Why Republicans need to crush the Tea Party by electing Hillary Clinton.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
The Tea Party has shattered the Republican party into pieces. There is no Unity. You have the majority that are moderate Republicans--then you've got the right or should I say Reich wing of the party that has cost Republicans the election in 2012 and now 2016. It's out of ignorance of what government can and cannot do.

A great article describing why Mitt Romney lost in 2012 is here:
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

In 2012 the Evangelical wing of the party decided to make their platform about abortion. Of course abortion is a 45 year old settled U.S. Supreme court issue, but for some reason they still think it's a political one. This of course then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what was legal legitimate rape questions, that were always answered by an ancient white male Republican. This sent women, the largest voting block in this country, running into Barack Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points. Basically they were "offended" into giving Barack Obama a 2nd term.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

In 2016, it's another large voting block that Republicans need, Hispanics. 17% of the population or 23 million Latino's have been "offended" into voting for Hillary Clinton. Of course in 2012, one of the platform topics was immigration/deporation and Romney only captured 27% of this block. The last Republican President to win was G. W Bush and he captured 44% of this block. The GOP nominee, since Reagan has had to capture at least 40% of this block to win the White House. This year it's 46%. Trump is polling at a Negative 80% with this block.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

The Tea Party, is lead by Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwwddd-d Rush Limbaugh and all the other right wing talk show hosts that fill their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole for political entertainment and profits. They promote candidates based on this hyperbole, such as Ted Cruz a Canadian born candidate, that would be certain to be challenged on his eligibility. He is too far right to win a National election. Women nor Independents would vote for him. They have promoted Donald Trump to their audiences, another one that could not possibly win the White House, and is really only good at driving people off. These right wing talk shows hosts have incited this anger within the Republican party, and exploited this ignorance and bigotry.

In order to save the Republican party, the Tea Party and their leaders must be crushed. Hillary Clinton must win in a landslide election. Otherwise the next Republican President hasn't been born yet.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump



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I don't think the Tea Party has done much of anything, and are moot.
And keep with the insanity of career politicians?? Dumbasses
I don't think the Tea Party has done much of anything, and are moot.

You want to get them energized, just elect the hildabitch. Which is a probability that is shrinking by the minute.

You've already cost us another election. Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.

Don't worry though, Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwwwddd-d and all the others will be there the morning after to help you blow your noses and wipe your tears, while giving you another bullshit reason as to why you got your ass's kicked. You'll lap it up and then start the process all over again for 2020.

Let’s Elect Hillary Now

Hitlery is inevitably going to wind up being yanked from the election, and she'll be lucky not to wind up in prison. She better hope and pray the muslim in the white mosque gives her a pardon. She's a non threat to the tea party, the republican party, or the beer party going on down the street.
I don't think the Tea Party has done much of anything, and are moot.

You want to get them energized, just elect the hildabitch. Which is a probability that is shrinking by the minute.

You've already cost us another election. Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.

Don't worry though, Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwwwddd-d and all the others will be there the morning after to help you blow your noses and wipe your tears, while giving you another bullshit reason as to why you got your ass's kicked. You'll lap it up and then start the process all over again for 2020.

Let’s Elect Hillary Now


She can do that while out on bail, who knew?
The Tea Party has shattered the Republican party into pieces.

^^^ Thread FAIL in the first sentence. The GOP establishment leadership arrogance, lying, and collaborating with filth liberals shattered the Republican party. RINO's infiltrated the party but just relax we are destroying them.
...Otherwise the next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

It's funny that just a few months ago you guys were confidently chortling how the next Republican president hasn't been born yet. NOW... it comes down to hopes that the Establishment wing will effectively commit political hari-kari to elect a felon-in-waiting from the opposition party. My how our expectations have deflated! :rofl:
the people on the left always dreaming of violence against other people. and then turn around and claim they are for peace and love
Is that why you are supporting trump? He is after all the only candidate consistently losing to Hillary. You want to crush the tea party.
Hitlery is inevitably going to wind up being yanked from the election, and she'll be lucky not to wind up in prison. She better hope and pray the muslim in the white mosque gives her a pardon. She's a non threat to the tea party, the republican party, or the beer party going on down the street.

Right now with these numbers Hillary Clinton could survive another 4 Bengazi's and found to be using a Chineze server manager.

BENGAZI--has been investigated 8 times now. During her last 12 hours of intense congressional testimony she made Republicans eat it. During her opening statement she went through a long list of other U.S. Embassies that have been attacked by radicals, including during the Reagan administration when 240 U.S. marines were killed in a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. She explained the video comment perfectly, citing that other embassies during the same time period were being raided over this video, and the confusion over that. Anyone that has seen the movie (13 hours) now knows that Chris Stevens arrived in Bengazi on September 10th, and rented this unsecure villa, was advised against it by CIA operatives that were on location in a private secure place a mile away. On September 11th this location was attacked. Hillary Clinton didn't even know he was in Bengazi, she thought he was 400 miles away in the secure U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.

EMAILS: The state department has repeatedly stated that the 22 emails in question, were not marked classified when she received them. This was done by inter agencies (after the fact) as they didn't want them released to the public.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but are being upgraded at the request of the Intelligence Community because they contain sensitive information.
State Department will not release 22 'top secret' Clinton emails - CNNPolitics.com

Furthermore, recently Carly Fiorina stated that Hillary Clinton will not be charged with any wrong doing. Hillary Clinton has requested that the DOJ release these emails to the public. So that should have given you some indication that there is nothing in them that you could get excited about.

And if Hillary Clinton has a problem with emails so does Colin Powell & Condi Rice.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

So again, this is a prime example of how you have been lead astray by right wing talk shows hosts and candidates in this race that have repeatedly lead you down a road of misinformation, and have purposefully not disclosed all of the information to you. It's only in a effort to keep you hyped up with right wing hyperbole flowing through your veins 24/7.. You should have learned this by now, but you obviously haven't. On the candidates that they support, you should use them as a contrary indicator, and support the candidates (they're not supporting), because they are the ones that can actually win a National Election. You might also one day realize that the very worst thing that could happen to those Obscene profit breaks is that Hillary Clinton loses this election, and they have nothing to talk about for the next 4 to 8 years.


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The Tea Party has shattered the Republican party into pieces. There is no Unity. You have the majority that are moderate Republicans--then you've got the right or should I say Reich wing of the party that has cost Republicans the election in 2012 and now 2016. It's out of ignorance of what government can and cannot do.

A great article describing why Mitt Romney lost in 2012 is here:
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

In 2012 the Evangelical wing of the party decided to make their platform about abortion. Of course abortion is a 45 year old settled U.S. Supreme court issue, but for some reason they still think it's a political one. This of course then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what was legal legitimate rape questions, that were always answered by an ancient white male Republican. This sent women, the largest voting block in this country, running into Barack Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points. Basically they were "offended" into giving Barack Obama a 2nd term.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

In 2016, it's another large voting block that Republicans need, Hispanics. 17% of the population or 23 million Latino's have been "offended" into voting for Hillary Clinton. Of course in 2012, one of the platform topics was immigration/deporation and Romney only captured 27% of this block. The last Republican President to win was G. W Bush and he captured 44% of this block. The GOP nominee, since Reagan has had to capture at least 40% of this block to win the White House. This year it's 46%. Trump is polling at a Negative 80% with this block.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

The Tea Party, is lead by Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwwddd-d Rush Limbaugh and all the other right wing talk show hosts that fill their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole for political entertainment and profits. They promote candidates based on this hyperbole, such as Ted Cruz a Canadian born candidate, that would be certain to be challenged on his eligibility. He is too far right to win a National election. Women nor Independents would vote for him. They have promoted Donald Trump to their audiences, another one that could not possibly win the White House, and is really only good at driving people off. These right wing talk shows hosts have incited this anger within the Republican party, and exploited this ignorance and bigotry.

In order to save the Republican party, the Tea Party and their leaders must be crushed. Hillary Clinton must win in a landslide election. Otherwise the next Republican President hasn't been born yet.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump



You left wing nut jobs never get smarter do you?
Hitlery is inevitably going to wind up being yanked from the election, and she'll be lucky not to wind up in prison. She better hope and pray the muslim in the white mosque gives her a pardon. She's a non threat to the tea party, the republican party, or the beer party going on down the street.
another am radio listenin' retard post :tinfoil: Your bud- easyt65 said she was supposed to be arrested > a month ago/
I don't think the Tea Party has done much of anything, and are moot.

You want to get them energized, just elect the hildabitch. Which is a probability that is shrinking by the minute.
why you got to talk like an am radio listenin' tard OKTexas

Why do you feel the need to support a criminal bitch that endangers national security and gets people killed because she can't effectively run one dept of government? Only a real retard would think it's a good idea to make her responsible for the whole thing.

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