,324 more votes then Mitt in 2012,
erasing the Republicans remaining deficit from 2008 loses

In 2004 Bush beat Kerry by 3,012,166 votes
There were 16,873,920 more votes cast in 2004 then 2000
Bush got 11,584,608 more votes then he did in 2000
Kerry got 8,028,547 more votes then Gore got in 2000

In 2008 there were 9,018,480 more votes cast then 2004
Obama got 10,470,072 more votes then Kerry did in 2004
and won the PV by 9,550,193..919,879 fewer votes then he received
(3,012,166[2004 R up]-2,092,287[Mc loss 2008]=919,879
10,470,072[D vote gain from 2004]-919,879[R outstanding gains]=9,550,193

With 9,018,480 more votes cast in 2008, Obama picked up 2,441,525 more votes
then Kerry got in 2004 with 16,873,920 more voters then 2000

So, Obama erased Republican gains and Democrats were up by 3,012,166 votes and gained 6,538,027 votes
(9,550,193[PV D]-3,012,166[PV R 2004]=6,538,027)
and Republicans were in the red 9,550,193(6,538,027[PV gain 08]+3,012,166[04 PV lost in 08]=9,550,193

In 2012 there were 2,236,111 fewer voters then 2008...the love was lost
Obama got 3,582,721 fewer votes in 2012 then he did in 2008
On the flip side, Mitt got 985,181 more votes then McCain did in 2008

So, Democrats lost a total of 4,567,902 votes they gained in 2008 with 2,236,111 fewer voters
(3,582,721[O fewer votes then 08]+985,181[R gain from 08]=4,567,902)

Obama won the 2012 PV by 4,982,291 votes...4,567,902 fewer votes then 2008
6,538,027[PV increase in 08 from 04,+D]- 4,567,902[PV decrease in 12 from 08,+D]=1,970,125 of 08 gains remaining

Republicans on the other hand reclaimed some of their votes McCain lost in 2008
2,092,287[votes R lost in 08 from 04]-985,181[votes R gained in 12 from 08]=1,107,106
So, Republicans were now -1,107,106 votes and Democrats already ate most of their margin from '08

In 2016 there were 7,583,866 more votes cast then 2012
7,830,934 votes were cast for someone other then Trump or Hillary
That's 247,068 more votes then the voter turnout difference in 2016 from 2012 of 7,583,866
247,068 voters, other then the additional 7,583,866 voters in 2016, voted for someone other then Trump or Hillary

Trump got 2,051,324 more votes then Mitt got in 2012
Erasing the 1,107,106 deficit remaining from the votes McCain lost in 2008
and the remaining 919,879 from the 2004 PV loss leaving 24,339 to cut into Democrats gains

Hillary on the other hand HAD 62,281 FEWER VOTES THEN OBAMA HAD IN 2012

She won the PV by 2,868,686 votes, 2,113,605 fewer votes then Obama in 2012
Trump gained 2,113,605 more votes in 2016 then Mitt had in 2012
Hillary had 62,281 fewer votes then Obama had in 2012

In 2012 Democrats lost more then half(1/2) of the PV they had in 2008
in 2016 Democrats lost more then half(1/2) of the PV they had left in 2012
Hillary won the PV by 2,868,686 votes, 2,113,605 fewer votes then Obama won by in 2012
because Trump had 2,051,324 more votes then Hillary and she lost 62,281 votes Obama had in 2012

In 2016 there were 128,838,340 votes cast for Trump and Hillary alone

Now, according to the NYT data dumps,
Joe got 79,076,573 votes...13,223,059 more than Hillary did in 2016
Trump got 73,366,464...10,381,636 more then he had in 2016
Joe won the PV by 5,710,109 votes

That means 23,604,690 more votes were cast for Trump or Biden in 2020
then were cast for Trump or Hillary in 2016

Joe won the PV by 5,710,109 votes which is 2,841,423 more then Hillary bested Trump by in 2016
And in 2016 Hillary didn't gain ANY votes from 2012, she LOST 62,281 of Obamas votes
and LOST 2,113,605 of the PV total from 2012 because TRUMP GAINED VOTES, NOT HER

It wasn't Hillary's PV in 2016, it was Obama's
She didn't get 2,868,686 more votes then Trump in 2016,
that's what was left from Obamas PV in 2012 after she tanked
she got 62,281 fewer votes then Obama and Trump got 2,113,605 more then her

That means Joe won the PV by 27,263 fewer votes, with 13,223,059 more votes then Hillary
then Hillary won the PV by after losing 62,281 of Obama's votes and getting none of her own

Obama lost more then half his votes and more than half the PV from 2008 in 2012
Hillary had 62,281 fewer votes then Obama had in 2012 gaining NONE herself in 2016
losing more then half of the remaining PV from 2012 in 2016 because of Trumps gains
Joe couldn't even double the PV total remaining in 2016 with over 13 million votes

Because Trump had so many votes Joe needed at least as many
10,381,636[increase from 16, Trump]+2,841,423[increase from 16, Biden]=13,223,059

When you only increase the PV from 4 years ago by 2,841,423 votes
with over 23 million more votes cast and getting over 13 million more then the last candidate
I hardly consider that anything to brag about or is a testament of 'people don't want Trump'
This election was rigged, bottom line, end of story

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