WINNING! President Trump Republican Approval On Charlottesville Message---71%


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
In swing states that is and that's great news for him. It shows his base has not been affected nor abandoned him in the states that made him the our new glorious leader. Indeed, this is an indication he's got a lock on the silent White majority in these states. This proves President Trump has done the right thing and the message he delivered blaming Antifa is right and just.


Another Blow to #FakeNews Media: Trump Republican Approval on Charlottesville Message 71% in Swing States
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In swing states that is and that's great news for him. It shows his base has not been affected nor abandoned him in the states that made him the our new glorious leader. Indeed, this is an indication he's got a lock on the silent White majority in these states. This proves President Trump has done the right thing and the message he delivered blaming Antifa is right and just.

Another Blow to #FakeNews Media: Trump Republican Approval on Charlottesville Message 71% in Swing States


A majority of a minority supports Trump!


So he's still hated by the whackos in Loon York and North Mexico? (California)
And illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
That really sucks!
Illegals and the mentally ill still think Trump is BAD. They were so close to winning...and suddenly poof, marginalized again.
Democrats cant rally the blacks anymore either....they finally got wise to their shit
In swing states that is and that's great news for him. It shows his base has not been affected nor abandoned him in the states that made him the our new glorious leader. Indeed, this is an indication he's got a lock on the silent White majority in these states. This proves President Trump has done the right thing and the message he delivered blaming Antifa is right and just.


Another Blow to #FakeNews Media: Trump Republican Approval on Charlottesville Message 71% in Swing States

Actually it shows the trouble Trump is in. Independents disapprove of Trump's handling of Charlottesville. If Republicans want to side with white supremacists then they deserve to go the way of the Whigs.
In swing states that is and that's great news for him. It shows his base has not been affected nor abandoned him in the states that made him the our new glorious leader. Indeed, this is an indication he's got a lock on the silent White majority in these states. This proves President Trump has done the right thing and the message he delivered blaming Antifa is right and just.


Another Blow to #FakeNews Media: Trump Republican Approval on Charlottesville Message 71% in Swing States
That's to be expected since Republicans are typically stupid. Hell, I recall a poll where more than 70% of Republicans thought Saddam Hussein was involved in 9/11. All this poll indicates is that Republicans have not gotten any smarter at all since then.
Democrats cant rally the blacks anymore either....they finally got wise to their shit

You're delusional. Hillary got 89% of the black vote to Trump's 8%.

And with American Nazi's and KKK aligning themselves with the right, next election could be even more lopsided.
WINNING! President Trump Republican Approval On Charlottesville Message---71%

Meanwhile his approval numbers among Democrats and Independents are in the toilet. But hey he's got his base! That's all you need to win!
Democrats cant rally the blacks anymore either....they finally got wise to their shit

You're delusional. Hillary got 89% of the black vote to Trump's 8%.

And with American Nazi's and KKK aligning themselves with the right, next election could be even more lopsided.

Outside of Illinois, the turnout was very low. That is the reason Trump won Michigan. Given Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists outright, the turnout is likely to be higher in 2020.
In swing states that is and that's great news for him. It shows his base has not been affected nor abandoned him in the states that made him the our new glorious leader. Indeed, this is an indication he's got a lock on the silent White majority in these states. This proves President Trump has done the right thing and the message he delivered blaming Antifa is right and just.


Another Blow to #FakeNews Media: Trump Republican Approval on Charlottesville Message 71% in Swing States

Nice attempt at a counter narrative.
Unfortunately the reality is much more revealing.


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