Why the Tea Party Failed to Produce a Credible Candidate


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
here come the analyses...

Why the Tea Party Failed to Produce a Credible Candidate - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

So how to produce a candidate? A savvy tea party would assess politicians with resumes sufficient to become president, court and flatter known quantities like Mitch Daniels, who would fundraise well, be acceptable to other constituencies in the Republican Party, and work to ensure that the longshots it elevated were principled guys like Gary Johnson, who've proven their ability to govern should they improbably catch fire in the course of campaigning around the nation.

But the actual tea party isn't savvy. It overestimates its clout within the GOP, fails to appreciate the many obstacles to winning a general election, let alone implementing its agenda, and is therefore careless and immature in choosing its champions. It elevates polarizing figures of questionable competence like Sarah Palin because doing so is cathartic. It backed Michele Bachmann despite her thin resume, erratic behavior in interviews, and the fact that she cares most about advancing a socially conservative agenda, not a small-government agenda. Its erstwhile favorite, Rick Perry, doesn't even subscribe to what ought to be a core tea party tenet: that the government shouldn't subsidize particular firms, picking winners and losers. Perry is a right-wing corporatist. And Herman Cain, the front-runner of the week? He has zero governing experience, acknowledges that he knows next to nothing about foreign policy, flip flops on matters of tremendous consequence, and touts a flawed economic plan, 9-9-9, that could never pass.

What do all these dubious champions have in common? Their red meat rhetoric and ability to antagonize liberals.


Why couldn't the tea party produce a viable candidate? Its partisans put fiery rhetoric ahead of substance, judged GOP politicians based on the extravagance of their promises more than what they'd actually accomplished, failed to demand of its champions some baseline level of competence, and insisted on pols who deliberately piss off outsiders rather than Reaganesque communicators intent on converting them. Tea partiers got drunk off the pleasure of hearing their prejudices echoed. They're now waking up to face their hangover. And his name is Mitt Romney.
You mean a credible candidate other then Ron Paul.

I didnt read your artical, cause your just a dumb neocon.

BTW hows that whole Rick Perry thing workin out for ya?? Are you going to go with the 'brother' or are you going to take the 'flip flopper'.

Hope you like Obama, cause unless Republicans unite behind Paul its 4 more years of THIS.
The Tea Party could never put forth a "credible" Candidate because no matter what candidate the Tea Party puts forth, they will be human and flawed. Because they exist in real life. And because of that the media, as well as the author of the article, will see these flaws and immediately cariature that candidate so that they become "uncredible" in their eyes.

In other words, they are begging the question.
You mean a credible candidate other then Ron Paul.

I didnt read your artical, cause your just a dumb neocon.

BTW hows that whole Rick Perry thing workin out for ya?? Are you going to go with the 'brother' or are you going to take the 'flip flopper'.

Hope you like Obama, cause unless Republicans unite behind Paul its 4 more years of THIS.

you say this and call other DUMB..

And then we have the OTHER mental giant saying people are crazy and RETARDED..

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here come the analyses...

Why the Tea Party Failed to Produce a Credible Candidate - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

So how to produce a candidate? A savvy tea party would assess politicians with resumes sufficient to become president, court and flatter known quantities like Mitch Daniels, who would fundraise well, be acceptable to other constituencies in the Republican Party, and work to ensure that the longshots it elevated were principled guys like Gary Johnson, who've proven their ability to govern should they improbably catch fire in the course of campaigning around the nation.

But the actual tea party isn't savvy. It overestimates its clout within the GOP, fails to appreciate the many obstacles to winning a general election, let alone implementing its agenda, and is therefore careless and immature in choosing its champions. It elevates polarizing figures of questionable competence like Sarah Palin because doing so is cathartic. It backed Michele Bachmann despite her thin resume, erratic behavior in interviews, and the fact that she cares most about advancing a socially conservative agenda, not a small-government agenda. Its erstwhile favorite, Rick Perry, doesn't even subscribe to what ought to be a core tea party tenet: that the government shouldn't subsidize particular firms, picking winners and losers. Perry is a right-wing corporatist. And Herman Cain, the front-runner of the week? He has zero governing experience, acknowledges that he knows next to nothing about foreign policy, flip flops on matters of tremendous consequence, and touts a flawed economic plan, 9-9-9, that could never pass.

What do all these dubious champions have in common? Their red meat rhetoric and ability to antagonize liberals.


Why couldn't the tea party produce a viable candidate? Its partisans put fiery rhetoric ahead of substance, judged GOP politicians based on the extravagance of their promises more than what they'd actually accomplished, failed to demand of its champions some baseline level of competence, and insisted on pols who deliberately piss off outsiders rather than Reaganesque communicators intent on converting them. Tea partiers got drunk off the pleasure of hearing their prejudices echoed. They're now waking up to face their hangover. And his name is Mitt Romney.

I am a Tea Party member--and am O.K. with Mitt Romney if he wins the nomination--:cuckoo:

The Tea Party has been hugely successful--because we have DRAGGED everyone to the right including Mitt Romney--:cuckoo:
The Tea Party could never put forth a "credible" Candidate because no matter what candidate the Tea Party puts forth, they will be human and flawed. Because they exist in real life. And because of that the media, as well as the author of the article, will see these flaws and immediately cariature that candidate so that they become "uncredible" in their eyes.

In other words, they are begging the question.

Ever heard of a guy named Marco Rubio?---:cuckoo:
Why the Tea Party Failed to Produce a Credible Candidate - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

A mostly accurate assessment, but it missed one fundamental point:

In order for the TPM to do the things needed to promote a successful candidate, it would not be able to exist as the TPM. Its raison d'être is the very antithesis of the mainstream political process, both liberal and conservative, democratic and republican.
You mean a credible candidate other then Ron Paul.

I didnt read your artical, cause your just a dumb neocon.

BTW hows that whole Rick Perry thing workin out for ya?? Are you going to go with the 'brother' or are you going to take the 'flip flopper'.

Hope you like Obama, cause unless Republicans unite behind Paul its 4 more years of THIS.

you say this and call other DUMB..

And then we have the OTHER mental giant saying people are crazy and RETARDED..


I think its cute when people attack other people based on silly grammer rules that were invented by dead white men.

Shows that there is really nothing else there. Nothing was learned past 7th grade.
You mean a credible candidate other then Ron Paul.

I didnt read your artical, cause your just a dumb neocon.

BTW hows that whole Rick Perry thing workin out for ya?? Are you going to go with the 'brother' or are you going to take the 'flip flopper'.

Hope you like Obama, cause unless Republicans unite behind Paul its 4 more years of THIS.

Please Romney leads Obama among Independents by over 10 Points.
Because the Media has told them Ron Paul and Newt are unelectable but a flip flopper, a drunk (Perry) and an egotistical idiot child (Cain) are the only hope Republicans have.
You mean a credible candidate other then Ron Paul.

I didnt read your artical, cause your just a dumb neocon.

BTW hows that whole Rick Perry thing workin out for ya?? Are you going to go with the 'brother' or are you going to take the 'flip flopper'.

Hope you like Obama, cause unless Republicans unite behind Paul its 4 more years of THIS.

you say this and call other DUMB..

And then we have the OTHER mental giant saying people are crazy and RETARDED..


I think its cute when people attack other people based on silly grammer rules that were invented by dead white men.

Shows that there is really nothing else there. Nothing was learned past 7th grade.

It's ok. we won't hold it against you..
I think we all learned....your and you're in the THIRD GRADE.
now carry on calling others DUMB.
You mean a credible candidate other then Ron Paul.

I didnt read your artical, cause your just a dumb neocon.

BTW hows that whole Rick Perry thing workin out for ya?? Are you going to go with the 'brother' or are you going to take the 'flip flopper'.

Hope you like Obama, cause unless Republicans unite behind Paul its 4 more years of THIS.

Please Romney leads Obama among Independents by over 10 Points.

You are correct but my question is do you really want Mitt as President? Not do you want Obama out of office or if you think Mitt is the best on the Republican stage... Do you want Mitt as your President?
You mean a credible candidate other then Ron Paul.

I didnt read your artical, cause your just a dumb neocon.

BTW hows that whole Rick Perry thing workin out for ya?? Are you going to go with the 'brother' or are you going to take the 'flip flopper'.

Hope you like Obama, cause unless Republicans unite behind Paul its 4 more years of THIS.

you say this and call other DUMB..

And then we have the OTHER mental giant saying people are crazy and RETARDED..


and he didn't read the artical.....:lol: (another dead white guy error :lol:)

Ricky P might still kick ass....but despite their lib-tarian hopes Ronny P is still a long lost cause....
here come the analyses...

Why the Tea Party Failed to Produce a Credible Candidate - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

So how to produce a candidate? A savvy tea party would assess politicians with resumes sufficient to become president, court and flatter known quantities like Mitch Daniels, who would fundraise well, be acceptable to other constituencies in the Republican Party, and work to ensure that the longshots it elevated were principled guys like Gary Johnson, who've proven their ability to govern should they improbably catch fire in the course of campaigning around the nation.

But the actual tea party isn't savvy. It overestimates its clout within the GOP, fails to appreciate the many obstacles to winning a general election, let alone implementing its agenda, and is therefore careless and immature in choosing its champions. It elevates polarizing figures of questionable competence like Sarah Palin because doing so is cathartic. It backed Michele Bachmann despite her thin resume, erratic behavior in interviews, and the fact that she cares most about advancing a socially conservative agenda, not a small-government agenda. Its erstwhile favorite, Rick Perry, doesn't even subscribe to what ought to be a core tea party tenet: that the government shouldn't subsidize particular firms, picking winners and losers. Perry is a right-wing corporatist. And Herman Cain, the front-runner of the week? He has zero governing experience, acknowledges that he knows next to nothing about foreign policy, flip flops on matters of tremendous consequence, and touts a flawed economic plan, 9-9-9, that could never pass.

What do all these dubious champions have in common? Their red meat rhetoric and ability to antagonize liberals.


Why couldn't the tea party produce a viable candidate? Its partisans put fiery rhetoric ahead of substance, judged GOP politicians based on the extravagance of their promises more than what they'd actually accomplished, failed to demand of its champions some baseline level of competence, and insisted on pols who deliberately piss off outsiders rather than Reaganesque communicators intent on converting them. Tea partiers got drunk off the pleasure of hearing their prejudices echoed. They're now waking up to face their hangover. And his name is Mitt Romney.

I am a Tea Party member--and am O.K. with Mitt Romney if he wins the nomination--:cuckoo:

The Tea Party has been hugely successful--because we have DRAGGED everyone to the right including Mitt Romney--:cuckoo:

I would also argue that we have been successful because we have successfully vetted our candidates. We aren't electing someone because they say "hope and change" without having a freakin clue who he is. Or sticking our heads in the sand when we learn that he is allied with violent revolutionaries who want to overthrow the Republic.

The Tea Party's power will not be in who we elect as President, but in staying actively involved between election where we can encourage or oppose good legislation. And also during elections where we can select good local and state representatives. We need people in state governments who will fight for state rights. Not only will that help us provide a check the Federal Government. It will also give us better pools of future candidates to choose from.

Keep fighting for lower taxes, living within our means, and eliminating bueaucracy no matter who is in power and we can make this nation better.
Mr. Cain IS a credible candidate. HE seems to be doing a good job coming out of the pack and storming to a lead:
RealClearPolitics - Latest Polls

While the naysayers insist on reminding everyone that at this point a poll lead doesn't mean much, which is largely true, they still forget to take note of the fact that AT LEAST RIGHT NOW, Mr. Cain is polling VERY well.

And just because a lead, now, does not automatically mean that a lead will last, that is not proof that it will not last.

I am a Tea Party member--and am O.K. with Mitt Romney if he wins the nomination--:cuckoo:

The Tea Party has been hugely successful--because we have DRAGGED everyone to the right including Mitt Romney--:cuckoo:

I would also argue that we have been successful because we have successfully vetted our candidates. We aren't electing someone because they say "hope and change" without having a freakin clue who he is. Or sticking our heads in the sand when we learn that he is allied with violent revolutionaries who want to overthrow the Republic.

The Tea Party's power will not be in who we elect as President, but in staying actively involved between election where we can encourage or oppose good legislation. And also during elections where we can select good local and state representatives. We need people in state governments who will fight for state rights. Not only will that help us provide a check the Federal Government. It will also give us better pools of future candidates to choose from.

Keep fighting for lower taxes, living within our means, and eliminating bueaucracy no matter who is in power and we can make this nation better.

Na, im gonna call bullshit on this one. The tea party has only pulled the rhetoric to the right, last time I looked policy was still the same.
Mr. Cain IS a credible candidate. HE seems to be doing a good job coming out of the pack and storming to a lead:
RealClearPolitics - Latest Polls

While the naysayers insist on reminding everyone that at this point a poll lead doesn't mean much, which is largely true, they still forget to take note of the fact that AT LEAST RIGHT NOW, Mr. Cain is polling VERY well.

And just because a lead, now, does not automatically mean that a lead will last, that is not proof that it will not last.

Funny thing about Herman Cain is the devils in the details

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