Why the mid-terms have or will turn to chit.

Bullshit! You've offered no plan to combat crime, which is down BTW. As far as the border goes, that is a bullshit, made up issue on the right, to destract us from the real problems this country is facing. People making minimum wage, are not a threat to this country!
Made up Issue ????? Im in Metro Detroit and we have so many Illegals that 30% of the people I see are speaking nothing but Spanish. MILLIONS OF AMERICANS ARE HOMELESS AND SENIORS ARE LIVING IN CARS while leftists are only interested in the HISPANIC VOTE AND POWER,,,,TO HELL WITH POOR AMERICANS. Illegals I see in Walmart are wearing NEW CLOTHES,,,,,NEW CARS,,,,,SHOPPING CARTS FULL OF High quality food while we have Senior citizens eating cat food and cannot pay bills. The Real issues the country is facing is called Agenda 30 and it is being run by the Davos Crime Cabal,,,who happens to BE USING THE DEMOCRAT PARTY to implement this agenda. Destruction of the Middle Class is on their menu ala Marxism; this is really happening, not tin foil hat shit (look up World Government Summit 2022 on you tube). People making minimum wage ( me for most of my 64 years) ARE A THREAT TO THIS COUNTRY !! What the hell do you call ANTIFA / BLM ? do you think they are middle class ?
Made up Issue ????? Im in Metro Detroit and we have so many Illegals that 30% of the people I see are speaking nothing but Spanish. MILLIONS OF AMERICANS ARE HOMELESS AND SENIORS ARE LIVING IN CARS while leftists are only interested in the HISPANIC VOTE AND POWER,,,,TO HELL WITH POOR AMERICANS. Illegals I see in Walmart are wearing NEW CLOTHES,,,,,NEW CARS,,,,,SHOPPING CARTS FULL OF High quality food while we have Senior citizens eating cat food and cannot pay bills. The Real issues the country is facing is called Agenda 30 and it is being run by the Davos Crime Cabal,,,who happens to BE USING THE DEMOCRAT PARTY to implement this agenda. Destruction of the Middle Class is on their menu ala Marxism; this is really happening, not tin foil hat shit (look up World Government Summit 2022 on you tube). People making minimum wage ( me for most of my 64 years) ARE A THREAT TO THIS COUNTRY !! What the hell do you call ANTIFA / BLM ? do you think they are middle class ?
Racism to an extreme!

It's really making you feel hurt isn't it!

How fkn uppity are people who presume they can speak nothing but Spanish?
AOC is a US citizen that hates this country. She brought her disgusting heritage with her when entering this country. Reps offer us the direct opposite of the DEMONRATS way of governing which is good enough. About crime, you lie just like the rest of you left-leaning idiots. Cash bail and sufficient jail time and enforcing the laws already on the books are some of our plans for combating DEMONRAT-sponsored crime. FU and FJB

Ok great. Jails and Prisons are overcrowded. Right now we are dealing with this overcrowding with early releases. How would you manage it?
Ok great. Jails and Prisons are overcrowded. Right now we are dealing with this overcrowding with early releases. How would you manage it?
How about you guys quit kissing the criminal's ass. How about this----you did the crime and the sentence for that particular crime is 1 yr. You actually give them 1 yr and say OH, by the way, due to overcrowding you ain't gonna be comfortable. Ya don't like it tough chit.
How about you guys quit kissing the criminal's ass. How about this----you did the crime and the sentence for that particular crime is 1 yr. You actually give them 1 yr and say OH, by the way, due to overcrowding you ain't gonna be comfortable. Ya don't like it tough chit.

Ok great. Where do we keep them? As I said. Jails and prisons are overcrowded. So where do we keep them?
You weenie, who the hell cares where we keep them as long as they are kept? Typical lefty thinking, always worrying about the criminal.

California is limited to 137.5% overcrowding by Supreme Court Decision.

California, those fucking Liberals if you prefer, argued that sure the Prisoners were held in unsanitary conditions and all that. But they were working to make it better.

The Supreme Court said that the limit was 137.5%.

So they are trying to just “lock them up”. They even argued to the Supreme Court that they had to just “lock them up”.

So Prisons and Jails have to deal with the overcrowding by those limits. There is the finite limit they can have.

Instead of doing the smart thing. Arguing that we should be building more jails and prisons. You argue that I’m a bleeding heart Liberal because I understand there is a finite number that these facilities can hold. Because I am not an ignorant ass I must be awful.

I see that as usual. The get tough on crime people are clueless about what it really takes to do any of that. Why is that? Do you hate the Constitution?
California is limited to 137.5% overcrowding by Supreme Court Decision.

California, those fucking Liberals if you prefer, argued that sure the Prisoners were held in unsanitary conditions and all that. But they were working to make it better.

The Supreme Court said that the limit was 137.5%.

So they are trying to just “lock them up”. They even argued to the Supreme Court that they had to just “lock them up”.

So Prisons and Jails have to deal with the overcrowding by those limits. There is the finite limit they can have.

Instead of doing the smart thing. Arguing that we should be building more jails and prisons. You argue that I’m a bleeding heart Liberal because I understand there is a finite number that these facilities can hold. Because I am not an ignorant ass I must be awful.

I see that as usual. The get tough on crime people are clueless about what it really takes to do any of that. Why is that? Do you hate the Constitution?
I'm good with building more prisons and if they don't get steak for dinner or are over crowded, I don't care. Wich court made the 137% decision, California or SCOTUS?
How about you guys quit kissing the criminal's ass. How about this----you did the crime and the sentence for that particular crime is 1 yr. You actually give them 1 yr and say OH, by the way, due to overcrowding you ain't gonna be comfortable. Ya don't like it tough chit.

Things should be so easy. :p
I'm good with building more prisons and if they don't get steak for dinner or are over crowded, I don't care. Wich court made the 137% decision, California or SCOTUS?
I linked to the simplified Wikipedia page. It was the Supreme Court.

And the money spent on keeping the crooks in is mostly on Security. You know. Guards and such to keep the crooks from leaving.

Now. The states that provide the worst food and such. Not that any of them are providing steak. Those states pay the most in medical. So they are paying for more of something.

California again has the highest paid guards, and this is because with a high cost of living that is what they have to pay to get and retain people. So their cost per prisoner is more than $100,000 a year.
The only reason you now have balls is that you took ours. I hope to god this isn't over and we have not completely lost our country to far-left DEMONRAT policies.
Yes, we took your balls. You can't have them back till you grow up and quit whining like a little bitch.

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