Why Not Build Statues To Hitler?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
What will all the tard networks talking about Jefferson's memorial, and Muslims mosques which aren't even paid for with US taxpayer dollars, and the parroting tards running here to plagiarize their propagandists, I figured what the hell. Why don't we just say out loud what these tards really want.

Why not build statues to Hitler?
What will all the tard networks talking about Jefferson's memorial, and Muslims mosques which aren't even paid for with US taxpayer dollars, I figured what the hell. Why don't we just said out loud what these tards really want.

Why not build statues to Hitler?
/---/ you Democrat Socialists should.
What will all the tard networks talking about Jefferson's memorial, and Muslims mosques which aren't even paid for with US taxpayer dollars, I figured what the hell. Why don't we just said out loud what these tards really want.

Why not build statues to Hitler?
/---/ you Democrat Socialists should.
So those Nazis in Charlottesville are left wingers, eh? Just how deep does your tard go?
Lol, and facetiousness is not an actual argument.
We have a least a dozen topics asking why not tear down Mosques and Cherokee memorials blah blah blah blah.

You just now noticed facetiousness?


No, I think this is what the parroting tards want. At least that is what the Nazis propagandists actually want who are feeding the brainless rubes what to say.
I Soros tells you libs to build statues to Hitler, you will. Look what Soros puppets have been doing in Ukraine, you may be next.

The incoming Ukrainian president will have to turn some attention to history, because the outgoing one has just made a hero of a long-dead Ukrainian fascist.
A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev

In 2014 in Ukraine after the coup (which Soros organized and sponsored through Obama Administration + McCain) Soros puppets permitted Ukrainian Nazis to ruin quite a few monuments. I was among those thousands of people who have been coming for months to guard those monuments and to protest against the coup. I've seen those Nazis, throwing Molotov cocktails into our crowds and police protecting THEM from us (police had that kind of order!). In a few months hundreds of our leaders have been thrown into prison (nobody knows if they are still alive or not) and our protests have been shut down. In Odessa on May, 2 2014 Nazis burned over 60 protesters alive and nobody punished them.

After a successful experiment of dividing the nation and confronting the people of the same nation against each other in Ukraine, it looks like Soros won't mind to repeat it in the USA. People, be aware and be alert!
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What will all the tard networks talking about Jefferson's memorial, and Muslims mosques which aren't even paid for with US taxpayer dollars, I figured what the hell. Why don't we just said out loud what these tards really want.

Why not build statues to Hitler?
/---/ you Democrat Socialists should.
So those Nazis in Charlottesville are left wingers, eh? Just how deep does your tard go?
What will all the tard networks talking about Jefferson's memorial, and Muslims mosques which aren't even paid for with US taxpayer dollars, I figured what the hell. Why don't we just said out loud what these tards really want.

Why not build statues to Hitler?
/---/ you Democrat Socialists should.
So those Nazis in Charlottesville are left wingers, eh? Just how deep does your tard go?
/----/ Waving a flag doesn't make you a member of anything anymore than you waving a MENSA flag make you a genius. BTW
NAZI: a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
I Soros tells you libs to build statues to Hitler, you will.
Okay, genius. We all know what left wing rhetoric sounds like.

What sort of left wing rhetoric do you think this man is shouting?

What will all the tard networks talking about Jefferson's memorial, and Muslims mosques which aren't even paid for with US taxpayer dollars, I figured what the hell. Why don't we just said out loud what these tards really want.

Why not build statues to Hitler?
/---/ you Democrat Socialists should.
So those Nazis in Charlottesville are left wingers, eh? Just how deep does your tard go?
What will all the tard networks talking about Jefferson's memorial, and Muslims mosques which aren't even paid for with US taxpayer dollars, I figured what the hell. Why don't we just said out loud what these tards really want.

Why not build statues to Hitler?
/---/ you Democrat Socialists should.
So those Nazis in Charlottesville are left wingers, eh? Just how deep does your tard go?
/----/ Waving a flag doesn't make you a member of anything anymore than you waving a MENSA flag make you a genius. BTW
NAZI: a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Okay, genius. We all know what left wing rhetoric sounds like.

Tell us what sort of left wing rhetoric you think this man is shouting.

/----/ I don't care what he is shouting.
We have a least a dozen topics asking why not tear down Mosques and Cherokee memorials blah blah blah blah.

And I should care, why? I have a bad habit of ignoring bullshit.

You just now noticed facetiousness?

From you, yes.

No, I think this is what the parroting tards want. At least that is what the Nazis propagandists actually want who are feeding the brainless rubes what to say.

Hmmm, and on a serious note, what do you think calling them brainless rubes will accomplish?
Awesome. We have some "Nazis are left wingers" tards chiming in.

So These Are Left Wingers, Eh?
/----/ Again for you dim witted libtards. Waving a flag means nothing. It is intended to provoke and frighten. NAZI
  • a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Go ahead. Tell us what left wing rhetoric the Nazis were shouting in Charlottesville. And explain why the far left was there to protest them

What will all the tard networks talking about Jefferson's memorial, and Muslims mosques which aren't even paid for with US taxpayer dollars, and the parroting tards running here to plagiarize their propagandists, I figured what the hell. Why don't we just say out loud what these tards really want.

Why not build statues to Hitler?

Build one.

be prepared to greet who come to see it.
What will all the tard networks talking about Jefferson's memorial, and Muslims mosques which aren't even paid for with US taxpayer dollars, I figured what the hell. Why don't we just said out loud what these tards really want.

Why not build statues to Hitler?
/---/ you Democrat Socialists should.
So those Nazis in Charlottesville are left wingers, eh? Just how deep does your tard go?
What will all the tard networks talking about Jefferson's memorial, and Muslims mosques which aren't even paid for with US taxpayer dollars, I figured what the hell. Why don't we just said out loud what these tards really want.

Why not build statues to Hitler?
/---/ you Democrat Socialists should.
So those Nazis in Charlottesville are left wingers, eh? Just how deep does your tard go?
/----/ Waving a flag doesn't make you a member of anything anymore than you waving a MENSA flag make you a genius. BTW
NAZI: a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Okay, genius. We all know what left wing rhetoric sounds like.

Tell us what sort of left wing rhetoric you think this man is shouting.

/----/ I don't care what he is shouting.
Of course you do. You just said they were left wingers.

So prove it. What kind of left wing rhetoric would this guy be shouting?

"Vote for Hillary!"?

"Save ObamaCare!"?

"Heil Multiculturalism!"?

Go ahead. I'll wait here.
Well, that was easy! :lol:


There are not enough negroes in our universities!


Why can't we have more Jews like Dianne Feinstein in the Nazi Party?!?[

I was looking at our universities the other day, and I noticed something was missing.


"Herr Goring", I said. "We do not have enough Negroes in our universities! We must put into place an affirmative action plan to correct this terrible situation."


Heil multiculturalism!!


But I was just getting started!


"I want homosexuals in the Wehrmacht first thing in the morning!!!", I said.


Heil diversity!!!


And that's how we know when we attack homosexuals...


...and send reporters outside our building to interview well-dressed negroes with identity papers to prove there are no negroes who don't have identity papers...


...and defend torture and worship the Department of Homeland Security...


...we can't have Nazi tendencies. Because Nazis are liberals!

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