Will an untrained dog protect it's owner?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
I see a big flaw in this test.
owner/pet connection
Sure a trained dog will protect but an untrained dog will protect it's owner more times than it will a complete stranger.

[ame=http://youtu.be/z4ZIGHkGF-M]Will an untrained dog protect it's owner? www.BobsDogs.com - YouTube[/ame]
Depends on the breed.

I've had many an untrained GSD that would defend me with the last breath in their body.

Protectivness is in their nature. Its part of the breeds makeup.

I assume any other protective breed will do the same.
I've just asked my Golden Retriever Maja this question. She said "Give me a biscuit (AM: cookie) or maybe ten while I think about it".
LOL Yep. Goldens aren't noted for being protective though I do remember a story about a Golden that launched at a gun carrying thief.

This dog saved her masters life and got shot in the process.

It ended well though as she survived.
An untrained dog will protect it's owner (depending on breed of course) - but not even half as good as a trained dog. Does not even come close.
A friend of man needs no training to defend his man or woman.

I'm not getting this game at all.
I don't want to make merry in this at all. I say small or large cat or dog or bird and trust me I've had my amazon, I think now you guys can take me out on this if you wish, I say they love you.

And even a budgie will attempt to protect you. You show them love. They will love you back.
Hehehehe, when I give my list of beasties that have been around me it's not a brag on. It shows I'm old. :)

I'm giving away my age here. Large or small, canine or feline or heck I had a friend who had a degu who would protect him, you never know what beastie will protect you.

Some can, some can't but they give it a go. And I'm not kidding about birds. They want to. Greys and Amazons are kick ass and "no fear" is their motto.

But if one is talking true protections, well I believe in schutzhund training even on an A level for family and home protection.

Why? It saves you from a lawsuit. We're talking a controlled protection where you are in command of the dog. And the dog's actions.

I want to put Raven in training as soon as I can. If you ever ever have a chance to watch schutzund trials do it. Because it's awesome.
I see a big flaw in this test also. The guy should have been wearing the arm guard when he approached the untrained dogs. Why wasn't he? I'll tell you why. They knew the dogs they chose for the video would not react. They knew that already. They chose those dogs on purpose.

The video is rigged. Glad to see someone is teaching that little girl to be part of deceptive practices.
An untrained dog can only operate on it's instincts when attempting to defend the human it has bonded with and provides its food.

There are many instances of homeless people with untrained dogs that will not allow responders to come to the aid of the physically disabled person. Unless the dog is trained to over ride it's own insticts by human commands that dog is a loaded gun waiting to go off indiscriminately when the at risk human becomes disabled..drunk/pass out/overdose on drugs...any variety of health issues....

Here the police shoot and kill such a dog that could not be controlled.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IuPBN1_u4U]Police Shoot Dog Protecting Owner (Homeless man having a seizure) - YouTube[/ame]
An untrained dog will protect its owner because dogs instinctively protect its pack. It won't protect its owner as well as a trained dog because it doesn't know what do as much as if it had training.

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