Why "Progressives" Support Hillary Despite Obvious Corruption


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I have asked this question in various forms before, but have never received a rational answer. So I will answer my own question (since none of them will):

"Progressives" tend to be people who are dissatisfied with the world as it is and wish it were different. In order to cope with these dissatisfactions, they adopt an artificial set of premises which allow them the pretense of living in a more therapeutic alternate reality. As a result, they support those who reinforce these premises and viciously attack those who threaten to expose their fallacies.

Their support for Hillary Clinton is primarily based on her cooperation in undefining marriage, family, children, gender and employment as having anything to do with the beneficial norms of society that they may lack. This need for continuing external reinforcement "trumps" whatever qualms they might otherwise feel about voting for an organized crime boss.

Let the name calling begin...
Most Hillary voters will be just voting for the democrats because only a fuckhead would ever vote for the GOP.

The Progressives will vote for Hillary because they love her obvious corruption. They ARE Hillary and Hillary is them. Hillary is an enemy of America, and so are Progressives.

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