Will see how far this goes


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Connecticut state Senator Will Haskell (D) has proposed a bill that would mandate that every citizen vote. The coercion would be enforced by threat of fines or community service.

Socialists love to espouse the ridiculous ruse that if everyone votes, democracy is somehow strengthened. What is strengthened is the government when people paying little or no attention to the workings of government casually vote. This is why Democrats spend such an astonishing amount of time, money, and effort in get out the vote drives. It is why they are against any form of identification being needed to vote, why they want to give felons and illegal immigrants the vote, etc., etc. It is also why they love mail-in ballots and any other form of effectively uncontrollable, anonymous, mass voting.

Democrats get out the vote drives in many areas, such as NBA arenas, college campuses, and inner-city wards, are already nothing more than directives to vote for Biden and Democrats, not for the bad Orange Man and the scary, evil conservatives that hate your friends, the planet and don’t want to pay for your contraceptives and sex-change operations.

When a government tries to compel people to vote, whether they wish to or not… or have any knowledge of the issues or the candidates… it typically does so as a way of negating the votes of those who might challenge its power.
As the US devolves into a one party dictatorship, like the current Chinese regime or Russian regime, interest in voting will wane significantly since there is no real choice in voting for change.

The decreased support would then be evidence for an illegitimate government instead of one coming from the people.

My guess is that the rest of the states will soon join them.
Not much red meat in that opening post.

The problem is multifaceted. Elections are different in different municipalities, and we have tremendous migration, and even without migration, in large cities there are lots of offices with lots of candidates. So there is confusion, and we need to get it formatted so the multi-year election cycle sequence is the same, so it is taught in the civics classes. As it is it is relatively confusing for the novice political observer.
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Why not just make voting for elected officials the same as fan voting for the Heisman or All Stars? They can set up a website and people can just click away to their hearts content. The winner will depend on who has the more committed Mouse Clickers and script coders. Not too far off from that now, may as well just declare open season
Obviously dumb and obviously unconstitutional.
Obviously dumb and obviously unconstitutional.
Obviously a democrook's idea....

As far as I'm concerned if you don't pay property tax, and renters don't count, you should not have a vote.

One residence, one vote, with ID.

Why stop there? Why not just mandate (with threat of government violence) that everyone vote for the Democrat?
They didn't need government violence. Queen Antifa's minions provided that. Along with millions of mail in ballots.

Won't fly heck this last election was no doubt the worst 2 candidates in the history of the country. Neither offered anything I believe in.
Democracy is not insanity. Understand that. Even if we or some were screwed over, insanity destroys. because it brings bad things. With people who have the answers. Starting in peace. Then spouting getting in others faces and in the street. With questioning of others who are not on the same political spectrum. It moves on to demeaning, dehumanizing and personal destruction. Spouting you are of hating. You are evil. When the opposite may be true. Or to degree may be better then the accusers. Democracy is the result of the state legislated to dole out rewards from a failed Republic that could not contain the excesses of the elites who then moved on to use the lower classes against each other to keep their way of living. ....So I say...kill Hollywood...kill the media...kill the socialist/communist politicians who do not live that way. I repeat...Those who do not live that way....those who do not live that way...those who do not live that way...Jan. 6 is a joke in D.C.. In Hollywood thousands killed is a statement. Kill them. To you progs...that is not happening.
Obviously dumb and obviously unconstitutional.
Obviously a democrook's idea....

As far as I'm concerned if you don't pay property tax, and renters don't count, you should not have a vote.

One residence, one vote, with ID.

Oh, I totally disagree. Also, I’m sure the elderly in homes, those in the armed services, and most people would find that unacceptable.
Oh, I totally disagree. Also, I’m sure the elderly in homes, those in the armed services, and most people would find that unacceptable.
I'm sure most people that don't own a residence and pay property taxes would oppose that idea. Just as it disgusts me that people who own NOTHING, never worked a day in their lives and refuse to do so have a say at all in where one single cent from the treasury goes.

I loathe the concept of "democracy". Just because you absorb oxygen does not mean you should be able to participate in governing other people, especially when all you do is is absorb oxygen. However my ideas are not popular and I understand why, I live in a country that is becoming a turd world nation under an idiocracy and all I can do is ridicule it.

It will amuse me hopefully for at least another 50 years.

Folks, EVERY dictatorship in history.......was backed by a powerful propaganda arm.
Today in the USA we have the Communist backed Left Media in full swing destroying America from the inside out.
Unless the Lefts propaganda machine is stopped, you WILL lose it all.

What are you doing to stop the Left's Marxist propaganda machine? Your freedom and maybe your life depends on your answer.
That is crucial....your venting on forums is meaningless.
Not voting for some is political expression.
The bill would be deemed unconstitutional.
Not to mention stupid.
Obviously dumb and obviously unconstitutional.
Obviously a democrook's idea....

As far as I'm concerned if you don't pay property tax, and renters don't count, you should not have a vote.

One residence, one vote, with ID.


How would that work for married couples, or for homes that are owned in the name of a family trust? Who gets the vote?

How about active duty military, who mostly live in on-base housing or receive BAH to rent off-base while stationed at a given post? Are they not permitted to vote?

Also, how would voting work for congressional districts in urban areas that are populated almost exclusively by people residing in rental units (Manhattan, for instance, where rent is more expensive on average than monthly mortgage payments for nice homes in many suburban areas)?

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