Wisconsin fires the first shot at China in the COVID-19 War


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Go Badgers! I wonder if any other states received the same letter?

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response

After being asked directly by the Chinese Communist Government (CCP) to pass a resolution praising their response to the COVID-19 crisis, Wisconsin State Senate President Roger Roth is introducing a resolution on Thursday doing the opposite.

Roth was first contacted by the Chinese Consulate on Feb. 26th and again on Mar. 10th. It sent him a prewritten resolution.

“The Consulate General wonders if the Wisconsin State Senate could consider adopting a resolution expressing solidarity with the Chinese people in fighting the coronavirus. It yes, it would be a great moral support to the Chinese people combating the disease. Much appreciated if you could give it a serious consideration. We have drawn up a draft resolution just for your reference,” Wu Ting, CCP Consul in Chicago, wrote to Roth on Feb. 26th.

Roth went in the opposite direction. He wrote LRB-5983, which condemns the Communist Party of China for how the Party responded to the now worldwide outbreak of COVID-19..."

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response | MacIver Institute
Go Badgers! I wonder if any other states received the same letter?

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response

After being asked directly by the Chinese Communist Government (CCP) to pass a resolution praising their response to the COVID-19 crisis, Wisconsin State Senate President Roger Roth is introducing a resolution on Thursday doing the opposite.

Roth was first contacted by the Chinese Consulate on Feb. 26th and again on Mar. 10th. It sent him a prewritten resolution.

“The Consulate General wonders if the Wisconsin State Senate could consider adopting a resolution expressing solidarity with the Chinese people in fighting the coronavirus. It yes, it would be a great moral support to the Chinese people combating the disease. Much appreciated if you could give it a serious consideration. We have drawn up a draft resolution just for your reference,” Wu Ting, CCP Consul in Chicago, wrote to Roth on Feb. 26th.

Roth went in the opposite direction. He wrote LRB-5983, which condemns the Communist Party of China for how the Party responded to the now worldwide outbreak of COVID-19..."

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response | MacIver Institute
He sounds like a good and smart man. Wisconsin is lucky to have him.
Go Badgers! I wonder if any other states received the same letter?

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response

After being asked directly by the Chinese Communist Government (CCP) to pass a resolution praising their response to the COVID-19 crisis, Wisconsin State Senate President Roger Roth is introducing a resolution on Thursday doing the opposite.

Roth was first contacted by the Chinese Consulate on Feb. 26th and again on Mar. 10th. It sent him a prewritten resolution.

“The Consulate General wonders if the Wisconsin State Senate could consider adopting a resolution expressing solidarity with the Chinese people in fighting the coronavirus. It yes, it would be a great moral support to the Chinese people combating the disease. Much appreciated if you could give it a serious consideration. We have drawn up a draft resolution just for your reference,” Wu Ting, CCP Consul in Chicago, wrote to Roth on Feb. 26th.

Roth went in the opposite direction. He wrote LRB-5983, which condemns the Communist Party of China for how the Party responded to the now worldwide outbreak of COVID-19..."

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response | MacIver Institute


The Pentagon commissioned a scientist Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison to weaponize a virus for offensive biowarfare.

Israel 's PM Netanyahu has demanded that the US destroy the Chinese and Iranian economies.

The CIA has a clandestine lab in Wuhan,

China and Iran come down with a severe case of coravid-19.

You do the math,

Go Badgers! I wonder if any other states received the same letter?

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response

After being asked directly by the Chinese Communist Government (CCP) to pass a resolution praising their response to the COVID-19 crisis, Wisconsin State Senate President Roger Roth is introducing a resolution on Thursday doing the opposite.

Roth was first contacted by the Chinese Consulate on Feb. 26th and again on Mar. 10th. It sent him a prewritten resolution.

“The Consulate General wonders if the Wisconsin State Senate could consider adopting a resolution expressing solidarity with the Chinese people in fighting the coronavirus. It yes, it would be a great moral support to the Chinese people combating the disease. Much appreciated if you could give it a serious consideration. We have drawn up a draft resolution just for your reference,” Wu Ting, CCP Consul in Chicago, wrote to Roth on Feb. 26th.

Roth went in the opposite direction. He wrote LRB-5983, which condemns the Communist Party of China for how the Party responded to the now worldwide outbreak of COVID-19..."

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response | MacIver Institute
He sounds like a good and smart man. Wisconsin is lucky to have him.
And I checked, just to make sure, Mr. Roth is, of course, a REPUBLICAN. And only 42 years of age.
Go Badgers! I wonder if any other states received the same letter?

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response

After being asked directly by the Chinese Communist Government (CCP) to pass a resolution praising their response to the COVID-19 crisis, Wisconsin State Senate President Roger Roth is introducing a resolution on Thursday doing the opposite.

Roth was first contacted by the Chinese Consulate on Feb. 26th and again on Mar. 10th. It sent him a prewritten resolution.

“The Consulate General wonders if the Wisconsin State Senate could consider adopting a resolution expressing solidarity with the Chinese people in fighting the coronavirus. It yes, it would be a great moral support to the Chinese people combating the disease. Much appreciated if you could give it a serious consideration. We have drawn up a draft resolution just for your reference,” Wu Ting, CCP Consul in Chicago, wrote to Roth on Feb. 26th.

Roth went in the opposite direction. He wrote LRB-5983, which condemns the Communist Party of China for how the Party responded to the now worldwide outbreak of COVID-19..."

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response | MacIver Institute
He sounds like a good and smart man. Wisconsin is lucky to have him.

We're damned lucky that the Republicans hold both the Senate and the Assembly. They've done a good job of blocking our shithead Democrat Governor's every move.
Go Badgers! I wonder if any other states received the same letter?

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response

After being asked directly by the Chinese Communist Government (CCP) to pass a resolution praising their response to the COVID-19 crisis, Wisconsin State Senate President Roger Roth is introducing a resolution on Thursday doing the opposite.

Roth was first contacted by the Chinese Consulate on Feb. 26th and again on Mar. 10th. It sent him a prewritten resolution.

“The Consulate General wonders if the Wisconsin State Senate could consider adopting a resolution expressing solidarity with the Chinese people in fighting the coronavirus. It yes, it would be a great moral support to the Chinese people combating the disease. Much appreciated if you could give it a serious consideration. We have drawn up a draft resolution just for your reference,” Wu Ting, CCP Consul in Chicago, wrote to Roth on Feb. 26th.

Roth went in the opposite direction. He wrote LRB-5983, which condemns the Communist Party of China for how the Party responded to the now worldwide outbreak of COVID-19..."

Chinese Communist Government Wants Wisconsin State Senate To Pass Resolution Praising Its COVID Response | MacIver Institute
He sounds like a good and smart man. Wisconsin is lucky to have him.

We're damned lucky that the Republicans hold both the Senate and the Assembly. They've done a good job of blocking our shithead Democrat Governor's every move.
Yep, you ARE damned lucky.
Very cool. It wasn't a bio-weapon like some on the right have charged, but the Chinese communist government certainly did not want the world what their bag eating public had gotten them into and lock their own borders at the price of commerce in time to keep it in their country. The mishandled it early. Surprisingly, we followed suit and mishandled it too, while sending them 17.8 tons of our emergency medical supplies to boot.
Very cool. It wasn't a bio-weapon like some on the right have charged, but the Chinese communist government certainly did not want the world what their bag eating public had gotten them into and lock their own borders at the price of commerce in time to keep it in their country. The mishandled it early. Surprisingly, we followed suit and mishandled it too, while sending them 17.8 tons of our emergency medical supplies to boot.

Sorry Jackson , but it was a bioweapon which has NOTHING to do with eating bats

A controversial scientist who carried out provocative research on making influenza viruses more infectious has completed his most dangerous experiment to date by deliberately creating a pandemic strain of flu that can evade the human immune system.

Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison has genetically manipulated the 2009 strain of pandemic flu in order for it to “escape” the control of the immune system’s neutralising antibodies, effectively making the human population defenceless against its reemergence.
This is what China deserves.......
Folks, focus on the real culprits in regards to this particular virus. For example, last year Tiny Tony Fauci gave the mad scientist who worked on creating dangerous viruses the go ahead: “Yoshi went through the appropriate vetting exercise. It went through multiple layers of review and examination. It wasn’t as if we all changed our minds and said, ‘Oops, never mind, go ahead and do it.’ They got very appropriately vetted with all the appropriate caveats.”

Very troubling that Tiny Tony Fauci, an unelected fraud who is a Crooked Hillary and Hussaine Obama stooge is now in effect dictating public policy to the USA's citizens!

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