Why would Obama apologize to the Japanese because one million people weren't killed?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Why would Obama apologize for NOT killing one million people?

A heretofore secret cable dated Sept. 3, 2009, Sent to Secretary of State Clinton, it reported Japan's Vice Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka telling U.S. Ambassador John Roos that
"the idea of President Obama visiting Hiroshima to apologize for the atomic bombing during World War II is a 'nonstarter.'"
Apologies Not Accepted - Investors.com

So Japan didn't want the Obsequious Obama's bowing and apology that by dropping the A-Bomb one million Americans and Japanese were NOT killed by an otherwise planned invasion of Japan!

First, Japan attacked the USA on Dec 7,1941 in a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. When you make the first move, you have to accept the outcome of your actions.

Second, the Japanese also had a nuclear weapons program. So we were in race to develop ours first. Japan was losing the war, so I'm sure they would of used the atom bomb against the USA.

Third, a conventional invasion of Japan would of cost the Allies many lives. Estimates go as high as 1-million troops killed in action. Why? The Japanese would be defending their homeland. A man defending his homeland is harder to defeat. He will fight to the death, and take many enemy troops with him. Fewer Americans died.

Should We Have Dropped The a-Bomb - Term Paper - Chempprz
AND yet this apologist ignorant of the concept of Japanese "FACE"
Obama wanted to rub MORE salt into the Japanese psyche!
The WH today denies there was any discussion regarding apologizing over Hiroshima by Obama.. but why were we not surprised it was considered?

Obama like his wife is NOT proud of the U.S.A.
Obama and his wife evidently don't know about the nearly million Americans that gave their lives or limbs defending other countries!
Obama and his wife not proud of a country that has given MORE money then any country to the countries of the world during wars,disasters and other needs!
NO Obama wants to apologize for perceived wrongs that his communist mentor Saul Alinsky and pastor pal (chickens come home to roost) wright have taught him about the terrible USA!
If Obama would have apologized for the U.S. nuking the Japs and ending the war, it would have been a slap in the face to all American soldiers who fought against them and especially the 1100 men still entombed in the U.S.S. Arizona. I can't believe this president would consider doing this. Wait, yes I can, he isn't really a legal Constitutional president. He is a usurper with loyalties not to this nation.
The WH today denies there was any discussion regarding apologizing over Hiroshima by Obama.. but why were we not surprised it was considered?

Obama like his wife is NOT proud of the U.S.A.
Obama and his wife evidently don't know about the nearly million Americans that gave their lives or limbs defending other countries!
Obama and his wife not proud of a country that has given MORE money then any country to the countries of the world during wars,disasters and other needs!
NO Obama wants to apologize for perceived wrongs that his communist mentor Saul Alinsky and pastor pal (chickens come home to roost) wright have taught him about the terrible USA!

I think it is pathetic that our president has to bow to other leaders of nations. WTF is going through this guys head?
Obama thinks America has come to it's time of come uppance...all that we are...all that we have become doesn't fit his measure of Liberty.

Everything we are was stolen...and NOW we have to pay the price.

His actions as POTUS illustrate it quite openly. He means to take us down for his twisted perceptions.

When was the last time a POTUS went around the world and apologized for his own people being who they are?

I as an American that has deep roots going back to the Revolution, and the Founders will have NO part of it and will fight this bastard every step of the way.

I as an American have squat to apoligize for. And neither should any American worth thier salt in the cause of liberty.
I'm pretty sure he didn't apologize.

yeah, but you're not a racist rightwingnut hack.

"Racist" in what way? Because the majority of Americans don't drink the Obama Kool-Aid, and YOU still do?

So, how do you feel about Herman Cain? He's a BLACK man.

If you say ANYTHING negative about Herman Cain, then according to your criteria, YOU are a RACIST (and, of course, a HYPOCRITE, which goes without saying).
I'm pretty sure he didn't apologize.

yeah, but you're not a racist rightwingnut hack.

"Racist" in what way? Because the majority of Americans don't drink the Obama Kool-Aid, and YOU still do?

So, how do you feel about Herman Cain? He's a BLACK man.

If you say ANYTHING negative about Herman Cain, then according to your criteria, YOU are a RACIST (and, of course, a HYPOCRITE, which goes without saying).
Some live on a two-way street while claiming they live on a one-way street.
Even accepting the leaked cable on its face, it provides no evidence to counter the White House position that there was never any plan to apologize. Whatever was said to the Japanese government to prompt this Japanese message to the US, there's no evidence of high level involvement at all.
You are right as "Jake Tapper of ABC News says "a senior White House official" asserted "there was never any plan for the President to apologize for Hiroshima."
Was Obama Planning to Apologize For Hiroshima? - HUMAN EVENTS

BUT doesn't it speak volumes to the perception Obama is ready to bow and scrape apologizing for events that is absolutely uncalled for?
I mean I've lived through 11 Presidents and this is the first that I perceive is ashamed of being an American!
But many especially on the liberal/progressive ideology have no problem venerating Mao,Stalin, Guevara who literally murdered millions!
When people HIRED by Obama make comments like these"
Ron Bloom Manufacturing Czar admits,
“We kind of agree with Mao that power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.”
Obama's neighbor and home he started his political career Ayers was a terrorist who said he ”I don’t regret setting bombs,”
Obama's Communications Director Ann Dunn who considers Mother Teresa and Mao as her patrons!
with employees like these why are we not surprised?
Why would Obama apologize for NOT killing one million people?

A heretofore secret cable dated Sept. 3, 2009, Sent to Secretary of State Clinton, it reported Japan's Vice Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka telling U.S. Ambassador John Roos that
"the idea of President Obama visiting Hiroshima to apologize for the atomic bombing during World War II is a 'nonstarter.'"
Apologies Not Accepted - Investors.com

So Japan didn't want the Obsequious Obama's bowing and apology that by dropping the A-Bomb one million Americans and Japanese were NOT killed by an otherwise planned invasion of Japan!

First, Japan attacked the USA on Dec 7,1941 in a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. When you make the first move, you have to accept the outcome of your actions.

Second, the Japanese also had a nuclear weapons program. So we were in race to develop ours first. Japan was losing the war, so I'm sure they would of used the atom bomb against the USA.

Third, a conventional invasion of Japan would of cost the Allies many lives. Estimates go as high as 1-million troops killed in action. Why? The Japanese would be defending their homeland. A man defending his homeland is harder to defeat. He will fight to the death, and take many enemy troops with him. Fewer Americans died.

Should We Have Dropped The a-Bomb - Term Paper - Chempprz
AND yet this apologist ignorant of the concept of Japanese "FACE"
Obama wanted to rub MORE salt into the Japanese psyche!

Actually, dropping the Atom Bomb was unnecessary and Japan was ready to surrender on her own accord. What forced surrender was not the bomb (because we had been bombing Japan conventionally for more than a year with much deadlier effect) but the USSR's entry into the Pacific War.

Presented with a partition of their country, Japan realized that surrendering to the US and American occupation was the best option.

For the US Part, we insisted on "unconditional" surrender, while the Japanese insisted that the Emperor had to be retained. After the USSR entered the war, the American's dropped their insistence on Hirohito's abdication. (And if fact, spent years actually covering up his complicity in the war.)

All that said, I don't think we should apologize because Japan started the war, and they committed a number of war crimes all across Asia.
You are right as "Jake Tapper of ABC News says "a senior White House official" asserted "there was never any plan for the President to apologize for Hiroshima."
Was Obama Planning to Apologize For Hiroshima? - HUMAN EVENTS

BUT doesn't it speak volumes to the perception Obama is ready to bow and scrape apologizing for events that is absolutely uncalled for?
I mean I've lived through 11 Presidents and this is the first that I perceive is ashamed of being an American!
But many especially on the liberal/progressive ideology have no problem venerating Mao,Stalin, Guevara who literally murdered millions!
When people HIRED by Obama make comments like these"
Ron Bloom Manufacturing Czar admits,
“We kind of agree with Mao that power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.”
Obama's neighbor and home he started his political career Ayers was a terrorist who said he ”I don’t regret setting bombs,”
Obama's Communications Director Ann Dunn who considers Mother Teresa and Mao as her patrons!
with employees like these why are we not surprised?

Typical pseudo-conned rhetoric.

Czars, Mao, and Ayers, oh my!

And now more pseudo-outrage over something that didn't happen.

But manufactored outrage is all they've got.
They attacked first, they got what they asked for.

I real hearty ass kicking. For us to turn and apologize would be an insult to them, and an insult to us.
I am still waiting for O'Bozo to apologize to every resident of Massachusetts for assuming that all white men, cop or non-cop of Acting Stupidly! you insult one white man in Massachusetts, you insult all of them! AHA, now that explains why he supports the Blacks Panthers!

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