Why won't the Democratic Party just propose repealing the Second Amendment and be done with it?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
We all know that's what they really want. We all know all of their "stealth" legislation designed to slowly chip away at making practical use of that right is just that. Every year or so they bring out a new campaign against "assault weapons" or clips with more than three rounds in it. So why can't they just man up and be open about what they're trying to do? I'd honestly have a lot more respect for them if they started growing a spine and talking about their goals and agenda directly instead of trying to talk around it and find ways to make it palatable to the general public. One of those goals is banning guns. Everyone knows this. It's not like they can try to hide it and this point, so there's not really a point in trying to lie about it. They might as well just openly admit that they believe it's an outdated piece of legislation which has outlived its purpose. Hell, they'd technically even be right.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The "well regulated Militia" it mentions barely even exists as a functional structure anymore. The Army of the United States hasn't existed since the draft. The state defense forces are pretty much rendered an extra, useless expense by the National Guard, which is why the majority of states don't even have one anymore. The general public has zero military training or desire to be part of anything like that, which is why they would prefer to pay for a huge federal standing army rather than revive and participate in the militia system the amendment is talking about.
This is one of those rare moments when someones beliefs dont match reality....and instead of believing reality is a good indication of what someone is for or against, this rare person (like the OP) has trouble understanding why reality doesnt match his belief that someone wants to take away their gun rights.

But they will tell you that because it hasnt happened only means that the people who havent done it...really want too
Another example of the straw man built by the right wing. If liberals were anything like the right wing tries to describe us, I would be a republican too. It's obvious that the only way the right can hang on to their base and keep the teabaggers stirred up is to convince them that liberals want all kinds of made up horrible things. The desire to repeal the 2nd is just another of those made up claims.
The 2nd amendment isn't the only part of the US Constitution, our government, or laws the left are trying to undermine. Fortunately the left are gutless cowards, when voters get angry and bark at them they run like rats from a sinking ship. Trust me these socialist pukes are a passing fad at best.
The OP: Dems want to take your guns!! Sure they havent said it, done it, proposed it or anything like that but that doesnt mean nuffin!
The 2nd amendment isn't the only part of the US Constitution, our government, or laws the left are trying to undermine. Fortunately the left are gutless cowards, when voters get angry and bark at them they run like rats from a sinking ship. Trust me these socialist pukes are a passing fad at best.

It would help you to find out what liberals really advocate. Unfortunately, you won't. You will continue believing all the crap that fox keeps telling you, and make your decisions based on their lies.
Another example of the straw man built by the right wing. If liberals were anything like the right wing tries to describe us, I would be a republican too. It's obvious that the only way the right can hang on to their base and keep the teabaggers stirred up is to convince them that liberals want all kinds of made up horrible things. The desire to repeal the 2nd is just another of those made up claims.
The OP: Dems want to take your guns!! Sure they havent said it, done it, proposed it or anything like that but that doesnt mean nuffin!
Removing it a chunk every few years and removing it wholesale are both removing it. The latter is simply honest. Notice I didn't say anything about the TEA Party (does that even still exist outside liberal talking points?) or that it would necessarily be horrible. I actually agreed that it's a vestigial remnant of an outdated militia system a majority of states have scrapped altogether.

It would help you to find out what liberals really advocate. Unfortunately, you won't. You will continue believing all the crap that fox keeps telling you, and make your decisions based on their lies.
I didn't see a mention of Fox News there actually. I didn't mention it either nor do I watch it. My news primarily comes from non-televised sources altogether.
they don't mind people having guns for games , toys for hunting and target shooting . He11 , guns for those type of pursuits are approved of because those pursuits generate money for government coffers [hunting lic] and those pursuits generate money to pay for government employees to police hunting . Dems and libs just want to make guns toothless . Thats why they don't like the 5 million or so gun owners owning the AR15 and the ammo to feed the AR15 .
Another example of the straw man built by the right wing. If liberals were anything like the right wing tries to describe us, I would be a republican too. It's obvious that the only way the right can hang on to their base and keep the teabaggers stirred up is to convince them that liberals want all kinds of made up horrible things. The desire to repeal the 2nd is just another of those made up claims.
The OP: Dems want to take your guns!! Sure they havent said it, done it, proposed it or anything like that but that doesnt mean nuffin!
Removing it a chunk every few years and removing it wholesale are both removing it. The latter is simply honest. Notice I didn't say anything about the TEA Party (does that even still exist outside liberal talking points?) or that it would necessarily be horrible. I actually agreed that it's a vestigial remnant of an outdated militia system a majority of states have scrapped altogether.

It would help you to find out what liberals really advocate. Unfortunately, you won't. You will continue believing all the crap that fox keeps telling you, and make your decisions based on their lies.
I didn't see a mention of Fox News there actually. I didn't mention it either nor do I watch it. My news primarily comes from non-televised sources altogether.

Hard to question if the Tea Party exists when a large number of republican politicians proudly proclaim their tea party affiliations. Claiming you get your primary information from internet blogs is very troubling. You know Breitbart, the blaze, and that ilk are not credible don't you? Whoever is telling you that repealing the 2nd amendment is a liberal goal is lying to you.
Hard to question if the Tea Party exists when a large number of republican politicians proudly proclaim their tea party affiliations. Claiming you get your primary information from internet blogs is very troubling. You know Breitbart, the blaze, and that ilk are not credible don't you? Whoever is telling you that repealing the 2nd amendment is a liberal goal is lying to you.
Non-televised sources aren't always blogs. I have the Breitbart and The Blaze sites blocked just like Mother Jones and DKos. That said, I'm going to stop discussing my main sources of news information now. I'm not going to say why. You can make of that as you will.
We all know that's what they really want. We all know all of their "stealth" legislation designed to slowly chip away at making practical use of that right is just that. Every year or so they bring out a new campaign against "assault weapons" or clips with more than three rounds in it. So why can't they just man up and be open about what they're trying to do? I'd honestly have a lot more respect for them if they started growing a spine and talking about their goals and agenda directly instead of trying to talk around it and find ways to make it palatable to the general public. One of those goals is banning guns. Everyone knows this. It's not like they can try to hide it and this point, so there's not really a point in trying to lie about it. They might as well just openly admit that they believe it's an outdated piece of legislation which has outlived its purpose. Hell, they'd technically even be right.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The "well regulated Militia" it mentions barely even exists as a functional structure anymore. The Army of the United States hasn't existed since the draft. The state defense forces are pretty much rendered an extra, useless expense by the National Guard, which is why the majority of states don't even have one anymore. The general public has zero military training or desire to be part of anything like that, which is why they would prefer to pay for a huge federal standing army rather than revive and participate in the militia system the amendment is talking about.
This fails as a loaded question fallacy.
I know when I really want something I too, do nothing about it. Like this doughnut in front of me...god I really want it but I wont touch it
They are applying the "slowly boiling a frog in water" approach. The 2nd amendment is already moot in the City of New York unless you are a police officer, a retired police officer, or buddy buddy with someone in the NYPD. They call it "reasonable regulation, reasonable fees, and reasonable denials" when in reality it is nothing but infringement.

Why advocate repealing the 2nd amendment when they can neuter it through unconstitutional laws and complicit courts?
Another example of the straw man built by the right wing. If liberals were anything like the right wing tries to describe us, I would be a republican too. It's obvious that the only way the right can hang on to their base and keep the teabaggers stirred up is to convince them that liberals want all kinds of made up horrible things. The desire to repeal the 2nd is just another of those made up claims.

Kudos to you. It's amazing how cons believe anyone other than a far right wing con is a Marxist or Communist wanting for the old Soviet Union as the best form of government. It's amazing the stupid shit that cons actually believe.
libs just make it hard to own certain guns or ammo Bulldog . Regulate magazines , ban some ammunition here and there . Regulate the AR15 as the libs have done in California and a few other state . Also look at new York that 'Marty' mentions . Look at his reasoning that I agree with . Regulate , regulate , regulate and that neuters the 2nd amendment RIGHT to nothing resembling what the 2nd is supposed to be . 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting and target shooting .
Hard to question if the Tea Party exists when a large number of republican politicians proudly proclaim their tea party affiliations. Claiming you get your primary information from internet blogs is very troubling. You know Breitbart, the blaze, and that ilk are not credible don't you? Whoever is telling you that repealing the 2nd amendment is a liberal goal is lying to you.
Non-televised sources aren't always blogs. I have the Breitbart and The Blaze sites blocked just like Mother Jones and DKos. That said, I'm going to stop discussing my main sources of news information now. I'm not going to say why. You can make of that as you will.

Why bother. I've read your posts. It's obvious what you use for your source for misinformation.

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