WINNING: Sorry, Democrats - Trump Signs Order Protecting Infants Who Survive Abortions


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he will sign an executive order protecting infant survivors of late-term abortions.

Don't worry, though, snowflakes - the next baby killing-supporting Democrat President can simply rescind the order....
Most Leftists don't see babies as human. huh? How do they do that and sleep at night?

That dog gone Moral Narcissism thing again

When you genetically couldn't care less how your actions affect others........but will do ANYTHING if it "feels good"...........There you have it

You know that idiot driving 100mph in a 40 swerving in and out not giving a damn about others?
Moral Narcissist
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he will sign an executive order protecting infant survivors of late-term abortions.

Don't worry, though, snowflakes - the next baby killing-supporting Democrat President can simply rescind the order....

And it will have the stunning effect of....


There are already laws in place doing exactly that.

Red meat for the base.
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he will sign an executive order protecting infant survivors of late-term abortions.

Don't worry, though, snowflakes - the next baby killing-supporting Democrat President can simply rescind the order....

And it will have the stunning effect of....
There are already laws in place doing exactly that.

Red meat for the base.

God I feel awful for your eggs
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he will sign an executive order protecting infant survivors of late-term abortions.

Don't worry, though, snowflakes - the next baby killing-supporting Democrat President can simply rescind the order....

And it will have the stunning effect of....
There are already laws in place doing exactly that.

Red meat for the base.

God I feel awful for your eggs

My eggs are fine. Just keep your hands off them. In the meantime, what is the purpose of an EO, that does what existing laws already do?

I'll let you think about that and figure out how it lines up with your party of "less gubmint interference".
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he will sign an executive order protecting infant survivors of late-term abortions.

Don't worry, though, snowflakes - the next baby killing-supporting Democrat President can simply rescind the order....
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he will sign an executive order protecting infant survivors of late-term abortions.

Don't worry, though, snowflakes - the next baby killing-supporting Democrat President can simply rescind the order....
Stop with the dramatics. So called late term abortions are rare as hell (1.3%) and only done if the mother's life is in danger or there is severe fetal deformations present, meaning a short painful life span for the baby if delivered. Some woman will want to spare the baby that, some don't and go through with the full pregnancy...
My eggs are fine. Just keep your hands off them. In the meantime, what is the purpose of an EO, that does what existing laws already do?
I'll let you think about that and figure out how it lines up with your party of "less gubmint interference".

You couldn't pay me in Gold Bullion.........YUK !!!


Forget EO's

I'm asking the American People to DEMAND that Socialists, Marxists and Communist NOT be eligible for Congress
My eggs are fine. Just keep your hands off them. In the meantime, what is the purpose of an EO, that does what existing laws already do?
I'll let you think about that and figure out how it lines up with your party of "less gubmint interference".

You couldn't pay me in Gold Bullion.........YUK !!!

So you can't define a purpose for an order that is already in place in existing laws?
My eggs are fine. Just keep your hands off them. In the meantime, what is the purpose of an EO, that does what existing laws already do?
I'll let you think about that and figure out how it lines up with your party of "less gubmint interference".

You couldn't pay me in Gold Bullion.........YUK !!!


Forget EO's

I'm asking the American People to DEMAND that Socialists, Marxists and Communist NOT be eligible for Congress

You'll need to take the wayback machine back to Nazi Germany for that.
My eggs are fine. Just keep your hands off them. In the meantime, what is the purpose of an EO, that does what existing laws already do?
I'll let you think about that and figure out how it lines up with your party of "less gubmint interference".

You couldn't pay me in Gold Bullion.........YUK !!!


Forget EO's

I'm asking the American People to DEMAND that Socialists, Marxists and Communist NOT be eligible for Congress

You'll need to take the wayback machine back to Nazi Germany for that.

Coyote's brain is farting again. In Nazi Germany they had only socialists in positions of power.

You would have to go back in time to America during the golden age, when dieversity was not a thing and all agreed freedom was for the best. Those who did not were not even allowed a vote. This is how we dragged man to civilization.

Make America great again!
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he will sign an executive order protecting infant survivors of late-term abortions.

Don't worry, though, snowflakes - the next baby killing-supporting Democrat President can simply rescind the order....

So think about this, dumbshit. Where does the baby go from there?
Obviously not back to the mother, since she was trying to end the pregnancy.
If it survives the abortion, what kind of physical injuries will it have endured?
Who's going to pay for the medical bills and care?
Republicans don't want their taxes raised.
Especially to take care of a baby that will most likely be brown or black.
You guys hate those people.

Oh, you're such an 18th century kinda' guy.

The EO is bullshit, just like the three toothless, worthless EOs to lower drug prices.
So think about this, dumbshit. Where does the baby go from there?
So you want to murder the baby because 'it has no where else to go', that murdering it would be the convenient, 'humane' thing to do?

Well, hell, perhaps that same argument was used by Gov Cuomo when he chose to murder over 10,000 elderly New Yorkers....

'Their kids don't want them, they are unwanted, they have no place else to go, no one will miss them, keeping them alive is inconvenient, costly, they will be better off....'

My eggs are fine. Just keep your hands off them. In the meantime, what is the purpose of an EO, that does what existing laws already do?
I'll let you think about that and figure out how it lines up with your party of "less gubmint interference".

You couldn't pay me in Gold Bullion.........YUK !!!


Forget EO's

I'm asking the American People to DEMAND that Socialists, Marxists and Communist NOT be eligible for Congress

You'll need to take the wayback machine back to Nazi Germany for that.

Coyote's brain is farting again. In Nazi Germany they had only socialists in positions of power.

You would have to go back in time to America during the golden age, when dieversity was not a thing and all agreed freedom was for the best. Those who did not were not even allowed a vote. This is how we dragged man to civilization.

Make America great again!

I can't believe some people don't know the simplist things about the Nazi party. Hitler named it the party the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Right? That was to suck people in and get their support to run for office and gain power.

AFTER he became chancellor...."Hitler was appointed chancellor on 30 January 1933, an event known as the Machtergreifung. On 27 February Hindenburg paved the way to dictatorship, war, and Nazi rule by issuing the Reichstag Fire Decree which nullified civil liberties and gave Hitler nearly dictatorial powers."""

So think about this, dumbshit. Where does the baby go from there?
So you want to murder the baby because 'it has no where else to go', that murdering it would be the convenient, 'humane' thing to do?

Well, hell, perhaps that same argument was used by Gov Cuomo when he chose to murder over 10,000 elderly New Yorkers....

'Their kids don't want them, they are unwanted, they have no place else to go, no one will miss them, keeping them alive is inconvenient, costly, they will be better off....'


You're not answering my questions because you have no answers.
You take superficial information and fail to process it.
Especially if it comes from the orange goon.
Deflecting to Cuomo.....LOL....loser.

Why does it seem that men have a bigger problem with abortion than women?
It's always these indignant, self-righteous, holier-than-thou men who go off the rails about abortion.
I'll tell you why, because a lot of women have had them. A LOT.
And most won't say because they don't want assholes like queasy65 trying to run their lives.

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