Why the case against Donald Trump is much stronger than the one against John Edwards.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Decades ago, John Edwards was charged with a felony breaking campaign finance laws for paying off his mistress while running for office.

He was acquitted because his defense wasn't that he was hiding it from the nation, but was hiding it from his wife (Shades of Bill Clinton").

John Edwards affair and the resulting pregnancy from pleasure fuking happened in real time.

For Trump, he had two affairs. Unprotected sex with a porn star and unprotected sex with a Playboy Bunny. 10 years before the election.
But the payoffs happened just a couple of months before the election, paying out massive amounts of hush money to help Trump get elected. Trump can't claim he was hiding all his nastiness and illicit behavior from his wife. In fact, she might have even already known.

Then there's the tape. And Trump had to OK it being released. Otherwise, a judge would have ruled it's not covered by client/lawyer privilege because they were discussing committing a crime. That wouldn't have looked good. In fact, it would have looked very, very bad.

Now we get to the part where we use the "F" word..................FELONY.
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I bet Misses Trump not only knew, but participated.
John Edwards was paying his mistress with campaign funds under the fiction that she was the campaign videographer.

Trump's alleged affairs occurred a dozen years before he decided to run for office and weren't affairs at all but a one night stand.

You don't see the difference.
The blockbuster taped phone call was so tepid that democrats are accusing Trump of leaking it himself. Just like the tax returns.
Decades ago, John Edwards was charged with a felony breaking campaign finance laws for paying off his mistress while running for office.

He was acquitted because his defense wasn't that he was hiding it from the nation, but was hiding it from his wife (Shades of Bill Clinton").

John Edwards affair and the resulting pregnancy from pleasure fuking happened in real time.

For Trump, he had two affairs. Unprotected sex with a porn star and unprotected sex with a Playboy Bunny. 10 years before the election.
But the payoffs happened just a couple of months before the election, paying out massive amounts of hush money to help Trump get elected. Trump can't claim he was hiding all his nastiness and illicit behavior from his wife. In fact, she might have even already known.

Then there's the tape. And Trump had to OK it being released. Otherwise, a judge would have ruled it's not covered by client/lawyer privilege because they were discussing committing a crime. That wouldn't have looked good. In fact, it would have looked very, very bad.

Now we get to the part where we use the "F" word..................FELONY.

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John Edwards was paying his mistress with campaign funds under the fiction that she was the campaign videographer.

Trump's alleged affairs occurred a dozen years before he decided to run for office and weren't affairs at all but a one night stand.

You don't see the difference.
But Trump paid off his fuk buddies mere weeks before the election.

Doncha get it? Can't ya see? It's about the payoffs, not the affairs.
Since you conjured religion into the thread . . .

That incognito Christians posing as atheists (not accusing OP of masquerading with them(no slander intended) expect their fellow overt Christians to be some kind of Templar-Jedi embodiments of rectitude and righteousness personified, astonishes this Believer and the sanctimony floods the mouth with the taste of iron(y). Briefly, Christianity is an extensive and ancient--some claim, antiquated retronym Logos within us, even-- framework of tools, call it a euphemistic armor, of teaching, rites, rituals and philosophies--the practice of which is said to result in a very specific outcome.

Have you encountered a special forces soldier in your wonderings--I recall you mentioning your service to our great nation in a different thread; by the way, many thanks from a once-cavalryman reclass'd a few times (the horse we never rode, and all that). But if you have met and spent much time in the presence of such a soldier, you would bear witness to the fact that being SF is not a 24/7-365 way of life. On their best and highest speed, lowest drag days, SFS are capable of feats of action no blockbuster scriptwriter has ever imagined. On their mediocre days, they're still pretty damn good soldiers. On all of their days, they're human as you and I; terrified when the Chaplin comes up the ramp to give last rights to those about jump--and possibly dirt dart bounce.

What I am getting at is, is, I imagine being President of these United States is not dissimilar to being Christian, or a Green Beret, or DD-op or just another human being. We're all mortal, fallible and imperfect. On our best days as Christians, we strive--some of us with more effort than others--to embody Christ's teachings and lead other people by example of Christ's behavior and the Logos. Other days when we're sucking wind and rain and breathing that sand sea turned to mucky wet dust in the spring that coats even nostrils, eyes and mouth--we're less Jedi and more Gomer Pyle than Pauly Shore. Point is . . . life overwhelms us all sometimes--knocks the breath right out of us. We falter. We fail. When weak we lie, when we think we're strong, the truth can be like humping a hill in Hawaii. We sin. We forgive. We deny. We admit. Christ forgives us all . . .

President Donald Trump is neither demiurge nor walking, talking second coming. His may very well be the position from atop which heights to set an example for the masses, but . . . he is just a man--subject same as you or I to the undertow of life's worst moments.

In closing, and perhaps, speaking more specifically to your topic, what standard--which personification--of the perfect leader would you have the American people hold President Trump up to? Would he match that mold, or could he even exceed its exemplification of historical perfection when the bygone favorite President of all time is reexamined? How is it that the man's pre-presidential life indiscretions disqualifies him from serving the American people, and in particular, those growing masses of men and women who despise Christianity, who would have their fellow countrymen renounce their faith for charge of collective apostasy, and then expect personification of Christ's teachings in their elected commander in chief?
Since you conjured religion into the thread . . .

That incognito Christians posing as atheists (not accusing OP of masquerading with them(no slander intended) expect their fellow overt Christians to be some kind of Templar-Jedi embodiments of rectitude and righteousness personified, astonishes this Believer and the sanctimony floods the mouth with the taste of iron(y). Briefly, Christianity is an extensive and ancient--some claim, antiquated retronym Logos within us, even-- framework of tools, call it a euphemistic armor, of teaching, rites, rituals and philosophies--the practice of which is said to result in a very specific outcome.

Have you encountered a special forces soldier in your wonderings--I recall you mentioning your service to our great nation in a different thread; by the way, many thanks from a once-cavalryman reclass'd a few times (the horse we never rode, and all that). But if you have met and spent much time in the presence of such a soldier, you would bear witness to the fact that being SF is not a 24/7-365 way of life. On their best and highest speed, lowest drag days, SFS are capable of feats of action no blockbuster scriptwriter has ever imagined. On their mediocre days, they're still pretty damn good soldiers. On all of their days, they're human as you and I; terrified when the Chaplin comes up the ramp to give last rights to those about jump--and possibly dirt dart bounce.

What I am getting at is, is, I imagine being President of these United States is not dissimilar to being Christian, or a Green Beret, or DD-op or just another human being. We're all mortal, fallible and imperfect. On our best days as Christians, we strive--some of us with more effort than others--to embody Christ's teachings and lead other people by example of Christ's behavior and the Logos. Other days when we're sucking wind and rain and breathing that sand sea turned to mucky wet dust in the spring that coats even nostrils, eyes and mouth--we're less Jedi and more Gomer Pyle than Pauly Shore. Point is . . . life overwhelms us all sometimes--knocks the breath right out of us. We falter. We fail. When weak we lie, when we think we're strong, the truth can be like humping a hill in Hawaii. We sin. We forgive. We deny. We admit. Christ forgives us all . . .

President Donald Trump is neither demiurge nor walking, talking second coming. His may very well be the position from atop which heights to set an example for the masses, but . . . he is just a man--subject same as you or I to the undertow of life's worst moments.

In closing, and perhaps, speaking more specifically to your topic, what standard--which personification--of the perfect leader would you have the American people hold President Trump up to? Would he match that mold, or could he even exceed its exemplification of historical perfection when the bygone favorite President of all time is reexamined? How is it that the man's pre-presidential life indiscretions disqualifies him from serving the American people, and in particular, those growing masses of men and women who despise Christianity, who would have their fellow countrymen renounce their faith for charge of collective apostasy, and then expect personification of Christ's teachings in their elected commander in chief?
I'm glad you don't think Trump is perfect.

Because he's a nasty con man who had unprotected sex with a porn star and then had unprotected sex with his wife who was probably still breast feeding. He could have infected both his wife and new baby.

And he lies every single day to this country. He kneels at the alter of Vladimir Putin.

He is the nastiest and most corrupt president this nation has ever had. Sad that the GOP has become the Cult of Trump.
John Edwards was paying his mistress with campaign funds under the fiction that she was the campaign videographer.

Trump's alleged affairs occurred a dozen years before he decided to run for office and weren't affairs at all but a one night stand.

You don't see the difference.
But Trump paid off his fuk buddies mere weeks before the election.

Doncha get it? Can't ya see? It's about the payoffs, not the affairs.
With his own money, Mentally Retarded Cupcake.
Since you conjured religion into the thread . . .

That incognito Christians posing as atheists (not accusing OP of masquerading with them(no slander intended) expect their fellow overt Christians to be some kind of Templar-Jedi embodiments of rectitude and righteousness personified, astonishes this Believer and the sanctimony floods the mouth with the taste of iron(y). Briefly, Christianity is an extensive and ancient--some claim, antiquated retronym Logos within us, even-- framework of tools, call it a euphemistic armor, of teaching, rites, rituals and philosophies--the practice of which is said to result in a very specific outcome.

Have you encountered a special forces soldier in your wonderings--I recall you mentioning your service to our great nation in a different thread; by the way, many thanks from a once-cavalryman reclass'd a few times (the horse we never rode, and all that). But if you have met and spent much time in the presence of such a soldier, you would bear witness to the fact that being SF is not a 24/7-365 way of life. On their best and highest speed, lowest drag days, SFS are capable of feats of action no blockbuster scriptwriter has ever imagined. On their mediocre days, they're still pretty damn good soldiers. On all of their days, they're human as you and I; terrified when the Chaplin comes up the ramp to give last rights to those about jump--and possibly dirt dart bounce.

What I am getting at is, is, I imagine being President of these United States is not dissimilar to being Christian, or a Green Beret, or DD-op or just another human being. We're all mortal, fallible and imperfect. On our best days as Christians, we strive--some of us with more effort than others--to embody Christ's teachings and lead other people by example of Christ's behavior and the Logos. Other days when we're sucking wind and rain and breathing that sand sea turned to mucky wet dust in the spring that coats even nostrils, eyes and mouth--we're less Jedi and more Gomer Pyle than Pauly Shore. Point is . . . life overwhelms us all sometimes--knocks the breath right out of us. We falter. We fail. When weak we lie, when we think we're strong, the truth can be like humping a hill in Hawaii. We sin. We forgive. We deny. We admit. Christ forgives us all . . .

President Donald Trump is neither demiurge nor walking, talking second coming. His may very well be the position from atop which heights to set an example for the masses, but . . . he is just a man--subject same as you or I to the undertow of life's worst moments.

In closing, and perhaps, speaking more specifically to your topic, what standard--which personification--of the perfect leader would you have the American people hold President Trump up to? Would he match that mold, or could he even exceed its exemplification of historical perfection when the bygone favorite President of all time is reexamined? How is it that the man's pre-presidential life indiscretions disqualifies him from serving the American people, and in particular, those growing masses of men and women who despise Christianity, who would have their fellow countrymen renounce their faith for charge of collective apostasy, and then expect personification of Christ's teachings in their elected commander in chief?
I'm glad you don't think Trump is perfect.

Because he's a nasty con man who had unprotected sex with a porn star and then had unprotected sex with his wife who was probably still breast feeding. He could have infected both his wife and new baby.

And he lies every single day to this country. He kneels at the alter of Vladimir Putin.

He is the nastiest and most corrupt president this nation has ever had. Sad that the GOP has become the Cult of Trump.
In other words, you have an Illegal in your family.

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