Why so much religious condemnation about homosexual sex?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Exclusive homosexuality occurs in just 5% or so of sample groups, "experimentation" around 30%. So given how much we hear about homosexual from religious groups for a 5% problem, we should be hearing a dozen times as much about the sin of premarital/extramarital sex right?

"Data from the National Survey of Family Growth indicate that in 2002, 77% of Americans had sex by age 20, and of that percent, 75% had premarital sex."
Premarital sex - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But we don't. In fact, I can't recall a single instance of Christians railing against premarital sex in recent years.

That there shall be no harlot (in Israel); that is, that there shall be no intercourse with a woman, without previous marriage with a deed of marriage and formal declaration of marriage (Deut. 23:18)

"Corinthians 6:9, 2 Corinthians 12:21, Galatians 5:19, Hebrews 13:4 and Deuteronomy 22:13-28, all which condemn sex before marriage"
Three Lies About Premarital Sex Focus on the Family

You would think then when the Bible's absolutely against premarital sex, and 75% of people before age 20 have premarital sex, and just 5% are exclusively homosexual, religion would be addressing premarital sex 15 times as much as homosexuality.
Actually, they do rail against premarital sex while arguing for abstinence and against abortion
Exclusive homosexuality occurs in just 5% or so of sample groups, "experimentation" around 30%. So given how much we hear about homosexual from religious groups for a 5% problem, we should be hearing a dozen times as much about the sin of premarital/extramarital sex right?

"Data from the National Survey of Family Growth indicate that in 2002, 77% of Americans had sex by age 20, and of that percent, 75% had premarital sex."
Premarital sex - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But we don't. In fact, I can't recall a single instance of Christians railing against premarital sex in recent years.

That there shall be no harlot (in Israel); that is, that there shall be no intercourse with a woman, without previous marriage with a deed of marriage and formal declaration of marriage (Deut. 23:18)

"Corinthians 6:9, 2 Corinthians 12:21, Galatians 5:19, Hebrews 13:4 and Deuteronomy 22:13-28, all which condemn sex before marriage"
Three Lies About Premarital Sex Focus on the Family

You would think then when the Bible's absolutely against premarital sex, and 75% of people before age 20 have premarital sex, and just 5% are exclusively homosexual, religion would be addressing premarital sex 15 times as much as homosexuality.
I think the anti -'mo prejudice started in pre-history.

'Mo's be stinking up the caves and tents with that butt-fuckin' stuff.
Actually, they do rail against premarital sex while arguing for abstinence and against abortion


GOP conservatives mention homosexuality all the time. Can't recall their ever bringing up premarital sex though.
They respond to it because the gay activists bring it up. They're supposed to shut up?

Most religious folks are against it because, I hope you are sitting down, they believe God made man and woman for a reason. True story. And your 5% estimate is bullshit.
Actually, they do rail against premarital sex while arguing for abstinence and against abortion


GOP conservatives mention homosexuality all the time. Can't recall their ever bringing up premarital sex though.
They respond to it because the gay activists bring it up. They're supposed to shut up?

Most religious folks are against it because, I hope you are sitting down, they believe God made man and woman for a reason. True story. And your 5% estimate is bullshit.

"(Gebhard 1972) weighting by marital status, he estimated that 4% of the white college-educated males and between 1-2% (and closer to 1%) of white females were predominantly or exclusively homosexual.

Gebhard and Johnson (1979) They found 9.9% of the males in the College Sample had extensive homosexual experience. 3.7% of females had extensive homosexual experience.

Gebhard (McWhirter 1990) on Kinsey's basic sample of noninstitutionalized males and females indicated that "13.95% of males and 4.25% of females, or a combined average of 9.13%" had had either "extensive" or "more than incidental" homosexual experience. These figures were not weighted by marital status.

John Gagnon and William Simon (1973) also reanalyzed Kinsey's data, focusing on the college sample. In their tabulations, 30% of males reported a homosexual experience to orgasm for the male or his partner; of this group, 25% had the experience(s) as adolescents or had only isolated experiences before the age of 20. The remaining 5-6% broke down evenly, with 3% having had "substantial homosexual histories" and 3% having had "exclusively homosexual histories." The comparable figure for females having had a homosexual experience was 6%. Of these, 4% had experience limited to adolescence or scattered experience before the age of 20, leaving 2% with significant adult homosexual experience, and less than 1% with exclusively homosexual histories.

National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (2010)

While about 7% of adult women and 8% of men identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual, the proportion of individuals in the U.S. who have had same-gender sexual interactions at some point in their lives is higher."
The Kinsey Institute - Reference - Bibliographies - Homosexuality Related Resources
GOP conservatives mention homosexuality all the time. Can't recall their ever bringing up premarital sex though.

Thats because only 5% of them are hooking up in men's bathrooms while the rest of them are fornicating all over the place. Statistically its easier for them to be hypocrites about the small percentage of people guilty of the so called sins of fornication. By accusing the 5% of destroying the fabric of American society it gives the majority of people an easy out from their acknowledging their own guilt which makes them hypocrites themselves so that they will be deaf, dumb and blind to the obvious hypocrisy and many ways in which the accusers are guilty of destroying the fabric of American society themselves.

By inciting people to argue and obsess over imaginary crimes they are pulling off far more sinister and heinous real crimes right under everyone's noses.
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Iceweasel is right about your 5% stat. Where ever you are getting your facts, don't trust them. I graduated in a school of 300, and there were not 15 homosexuals in my class.

In my dorm at college there was probably just as many and half again number of students, and only a few LGBT. I can't seriously think they ALL hid in the closet if there were THAT many. You need to stop falling for the MSM propaganda.

Having a "homosexual experience" does not make one a queer, it makes one. . . . kinky? perverted? lol

If you select your data gathering from a population of perverts, don't be surprised if you have a high percentage of people who say they are queer. DUH! What do you think is going to happen when prostitutes and sexual deviants volunteer to answer questions on sex?


Academic criticisms were made pertaining to sample selection and sample bias in the reports' methodology. Two main problems cited were that significant portions of the samples come from prison populations and male prostitutes, and that people who volunteer to be interviewed about taboo subject are likely to suffer from the problem of self-selection. Both undermine the usefulness of the sample in terms of determining the tendencies of the overall population. In 1948, the same year as the original publication, a committee of the American Statistical Association, including notable statisticians such as John Tukey, condemned the sampling procedure. Tukey was perhaps the most vocal critic, saying, "A random selection of three people would have been better than a group of 300 chosen by Mr. Kinsey."[15][16] Criticism principally revolved around the over-representation of some groups in the sample: 25% were, or had been, prison inmates, and 5% were male prostitutes.[citation needed] Psychologist Abraham Maslow asserted that Kinsey did not consider "volunteer bias". The data represented only those volunteering to participate in discussion of taboo topics. Most Americans were reluctant to discuss the intimate details of their sex lives even with their spouses and close friends. Before the publication of Kinsey's reports, Maslow tested Kinsey's volunteers for bias. He concluded that Kinsey's sample was unrepresentative of the general population.[17] In 1954, leading statisticians, including William Gemmell Cochran, Frederick Mosteller, John Tukey, and W. O. Jenkins issued for the American Statistical Association a critique of Kinsey’s 1948 report on the human male, stating:

“Critics are justified in their objections that many of the most interesting and provocative statements in the [Kinsey 1948] book are not based on the data presented therein, and it is not made clear to the reader on what evidence the statements are based. Further, the conclusions drawn from data presented in the book are often stated by KPM [Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin] in much too bold and confident a manner. Taken cumulatively, these objections amount to saying that much of the writing in the book falls below the level of good scientific writing.”[18]
Kinsey Reports - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Actually, they do rail against premarital sex while arguing for abstinence and against abortion


GOP conservatives mention homosexuality all the time. Can't recall their ever bringing up premarital sex though.
They respond to it because the gay activists bring it up. They're supposed to shut up?

Most religious folks are against it because, I hope you are sitting down, they believe God made man and woman for a reason. True story. And your 5% estimate is bullshit.

"(Gebhard 1972) weighting by marital status, he estimated that 4% of the white college-educated males and between 1-2% (and closer to 1%) of white females were predominantly or exclusively homosexual.

Gebhard and Johnson (1979) They found 9.9% of the males in the College Sample had extensive homosexual experience. 3.7% of females had extensive homosexual experience.

Gebhard (McWhirter 1990) on Kinsey's basic sample of noninstitutionalized males and females indicated that "13.95% of males and 4.25% of females, or a combined average of 9.13%" had had either "extensive" or "more than incidental" homosexual experience. These figures were not weighted by marital status.

John Gagnon and William Simon (1973) also reanalyzed Kinsey's data, focusing on the college sample. In their tabulations, 30% of males reported a homosexual experience to orgasm for the male or his partner; of this group, 25% had the experience(s) as adolescents or had only isolated experiences before the age of 20. The remaining 5-6% broke down evenly, with 3% having had "substantial homosexual histories" and 3% having had "exclusively homosexual histories." The comparable figure for females having had a homosexual experience was 6%. Of these, 4% had experience limited to adolescence or scattered experience before the age of 20, leaving 2% with significant adult homosexual experience, and less than 1% with exclusively homosexual histories.

National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (2010)

While about 7% of adult women and 8% of men identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual, the proportion of individuals in the U.S. who have had same-gender sexual interactions at some point in their lives is higher."
The Kinsey Institute - Reference - Bibliographies - Homosexuality Related Resources

Kinsey's basic sample of noninstitutionalized males and females indicated that....

That if you interview inmates and child molestors, you'll get bad data.
Kinsey has been debunked long ago. The real figures are probably around 1-2%. But the answer is the same, religious people are prone to recognizing gender as a purpose. There are religious gays too though and I've asked why they thought God created gays. Only answer I could get was "to keep other gays happy". Mmmmmkay.
GOP conservatives mention homosexuality all the time. Can't recall their ever bringing up premarital sex though.

Thats because only 5% of them are hooking up in men's bathrooms while the rest of them are fornicating all over the place. Statistically its easier for them to be hypocrites about the small percentage of people guilty of the so called sins of fornication. By accusing the 5% of destroying the fabric of American society it gives the majority of people an easy out from their acknowledging their own guilt which makes them hypocrites themselves so that they will be deaf, dumb and blind to the obvious hypocrisy and many ways in which the accusers are guilty of destroying the fabric of American society themselves.

That's a very good point.

Up until the fifties or sixties, adultry was ground for divorce. Wives could take half of everything the elites had. The CEO's, Bankers, Business men and elite politicians, lawyers and judges didn't like that. So they got rid of those laws, screwed the women over so they could cheat on them all they wanted and not lose more than half of their net worth. They introduced, "No fault Divorce" This way the cheating spouse can get a divorce before he gets caught and loses his shirt.

So when they talk about the destruction of the American family and the loss of morality in the American family, it is all on the Politicians and their elites funders that can't keep their dicks in their pants and don't give a shit about the children.
But don't think that it is all on the conservative GOP, or power hungry bosses of the Democratic Party that liked to philander who were the cause of passing No-fault Divorce.

The Marxist inspired feminist movement of those days felt that women's liberation and individual choice was more important than children too. Both the left and right agreed to screw the kids over. Nobody gives a damn about the kids anymore. A nation of selfish, self-involved, materialist, sex maniacs is what we have.

Feminists, liberals, conservatives, the GOP, and Hollywood. . . . They are all responsible for this. They are all selfish because none of them give a damn about the kids.
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But don't think that it is all on the conservative GOP, or power hungry bosses of the Democratic Party that liked to philander who were the cause of passing No-fault Divorce.

The Marxist inspired feminist movement of those days felt that women's liberation and individual choice was more important than children too. Both the left and right agreed to screw the kids over. Nobody gives a damn about the kids anymore. A nation of selfish, self-involved, materialist, sex maniacs us what we have.

Feminists, liberals, conservatives, the GOP, and Hollywood. . . . They are all responsible for this. They are all selfish because none of them give a damn about the kids.

The way I see it, Catholic, Protestant, whats the difference? Republican, democrat, whats the difference?

And even if there is such a thing as the lesser of two evils, why is there never any other choice?

I have to disagree with your blanket condemnation of feminists and Hollywood. However many selfish, self-involved, materialist, sex maniacs out there there might be the ultimate responsibility is on religious people of every sort who claim moral authority while perpetuating falsehood and ignorance and teaching children perverse views about human sexuality.

Is Hollywood to blame if people get all bent out of shape if they see a nipple on tv or are sanctimonious religious hypocrites responsible for people getting bent out of shape because they teach their children that there was something terribly wrong about seeing a nipple?
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Exclusive homosexuality occurs in just 5% or so of sample groups, "experimentation" around 30%. So given how much we hear about homosexual from religious groups for a 5% problem, we should be hearing a dozen times as much about the sin of premarital/extramarital sex right?

"Data from the National Survey of Family Growth indicate that in 2002, 77% of Americans had sex by age 20, and of that percent, 75% had premarital sex."
Premarital sex - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But we don't. In fact, I can't recall a single instance of Christians railing against premarital sex in recent years.

That there shall be no harlot (in Israel); that is, that there shall be no intercourse with a woman, without previous marriage with a deed of marriage and formal declaration of marriage (Deut. 23:18)

"Corinthians 6:9, 2 Corinthians 12:21, Galatians 5:19, Hebrews 13:4 and Deuteronomy 22:13-28, all which condemn sex before marriage"
Three Lies About Premarital Sex Focus on the Family

You would think then when the Bible's absolutely against premarital sex, and 75% of people before age 20 have premarital sex, and just 5% are exclusively homosexual, religion would be addressing premarital sex 15 times as much as homosexuality.

Well, since it is YOUR post, I would have to say that the subject is more on YOUR mind than it is on the minds of others.
Exclusive homosexuality occurs in just 5% or so of sample groups, "experimentation" around 30%. So given how much we hear about homosexual from religious groups for a 5% problem, we should be hearing a dozen times as much about the sin of premarital/extramarital sex right?

"Data from the National Survey of Family Growth indicate that in 2002, 77% of Americans had sex by age 20, and of that percent, 75% had premarital sex."
Premarital sex - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But we don't. In fact, I can't recall a single instance of Christians railing against premarital sex in recent years.

That there shall be no harlot (in Israel); that is, that there shall be no intercourse with a woman, without previous marriage with a deed of marriage and formal declaration of marriage (Deut. 23:18)

"Corinthians 6:9, 2 Corinthians 12:21, Galatians 5:19, Hebrews 13:4 and Deuteronomy 22:13-28, all which condemn sex before marriage"
Three Lies About Premarital Sex Focus on the Family

You would think then when the Bible's absolutely against premarital sex, and 75% of people before age 20 have premarital sex, and just 5% are exclusively homosexual, religion would be addressing premarital sex 15 times as much as homosexuality.

Well, since it is YOUR post, I would have to say that the subject is more on YOUR mind than it is on the minds of others.

Because when I google 'news' it comes up an awful lot.

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