Will we see the day when Americans, like Canadians today, leave their nation for freedom? Poland making it illegal to censor social media accounts.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
When socialism shows itself, you will feel it. As I said from day one, as a victim of the creepy covert police in Canada (maybe the U.S can strike a deal so our police can cross over and keep an eye on you too), the economic damage isn't the worst part.

Polish government officials have denounced the deactivation of Donald Trump’s social media accounts, and said a draft law being readied in Poland will make it illegal for tech companies to take similar actions there.

“Algorithms or the owners of corporate giants should not decide which views are right and which are not,” wrote the prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, on Facebook earlier this week, without directly mentioning Trump. “There can be no consent to censorship.”

Morawiecki indirectly compared social media companies taking decisions to remove accounts with Poland’s experience during the communist era.

“Censorship of free speech, which is the domain of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, is now returning in the form of a new, commercial mechanism to combat those who think differently,” he wrote.
So the can say "anything" no matter what it is without being censored, banned, edited and the such?

You are a poor reader, too busy making your typical empty drive by comments, if you have stopped ling enough to read the article (that would the first!) you would have read this:

"Under the provisions of the Polish draft law, users would be able to file a court petition to force social media companies to restore removed content if they believed it did not violate Polish law. The court would rule within seven days and the process would be fully electronic."

You are wrong as usual, due in part to your laziness to read articles.
Government dictating to media is the opposite of freedom.

I believe in the Free Market, but government is elected on behalf of citizens to play a vital role. Primarily, it is defense of it's nation. Such as military defending from foreign attacks, defending your border and foreign activities designed to weaken you and steal your industries.

Then it is safety. Be it from murderers or people targeting vulnerable youth, opening sweat shops with child labour etc. Or, in this case, defending your Constitution from being denied. Really, if government isn't engaged in these matters to defend rights, what is their role at all?

A telephone company can't stop you from talking on your phone, they provide the platform. Ditto for social media. They aren't publishers. If they deny you access, they have to have a legitimate and legal reason, which should be designed by a court or Due Process.
So the can say "anything" no matter what it is without being censored, banned, edited and the such?

You are a poor reader, too busy making your typical empty drive by comments, if you have stopped ling enough to read the article (that would the first!) you would have read this:

"Under the provisions of the Polish draft law, users would be able to file a court petition to force social media companies to restore removed content if they believed it did not violate Polish law. The court would rule within seven days and the process would be fully electronic."

You are wrong as usual, due in part to your laziness to read articles.
So there will be censorship. I just knew it.
Now Poland is a beacon of democracy and free world? Let they stop giving money from the EU at first and at least.
Poland is no bastion of freedom. The Polish government has been attacking the freedoms of women and LGBTQs for a while now. It is becoming a fascist state quite quickly.

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