Will Boris Johnson follow Donald Trump out of office?

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
With the defeat of Trump and the orchestrated “suspension” of Jeremy Corbyn on trumped-up charges of anti-Semitism, and Keir Starmer’s selection instead as head of the Labour Party, the fall of Boris Johnson — or of the Conservative government itself — now seems more likely. I am especially curious about what our English USMB friends think, or in the opinions of others more informed than I about conditions in Great Britain. Please try to keep any comments centered on British affairs, Brexit, or likely American policy changes towards Europe. Here are excerpts from an article on the subject:

“The UK prime minister allied himself with the Republican president – and, with Brexit looming, his own position is in doubt...

That’s why the result – supposing that Joe Biden has won - is more than a killer blow to Trump. It’s also a bruising setback to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and an existential disaster for Crown Prince Mohamad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. In contrast, the outcome was fervently desired by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron.

“Here in Britain, it’s hard to overstate how profound the consequences will be. Allies of Prime Minister Boris Johnson have been trying to send out signals that they would welcome a Biden presidency. This is simply damage limitation. .... The brutal truth is that the departure of Trump is a devastating blow to Johnson’s Conservative government.

“Johnson needed a Trump victory because it gave such weight to his own political project, which is likewise defined by nationalism, isolationism and a contempt for conventional behaviour.... Trump had led the Republican Party in a war against traditional conservative values.... Johnson has done the same. The two blond bombshells are ... very similar....

“There are other, more tangible ways in which Johnson will suffer. His Brexit strategy depended on striking a trade deal with Washington....

“It’s no surprise then that Biden has been dismissive of Brexit. ‘We’d have preferred a different outcome,’ he said the day after the referendum, before criticising the ‘reactionary politicians and demagogues peddling xenophobia, nationalism and isolationism’.

“More recently, Biden has issued stern warnings to London about the consequences for peace in Northern Ireland if the UK breaks from the deal struck in 1998. ‘We can't allow the Good Friday Agreement to become a casualty of Brexit,’ he said earlier this month.

“All this means that political survival has suddenly become very tough for Johnson.... Will Johnson be able to outlast Trump for long? It's a question to which we may soon have an answer.”

How Boris Johnson could follow Donald Trump out of office
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With the defeat of Trump and the orchestrated “suspension” of Jeremy Corbyn on trumped-up charges of anti-Semitism, and Keir Starmer’s selection instead as head of the Labour Party, the fall of Boris Johnson — or of the Conservative government itself — now seems more likely. I am especially curious about what our English USMB friends think, or in the opinions of others more informed than I about conditions in Great Britain. Please try to keep any comments centered on British affairs, Brexit, or likely American policy changes towards Europe. Here are excerpts from an article on the subject:

“The UK prime minister allied himself with the Republican president – and, with Brexit looming, his own position is in doubt...

That’s why the result – supposing that Joe Biden has won - is more than a killer blow to Trump. It’s also a bruising setback to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and an existential disaster for Crown Prince Mohamad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. In contrast, the outcome was fervently desired by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron.

“Here in Britain, it’s hard to overstate how profound the consequences will be. Allies of Prime Minister Boris Johnson have been trying to send out signals that they would welcome a Biden presidency. This is simply damage limitation. .... The brutal truth is that the departure of Trump is a devastating blow to Johnson’s Conservative government.

“Johnson needed a Trump victory because it gave such weight to his own political project, which is likewise defined by nationalism, isolationism and a contempt for conventional behaviour.... Trump had led the Republican Party in a war against traditional conservative values.... Johnson has done the same. The two blond bombshells are ... very similar....

“There are other, more tangible ways in which Johnson will suffer. His Brexit strategy depended on striking a trade deal with Washington....

“It’s no surprise then that Biden has been dismissive of Brexit. ‘We’d have preferred a different outcome,’ he said the day after the referendum, before criticising the ‘reactionary politicians and demagogues peddling xenophobia, nationalism and isolationism’.

“More recently, Biden has issued stern warnings to London about the consequences for peace in Northern Ireland if the UK breaks from the deal struck in 1998. ‘We can't allow the Good Friday Agreement to become a casualty of Brexit,’ he said earlier this month.

“All this means that political survival has suddenly become very tough for Johnson.... Will Johnson be able to outlast Trump for long? It's a question to which we may soon have an answer.”

How Boris Johnson could follow Donald Trump out of office
I dont think a biden win will automatically see the end of Johnson. He will have to rethink his brexit strategy that protects Ireland and he will find it more difficult to get a deal with the US.

But he has a large majority and several years to work his way through the mess that is the UK.

In a nutshell the UK is broke, the economy is in recession,we are losing our biggest trading partner and they dont have trump to bail out their brexit idiocy.

The opposition is weak and riven by internal conflicts that are not going to be resolved any time soon.

The Scots drive for independence is a big threat as it would upset the tories. Converely it would strengthen the tory grip on power as Scotland usually votes for left wing parties. Losing the jocks would actually work well for the tories.

Johnsons main problems will come from his own party. There are a lot of new tories from labour seats who can see their re-election chances threatened by the governments sheer incompetence. Johnson purged the party of competent tories and replaced all of them with yes men. They have performed a U turn every week this year whilst awarding lucrative deals to party donors.

Johnson was elected by brexidiots and if he delivers something stupid enough it may save him. If he does something sensible then they will have his scalp. he is not known for doing anything sensible, or honest.

I would love to see the back of him but there is a long way to go yet and we have to suffer a lot more.
England has clean and fair elections.
They do not have the mass Democrat voter fraud problem like we have here.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson To Face No-Confidence Vote​

The move could oust him as Britain’s leader.

There may be some irony here. Putin's former KGB helped the Brexit campaign that eventually led to Boris becoming PM. Labour favored a second vote, and is anti-Brexit ... although what Jeremy Corbin would have done on Ukraine, I cannot imagine anything good.

But Boris, who gave Putin what he wanted on Brexit, is leading Britain as really the only european arms maker that is at least as interventionist as Biden in supplying Ukraine with arms. And that may be pumping up Boris with the Tory MPs.
although what Jeremy Corbin would have done on Ukraine, I cannot imagine anything good.

Or this guy:


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