Winter Is Coming: Europe’s (Natural) Gas Crunch (and in Due Course, Ours)


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
What a mess in the making over the false religion of "climate change".

From a long and very informative article.

Back in the real world (via The Daily Telegraph on September 9, my emphasis added):
Ireland has been forced to freeze power exports to the UK to prevent a shortage which could have sparked blackouts as surging energy prices continue to cause chaos across Europe.
A toxic combination of low wind speeds and a severe squeeze on the supply of natural gas sent power costs jumping tenfold on the British mainland on Thursday to as much as £2,300 per megawatt-hour, a new record high. ...
The cost of energy has been spiralling across Europe, due in part to calm weather which has drastically reduced the availability of renewable power.
In the UK, which relies on wind for around a fifth of its electricity throughout the year, prices rocketed to hit a high of £2,300 per megawatt-hour by the afternoon – ten times higher than they were earlier in the morning, according to Bloomberg figures.

Sadly, the Biden administration is set on making things more difficult for U.S. producers of natural gas, thus eroding that advantage, a point only underlined by this not altogether surprising, but profoundly stupid development (via Bloomberg) on Friday:
Natural gas won’t count as clean energy under a House Democratic plan that would eventually rid the electric grid of carbon and is part of the $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending package moving through Congress.
The proposal by a House panel would provide $150 billion to help spur electric providers to add more clean energy through a system of payments and penalties for electric suppliers. . . .
Under the plan, natural gas would be excluded because only electricity with a carbon intensity of less than 0.10 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per megawatt-hour will count, according to a summary provided by the committee. That drew praise from environmental groups who oppose the power source because of concerns about hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and associated emissions of methane — a powerful greenhouse gas.
"We’re grateful the House is moving to keep dirty gas from getting support under the Build Back Better Act,” said Jean Su, director of the Center for Biological Diversity’s Energy Justice program. “The Senate should follow suit on this bold step toward making our energy system truly renewable and ensuring a safe climate and vibrant future for our communities.” . . .

The perfect will be the enemy of the good.
Given all the above, is there a certain irony about stories such as this? Well, yes.
Sept 9 (Reuters) — California’s grid operator has asked the Biden administration to allow some natural gas power plants to operate without pollution restrictions for 60 days to shore up the state’s tight electricity supplies, the U.S. Energy Department said on Thursday.
The California Independent System Operator (CAISO), which is seeking an emergency order by Sept. 10, made the ask in a Sept. 7 letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm. The agency is reviewing the request, an official said.
The move is the latest example of California’s struggle to move away from fossil fuels like natural gas that contribute to climate change. Governor Gavin Newsom this year has already loosened restrictions on diesel generators and engines, and the state’s water agency is adding gas-fired power plants to boost supplies.
The state is increasingly relying on large amounts of wind and solar energy that only run when the wind is blowing or the sun is shining. This year extreme drought has slashed the state’s hydroelectric power capacity while wildfires threaten transmission lines that bring in power from other states. . . .

What a mess in the making over the false religion of "climate change".

From a long and very informative article.

Back in the real world (via The Daily Telegraph on September 9, my emphasis added):

Sadly, the Biden administration is set on making things more difficult for U.S. producers of natural gas, thus eroding that advantage, a point only underlined by this not altogether surprising, but profoundly stupid development (via Bloomberg) on Friday:

The perfect will be the enemy of the good.
Given all the above, is there a certain irony about stories such as this? Well, yes.

I think you are making a typical mistake normal people think that leftists and democrats want the same thing you, reliable energy.

They don't.

The Perfect isn't the enemy of the good here.......the good is the enemy of the good.

The left and democrats don't want cheap, reliable, plentiful energy.....they think people are the problem...there are too many people, and they are destroying the planet....more, cheap, reliable energy would simply allow there to be more when the democrats do things that seem fucking pushing energy that doesn't work, isn't cheap, and isn't reliable....that is the plan...less energy means less growth, economic as well as population...

Once you understand where they are coming from, what they do makes a lot more sense...
While I am reluctant to badmouth President Trump, he failed to exploit the advantage we have with nearly infinite natural gas resources, which could have greatly harmed Putin and his kleptocracy in Russia. Trump could have arranged to sell LNG to Germany at a price much more favorable than Russia is charging them.

But he didn't.
While I am reluctant to badmouth President Trump, he failed to exploit the advantage we have with nearly infinite natural gas resources, which could have greatly harmed Putin and his kleptocracy in Russia. Trump could have arranged to sell LNG to Germany at a price much more favorable than Russia is charging them.

But he didn't.

you think that leftists and democrats want the same thing you, reliable energy.

They don't.
Semi correct. Of course we leftists want cheap reliable, energy. We just want to make sure there is a world left to use it in. You clowns that want kill the planet cant seem to think more than a couple of seconds into the future.
As the article makes very clear, it will be the Russians pumping gas through the new NorthStream2 pipeline that will save the day for Europe.

The Americans were hoping originally they could stop that perfectly sensible and mutually agreed upon deal between Russia and Germany, then let Europe freeze until it had to buy much more expensive U.S. LNG.

Fortunately the Germans (and Russians) stood up for their own rights.
What a mess in the making over the false religion of "climate change".

From a long and very informative article.

Back in the real world (via The Daily Telegraph on September 9, my emphasis added):

Sadly, the Biden administration is set on making things more difficult for U.S. producers of natural gas, thus eroding that advantage, a point only underlined by this not altogether surprising, but profoundly stupid development (via Bloomberg) on Friday:

The perfect will be the enemy of the good.
Given all the above, is there a certain irony about stories such as this? Well, yes.

From your post: This year extreme drought has slashed the state’s hydroelectric power capacity while wildfires threaten transmission lines that bring in power from other states. . . .
From your post: This year extreme drought has slashed the state’s hydroelectric power capacity while wildfires threaten transmission lines that bring in power from other states. . . .


Back in 2014 California taxpayers approved billons for more water reserves and not a single one has been built.

California has within the past 1000 or so years had droughts that lasted for decades.


Back in 2014 California taxpayers approved billons for more water reserves and not a single one has been built.

California has within the past 1000 or so years had droughts that lasted for decades.

Yep.....they refuse to take care of dead wood in their forests, they refuse to protect their water......then blame coal, oil, natural gas for the shortages......they are dumb and evil....

If Larry Elder wins, he will face these idiots fighting him every step of the way...
Wildfires created by left wing policies that prevent clearing dead wood from around power lines.......they make the problem, then blame others.
Yeah, they should have taken the orange retards' advice.

November 18, 2018

“You’ve got to take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important,” Trump noted Saturday surrounded by the devastation of the burned town of Paradise in northern California.

“I was with the president of Finland and he said, ‘We have a much different —we’re a forest nation.’ He called it a forest nation, and they spent a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things. And they don’t have any problem. And when they do, it’s a very small problem,” Trump said.

Finnish President Sauli Niinisto. Niinisto told Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat that he had spoken with Trump about Finland's wildfire monitoring system. He recalled telling Trump that Finland takes care of its forests, but added that raking didn't come up.

Finland, perched far up in Northern Europe, could not be more different from California. About a third of Finland’s territory lies inside the Arctic Circle, and overall it is a cold, wet and dark place. Finland’s landscape is dotted with lakes and swamps, which act as natural barriers to fire.
Yeah, they should have taken the orange retards' advice.

November 18, 2018

“You’ve got to take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important,” Trump noted Saturday surrounded by the devastation of the burned town of Paradise in northern California.

“I was with the president of Finland and he said, ‘We have a much different —we’re a forest nation.’ He called it a forest nation, and they spent a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things. And they don’t have any problem. And when they do, it’s a very small problem,” Trump said.

Finnish President Sauli Niinisto. Niinisto told Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat that he had spoken with Trump about Finland's wildfire monitoring system. He recalled telling Trump that Finland takes care of its forests, but added that raking didn't come up.

Finland, perched far up in Northern Europe, could not be more different from California. About a third of Finland’s territory lies inside the Arctic Circle, and overall it is a cold, wet and dark place. Finland’s landscape is dotted with lakes and swamps, which act as natural barriers to fire.

You are an idiot.........

Newsom didn’t admit it, but the outrageous cost to remove a few dead trees from private land is a consequence of California’s Byzantine environmental regulatory patchwork.

This is California’s big secret: it’s not climate change that’s burning up the forests, killing people, and destroying hundreds of homes; it’s decades of environmental mismanagement that has created a tinderbox of unharvested timber, dead trees, and thick underbrush.

This dangerous situation attracted attention from President Donald Trump who, during the height of California’s wildfires last year insisted that “There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor."

The irony is that forest management is so bad on public lands that a new report, ordered by the California legislature in 2010, shows that the portion of California's National Forests protected from timber harvesting is now a net contributor to atmospheric carbon dioxide due to fires and trees killed by insects and disease.

In the early 1990s, a series of restrictions were placed on logging in the West to protect the Spotted Owl. As it turned out, nature was more complicated than expected, with owl numbers continuing to decline—even after the California timber harvest plummeted—due to predation from other raptors.

In the meantime, the harvest fell below the growth rate in the 1990s, to about 1.5 billion board feet per year over the past decade. The tree harvest on federal lands is now one-tenth of what it was in 1988, President Reagan’s last full year in office.

The California forest report draft concludes by observing that the “Current flux [of CO2] may not be sustainable without forest management!” while citing the challenge of “Aging of forests on federal lands.”

Unlike much of the American South and East, California has a distinct wet season, with Pacific storms rolling in by November or December and wrapping up by March. In even the wettest years (2016-17 was the wettest in 122 years) much of California is bone-dry by late fall. Thus, it isn’t climate change that sets the conditions for fires—it’s California’s natural weather pattern. Comparing acres burned in wildfires to weather and tree harvest data, there appears to be little link to climate—but a big connection to the growing forest fuel load, especially on government land.

You are an idiot.........

Newsom didn’t admit it, but the outrageous cost to remove a few dead trees from private land is a consequence of California’s Byzantine environmental regulatory patchwork.

This is California’s big secret: it’s not climate change that’s burning up the forests, killing people, and destroying hundreds of homes; it’s decades of environmental mismanagement that has created a tinderbox of unharvested timber, dead trees, and thick underbrush.

This dangerous situation attracted attention from President Donald Trump who, during the height of California’s wildfires last year insisted that “There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor."

The irony is that forest management is so bad on public lands that a new report, ordered by the California legislature in 2010, shows that the portion of California's National Forests protected from timber harvesting is now a net contributor to atmospheric carbon dioxide due to fires and trees killed by insects and disease.

In the early 1990s, a series of restrictions were placed on logging in the West to protect the Spotted Owl. As it turned out, nature was more complicated than expected, with owl numbers continuing to decline—even after the California timber harvest plummeted—due to predation from other raptors.

In the meantime, the harvest fell below the growth rate in the 1990s, to about 1.5 billion board feet per year over the past decade. The tree harvest on federal lands is now one-tenth of what it was in 1988, President Reagan’s last full year in office.

The California forest report draft concludes by observing that the “Current flux [of CO2] may not be sustainable without forest management!” while citing the challenge of “Aging of forests on federal lands.”

Unlike much of the American South and East, California has a distinct wet season, with Pacific storms rolling in by November or December and wrapping up by March. In even the wettest years (2016-17 was the wettest in 122 years) much of California is bone-dry by late fall. Thus, it isn’t climate change that sets the conditions for fires—it’s California’s natural weather pattern. Comparing acres burned in wildfires to weather and tree harvest data, there appears to be little link to climate—but a big connection to the growing forest fuel load, especially on government land.

You're a moron.
NOT what you stated.

"Wildfires created by left wing policies that prevent clearing dead wood from around power lines.......they make the problem, then blame others".

General Order 95, issued by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), requires a year-round clearance below power lines of a minimum 18 inches. New fire safety regulations require a minimum clearance of four feet year-round for high-voltage power lines in the CPUC-designated High Fire-Threat Districts.

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) is planning to clear cut wide swaths of trees surrounding power lines in an aggressive program that claims to address wildfire hazards as a part of their Fire Safety Zone work.

Though some vegetation trimming and line clearances are required by law, these new cutting plans far exceed those requirements. As PG&E itself states, “The California Public Utilities Commission requires PG&E maintain at least a 4-foot clearance between vegetation and power lines in high fire-threat areas year-round to help ensure electric reliability and public safety.” Under their new program, PG&E wants to enlist property owner consent to voluntarily remove all vegetation to a distance of 15 feet from each side of the power lines in the affected zones, and extend the clearing down to one foot above the ground.

PG&E owns more than 100,000 miles of transmission lines, which it regularly inspects and maintains by cutting and trimming trees. With the planned clear cut width of 30 feet, the path of destruction could be considerable.
I burn wood. Make it myself. People are too lazy to heat their own houses. They depends on others.
What a mess in the making over the false religion of "climate change".

From a long and very informative article.

Back in the real world (via The Daily Telegraph on September 9, my emphasis added):

Sadly, the Biden administration is set on making things more difficult for U.S. producers of natural gas, thus eroding that advantage, a point only underlined by this not altogether surprising, but profoundly stupid development (via Bloomberg) on Friday:

The perfect will be the enemy of the good.
Given all the above, is there a certain irony about stories such as this? Well, yes.

Just bumps in the road in the to the Progressive's Utopia, where Leadership owns everything and the rest are slaves
What a mess in the making over the false religion of "climate change".

From a long and very informative article.

Back in the real world (via The Daily Telegraph on September 9, my emphasis added):

Sadly, the Biden administration is set on making things more difficult for U.S. producers of natural gas, thus eroding that advantage, a point only underlined by this not altogether surprising, but profoundly stupid development (via Bloomberg) on Friday:

The perfect will be the enemy of the good.
Given all the above, is there a certain irony about stories such as this? Well, yes.

My prob is when I approach a AGW advocate about the record winters they say SEE, SEE I TOLD YOU IT'S CLIMATE CHANGE NOT GLOBAL WARMING. When u ask how they know the climate's changing like never before they point to global warming and the circle goes around and around.

It's like u said, a religion. At the same time my optimism on our world's ever advancing civilization tells me that religions change w/ time --that's what I'm waiting for now.
I burn wood. Make it myself. People are too lazy to heat their own houses. They depends on others.
Why heat space and personal items that don’t require it? Badger separates items into hot-water insulated space, including lithium ion batteries not being used. There are also kiln-brick and hot stone experiments to do, even on moving electric vehicles. Because you can separate carbon monoxide combustion and still use its heat, there are also propane experiments to do on enclosed moving electric vehicles of the future.

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