Why Pelosi is so pissed at President Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Did you even know she was there? Leading a “bipartisan” group of 55 Congresspeople?

And she was left out of all the good smarmy stuff.

No meeting with the Queen.

No state dinner invite.

No get together with the Prime Minister

No front-and-center seat at the Normandy shindig – or the one at Portsmouth.

Not even a seat on Air Force One.

“The 3rd most important person in the world” and she was left to hang in the shadows.

Don’t believe me?

Check out Pelosi Leads Bipartisan Delegation to Normandy for 75th Anniversary of D-Day - Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Pelosi Statement on 75th Anniversary of D-Day Landings - Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Poor widdle baby got her ego bruised. Boo hoo.

And Schumer wasn’t even there.

Oh yeah, another tidbit about the trip.

Don Jr., Eric, Lara and Tiffany and their families flew commercial, paid for out of their own pockets. They even covered their own hotels and ground transportation.

See Don Jr., Eric, Lara and Tiffany paid their own way to Europe to join President Trump on 5-day trip | Daily Mail Online
Well, imagine that! The media definitely steered away from the fact the family paid their way. No wondering why, after their accusations. They had done their harm and wouldn’t dare correct it, unless on page 159 last line in 2 pt font, if that.
Thanks, Longknife for this thread.

I'm grateful President Trump was there and received kindly by Queen Elizabeth II. She has always been a friend to America for our taking a stand in World War II against a person who wanted to be the master of Europe by taking out Jews, stealing their homes and even the clothes off their backs at Auschwitz and other killing stations. I love the stand Great Britain took against Germany and paid such a terrible price for it, with London being bombed practically to kingdom come. In just about every American neighborhood, somebody's son or father died fighting in WWII. I was born after the war was over, and I had a front row seat in a family that comforted neighborhood widows and mothers of sons who died in the European theater. I saw my grandmother taking dinner bowls to an elderly neighbor who lost her son and her husband in the war. She had nothing but love for those whose losses exceeded her own. For some reason, her son and two sons-in-law came home in one piece, and I got to grow up knowing family members who loved each other, and were grateful for this kindness, when neighbors grieved. I now understand. My grandmother lived to be 96 years old and lived her life letting those she loved and honored go first in every way. She held her heart out to those who lost loved ones. It was an honor to tag along with her on Memorial day, selling poppy crepe-paper flowers to support the Veterans of WWII. The veterans were the most supportive of all. I couldn't figure out why they'd stash a whole dollar bill to buy a silly little red flower worth less than a piece of bubblegum. But they did and more. They thanked my grandmother and me for our efforts, although 100% of their thanks belonged to my grandma, that I felt deep inside. I always liked going wherever she went, and she made sure it was a good experience for everyone concerned. /memory lane again :redface:

Ed: spelling error
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Well, imagine that! The media definitely steered away from the fact the family paid their way. No wondering why, after their accusations. They had done their harm and wouldn’t dare correct it, unless on page 159 last line in 2 pt font, if that.
They'd never give the Trump family credit for being the classy, self sufficient bunch they are. Hell, when Michelle took all her family and friends on a Hawaiian vacation using Air Force 1, the clean up bill for the plane was more than it would have cost to refund the Trump's airfare costs. I like where we're at now, especially the part where Nancy is being subjected to no frills accommodations. Lovely

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