Will The Left Suffer Setbacks


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Is the left going to pay by loss of votes, Big Time...

The Left suffers a setback in its war on the freedom of speech.
August 22, 2017

Robert Spencer

When a neo-Nazi psychopath plowed his car into a crowd of Leftist protesters in Charlottesville, the Left saw a golden opportunity to use the moment as its Reichstag Fire, and indulge its increasingly obvious authoritarian tendencies. But when they came after Jihad Watch, they overreached.

On Saturday afternoon, the Soros-funded hard-Left website ProPublica published a hit piece calling upon PayPal and other new media giants to block Jihad Watch and other groups that have been defamed by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as “hate groups.” ProPublica’s Lauren Kirchner complained that Jihad Watch’s “designation as a hate site hasn’t stopped tech companies — including PayPal, Amazon and Newsmax — from maintaining partnerships with Jihad Watch that help to sustain it financially. PayPal facilitates donations to the site. Newsmax — the online news network run by President Donald Trump’s close friend Chris Ruddy — pays Jihad Watch in return for users clicking on its headlines. Until recently, Amazon allowed Jihad Watch to participate in a program that promised a cut of any book sales that the site generated. All three companies have policies that say they don’t do business with hate groups.”


On Monday evening, I received this from PayPal:

Effective 08/21/2017, the limitation applied to your account associated with https://www.jihadwatch.org pursuant to our User Agreement was removed. Your services are being reinstated.


Overreach: PayPal Bans Jihad Watch, Then Backs Down

The only platforms they have presented to people, is "I hate Trump" and "I hate Republicans".

How many votes would you calculate that will earn them in 2018 and 2020??
Well now, if the treasonous fat senile old orange clown shuts down the government, we will see a Democratic Senate and a Democratic House in 2019. Can you spell IMPEACHMENT.

The only platforms they have presented to people, is "I hate Trump" and "I hate Republicans".

How many votes would you calculate that will earn them in 2018 and 2020??
Democrat slogan for 2016 "We hate you".

Democrat slogan for 2018 and 2020 "we really hate you".
GOP campaign slogan for 2018.
We havent gotten a damn thing done but vote for us anyway..
And the American Idiot buys it..

The only platforms they have presented to people, is "I hate Trump" and "I hate Republicans".

How many votes would you calculate that will earn them in 2018 and 2020??
Democrat slogan for 2016 "We hate you".

Democrat slogan for 2018 and 2020 "we really hate you".
You've written that more times than I can count.,You need a new schtick.

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