Why renewable energy is a total fantasy!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
The entire world economy hinges upon one thing only: investment in fossil fuels. Accordingly, renewable energy will always be a fringe market......entrepreneurs taking advantage of the suckers. Fossil fuels will be dominating for many, many decades........

Sovereign Debts in a Fossil-Fueled World | YaleGlobal Online

Weaponizing the Numbers: The Hidden Agenda behind the Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform | New Labor Forum


Links a sobering nut sack kick for the climate crusaders.

World governments are not going to be compromising economic growth and standards of living. The climate crusaders might not like that reality but it is reality.

Standards of living cannot be sustained in industrial states without fossil fuel investment. It is the ONLY thing keeping world economies from tanking. Think leaders are going to compromise that? :fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed:
The entire world economy hinges upon one thing only: investment in fossil fuels. Accordingly, renewable energy will always be a fringe market......entrepreneurs taking advantage of the suckers. Fossil fuels will be dominating for many, many decades........
Sovereign Debts in a Fossil-Fueled World | YaleGlobal Online
Weaponizing the Numbers: The Hidden Agenda behind the Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform | New Labor Forum
Links a sobering nut sack kick for the climate crusaders. World governments are not going to be compromising economic growth and standards of living. The climate crusaders might not like that reality but it is reality. Standards of living cannot be sustained in industrial states without fossil fuel investment. It is the ONLY thing keeping world economies from tanking. Think leaders are going to compromise that?
That's a short-sighted notion, because inevitably fossil fuels will run out and renewables should be part of the solution, though I think it will never truly be solved until the fusion problem is licked.
The entire world economy hinges upon one thing only: investment in fossil fuels. Accordingly, renewable energy will always be a fringe market......entrepreneurs taking advantage of the suckers. Fossil fuels will be dominating for many, many decades........
Sovereign Debts in a Fossil-Fueled World | YaleGlobal Online
Weaponizing the Numbers: The Hidden Agenda behind the Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform | New Labor Forum
Links a sobering nut sack kick for the climate crusaders. World governments are not going to be compromising economic growth and standards of living. The climate crusaders might not like that reality but it is reality. Standards of living cannot be sustained in industrial states without fossil fuel investment. It is the ONLY thing keeping world economies from tanking. Think leaders are going to compromise that?
That's a short-sighted notion, because inevitably fossil fuels will run out and renewables should be part of the solution, though I think it will never truly be solved until the fusion problem is licked.
We could run on alcohol.
The whole "what happens when we run out" argument is mute. It has no........zero.....influence on how energy decisions will be made in the 21st century. Its quite a political matter except for those with the political IQ of a small soap dish. The Yale article speaks to this.

Industrial countries will continue to subsidize and invest in fossil fuels because it ensures an expected standard of living. Going back to horse and buggy and fireplaces might give climate crusaders a hard-on but most people will think that ghey.

The climate k00ks will never be deterred.....never spent a moment the past 10 years in here trying to change the mind of one. Its quite impossible. Facts mean nothing. I just continue to be soberingly blunt about energy realities moving forward.

That China is building 2-3 new coal plants/month and will until 2030 just makes it a slam dunk for me.....it train wrecks every bozo argument from the green nutters. :cul2:
What happens when renewables run out ?

d0y.........without energy innovation, we cease to exist s0n. Its quite that simple. Nobody is worried about it. BTW....renewables have never and will never be the answer. A look at the energy landscape tells us that with 100% certainty.
What happens when renewables run out ?

d0y.........without energy innovation, we cease to exist s0n. Its quite that simple. Nobody is worried about it. BTW....renewables have never and will never be the answer. A look at the energy landscape tells us that with 100% certainty.
I would like to know what kind of liquor Tommy is imbibing. Renewables, by the description, do not run out. I don't even know why I respond to these morons--maybe I'm a moron too.
What happens when renewables run out ?
Do you even read what you write. I would say that you were dumber than a rock but that doesn't do justice. You are dumber than a whole box of rocks.
It was a genuine question posed by a right wing denier.

What happens when renewables run out ?

d0y.........without energy innovation, we cease to exist s0n. Its quite that simple. Nobody is worried about it. BTW....renewables have never and will never be the answer. A look at the energy landscape tells us that with 100% certainty.
It really doesnt. The future is renewables. Why cant you cope with that ?
What happens when renewables run out ?

d0y.........without energy innovation, we cease to exist s0n. Its quite that simple. Nobody is worried about it. BTW....renewables have never and will never be the answer. A look at the energy landscape tells us that with 100% certainty.
I would like to know what kind of liquor Tommy is imbibing. Renewables, by the description, do not run out. I don't even know why I respond to these morons--maybe I'm a moron too.

They do run out of easy to use land, while still being an intermittent power source the whole time.

Solar is useless at night and cloudy skies.

Wind is useless when there insufficient to no wind to move the blades.

"Fossil Fuel's power production is 24/7.

Nuclear and Thorium power are being badly underutilized.
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What happens when renewables run out ?

d0y.........without energy innovation, we cease to exist s0n. Its quite that simple. Nobody is worried about it. BTW....renewables have never and will never be the answer. A look at the energy landscape tells us that with 100% certainty.
It really doesnt. The future is renewables. Why cant you cope with that ?

Where is there any evidence of that? LOL......other than from a green source? :cul2:

Here are sourced energy projections..........d0y..........


From the EIA >>>

Energy Usage Projections - Bing

So you might be right........but it wont be for a long, long, long time........decades after everybody posting in here is long in their box.:deal::deal::hello77:
What's wrong with hydro? ... I understand it's a BIG carbon footprint to build these installations ... but Hoover Dam is pushing 100 years old now, with another 100 years left in her, easy ...

Phaw ...

Cheap fossil fuels will run out first ... then the not-so-cheap fossil fuels ... once we start burning the hey-this-shits-getting-expense fossil fuels ... alternatives will start to look more promising ... the Free Market has her say in this matter as well ...
That's a short-sighted notion, because inevitably fossil fuels will run out and renewables should be part of the solution, though I think it will never truly be solved until the fusion problem is licked.
let me know how you know this?
What's wrong with hydro? ... I understand it's a BIG carbon footprint to build these installations ... but Hoover Dam is pushing 100 years old now, with another 100 years left in her, easy ...

Phaw ...

Cheap fossil fuels will run out first ... then the not-so-cheap fossil fuels ... once we start burning the hey-this-shits-getting-expense fossil fuels ... alternatives will start to look more promising ... the Free Market has her say in this matter as well ...
air and sun will never produce reliable energy in today's world. just never gonna happen. Nuclear power is the answer.
The entire world economy hinges upon one thing only: investment in fossil fuels. Accordingly, renewable energy will always be a fringe market......entrepreneurs taking advantage of the suckers. Fossil fuels will be dominating for many, many decades........
Sovereign Debts in a Fossil-Fueled World | YaleGlobal Online
Weaponizing the Numbers: The Hidden Agenda behind the Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform | New Labor Forum
Links a sobering nut sack kick for the climate crusaders. World governments are not going to be compromising economic growth and standards of living. The climate crusaders might not like that reality but it is reality. Standards of living cannot be sustained in industrial states without fossil fuel investment. It is the ONLY thing keeping world economies from tanking. Think leaders are going to compromise that?
That's a short-sighted notion, because inevitably fossil fuels will run out and renewables should be part of the solution, though I think it will never truly be solved until the fusion problem is licked.
We could run on alcohol.
burns too hot.
What happens when renewables run out ?

d0y.........without energy innovation, we cease to exist s0n. Its quite that simple. Nobody is worried about it. BTW....renewables have never and will never be the answer. A look at the energy landscape tells us that with 100% certainty.
It really doesnt. The future is renewables. Why cant you cope with that ?
based on what successes? got one yet?

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