Will They Rule In Favor Of The American People, Or Make The USSC All About Partisan Politics?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Will They Rule In Favor Of The American People, Or Make The USSC All About Partisan Politics?

Records show a few months exploiting the illness and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by the billionaire class has enabled its members to make a tidy profit. The halls of U.S. government now echo with calls to find ways for major political contributors to further reap the financial benefits provided by the crisis.

These call do not go unheard by the conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court, who have already shown their respect for the United States Constitution is less than stellar. The question now becomes, will the Roberts' conservative majority put the needs of nearly half the U.S. population above partisan politics and the greed of the billionaire class?

The impeached president trump has been determined to steal health insurance coverage from tens-of-millions of Americans since taking office. And he has the full support of his devoted fanatics who fail to understand they will be hurt by this loss just as badly as progressives, liberals, people of color, and all other members of society despised by conservatives.

Today, May 6th, 2020, Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will present arguments in the Supreme Court defending the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) against a lawsuit brought in 2018 by the Trump administration and Republican attorneys general to overturn the ACA and declare it unconstitutional.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 20 million Americans would lose health coverage and 135 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections guaranteed to them by the law if the ACA were overturned. The frightening impact of these numbers is becoming very real during this public health crisis.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, it’s important we all (including conservatives) remember a few plain facts:

-The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions. They cannot be denied coverage. Without the ACA millions would have gone into this crisis without any healthcare coverage. And those who have had Covid-19 and recovered cannot be refused health insurance or be charged higher premiums.

-Preventive care and other essential protections are covered under the ACA, especially for those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. People have therefore been able to take care of their health, making them better able to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

-The ACA offers mental health benefits as one of its Essential Benefits, a crucial protection during the Covid-19 crisis.

-Under the ACA, health coverage has reached record levels. For instance, New York State expanded Medicaid under the ACA, and 95% of New Yorkers are now covered by health insurance. It offers subsidized health insurance in the state health marketplace (New York State of Health) and allows young people under 26 to remain on their parents’ health plans.

-The ACA saved tens of thousands of lives before the Covid-19 crisis. It has especially done so during the pandemic and will continue to protect us after. There could not be a worse time than now to end comprehensive coverage and healthcare protections for Americans.

If the impeached president trump’s corrupt cronies sitting on the Supreme Court bench reinterpret the Constitution to favor the billionaire class and Big Business as many expect, it’s only natural his devoted fanatics will be tickled pink. Living in their alternate reality, their conservative denial forces them to believe the impeached president trump will exempt them from the disastrous effects of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the many beneficial provisions of the ACA.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics continually prove ignorance is bliss.

It goes without saying how gratifying it can be to see how apoplectic conservatives become when they read or hear the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really shown this to be true.)

So please, keep responding with your mindless, right wing criticisms and "alternative facts" (aka bullsh!t). By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Appeal

Will They Rule In Favor Of The American People, Or Make The USSC All About Partisan Politics?

Records show a few months exploiting the illness and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by the billionaire class has enabled its members to make a tidy profit. The halls of U.S. government now echo with calls to find ways for major political contributors to further reap the financial benefits provided by the crisis.

These call do not go unheard by the conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court, who have already shown their respect for the United States Constitution is less than stellar. The question now becomes, will the Roberts' conservative majority put the needs of nearly half the U.S. population above partisan politics and the greed of the billionaire class?

The impeached president trump has been determined to steal health insurance coverage from tens-of-millions of Americans since taking office. And he has the full support of his devoted fanatics who fail to understand they will be hurt by this loss just as badly as progressives, liberals, people of color, and all other members of society despised by conservatives.

Today, May 6th, 2020, Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will present arguments in the Supreme Court defending the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) against a lawsuit brought in 2018 by the Trump administration and Republican attorneys general to overturn the ACA and declare it unconstitutional.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 20 million Americans would lose health coverage and 135 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections guaranteed to them by the law if the ACA were overturned. The frightening impact of these numbers is becoming very real during this public health crisis.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, it’s important we all (including conservatives) remember a few plain facts:

-The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions. They cannot be denied coverage. Without the ACA millions would have gone into this crisis without any healthcare coverage. And those who have had Covid-19 and recovered cannot be refused health insurance or be charged higher premiums.

-Preventive care and other essential protections are covered under the ACA, especially for those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. People have therefore been able to take care of their health, making them better able to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

-The ACA offers mental health benefits as one of its Essential Benefits, a crucial protection during the Covid-19 crisis.

-Under the ACA, health coverage has reached record levels. For instance, New York State expanded Medicaid under the ACA, and 95% of New Yorkers are now covered by health insurance. It offers subsidized health insurance in the state health marketplace (New York State of Health) and allows young people under 26 to remain on their parents’ health plans.

-The ACA saved tens of thousands of lives before the Covid-19 crisis. It has especially done so during the pandemic and will continue to protect us after. There could not be a worse time than now to end comprehensive coverage and healthcare protections for Americans.

If the impeached president trump’s corrupt cronies sitting on the Supreme Court bench reinterpret the Constitution to favor the billionaire class and Big Business as many expect, it’s only natural his devoted fanatics will be tickled pink. Living in their alternate reality, their conservative denial forces them to believe the impeached president trump will exempt them from the disastrous effects of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the many beneficial provisions of the ACA.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics continually prove ignorance is bliss.

It goes without saying how gratifying it can be to see how apoplectic conservatives become when they read or hear the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really shown this to be true.)

So please, keep responding with your mindless, right wing criticisms and "alternative facts" (aka bullsh!t). By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Appeal


The ACA cost me well over the $2500 I was promised I'd save.
As long as you're an indigent loser living under a bridge I guess it was great.
Will They Rule In Favor Of The American People, Or Make The USSC All About Partisan Politics?

Records show a few months exploiting the illness and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by the billionaire class has enabled its members to make a tidy profit. The halls of U.S. government now echo with calls to find ways for major political contributors to further reap the financial benefits provided by the crisis.

These call do not go unheard by the conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court, who have already shown their respect for the United States Constitution is less than stellar. The question now becomes, will the Roberts' conservative majority put the needs of nearly half the U.S. population above partisan politics and the greed of the billionaire class?

The impeached president trump has been determined to steal health insurance coverage from tens-of-millions of Americans since taking office. And he has the full support of his devoted fanatics who fail to understand they will be hurt by this loss just as badly as progressives, liberals, people of color, and all other members of society despised by conservatives.

Today, May 6th, 2020, Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will present arguments in the Supreme Court defending the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) against a lawsuit brought in 2018 by the Trump administration and Republican attorneys general to overturn the ACA and declare it unconstitutional.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 20 million Americans would lose health coverage and 135 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections guaranteed to them by the law if the ACA were overturned. The frightening impact of these numbers is becoming very real during this public health crisis.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, it’s important we all (including conservatives) remember a few plain facts:

-The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions. They cannot be denied coverage. Without the ACA millions would have gone into this crisis without any healthcare coverage. And those who have had Covid-19 and recovered cannot be refused health insurance or be charged higher premiums.

-Preventive care and other essential protections are covered under the ACA, especially for those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. People have therefore been able to take care of their health, making them better able to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

-The ACA offers mental health benefits as one of its Essential Benefits, a crucial protection during the Covid-19 crisis.

-Under the ACA, health coverage has reached record levels. For instance, New York State expanded Medicaid under the ACA, and 95% of New Yorkers are now covered by health insurance. It offers subsidized health insurance in the state health marketplace (New York State of Health) and allows young people under 26 to remain on their parents’ health plans.

-The ACA saved tens of thousands of lives before the Covid-19 crisis. It has especially done so during the pandemic and will continue to protect us after. There could not be a worse time than now to end comprehensive coverage and healthcare protections for Americans.

If the impeached president trump’s corrupt cronies sitting on the Supreme Court bench reinterpret the Constitution to favor the billionaire class and Big Business as many expect, it’s only natural his devoted fanatics will be tickled pink. Living in their alternate reality, their conservative denial forces them to believe the impeached president trump will exempt them from the disastrous effects of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the many beneficial provisions of the ACA.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics continually prove ignorance is bliss.

It goes without saying how gratifying it can be to see how apoplectic conservatives become when they read or hear the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really shown this to be true.)

So please, keep responding with your mindless, right wing criticisms and "alternative facts" (aka bullsh!t). By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Appeal


First off, Commie Care didn't really do any of those things for most people. The system was designed for likely Democrat voters--Floor sweepers, french fry makers, car wash employees..... It was partisan politics when it was created.

At the age of 60 years old, I've had employer sponsored healthcare coverage all of my adult life......that was up to the day Commie Care started. Then my employer (like so many small business owners) dropped it.

I found myself with preexisting conditions (for which I was always covered) and no insurance. When I finally got through to Commie Care, it was a disaster. To keep my doctor and hospital, they only had one company available to provide coverage. The cheapest plan came at a cost of about 1/3 of what my monthly net pay was. The plan had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, $50.00 office copay, no dental, no prescription. Hey!!! What happened to the elimination of all those low quality plans Hussein was talking about?

The medication I take is life sustaining medication. Hussein didn't take us into consideration. What did he mandate instead? Women get birth control. Why? Women are a larger voting block than those of us that absolutely need that medication.

My medication is quite costly, so I had the choice of buying a garbage plan that was only good if I got hit by a bus, and life sustaining medication that I pay cash for. But that's just the start of it. Because they only offered a plan I couldn't afford, they kept part of my badly needed income tax refund check. Yeah, that's the way Democrats treat sick people.

So I hope the court does find it unconstitutional, because that's exactly what it is. Our founders never intended for our federal government to tax people into compliance. That's not what taxes are supposed to be for.
Will They Rule In Favor Of The American People, Or Make The USSC All About Partisan Politics?

Records show a few months exploiting the illness and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by the billionaire class has enabled its members to make a tidy profit. The halls of U.S. government now echo with calls to find ways for major political contributors to further reap the financial benefits provided by the crisis.

These call do not go unheard by the conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court, who have already shown their respect for the United States Constitution is less than stellar. The question now becomes, will the Roberts' conservative majority put the needs of nearly half the U.S. population above partisan politics and the greed of the billionaire class?

The impeached president trump has been determined to steal health insurance coverage from tens-of-millions of Americans since taking office. And he has the full support of his devoted fanatics who fail to understand they will be hurt by this loss just as badly as progressives, liberals, people of color, and all other members of society despised by conservatives.

Today, May 6th, 2020, Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will present arguments in the Supreme Court defending the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) against a lawsuit brought in 2018 by the Trump administration and Republican attorneys general to overturn the ACA and declare it unconstitutional.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 20 million Americans would lose health coverage and 135 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections guaranteed to them by the law if the ACA were overturned. The frightening impact of these numbers is becoming very real during this public health crisis.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, it’s important we all (including conservatives) remember a few plain facts:

-The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions. They cannot be denied coverage. Without the ACA millions would have gone into this crisis without any healthcare coverage. And those who have had Covid-19 and recovered cannot be refused health insurance or be charged higher premiums.

-Preventive care and other essential protections are covered under the ACA, especially for those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. People have therefore been able to take care of their health, making them better able to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

-The ACA offers mental health benefits as one of its Essential Benefits, a crucial protection during the Covid-19 crisis.

-Under the ACA, health coverage has reached record levels. For instance, New York State expanded Medicaid under the ACA, and 95% of New Yorkers are now covered by health insurance. It offers subsidized health insurance in the state health marketplace (New York State of Health) and allows young people under 26 to remain on their parents’ health plans.

-The ACA saved tens of thousands of lives before the Covid-19 crisis. It has especially done so during the pandemic and will continue to protect us after. There could not be a worse time than now to end comprehensive coverage and healthcare protections for Americans.

If the impeached president trump’s corrupt cronies sitting on the Supreme Court bench reinterpret the Constitution to favor the billionaire class and Big Business as many expect, it’s only natural his devoted fanatics will be tickled pink. Living in their alternate reality, their conservative denial forces them to believe the impeached president trump will exempt them from the disastrous effects of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the many beneficial provisions of the ACA.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics continually prove ignorance is bliss.

It goes without saying how gratifying it can be to see how apoplectic conservatives become when they read or hear the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really shown this to be true.)

So please, keep responding with your mindless, right wing criticisms and "alternative facts" (aka bullsh!t). By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Appeal


First off, Commie Care didn't really do any of those things for most people. The system was designed for likely Democrat voters--Floor sweepers, french fry makers, car wash employees..... It was partisan politics when it was created.

At the age of 60 years old, I've had employer sponsored healthcare coverage all of my adult life......that was up to the day Commie Care started. Then my employer (like so many small business owners) dropped it.

I found myself with preexisting conditions (for which I was always covered) and no insurance. When I finally got through to Commie Care, it was a disaster. To keep my doctor and hospital, they only had one company available to provide coverage. The cheapest plan came at a cost of about 1/3 of what my monthly net pay was. The plan had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, $50.00 office copay, no dental, no prescription. Hey!!! What happened to the elimination of all those low quality plans Hussein was talking about?

The medication I take is life sustaining medication. Hussein didn't take us into consideration. What did he mandate instead? Women get birth control. Why? Women are a larger voting block than those of us that absolutely need that medication.

My medication is quite costly, so I had the choice of buying a garbage plan that was only good if I got hit by a bus, and life sustaining medication that I pay cash for. But that's just the start of it. Because they only offered a plan I couldn't afford, they kept part of my badly needed income tax refund check. Yeah, that's the way Democrats treat sick people.

So I hope the court does find it unconstitutional, because that's exactly what it is. Our founders never intended for our federal government to tax people into compliance. That's not what taxes are supposed to be for.

God Dang it!!!
Stop posting shit where I have to click the gay eyed heart emoji!!!
Signed: No Homo....
Will They Rule In Favor Of The American People, Or Make The USSC All About Partisan Politics?

Records show a few months exploiting the illness and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by the billionaire class has enabled its members to make a tidy profit. The halls of U.S. government now echo with calls to find ways for major political contributors to further reap the financial benefits provided by the crisis.

These call do not go unheard by the conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court, who have already shown their respect for the United States Constitution is less than stellar. The question now becomes, will the Roberts' conservative majority put the needs of nearly half the U.S. population above partisan politics and the greed of the billionaire class?

The impeached president trump has been determined to steal health insurance coverage from tens-of-millions of Americans since taking office. And he has the full support of his devoted fanatics who fail to understand they will be hurt by this loss just as badly as progressives, liberals, people of color, and all other members of society despised by conservatives.

Today, May 6th, 2020, Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will present arguments in the Supreme Court defending the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) against a lawsuit brought in 2018 by the Trump administration and Republican attorneys general to overturn the ACA and declare it unconstitutional.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 20 million Americans would lose health coverage and 135 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections guaranteed to them by the law if the ACA were overturned. The frightening impact of these numbers is becoming very real during this public health crisis.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, it’s important we all (including conservatives) remember a few plain facts:

-The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions. They cannot be denied coverage. Without the ACA millions would have gone into this crisis without any healthcare coverage. And those who have had Covid-19 and recovered cannot be refused health insurance or be charged higher premiums.

-Preventive care and other essential protections are covered under the ACA, especially for those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. People have therefore been able to take care of their health, making them better able to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

-The ACA offers mental health benefits as one of its Essential Benefits, a crucial protection during the Covid-19 crisis.

-Under the ACA, health coverage has reached record levels. For instance, New York State expanded Medicaid under the ACA, and 95% of New Yorkers are now covered by health insurance. It offers subsidized health insurance in the state health marketplace (New York State of Health) and allows young people under 26 to remain on their parents’ health plans.

-The ACA saved tens of thousands of lives before the Covid-19 crisis. It has especially done so during the pandemic and will continue to protect us after. There could not be a worse time than now to end comprehensive coverage and healthcare protections for Americans.

If the impeached president trump’s corrupt cronies sitting on the Supreme Court bench reinterpret the Constitution to favor the billionaire class and Big Business as many expect, it’s only natural his devoted fanatics will be tickled pink. Living in their alternate reality, their conservative denial forces them to believe the impeached president trump will exempt them from the disastrous effects of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the many beneficial provisions of the ACA.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics continually prove ignorance is bliss.

It goes without saying how gratifying it can be to see how apoplectic conservatives become when they read or hear the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really shown this to be true.)

So please, keep responding with your mindless, right wing criticisms and "alternative facts" (aka bullsh!t). By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Appeal


The ACA cost me well over the $2500 I was promised I'd save.
As long as you're an indigent loser living under a bridge I guess it was great.
Well you make a shitload of money, I doubt is your even on it.
Will They Rule In Favor Of The American People, Or Make The USSC All About Partisan Politics?

Records show a few months exploiting the illness and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by the billionaire class has enabled its members to make a tidy profit. The halls of U.S. government now echo with calls to find ways for major political contributors to further reap the financial benefits provided by the crisis.

These call do not go unheard by the conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court, who have already shown their respect for the United States Constitution is less than stellar. The question now becomes, will the Roberts' conservative majority put the needs of nearly half the U.S. population above partisan politics and the greed of the billionaire class?

The impeached president trump has been determined to steal health insurance coverage from tens-of-millions of Americans since taking office. And he has the full support of his devoted fanatics who fail to understand they will be hurt by this loss just as badly as progressives, liberals, people of color, and all other members of society despised by conservatives.

Today, May 6th, 2020, Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will present arguments in the Supreme Court defending the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) against a lawsuit brought in 2018 by the Trump administration and Republican attorneys general to overturn the ACA and declare it unconstitutional.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 20 million Americans would lose health coverage and 135 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections guaranteed to them by the law if the ACA were overturned. The frightening impact of these numbers is becoming very real during this public health crisis.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, it’s important we all (including conservatives) remember a few plain facts:

-The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions. They cannot be denied coverage. Without the ACA millions would have gone into this crisis without any healthcare coverage. And those who have had Covid-19 and recovered cannot be refused health insurance or be charged higher premiums.

-Preventive care and other essential protections are covered under the ACA, especially for those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. People have therefore been able to take care of their health, making them better able to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

-The ACA offers mental health benefits as one of its Essential Benefits, a crucial protection during the Covid-19 crisis.

-Under the ACA, health coverage has reached record levels. For instance, New York State expanded Medicaid under the ACA, and 95% of New Yorkers are now covered by health insurance. It offers subsidized health insurance in the state health marketplace (New York State of Health) and allows young people under 26 to remain on their parents’ health plans.

-The ACA saved tens of thousands of lives before the Covid-19 crisis. It has especially done so during the pandemic and will continue to protect us after. There could not be a worse time than now to end comprehensive coverage and healthcare protections for Americans.

If the impeached president trump’s corrupt cronies sitting on the Supreme Court bench reinterpret the Constitution to favor the billionaire class and Big Business as many expect, it’s only natural his devoted fanatics will be tickled pink. Living in their alternate reality, their conservative denial forces them to believe the impeached president trump will exempt them from the disastrous effects of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the many beneficial provisions of the ACA.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics continually prove ignorance is bliss.

It goes without saying how gratifying it can be to see how apoplectic conservatives become when they read or hear the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really shown this to be true.)

So please, keep responding with your mindless, right wing criticisms and "alternative facts" (aka bullsh!t). By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Appeal


First off, Commie Care didn't really do any of those things for most people. The system was designed for likely Democrat voters--Floor sweepers, french fry makers, car wash employees..... It was partisan politics when it was created.

At the age of 60 years old, I've had employer sponsored healthcare coverage all of my adult life......that was up to the day Commie Care started. Then my employer (like so many small business owners) dropped it.

I found myself with preexisting conditions (for which I was always covered) and no insurance. When I finally got through to Commie Care, it was a disaster. To keep my doctor and hospital, they only had one company available to provide coverage. The cheapest plan came at a cost of about 1/3 of what my monthly net pay was. The plan had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, $50.00 office copay, no dental, no prescription. Hey!!! What happened to the elimination of all those low quality plans Hussein was talking about?

The medication I take is life sustaining medication. Hussein didn't take us into consideration. What did he mandate instead? Women get birth control. Why? Women are a larger voting block than those of us that absolutely need that medication.

My medication is quite costly, so I had the choice of buying a garbage plan that was only good if I got hit by a bus, and life sustaining medication that I pay cash for. But that's just the start of it. Because they only offered a plan I couldn't afford, they kept part of my badly needed income tax refund check. Yeah, that's the way Democrats treat sick people.

So I hope the court does find it unconstitutional, because that's exactly what it is. Our founders never intended for our federal government to tax people into compliance. That's not what taxes are supposed to be for.

So by the way you talk, you think we ought to go for universal healthcare.
Will They Rule In Favor Of The American People, Or Make The USSC All About Partisan Politics?

Records show a few months exploiting the illness and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by the billionaire class has enabled its members to make a tidy profit. The halls of U.S. government now echo with calls to find ways for major political contributors to further reap the financial benefits provided by the crisis.

These call do not go unheard by the conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court, who have already shown their respect for the United States Constitution is less than stellar. The question now becomes, will the Roberts' conservative majority put the needs of nearly half the U.S. population above partisan politics and the greed of the billionaire class?

The impeached president trump has been determined to steal health insurance coverage from tens-of-millions of Americans since taking office. And he has the full support of his devoted fanatics who fail to understand they will be hurt by this loss just as badly as progressives, liberals, people of color, and all other members of society despised by conservatives.

Today, May 6th, 2020, Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will present arguments in the Supreme Court defending the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) against a lawsuit brought in 2018 by the Trump administration and Republican attorneys general to overturn the ACA and declare it unconstitutional.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 20 million Americans would lose health coverage and 135 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections guaranteed to them by the law if the ACA were overturned. The frightening impact of these numbers is becoming very real during this public health crisis.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, it’s important we all (including conservatives) remember a few plain facts:

-The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions. They cannot be denied coverage. Without the ACA millions would have gone into this crisis without any healthcare coverage. And those who have had Covid-19 and recovered cannot be refused health insurance or be charged higher premiums.

-Preventive care and other essential protections are covered under the ACA, especially for those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. People have therefore been able to take care of their health, making them better able to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

-The ACA offers mental health benefits as one of its Essential Benefits, a crucial protection during the Covid-19 crisis.

-Under the ACA, health coverage has reached record levels. For instance, New York State expanded Medicaid under the ACA, and 95% of New Yorkers are now covered by health insurance. It offers subsidized health insurance in the state health marketplace (New York State of Health) and allows young people under 26 to remain on their parents’ health plans.

-The ACA saved tens of thousands of lives before the Covid-19 crisis. It has especially done so during the pandemic and will continue to protect us after. There could not be a worse time than now to end comprehensive coverage and healthcare protections for Americans.

If the impeached president trump’s corrupt cronies sitting on the Supreme Court bench reinterpret the Constitution to favor the billionaire class and Big Business as many expect, it’s only natural his devoted fanatics will be tickled pink. Living in their alternate reality, their conservative denial forces them to believe the impeached president trump will exempt them from the disastrous effects of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the many beneficial provisions of the ACA.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics continually prove ignorance is bliss.

It goes without saying how gratifying it can be to see how apoplectic conservatives become when they read or hear the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really shown this to be true.)

So please, keep responding with your mindless, right wing criticisms and "alternative facts" (aka bullsh!t). By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Appeal


The ACA cost me well over the $2500 I was promised I'd save.
As long as you're an indigent loser living under a bridge I guess it was great.
Well you make a shitload of money, I doubt is your even on it.

After careful study I was able to decipher your post...
No I'm not on it thank God!!
But my insurance skyrocketed so I could pay for a bunch of indigent losers.
How is that fair when the Wife and I have worked our asses off to be where we are today financially?
Should our retirement be delayed because some dumbshit sat on his ass and didnt try to better his and his family's situation?
Will They Rule In Favor Of The American People, Or Make The USSC All About Partisan Politics?

Records show a few months exploiting the illness and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by the billionaire class has enabled its members to make a tidy profit. The halls of U.S. government now echo with calls to find ways for major political contributors to further reap the financial benefits provided by the crisis.

These call do not go unheard by the conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court, who have already shown their respect for the United States Constitution is less than stellar. The question now becomes, will the Roberts' conservative majority put the needs of nearly half the U.S. population above partisan politics and the greed of the billionaire class?

The impeached president trump has been determined to steal health insurance coverage from tens-of-millions of Americans since taking office. And he has the full support of his devoted fanatics who fail to understand they will be hurt by this loss just as badly as progressives, liberals, people of color, and all other members of society despised by conservatives.

Today, May 6th, 2020, Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will present arguments in the Supreme Court defending the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) against a lawsuit brought in 2018 by the Trump administration and Republican attorneys general to overturn the ACA and declare it unconstitutional.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 20 million Americans would lose health coverage and 135 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections guaranteed to them by the law if the ACA were overturned. The frightening impact of these numbers is becoming very real during this public health crisis.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, it’s important we all (including conservatives) remember a few plain facts:

-The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions. They cannot be denied coverage. Without the ACA millions would have gone into this crisis without any healthcare coverage. And those who have had Covid-19 and recovered cannot be refused health insurance or be charged higher premiums.

-Preventive care and other essential protections are covered under the ACA, especially for those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. People have therefore been able to take care of their health, making them better able to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

-The ACA offers mental health benefits as one of its Essential Benefits, a crucial protection during the Covid-19 crisis.

-Under the ACA, health coverage has reached record levels. For instance, New York State expanded Medicaid under the ACA, and 95% of New Yorkers are now covered by health insurance. It offers subsidized health insurance in the state health marketplace (New York State of Health) and allows young people under 26 to remain on their parents’ health plans.

-The ACA saved tens of thousands of lives before the Covid-19 crisis. It has especially done so during the pandemic and will continue to protect us after. There could not be a worse time than now to end comprehensive coverage and healthcare protections for Americans.

If the impeached president trump’s corrupt cronies sitting on the Supreme Court bench reinterpret the Constitution to favor the billionaire class and Big Business as many expect, it’s only natural his devoted fanatics will be tickled pink. Living in their alternate reality, their conservative denial forces them to believe the impeached president trump will exempt them from the disastrous effects of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the many beneficial provisions of the ACA.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics continually prove ignorance is bliss.

It goes without saying how gratifying it can be to see how apoplectic conservatives become when they read or hear the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really shown this to be true.)

So please, keep responding with your mindless, right wing criticisms and "alternative facts" (aka bullsh!t). By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Appeal

That's a lot of words, but to answer your question, a proper decision should be based on whether or not the ACA is constitutional.

What do you think?

Keep in mind, it doesn't matter how noble the the cause (which seems to be your only argument in your long appeal to emotion). If the act is unconstitutional, the Court should strike it down.

But, the individual mandate serves as a tax to pay for those with pre-existing conditions (See Chief Justice Roberts' opinion in Nat’l Fed’n of Indep. Bus. v. Sebelius) which effectively killed the Commerce Clause arguments. Rather, the act would have compelled individuals to ENTER commerce, which is unconstitutional. So, the tax angle prevailed.

Once the taxing authority of the bill (the individual mandate) was repealed, the rest of the bill become an unconstitutional mandate to enter commerce, because, although the penalty for no health insurance is $0, it is still a mandate.

So, what is your non-appeal-to-emotion argument for the law to survive?

Will They Rule In Favor Of The American People, Or Make The USSC All About Partisan Politics?

Records show a few months exploiting the illness and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by the billionaire class has enabled its members to make a tidy profit. The halls of U.S. government now echo with calls to find ways for major political contributors to further reap the financial benefits provided by the crisis.

These call do not go unheard by the conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court, who have already shown their respect for the United States Constitution is less than stellar. The question now becomes, will the Roberts' conservative majority put the needs of nearly half the U.S. population above partisan politics and the greed of the billionaire class?

The impeached president trump has been determined to steal health insurance coverage from tens-of-millions of Americans since taking office. And he has the full support of his devoted fanatics who fail to understand they will be hurt by this loss just as badly as progressives, liberals, people of color, and all other members of society despised by conservatives.

Today, May 6th, 2020, Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will present arguments in the Supreme Court defending the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) against a lawsuit brought in 2018 by the Trump administration and Republican attorneys general to overturn the ACA and declare it unconstitutional.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 20 million Americans would lose health coverage and 135 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections guaranteed to them by the law if the ACA were overturned. The frightening impact of these numbers is becoming very real during this public health crisis.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, it’s important we all (including conservatives) remember a few plain facts:

-The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions. They cannot be denied coverage. Without the ACA millions would have gone into this crisis without any healthcare coverage. And those who have had Covid-19 and recovered cannot be refused health insurance or be charged higher premiums.

-Preventive care and other essential protections are covered under the ACA, especially for those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. People have therefore been able to take care of their health, making them better able to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

-The ACA offers mental health benefits as one of its Essential Benefits, a crucial protection during the Covid-19 crisis.

-Under the ACA, health coverage has reached record levels. For instance, New York State expanded Medicaid under the ACA, and 95% of New Yorkers are now covered by health insurance. It offers subsidized health insurance in the state health marketplace (New York State of Health) and allows young people under 26 to remain on their parents’ health plans.

-The ACA saved tens of thousands of lives before the Covid-19 crisis. It has especially done so during the pandemic and will continue to protect us after. There could not be a worse time than now to end comprehensive coverage and healthcare protections for Americans.

If the impeached president trump’s corrupt cronies sitting on the Supreme Court bench reinterpret the Constitution to favor the billionaire class and Big Business as many expect, it’s only natural his devoted fanatics will be tickled pink. Living in their alternate reality, their conservative denial forces them to believe the impeached president trump will exempt them from the disastrous effects of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the many beneficial provisions of the ACA.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics continually prove ignorance is bliss.

It goes without saying how gratifying it can be to see how apoplectic conservatives become when they read or hear the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really shown this to be true.)

So please, keep responding with your mindless, right wing criticisms and "alternative facts" (aka bullsh!t). By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Appeal

Stop distorting facts
Trump was referred for impeachment but the referral was denied.
An individual mandate to purchase healthcare was initially proposed by the politically conservative Heritage Foundation in 1989 as an alternative to single-payer health care. ... From its inception, the idea of an individual mandate was championed by Republican politicians as a free-market approach to health care reform.
Will They Rule In Favor Of The American People, Or Make The USSC All About Partisan Politics?

Records show a few months exploiting the illness and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by the billionaire class has enabled its members to make a tidy profit. The halls of U.S. government now echo with calls to find ways for major political contributors to further reap the financial benefits provided by the crisis.

These call do not go unheard by the conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court, who have already shown their respect for the United States Constitution is less than stellar. The question now becomes, will the Roberts' conservative majority put the needs of nearly half the U.S. population above partisan politics and the greed of the billionaire class?

The impeached president trump has been determined to steal health insurance coverage from tens-of-millions of Americans since taking office. And he has the full support of his devoted fanatics who fail to understand they will be hurt by this loss just as badly as progressives, liberals, people of color, and all other members of society despised by conservatives.

Today, May 6th, 2020, Democratic attorneys general and the House of Representatives will present arguments in the Supreme Court defending the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) against a lawsuit brought in 2018 by the Trump administration and Republican attorneys general to overturn the ACA and declare it unconstitutional.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 20 million Americans would lose health coverage and 135 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections guaranteed to them by the law if the ACA were overturned. The frightening impact of these numbers is becoming very real during this public health crisis.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, it’s important we all (including conservatives) remember a few plain facts:

-The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions. They cannot be denied coverage. Without the ACA millions would have gone into this crisis without any healthcare coverage. And those who have had Covid-19 and recovered cannot be refused health insurance or be charged higher premiums.

-Preventive care and other essential protections are covered under the ACA, especially for those with chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. People have therefore been able to take care of their health, making them better able to survive the Covid-19 crisis.

-The ACA offers mental health benefits as one of its Essential Benefits, a crucial protection during the Covid-19 crisis.

-Under the ACA, health coverage has reached record levels. For instance, New York State expanded Medicaid under the ACA, and 95% of New Yorkers are now covered by health insurance. It offers subsidized health insurance in the state health marketplace (New York State of Health) and allows young people under 26 to remain on their parents’ health plans.

-The ACA saved tens of thousands of lives before the Covid-19 crisis. It has especially done so during the pandemic and will continue to protect us after. There could not be a worse time than now to end comprehensive coverage and healthcare protections for Americans.

If the impeached president trump’s corrupt cronies sitting on the Supreme Court bench reinterpret the Constitution to favor the billionaire class and Big Business as many expect, it’s only natural his devoted fanatics will be tickled pink. Living in their alternate reality, their conservative denial forces them to believe the impeached president trump will exempt them from the disastrous effects of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the many beneficial provisions of the ACA.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics continually prove ignorance is bliss.

It goes without saying how gratifying it can be to see how apoplectic conservatives become when they read or hear the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really shown this to be true.)

So please, keep responding with your mindless, right wing criticisms and "alternative facts" (aka bullsh!t). By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Appeal


First off, Commie Care didn't really do any of those things for most people. The system was designed for likely Democrat voters--Floor sweepers, french fry makers, car wash employees..... It was partisan politics when it was created.

At the age of 60 years old, I've had employer sponsored healthcare coverage all of my adult life......that was up to the day Commie Care started. Then my employer (like so many small business owners) dropped it.

I found myself with preexisting conditions (for which I was always covered) and no insurance. When I finally got through to Commie Care, it was a disaster. To keep my doctor and hospital, they only had one company available to provide coverage. The cheapest plan came at a cost of about 1/3 of what my monthly net pay was. The plan had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, $50.00 office copay, no dental, no prescription. Hey!!! What happened to the elimination of all those low quality plans Hussein was talking about?

The medication I take is life sustaining medication. Hussein didn't take us into consideration. What did he mandate instead? Women get birth control. Why? Women are a larger voting block than those of us that absolutely need that medication.

My medication is quite costly, so I had the choice of buying a garbage plan that was only good if I got hit by a bus, and life sustaining medication that I pay cash for. But that's just the start of it. Because they only offered a plan I couldn't afford, they kept part of my badly needed income tax refund check. Yeah, that's the way Democrats treat sick people.

So I hope the court does find it unconstitutional, because that's exactly what it is. Our founders never intended for our federal government to tax people into compliance. That's not what taxes are supposed to be for.

So by the way you talk, you think we ought to go for universal healthcare.

That's what you got out of my post? I believe it was Einstein who said "only a fool would believe the entity that created the problem would have a solution to it."
An individual mandate to purchase healthcare was initially proposed by the politically conservative Heritage Foundation in 1989 as an alternative to single-payer health care. ... From its inception, the idea of an individual mandate was championed by Republican politicians as a free-market approach to health care reform.

I don't recall Republicans challenging anything. The Heritage Foundation is just that, a foundation. They are welcome to their free speech, but don't try to paint all conservatives as sharing their opinion, or trying to pass the failure on to them. This is Obama and the Democrats failure. They created it, they own it.
An individual mandate to purchase healthcare was initially proposed by the politically conservative Heritage Foundation in 1989 as an alternative to single-payer health care. ... From its inception, the idea of an individual mandate was championed by Republican politicians as a free-market approach to health care reform.

Wasn't that long before the illegal invasion?
It's one thing to help Americans. It's another when giving those benefits to illegals.
An individual mandate to purchase healthcare was initially proposed by the politically conservative Heritage Foundation in 1989 as an alternative to single-payer health care. ... From its inception, the idea of an individual mandate was championed by Republican politicians as a free-market approach to health care reform.
Republicans are not immune from polidiarrhea, a condition where politicians shit out bad ideas.

An individual mandate to purchase healthcare was initially proposed by the politically conservative Heritage Foundation in 1989 as an alternative to single-payer health care. ... From its inception, the idea of an individual mandate was championed by Republican politicians as a free-market approach to health care reform.

I don't recall Republicans challenging anything. The Heritage Foundation is just that, a foundation. They are welcome to their free speech, but don't try to paint all conservatives as sharing their opinion, or trying to pass the failure on to them. This is Obama and the Democrats failure. They created it, they own it.

No. We all own it. The failure is an “all-American” failure. Republicans can continue to sabotage ACA and hopefully suffer for it at the polls. They would deserve to suffer. But Trump may win in November. A future Supreme Court may indeed gut the ACA completely. It won’t help. In the next period especially, we will see higher unemployment, lower real wages, a far more inegalitarian society. There will be new desperate millions seeking Medicaid. Will Republicans gut that too? Clearly, Democrats are divided over “Medicare for All” or “Single Payer” or an “opt in” to a government insurance plan. Mainstream Democrats do not have any clear idea of how to deal with all the new challenges — but Republicans seem stuck even further in the past, playing their own even more cynical games.
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An individual mandate to purchase healthcare was initially proposed by the politically conservative Heritage Foundation in 1989 as an alternative to single-payer health care. ... From its inception, the idea of an individual mandate was championed by Republican politicians as a free-market approach to health care reform.

I don't recall Republicans challenging anything. The Heritage Foundation is just that, a foundation. They are welcome to their free speech, but don't try to paint all conservatives as sharing their opinion, or trying to pass the failure on to them. This is Obama and the Democrats failure. They created it, they own it.

No. We all own it. The failure is an “all-American” failure. Republicans can continue to sabotage ACA and hopefully suffer for it at the polls. They would deserve to suffer. But Trump may win in November. A future Supreme Court may indeed gut the ACA completely. It won’t help. In the next period especially, we will see higher unemployment, lower real wages, a far more inegalitarian society. There will be new desperate millions seeking Medicaid. Will Republicans gut that too? Clearly, Democrats are divided over “Medicare for All” or “Single Payer” or an “opt in” to a government insurance plan. Mainstream Democrats do not have any clear idea of how to deal with all the new challenges — but Republicans seem stuck even further in the past, playing their own even more cynical games.

Wait a minute, Democrats are divided over Medicare for all? Democrats don't divide over anything. They all march in lockstep to the same song.

As I stated earlier, Commie Care was political right from the beginning. It was designed to favor likely Democrat voters. So we on the right won't lose many votes by getting rid of it.

Who needs Medicaid, the Republican voters? Our Republican Governor announced today that's exactly what he needs to do because of this pandemic; cut Medicaid.

May and perhaps June are going to be tough months. While I don't have a crystal ball, I believe things will start getting better after that as warmer weather hits. Nearly every day new advancements are being made: more masks, more gowns, steps closer to a vaccine, potentially new medications like remdesivire. Even England is experimenting with Covid sniffing dogs. Some are saying we may have a vaccine for this come September.

Bottom line is as long as things are getting better, that increases the chances of Trump's reelection. Furthermore is the fact that new cases are decreasing. While that may not be so impressive, you have to consider the fact that as this decrease takes place, much more testing is being done. It would naturally be more proportional that as more tests are concluded, we would see an increase of new cases.

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