Why Would Any American Support Fascism In Our Midst?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Why Would Any American Support Fascism In Our Midst?

One of the most trusted dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, defines fascism as: 1. ā€œa political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€ 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

By those definitions, fascism goes against every principle on which this nation was founded.

Antifa stands for anti-fascism, and the name comes from early 1930s Germany, where socialist "anti-fa" groups attempted to stand up to the rise of Adolf Hitler's Nazis.

It was loosely organized groups like these in Germany that helped crews from allied aircraft shot down over Germany and Nazi occupied countries return to England or home to the U.S.

During WWII, the United States military combined with the United States Merchant Marine was the largest group in the ā€œantifaā€ organization, fighting fascism in Europe, the Pacific, and other parts of the globe during that time in history. And while it might have escaped the memories of the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics, many members of these services died fighting fascism.

Hopefully, our military personnel remain loyal to their oath to protecting the United States Constitution, as it was written and interpreted as of January 1, 2020. And will continue to fight fascism as their fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers have in the past. Remember, enemies both foreign and domestic.

Since WWII Antifa tactics in the U.S. mostly involved publicly outing right-wing extremists and organizing counter-protests. However, since the impeached president trump's election in 2016, he has regularly encouraged, and defended, violence from neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups.

Antifa has engaged in direct confrontations with these neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups, and some of these confrontations have led to destructive civil disobedience. But the primary goal of antifa is to block neo-Nazis and white supremacists from gaining public support, support which has, sadly, increased during the impeached president trump's short time in the Whitest House. Antifa makes little effort to recruit or promote a specific antifa agenda. The growing hatred among conservatives for antifaā€™s anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia ideals is worsened by the groupā€™s opposition to the predatory capitalism practiced here in the U.S., due to the fact the lower 99% receive an ever-dwindling financial benefit and have lost all political influence to the billionaire class.

How long will the majority of the American people continue to sit idly by while the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics (which includes William Barr, etc.) turn this country into a fascist dictatorship? Waiting to take action until November 2020 could very well be too late, given the crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and the right-wingersā€™ perceived danger of ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. All of the congressional Republicans and way, way too many congressional Democrats are helping the impeached president trump reach this goal. And before dismissing this as a needless worry, because the United States Constitution precludes our government from establishing permanent dictatorial rule, remember the Patriot Act. That small, reinterpretation of the constitution allows U.S. citizens facing only accusations of terrorism to be jailed indefinitely, held in secret, and bans all outside contact, including that to a legal representative. So, donā€™t rely on playing the ā€œconstitution cardā€ to win against all the momentum the impeached president trump has behind him in becoming the United Statesā€™ first dictator. In addition to the congressional Republicans, he has the conservatives in the USSC in his hip pocket.

The impeached president trump has blamed the current protest violence in the United States on Antifa, and both Whitest House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Attorney General Bill Barr have also singled out Antifa "radical militants" for stoking the rioting. So, to take the heat off white supremacist organizations that are actually causing the looting and riots, the impeached president trump plans for our government to designate ANTIFA as a terrorist organization.

Tricky Dick Nixon employed a similar strategy when public pressure to end the Vietnam war threatened his reelection. Stoking violence at protests did, for a short time, reinforced his image as the ā€œLaw and Orderā€ president. But, the ā€˜Watergateā€™ scandal brought his claims to law and order crashing down. As it turns out, the protesters were right, just as the peaceful protests are now. Also, there is no reason for Antifa to commit violence, as the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics claim, against the very people and principles for which their movement advocates.

It is far more credible to the reality of the here and now for the fascist groups the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics have taken into their hearts to be the driving force behind the violence occurring at peaceful ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. For their hatred to flourish, neo-Nazis and other white supremacist fascist groups must invalidate these protestsā€™ legitimacy.

What is antifa and what does the movement want?

Why Would Any American Support Fascism In Our Midst?

One of the most trusted dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, defines fascism as: 1. ā€œa political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€ 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

By those definitions, fascism goes against every principle on which this nation was founded.

Antifa stands for anti-fascism, and the name comes from early 1930s Germany, where socialist "anti-fa" groups attempted to stand up to the rise of Adolf Hitler's Nazis.

It was loosely organized groups like these in Germany that helped crews from allied aircraft shot down over Germany and Nazi occupied countries return to England or home to the U.S.

During WWII, the United States military combined with the United States Merchant Marine was the largest group in the ā€œantifaā€ organization, fighting fascism in Europe, the Pacific, and other parts of the globe during that time in history. And while it might have escaped the memories of the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics, many members of these services died fighting fascism.

Hopefully, our military personnel remain loyal to their oath to protecting the United States Constitution, as it was written and interpreted as of January 1, 2020. And will continue to fight fascism as their fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers have in the past. Remember, enemies both foreign and domestic.

Since WWII Antifa tactics in the U.S. mostly involved publicly outing right-wing extremists and organizing counter-protests. However, since the impeached president trump's election in 2016, he has regularly encouraged, and defended, violence from neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups.

Antifa has engaged in direct confrontations with these neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups, and some of these confrontations have led to destructive civil disobedience. But the primary goal of antifa is to block neo-Nazis and white supremacists from gaining public support, support which has, sadly, increased during the impeached president trump's short time in the Whitest House. Antifa makes little effort to recruit or promote a specific antifa agenda. The growing hatred among conservatives for antifaā€™s anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia ideals is worsened by the groupā€™s opposition to the predatory capitalism practiced here in the U.S., due to the fact the lower 99% receive an ever-dwindling financial benefit and have lost all political influence to the billionaire class.

How long will the majority of the American people continue to sit idly by while the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics (which includes William Barr, etc.) turn this country into a fascist dictatorship? Waiting to take action until November 2020 could very well be too late, given the crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and the right-wingersā€™ perceived danger of ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. All of the congressional Republicans and way, way too many congressional Democrats are helping the impeached president trump reach this goal. And before dismissing this as a needless worry, because the United States Constitution precludes our government from establishing permanent dictatorial rule, remember the Patriot Act. That small, reinterpretation of the constitution allows U.S. citizens facing only accusations of terrorism to be jailed indefinitely, held in secret, and bans all outside contact, including that to a legal representative. So, donā€™t rely on playing the ā€œconstitution cardā€ to win against all the momentum the impeached president trump has behind him in becoming the United Statesā€™ first dictator. In addition to the congressional Republicans, he has the conservatives in the USSC in his hip pocket.

The impeached president trump has blamed the current protest violence in the United States on Antifa, and both Whitest House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Attorney General Bill Barr have also singled out Antifa "radical militants" for stoking the rioting. So, to take the heat off white supremacist organizations that are actually causing the looting and riots, the impeached president trump plans for our government to designate ANTIFA as a terrorist organization.

Tricky Dick Nixon employed a similar strategy when public pressure to end the Vietnam war threatened his reelection. Stoking violence at protests did, for a short time, reinforced his image as the ā€œLaw and Orderā€ president. But, the ā€˜Watergateā€™ scandal brought his claims to law and order crashing down. As it turns out, the protesters were right, just as the peaceful protests are now. Also, there is no reason for Antifa to commit violence, as the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics claim, against the very people and principles for which their movement advocates.

It is far more credible to the reality of the here and now for the fascist groups the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics have taken into their hearts to be the driving force behind the violence occurring at peaceful ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. For their hatred to flourish, neo-Nazis and other white supremacist fascist groups must invalidate these protestsā€™ legitimacy.

What is antifa and what does the movement want?

Because they foolishly believe that they're going to be on the inside looking out when the whole apple cart gets overturned....They'd do well to do a quick web search for Ernst Rƶhm.
Why Would Any American Support Fascism In Our Midst?

One of the most trusted dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, defines fascism as: 1. ā€œa political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€ 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

By those definitions, fascism goes against every principle on which this nation was founded.

Antifa stands for anti-fascism, and the name comes from early 1930s Germany, where socialist "anti-fa" groups attempted to stand up to the rise of Adolf Hitler's Nazis.

It was loosely organized groups like these in Germany that helped crews from allied aircraft shot down over Germany and Nazi occupied countries return to England or home to the U.S.

During WWII, the United States military combined with the United States Merchant Marine was the largest group in the ā€œantifaā€ organization, fighting fascism in Europe, the Pacific, and other parts of the globe during that time in history. And while it might have escaped the memories of the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics, many members of these services died fighting fascism.

Hopefully, our military personnel remain loyal to their oath to protecting the United States Constitution, as it was written and interpreted as of January 1, 2020. And will continue to fight fascism as their fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers have in the past. Remember, enemies both foreign and domestic.

Since WWII Antifa tactics in the U.S. mostly involved publicly outing right-wing extremists and organizing counter-protests. However, since the impeached president trump's election in 2016, he has regularly encouraged, and defended, violence from neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups.

Antifa has engaged in direct confrontations with these neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups, and some of these confrontations have led to destructive civil disobedience. But the primary goal of antifa is to block neo-Nazis and white supremacists from gaining public support, support which has, sadly, increased during the impeached president trump's short time in the Whitest House. Antifa makes little effort to recruit or promote a specific antifa agenda. The growing hatred among conservatives for antifaā€™s anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia ideals is worsened by the groupā€™s opposition to the predatory capitalism practiced here in the U.S., due to the fact the lower 99% receive an ever-dwindling financial benefit and have lost all political influence to the billionaire class.

How long will the majority of the American people continue to sit idly by while the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics (which includes William Barr, etc.) turn this country into a fascist dictatorship? Waiting to take action until November 2020 could very well be too late, given the crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and the right-wingersā€™ perceived danger of ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. All of the congressional Republicans and way, way too many congressional Democrats are helping the impeached president trump reach this goal. And before dismissing this as a needless worry, because the United States Constitution precludes our government from establishing permanent dictatorial rule, remember the Patriot Act. That small, reinterpretation of the constitution allows U.S. citizens facing only accusations of terrorism to be jailed indefinitely, held in secret, and bans all outside contact, including that to a legal representative. So, donā€™t rely on playing the ā€œconstitution cardā€ to win against all the momentum the impeached president trump has behind him in becoming the United Statesā€™ first dictator. In addition to the congressional Republicans, he has the conservatives in the USSC in his hip pocket.

The impeached president trump has blamed the current protest violence in the United States on Antifa, and both Whitest House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Attorney General Bill Barr have also singled out Antifa "radical militants" for stoking the rioting. So, to take the heat off white supremacist organizations that are actually causing the looting and riots, the impeached president trump plans for our government to designate ANTIFA as a terrorist organization.

Tricky Dick Nixon employed a similar strategy when public pressure to end the Vietnam war threatened his reelection. Stoking violence at protests did, for a short time, reinforced his image as the ā€œLaw and Orderā€ president. But, the ā€˜Watergateā€™ scandal brought his claims to law and order crashing down. As it turns out, the protesters were right, just as the peaceful protests are now. Also, there is no reason for Antifa to commit violence, as the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics claim, against the very people and principles for which their movement advocates.

It is far more credible to the reality of the here and now for the fascist groups the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics have taken into their hearts to be the driving force behind the violence occurring at peaceful ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. For their hatred to flourish, neo-Nazis and other white supremacist fascist groups must invalidate these protestsā€™ legitimacy.

What is antifa and what does the movement want?


Anti fa uses a name as cover for their totalitarian desires, their mob rule desires, and their tactics that would make Ernest Rohm blush.
Why Would Any American Support Fascism In Our Midst?

One of the most trusted dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, defines fascism as: 1. ā€œa political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€ 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

By those definitions, fascism goes against every principle on which this nation was founded.

Antifa stands for anti-fascism, and the name comes from early 1930s Germany, where socialist "anti-fa" groups attempted to stand up to the rise of Adolf Hitler's Nazis.

It was loosely organized groups like these in Germany that helped crews from allied aircraft shot down over Germany and Nazi occupied countries return to England or home to the U.S.

During WWII, the United States military combined with the United States Merchant Marine was the largest group in the ā€œantifaā€ organization, fighting fascism in Europe, the Pacific, and other parts of the globe during that time in history. And while it might have escaped the memories of the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics, many members of these services died fighting fascism.

Hopefully, our military personnel remain loyal to their oath to protecting the United States Constitution, as it was written and interpreted as of January 1, 2020. And will continue to fight fascism as their fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers have in the past. Remember, enemies both foreign and domestic.

Since WWII Antifa tactics in the U.S. mostly involved publicly outing right-wing extremists and organizing counter-protests. However, since the impeached president trump's election in 2016, he has regularly encouraged, and defended, violence from neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups.

Antifa has engaged in direct confrontations with these neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups, and some of these confrontations have led to destructive civil disobedience. But the primary goal of antifa is to block neo-Nazis and white supremacists from gaining public support, support which has, sadly, increased during the impeached president trump's short time in the Whitest House. Antifa makes little effort to recruit or promote a specific antifa agenda. The growing hatred among conservatives for antifaā€™s anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia ideals is worsened by the groupā€™s opposition to the predatory capitalism practiced here in the U.S., due to the fact the lower 99% receive an ever-dwindling financial benefit and have lost all political influence to the billionaire class.

How long will the majority of the American people continue to sit idly by while the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics (which includes William Barr, etc.) turn this country into a fascist dictatorship? Waiting to take action until November 2020 could very well be too late, given the crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and the right-wingersā€™ perceived danger of ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. All of the congressional Republicans and way, way too many congressional Democrats are helping the impeached president trump reach this goal. And before dismissing this as a needless worry, because the United States Constitution precludes our government from establishing permanent dictatorial rule, remember the Patriot Act. That small, reinterpretation of the constitution allows U.S. citizens facing only accusations of terrorism to be jailed indefinitely, held in secret, and bans all outside contact, including that to a legal representative. So, donā€™t rely on playing the ā€œconstitution cardā€ to win against all the momentum the impeached president trump has behind him in becoming the United Statesā€™ first dictator. In addition to the congressional Republicans, he has the conservatives in the USSC in his hip pocket.

The impeached president trump has blamed the current protest violence in the United States on Antifa, and both Whitest House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Attorney General Bill Barr have also singled out Antifa "radical militants" for stoking the rioting. So, to take the heat off white supremacist organizations that are actually causing the looting and riots, the impeached president trump plans for our government to designate ANTIFA as a terrorist organization.

Tricky Dick Nixon employed a similar strategy when public pressure to end the Vietnam war threatened his reelection. Stoking violence at protests did, for a short time, reinforced his image as the ā€œLaw and Orderā€ president. But, the ā€˜Watergateā€™ scandal brought his claims to law and order crashing down. As it turns out, the protesters were right, just as the peaceful protests are now. Also, there is no reason for Antifa to commit violence, as the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics claim, against the very people and principles for which their movement advocates.

It is far more credible to the reality of the here and now for the fascist groups the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics have taken into their hearts to be the driving force behind the violence occurring at peaceful ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. For their hatred to flourish, neo-Nazis and other white supremacist fascist groups must invalidate these protestsā€™ legitimacy.

What is antifa and what does the movement want?

I noticed you left out the historic facts as to what antifa is and where it came from,,they are communist that are far more violent and oppressive than any fascist in history,,,
.Why Would Any American Support Fascism In Our Midst?

One of the most trusted dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, defines fascism as: 1. ā€œa political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€ 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

By those definitions, fascism goes against every principle on which this nation was founded.

Antifa stands for anti-fascism, and the name comes from early 1930s Germany, where socialist "anti-fa" groups attempted to stand up to the rise of Adolf Hitler's Nazis.

It was loosely organized groups like these in Germany that helped crews from allied aircraft shot down over Germany and Nazi occupied countries return to England or home to the U.S.

During WWII, the United States military combined with the United States Merchant Marine was the largest group in the ā€œantifaā€ organization, fighting fascism in Europe, the Pacific, and other parts of the globe during that time in history. And while it might have escaped the memories of the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics, many members of these services died fighting fascism.

Hopefully, our military personnel remain loyal to their oath to protecting the United States Constitution, as it was written and interpreted as of January 1, 2020. And will continue to fight fascism as their fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers have in the past. Remember, enemies both foreign and domestic.

Since WWII Antifa tactics in the U.S. mostly involved publicly outing right-wing extremists and organizing counter-protests. However, since the impeached president trump's election in 2016, he has regularly encouraged, and defended, violence from neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups.

Antifa has engaged in direct confrontations with these neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups, and some of these confrontations have led to destructive civil disobedience. But the primary goal of antifa is to block neo-Nazis and white supremacists from gaining public support, support which has, sadly, increased during the impeached president trump's short time in the Whitest House. Antifa makes little effort to recruit or promote a specific antifa agenda. The growing hatred among conservatives for antifaā€™s anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia ideals is worsened by the groupā€™s opposition to the predatory capitalism practiced here in the U.S., due to the fact the lower 99% receive an ever-dwindling financial benefit and have lost all political influence to the billionaire class.

How long will the majority of the American people continue to sit idly by while the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics (which includes William Barr, etc.) turn this country into a fascist dictatorship? Waiting to take action until November 2020 could very well be too late, given the crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and the right-wingersā€™ perceived danger of ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. All of the congressional Republicans and way, way too many congressional Democrats are helping the impeached president trump reach this goal. And before dismissing this as a needless worry, because the United States Constitution precludes our government from establishing permanent dictatorial rule, remember the Patriot Act. That small, reinterpretation of the constitution allows U.S. citizens facing only accusations of terrorism to be jailed indefinitely, held in secret, and bans all outside contact, including that to a legal representative. So, donā€™t rely on playing the ā€œconstitution cardā€ to win against all the momentum the impeached president trump has behind him in becoming the United Statesā€™ first dictator. In addition to the congressional Republicans, he has the conservatives in the USSC in his hip pocket.

The impeached president trump has blamed the current protest violence in the United States on Antifa, and both Whitest House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Attorney General Bill Barr have also singled out Antifa "radical militants" for stoking the rioting. So, to take the heat off white supremacist organizations that are actually causing the looting and riots, the impeached president trump plans for our government to designate ANTIFA as a terrorist organization.

Tricky Dick Nixon employed a similar strategy when public pressure to end the Vietnam war threatened his reelection. Stoking violence at protests did, for a short time, reinforced his image as the ā€œLaw and Orderā€ president. But, the ā€˜Watergateā€™ scandal brought his claims to law and order crashing down. As it turns out, the protesters were right, just as the peaceful protests are now. Also, there is no reason for Antifa to commit violence, as the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics claim, against the very people and principles for which their movement advocates.

It is far more credible to the reality of the here and now for the fascist groups the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics have taken into their hearts to be the driving force behind the violence occurring at peaceful ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. For their hatred to flourish, neo-Nazis and other white supremacist fascist groups must invalidate these protestsā€™ legitimacy.

What is antifa and what does the movement want?
Thanks for pointing out the close correlation between the definition of fascism, and the Democratic Party >>
"exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€

Fits the Democratic Party to a T.

> Big, strong government,
> lots of regulation of business & people,
> intolerance of conservative expression with control of media & "education"
Why Would Any American Support Fascism In Our Midst?

One of the most trusted dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, defines fascism as: 1. ā€œa political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€ 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

By those definitions, fascism goes against every principle on which this nation was founded.

Antifa stands for anti-fascism, and the name comes from early 1930s Germany, where socialist "anti-fa" groups attempted to stand up to the rise of Adolf Hitler's Nazis.

It was loosely organized groups like these in Germany that helped crews from allied aircraft shot down over Germany and Nazi occupied countries return to England or home to the U.S.

During WWII, the United States military combined with the United States Merchant Marine was the largest group in the ā€œantifaā€ organization, fighting fascism in Europe, the Pacific, and other parts of the globe during that time in history. And while it might have escaped the memories of the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics, many members of these services died fighting fascism.

Hopefully, our military personnel remain loyal to their oath to protecting the United States Constitution, as it was written and interpreted as of January 1, 2020. And will continue to fight fascism as their fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers have in the past. Remember, enemies both foreign and domestic.

Since WWII Antifa tactics in the U.S. mostly involved publicly outing right-wing extremists and organizing counter-protests. However, since the impeached president trump's election in 2016, he has regularly encouraged, and defended, violence from neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups.

Antifa has engaged in direct confrontations with these neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups, and some of these confrontations have led to destructive civil disobedience. But the primary goal of antifa is to block neo-Nazis and white supremacists from gaining public support, support which has, sadly, increased during the impeached president trump's short time in the Whitest House. Antifa makes little effort to recruit or promote a specific antifa agenda. The growing hatred among conservatives for antifaā€™s anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia ideals is worsened by the groupā€™s opposition to the predatory capitalism practiced here in the U.S., due to the fact the lower 99% receive an ever-dwindling financial benefit and have lost all political influence to the billionaire class.

How long will the majority of the American people continue to sit idly by while the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics (which includes William Barr, etc.) turn this country into a fascist dictatorship? Waiting to take action until November 2020 could very well be too late, given the crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and the right-wingersā€™ perceived danger of ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. All of the congressional Republicans and way, way too many congressional Democrats are helping the impeached president trump reach this goal. And before dismissing this as a needless worry, because the United States Constitution precludes our government from establishing permanent dictatorial rule, remember the Patriot Act. That small, reinterpretation of the constitution allows U.S. citizens facing only accusations of terrorism to be jailed indefinitely, held in secret, and bans all outside contact, including that to a legal representative. So, donā€™t rely on playing the ā€œconstitution cardā€ to win against all the momentum the impeached president trump has behind him in becoming the United Statesā€™ first dictator. In addition to the congressional Republicans, he has the conservatives in the USSC in his hip pocket.

The impeached president trump has blamed the current protest violence in the United States on Antifa, and both Whitest House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Attorney General Bill Barr have also singled out Antifa "radical militants" for stoking the rioting. So, to take the heat off white supremacist organizations that are actually causing the looting and riots, the impeached president trump plans for our government to designate ANTIFA as a terrorist organization.

Tricky Dick Nixon employed a similar strategy when public pressure to end the Vietnam war threatened his reelection. Stoking violence at protests did, for a short time, reinforced his image as the ā€œLaw and Orderā€ president. But, the ā€˜Watergateā€™ scandal brought his claims to law and order crashing down. As it turns out, the protesters were right, just as the peaceful protests are now. Also, there is no reason for Antifa to commit violence, as the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics claim, against the very people and principles for which their movement advocates.

It is far more credible to the reality of the here and now for the fascist groups the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics have taken into their hearts to be the driving force behind the violence occurring at peaceful ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. For their hatred to flourish, neo-Nazis and other white supremacist fascist groups must invalidate these protestsā€™ legitimacy.

What is antifa and what does the movement want?


because they ARE fascists.

They won't sit by and watch it happen

they will HELP it to happen.....

they can't wait to start killing people.....
Why Would Any American Support Fascism In Our Midst?

One of the most trusted dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, defines fascism as: 1. ā€œa political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€ 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

By those definitions, fascism goes against every principle on which this nation was founded.

Antifa stands for anti-fascism, and the name comes from early 1930s Germany, where socialist "anti-fa" groups attempted to stand up to the rise of Adolf Hitler's Nazis.

It was loosely organized groups like these in Germany that helped crews from allied aircraft shot down over Germany and Nazi occupied countries return to England or home to the U.S.

During WWII, the United States military combined with the United States Merchant Marine was the largest group in the ā€œantifaā€ organization, fighting fascism in Europe, the Pacific, and other parts of the globe during that time in history. And while it might have escaped the memories of the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics, many members of these services died fighting fascism.

Hopefully, our military personnel remain loyal to their oath to protecting the United States Constitution, as it was written and interpreted as of January 1, 2020. And will continue to fight fascism as their fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers have in the past. Remember, enemies both foreign and domestic.

Since WWII Antifa tactics in the U.S. mostly involved publicly outing right-wing extremists and organizing counter-protests. However, since the impeached president trump's election in 2016, he has regularly encouraged, and defended, violence from neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups.

Antifa has engaged in direct confrontations with these neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups, and some of these confrontations have led to destructive civil disobedience. But the primary goal of antifa is to block neo-Nazis and white supremacists from gaining public support, support which has, sadly, increased during the impeached president trump's short time in the Whitest House. Antifa makes little effort to recruit or promote a specific antifa agenda. The growing hatred among conservatives for antifaā€™s anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia ideals is worsened by the groupā€™s opposition to the predatory capitalism practiced here in the U.S., due to the fact the lower 99% receive an ever-dwindling financial benefit and have lost all political influence to the billionaire class.

How long will the majority of the American people continue to sit idly by while the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics (which includes William Barr, etc.) turn this country into a fascist dictatorship? Waiting to take action until November 2020 could very well be too late, given the crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and the right-wingersā€™ perceived danger of ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. All of the congressional Republicans and way, way too many congressional Democrats are helping the impeached president trump reach this goal. And before dismissing this as a needless worry, because the United States Constitution precludes our government from establishing permanent dictatorial rule, remember the Patriot Act. That small, reinterpretation of the constitution allows U.S. citizens facing only accusations of terrorism to be jailed indefinitely, held in secret, and bans all outside contact, including that to a legal representative. So, donā€™t rely on playing the ā€œconstitution cardā€ to win against all the momentum the impeached president trump has behind him in becoming the United Statesā€™ first dictator. In addition to the congressional Republicans, he has the conservatives in the USSC in his hip pocket.

The impeached president trump has blamed the current protest violence in the United States on Antifa, and both Whitest House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Attorney General Bill Barr have also singled out Antifa "radical militants" for stoking the rioting. So, to take the heat off white supremacist organizations that are actually causing the looting and riots, the impeached president trump plans for our government to designate ANTIFA as a terrorist organization.

Tricky Dick Nixon employed a similar strategy when public pressure to end the Vietnam war threatened his reelection. Stoking violence at protests did, for a short time, reinforced his image as the ā€œLaw and Orderā€ president. But, the ā€˜Watergateā€™ scandal brought his claims to law and order crashing down. As it turns out, the protesters were right, just as the peaceful protests are now. Also, there is no reason for Antifa to commit violence, as the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics claim, against the very people and principles for which their movement advocates.

It is far more credible to the reality of the here and now for the fascist groups the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics have taken into their hearts to be the driving force behind the violence occurring at peaceful ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. For their hatred to flourish, neo-Nazis and other white supremacist fascist groups must invalidate these protestsā€™ legitimacy.

What is antifa and what does the movement want?

Silliest thing I've read in a long time. Why would an anti-nationalist care who the Nation has fought or why? Why pretend to care about the Constitution that establishes a nation? Might also want to define "anarchy" and "communism" (both of which we have fought long since we fought the Nazis). "All enemies foreign and domestic" most certainly includes antifa.
Antifa. It's comical to watch righties' becoming more and more terrified of a group that really doesn't exist, that is more a list of principles that advocate for liberty and justice for all (sound familiar?), and only threaten the enemies of Democracy.

But, with the soothing, hate-filled rhetoric from their impeached hero, conservatives take comfort believing Nazis are our friends.

Antifa. It's comical to watch righties' becoming more and more terrified of a group that really doesn't exist, that is more a list of principles that advocate for liberty and justice for all (sound familiar?), and only threaten the enemies of Democracy.

But, with the soothing, hate-filled rhetoric from their impeached hero, conservatives take comfort believing Nazis are our friends.


It's a shell name for the same tired neo-marxists that have been around for decades. They play the typical lying game the vanguard always plays, and idiots like you either eat it up, or know exactly what they are doing and support it.m
I'm no big fan of Antifa. I can understand the concept, but I've been at a few events where Antifa showed up. In my experience, they attract a few too many people who are there mostly for the chance to fight someone. This is exacerbated by the fact that because they are so informal (they are organized basically like fans of a sports teamā€”the same idea, but no unifying authority) that they don't have anyone to control or focus their actions.
Because it's so well worded and hidden in the msm most people don't recognize it.

Most of the others are too fat and lazy to do anything about it.
As for the OP's question, the answer is that we shouldn't. I don't think most people know what fascism is. Just reading the posts in this thread, much less this message board, tells me that many-if-not-most people think it is just brutal authoritarianism, which is too broad a definition. That gives people the ability to lump it in with Marxism and Communism, but the two are opposite sides of a spectrum. We have virtually no actual Communist threat in this country right now, but about a quarter to a third of us apparently support a system that is at best 'fascism-adjacent.'

The answer is education. More of us need to set aside the partisan BS, know how to spot it and why it is such a threat. Hopefully, then, enough voters can do what's best for the country, rather than for them personally, and reject it.
Why Would Any American Support Fascism In Our Midst?

One of the most trusted dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, defines fascism as: 1. ā€œa political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€ 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

By those definitions, fascism goes against every principle on which this nation was founded.

Antifa stands for anti-fascism, and the name comes from early 1930s Germany, where socialist "anti-fa" groups attempted to stand up to the rise of Adolf Hitler's Nazis.

It was loosely organized groups like these in Germany that helped crews from allied aircraft shot down over Germany and Nazi occupied countries return to England or home to the U.S.

During WWII, the United States military combined with the United States Merchant Marine was the largest group in the ā€œantifaā€ organization, fighting fascism in Europe, the Pacific, and other parts of the globe during that time in history. And while it might have escaped the memories of the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics, many members of these services died fighting fascism.

Hopefully, our military personnel remain loyal to their oath to protecting the United States Constitution, as it was written and interpreted as of January 1, 2020. And will continue to fight fascism as their fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers have in the past. Remember, enemies both foreign and domestic.

Since WWII Antifa tactics in the U.S. mostly involved publicly outing right-wing extremists and organizing counter-protests. However, since the impeached president trump's election in 2016, he has regularly encouraged, and defended, violence from neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups.

Antifa has engaged in direct confrontations with these neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups, and some of these confrontations have led to destructive civil disobedience. But the primary goal of antifa is to block neo-Nazis and white supremacists from gaining public support, support which has, sadly, increased during the impeached president trump's short time in the Whitest House. Antifa makes little effort to recruit or promote a specific antifa agenda. The growing hatred among conservatives for antifaā€™s anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia ideals is worsened by the groupā€™s opposition to the predatory capitalism practiced here in the U.S., due to the fact the lower 99% receive an ever-dwindling financial benefit and have lost all political influence to the billionaire class.

How long will the majority of the American people continue to sit idly by while the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics (which includes William Barr, etc.) turn this country into a fascist dictatorship? Waiting to take action until November 2020 could very well be too late, given the crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and the right-wingersā€™ perceived danger of ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. All of the congressional Republicans and way, way too many congressional Democrats are helping the impeached president trump reach this goal. And before dismissing this as a needless worry, because the United States Constitution precludes our government from establishing permanent dictatorial rule, remember the Patriot Act. That small, reinterpretation of the constitution allows U.S. citizens facing only accusations of terrorism to be jailed indefinitely, held in secret, and bans all outside contact, including that to a legal representative. So, donā€™t rely on playing the ā€œconstitution cardā€ to win against all the momentum the impeached president trump has behind him in becoming the United Statesā€™ first dictator. In addition to the congressional Republicans, he has the conservatives in the USSC in his hip pocket.

The impeached president trump has blamed the current protest violence in the United States on Antifa, and both Whitest House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Attorney General Bill Barr have also singled out Antifa "radical militants" for stoking the rioting. So, to take the heat off white supremacist organizations that are actually causing the looting and riots, the impeached president trump plans for our government to designate ANTIFA as a terrorist organization.

Tricky Dick Nixon employed a similar strategy when public pressure to end the Vietnam war threatened his reelection. Stoking violence at protests did, for a short time, reinforced his image as the ā€œLaw and Orderā€ president. But, the ā€˜Watergateā€™ scandal brought his claims to law and order crashing down. As it turns out, the protesters were right, just as the peaceful protests are now. Also, there is no reason for Antifa to commit violence, as the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics claim, against the very people and principles for which their movement advocates.

It is far more credible to the reality of the here and now for the fascist groups the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics have taken into their hearts to be the driving force behind the violence occurring at peaceful ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™ demonstrations. For their hatred to flourish, neo-Nazis and other white supremacist fascist groups must invalidate these protestsā€™ legitimacy.

What is antifa and what does the movement want?

I find it very amusing that antifa is full of fags and trannies ...

One of the most trusted dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, defines fascism as: 1. ā€œa political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€ 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

Perfect description of the democrat party and the stalinist dictators who ruled like stalin the last year.
One of the most trusted dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, defines fascism as: 1. ā€œa political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€ 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

Perfect description of the democrat party and the stalinist dictators who ruled like stalin the last year.
Dem swine group everyone according to race. "centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader" see cuomo, murphy, newsome, whitmer and others all fascists.

Again see the above dictators 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

Thanks for giving a great description of democrats.
One of the most trusted dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, defines fascism as: 1. ā€œa political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of oppositionā€ 2. ā€œa tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlā€

Perfect description of the democrat party and the stalinist dictators who ruled like stalin the last year.
The same description could be used to characterize Soviet Russia and Communist China....MW has really gone down the tubes.

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