Will the debt drop or double in 4-8 years?

Will the debt double under trump or drop?

  • Double or more

  • Drop

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Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Place your bets. Will the debt double under this president just like every other before him? I want you on record.

Republicans control everything. Lower the debt!
Who said drop? Really? That would be some pretty dramatic shift if the debt actually stopped growing.

I suggest that clock won't even slow down it might even speed up.
Place your bets. Will the debt double under this president just like every other before him? I want you on record.

Republicans control everything. Lower the debt!

Republicans control everything? oh really,is that WHY Obomination invaded and started a war with a country without even consulting with congress? wrong as always sherlock in your irresponsbile and clueless babble that the republicans are to blame for everything.
Place your bets. Will the debt double under this president just like every other before him? I want you on record.

Republicans control everything. Lower the debt!

It will go up for a few years...
Watch they'll cut spending on programs for the poor but they will increase spending on things you will defend and say we need. Watch. But the debt won't go down $0.01 ever
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Place your bets. Will the debt double under this president just like every other before him? I want you on record.

Republicans control everything. Lower the debt!

It will go up for a few years...

to answer the question have to believe it will.even under the last decent president we had carter,the last one we had who was not an evil mass murderer,the debt even went up under him.
Investors from all over the globe are poised to invest in rebuilding America's infrastructure.
These are the 'smart money' people who understand the only way to make 'real money' is to invest in bricks and mortar.
That's how Trump became a billionaire.
Place your bets. Will the debt double under this president just like every other before him? I want you on record.

Republicans control everything. Lower the debt!

It will go up for a few years...
Watch they'll cut spending on programs for the poor but they will increase spending on things you will defend and say we need. Watch. But that won't go down $0.01 ever

If you believe that then you don't know me... I was harsh on the GOP in 2006 and wrote on another board they got what they deserved when they lost that November...

I am against the waste that happened in Afghanistan, Iraq, and is going on in Syria with regime change...

Now name projects that you believe I would support and let see how quickly I will debunk your theory about me because I am even against building the wall...

Also I did not vote for Trump...
Place your bets. Will the debt double under this president just like every other before him? I want you on record.

Republicans control everything. Lower the debt!

Republicans control everything? oh really,is that WHY Obomination invaded and started a war with a country without even consulting with congress? wrong as always sherlock in your irresponsbile and clueless babble that the republicans are to blame for everything.
They control everything now. Finally huh?
Investors from all over the globe are poised to invest in rebuilding America's infrastructure.
These are the 'smart money' people who understand the only way to make 'real money' is to invest in bricks and mortar.
That's how Trump became a billionaire.
I sure hope you guys are right this time. Last time Bush was evil and you guys defended it for 8 years. Glad to see finally you guys admit Bush sucked and lied us into Iraq. At least Trump admits it.
Jackson thinks the debt will drop? Well I can't say I've never been wrong but that seems unlikely. But so did a Trump presidency.
None of the people who said it would drop will comment. At least I have them on record.
Too many things that are out of the control of Wall Street and any administration can effect the debt. The Powers That Be.
Place your bets. Will the debt double under this president just like every other before him? I want you on record.

Republicans control everything. Lower the debt!

Republicans control everything? oh really,is that WHY Obomination invaded and started a war with a country without even consulting with congress? wrong as always sherlock in your irresponsbile and clueless babble that the republicans are to blame for everything.
They control everything now. Finally huh?
Investors from all over the globe are poised to invest in rebuilding America's infrastructure.
These are the 'smart money' people who understand the only way to make 'real money' is to invest in bricks and mortar.
That's how Trump became a billionaire.
I sure hope you guys are right this time. Last time Bush was evil and you guys defended it for 8 years. Glad to see finally you guys admit Bush sucked and lied us into Iraq. At least Trump admits it.

You are playing dodgeball there that your hero Obama is no different than Bush and a mass murderer same as him.lol

yeah kinda like how Obama is evil and you have defended that mass murdering bastard for the last 8 years even though he not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded them.:rolleyes::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Every president since JFK our last real president we had not a puppet for the establishment,each one that got in was always worse than the previous one carter being the exception.Hope Trump is another carter.Here is hoping.
Place your bets. Will the debt double under this president just like every other before him? I want you on record.

Republicans control everything. Lower the debt!

Republicans control everything? oh really,is that WHY Obomination invaded and started a war with a country without even consulting with congress? wrong as always sherlock in your irresponsbile and clueless babble that the republicans are to blame for everything.
They control everything now. Finally huh?
Investors from all over the globe are poised to invest in rebuilding America's infrastructure.
These are the 'smart money' people who understand the only way to make 'real money' is to invest in bricks and mortar.
That's how Trump became a billionaire.
I sure hope you guys are right this time. Last time Bush was evil and you guys defended it for 8 years. Glad to see finally you guys admit Bush sucked and lied us into Iraq. At least Trump admits it.

You are playing dodgeball there that your hero Obama is no different than Bush and a mass murderer same as him.lol

yeah kinda like how Obama is evil and you have defended that mass murdering bastard for the last 8 years even though he not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded them.:rolleyes::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Every president since JFK our last real president we had not a puppet for the establishment,each one that got in was always worse than the previous one carter being the exception.Hope Trump is another carter.Here is hoping.
I predict war with Iran. It would have happened had McCain or Romney won but it didn't because Obama didn't want another war.

Syria and Iraq are all Bush's fault. You of all people should know bush planned Iraq before 2000. Remember pnac?

And the GOP wanted bill Clinton to do it so he could take the blame like with NAFTA.

What do you think trumps going to do? Don't forget he said he knows more about isis than the generals. You believe that?
Place your bets. Will the debt double under this president just like every other before him? I want you on record.

Republicans control everything. Lower the debt!

Republicans control everything? oh really,is that WHY Obomination invaded and started a war with a country without even consulting with congress? wrong as always sherlock in your irresponsbile and clueless babble that the republicans are to blame for everything.
They control everything now. Finally huh?
Investors from all over the globe are poised to invest in rebuilding America's infrastructure.
These are the 'smart money' people who understand the only way to make 'real money' is to invest in bricks and mortar.
That's how Trump became a billionaire.
I sure hope you guys are right this time. Last time Bush was evil and you guys defended it for 8 years. Glad to see finally you guys admit Bush sucked and lied us into Iraq. At least Trump admits it.

You are playing dodgeball there that your hero Obama is no different than Bush and a mass murderer same as him.lol

yeah kinda like how Obama is evil and you have defended that mass murdering bastard for the last 8 years even though he not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded them.:rolleyes::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Every president since JFK our last real president we had not a puppet for the establishment,each one that got in was always worse than the previous one carter being the exception.Hope Trump is another carter.Here is hoping.
I predict war with Iran. It would have happened had McCain or Romney won but it didn't because Obama didn't want another war.

Syria and Iraq are all Bush's fault. You of all people should know bush planned Iraq before 2000. Remember pnac?

And the GOP wanted bill Clinton to do it so he could take the blame like with NAFTA.

What do you think trumps going to do? Don't forget he said he knows more about isis than the generals. You believe that?

Uh Trump IF he is sworn in,will free us from this facist dictatership we became on nov 22nd 1963 and make us a free country again.:dance:

Uh no it did not happen because the US knows most other countries are against us and siding with russia because we are always starting wars with other countries and protecting the murderous actions of Israel.Romney and Mccain would have known that same as Obama and alos wisely would not have done it.

you are just helping me prove my point with PNAC that bastard obama is just as responsible for 9/11 as Bush is.has Obama prosecuted Bush for his murderous actions? No.AGAIN he expanded what he got started.are you DEAF?:rolleyes:

If they are from different parties he should be prosecuting that murderer but he wont cause he is just as much a murderer as Bush is.

the clintons same as the Bushs are mass murderers.The Clintons had Vince Foster murdered.Their fingerprints are all over the place charlie.:rofl:

That mother fucker clinton expanded what Reagan started with NAFTA,Same as Reagan betrayed americans shipping jobs overseas,the Clintons expanded that charlie.:rofl:

Heck I wonder if even Trump will get sworn in.The way people who cross the Clintons wind up as dead bodies I would not be one bit at all surprised if she hired the CIA to bump him off same as they did with Foster.

either that ir there is another florida recount and the establishment claims HELLERY actually won.its not over yet.I am not religious so I am crossing my fingers and counting and hoping with all my might Trump DOES get sworn in. He is our last hope for america to be be a free country again instead of this facist dictatership it became on nov 22nd 1963 and has remained ever since.:mad: He is our only hope of getting a REAL independent investigation into 9/11.

If the establishment somehow DOES get that bitch into the office still which I am not ruling out,you can count on HER starting a war with Iran.Our only chance that it does not happen is if Trump DOES get sworn in.

HE is doing what no other president since JFK has done.He is already saying that if Israel is sincere about world peace,they need to prove it within 6 months. Obama and Clinton same as Bush,bow down to Israel.

Oh and get your facts straight.Obama is to blame for Syria,not Bush charlie.
Stop Blaming Trump For The Disaster Obama Made Of Syria

and ALSO.that ,motherfucker invaded Libya WITHOUT CONSULTING CONGRESS.He is a fucking murderer same as those other asshole buddies of his the Bushs and Clintons.

I knew form the very get go when Obama got sworn in he was a fraud and no different than Bush.He gave Bush a hug at the white house when he was sworn in. they are suppose to be from different parties.he SHOULD have given him the middle finger.I would have.
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Im sincerely interested in paying off the debt. I don't think that's an option. I think it's going to keep on doubling every 8 years no matter what and that bothers me because eventually that has to end badly. Stop being dicks everyone. Let's deal with the fact the debts going to double again in 8 years and double again the next 8. Every president spends more than every other president before them combined! If if doesn't the next 8 let's put Paul Ryan mich McConnell and trump on mount Rushmore

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