Why is no one addressing the violent attacks on white people by Democrats all this year?


Silver Member
Jul 31, 2016
Why is no one addressing the violent attacks on white people by Democrats all this year? What about the 900 police who were injured? What about the store owners who were beaten to an inch of their lives and got all mangled up? How bad is their brain damage from these thugs? How quick people forget.
Why is no one addressing the violent attacks on white people by Democrats all this year? What about the 900 police who were injured? What about the store owners who were beaten to an inch of their lives and got all mangled up? How bad is their brain damage from these thugs? How quick people forget.

900 police injuries? What?

THey all get stubbed toes/ They claim injury over anything those fucking pigs.

It's less dangerous than being a garbageman lol. Never more htan a handful of dead cops any year i've been alive

And what makes you think all 900 of those police were white? Statistically that's very unlikely
Why is no one addressing the violent attacks on white people by Democrats all this year? What about the 900 police who were injured? What about the store owners who were beaten to an inch of their lives and got all mangled up? How bad is their brain damage from these thugs? How quick people forget.
They don't care. Same for all the blacks murdered in chicago...
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.

If we started to give you credit we'd have to give you blame

Sane non whites are neutral on the issue. Blaming and edifying various other people's ancestors doesn't make much sense.

Yea sure the founding fathers did some good shit, also plenty of shit to complain about

No one non white had any reason to love this country 100 years ago
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.

If we started to give you credit we'd have to give you blame

Sane non whites are neutral on the issue. Blaming and edifying various other people's ancestors doesn't make much sense.

Yea sure the founding fathers did some good shit, also plenty of shit to complain about

No one non white had any reason to love this country 100 years ago
No idea you were around back then.
Why is no one addressing the violent attacks on white people by Democrats all this year? What about the 900 police who were injured? What about the store owners who were beaten to an inch of their lives and got all mangled up? How bad is their brain damage from these thugs? How quick people forget.

900 police injuries? What?

THey all get stubbed toes/ They claim injury over anything those fucking pigs.

It's less dangerous than being a garbageman lol. Never more htan a handful of dead cops any year i've been alive

And what makes you think all 900 of those police were white? Statistically that's very unlikely

Statistically unlikely? You mean like how it is statistically unlikely that a Black person will get shot by police compared to the likelihood of a White person getting shot by police.

There is however a very high probability that that when a Black person is shot by police VIOLENCE will ensue in the streets. Neighborhoods and livelihoods will be burnt.
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.

If we started to give you credit we'd have to give you blame

Sane non whites are neutral on the issue. Blaming and edifying various other people's ancestors doesn't make much sense.

Yea sure the founding fathers did some good shit, also plenty of shit to complain about

No one non white had any reason to love this country 100 years ago
Then they should have left..... Never hang around where you are not wanted
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.

If we started to give you credit we'd have to give you blame

Sane non whites are neutral on the issue. Blaming and edifying various other people's ancestors doesn't make much sense.

Yea sure the founding fathers did some good shit, also plenty of shit to complain about

No one non white had any reason to love this country 100 years ago
No idea you were around back then.

Yea neither were you, which is why I don't thank european americans for letting my very high iq and well educated grandfather come here and assimilate.

It wasn't charity.

He was a cognitive elite by western standards, he earned it.
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.

If we started to give you credit we'd have to give you blame

Sane non whites are neutral on the issue. Blaming and edifying various other people's ancestors doesn't make much sense.

Yea sure the founding fathers did some good shit, also plenty of shit to complain about

No one non white had any reason to love this country 100 years ago
Then they should have left..... Never hang around where you are not wanted

We weren't here....?

Most non whites immigrated post 1965.

Only non white demos tthat's not true for is black america and native americans.

When my grandfather came he was very wanted...They have special visas for doctors. Worked for NFL teams when his American residency was done. Spurred on by my grandmother attending harvard during a student exchange....
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.

If we started to give you credit we'd have to give you blame

Sane non whites are neutral on the issue. Blaming and edifying various other people's ancestors doesn't make much sense.

Yea sure the founding fathers did some good shit, also plenty of shit to complain about

No one non white had any reason to love this country 100 years ago
No idea you were around back then.

Yea neither were you, which is why I don't thank european americans for letting my very high iq and well educated grandfather come here and assimilate.

It wasn't charity.

He was a cognitive elite by western standards, he earned it.
Lmao, makes an impossible claim and then smokes and spins...
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.

If we started to give you credit we'd have to give you blame

Sane non whites are neutral on the issue. Blaming and edifying various other people's ancestors doesn't make much sense.

Yea sure the founding fathers did some good shit, also plenty of shit to complain about

No one non white had any reason to love this country 100 years ago
No idea you were around back then.

Yea neither were you, which is why I don't thank european americans for letting my very high iq and well educated grandfather come here and assimilate.

It wasn't charity.

He was a cognitive elite by western standards, he earned it.
Lmao, makes an impossible claim and then smokes and spins...

impossible claim/

Immigrants are an economic boon, lol. Legal immigrants are a per capita boon

And the brown ones tend to be better than teh white ones. THe whites were rejects...THe brown ones are elites

White elites haven't had a reason to leave europe in centuries, and when they did have a reason they didn't know there were nicer places to go to.

My ethnic groups household income is double whites but our IQ in our ancestral lands on average is 85 lol. You've been on the internet for years you should know what an economic boon your average immigrant is. Immigration is by far the easiest way to grow GDP outside just having more babies. Self selecting legal immigrants to America tend to be very very good capitalists relative to your average American

edit - well there are some eastern euro elites who come...But that's again because they're the only large group of white elites who have a reason to leave.

One of my great great grand daddies was a german farmer escaping religious tyryanny with very little education into the midwest.

The other comes from a line had been civilized long before Rome existed. That's pretty typical
Last edited:
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.

If we started to give you credit we'd have to give you blame

Sane non whites are neutral on the issue. Blaming and edifying various other people's ancestors doesn't make much sense.

Yea sure the founding fathers did some good shit, also plenty of shit to complain about

No one non white had any reason to love this country 100 years ago
No idea you were around back then.

Yea neither were you, which is why I don't thank european americans for letting my very high iq and well educated grandfather come here and assimilate.

It wasn't charity.

He was a cognitive elite by western standards, he earned it.
Lmao, makes an impossible claim and then smokes and spins...

impossible claim/

Immigrants are an economic boon, lol

And the brown ones tend to be better than teh white ones. THe whites were rejects...THe brown ones are elites

White elites haven't had a reason to leave europe in centuries, and when they did have a reason they didn't know there were nicer places to go to.

My ethnic groups household income is double whites but our IQ in our ancestral lands on average is 85 lol. You've been on the internet for years you should know what an economic boon your average immigrant is. Immigration is by far the easiest way to grow GDP outside just having more babies
Classic leftist babble-ism. I responded to your remark that you knew what happened 100 years ago, and the babble master comes out!
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.

If we started to give you credit we'd have to give you blame

Sane non whites are neutral on the issue. Blaming and edifying various other people's ancestors doesn't make much sense.

Yea sure the founding fathers did some good shit, also plenty of shit to complain about

No one non white had any reason to love this country 100 years ago
No idea you were around back then.

I know, right? Is this guy retarded or deceitful? PLEASE go somewhere else. Oh, wait. No one wants you.
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.

If we started to give you credit we'd have to give you blame

Sane non whites are neutral on the issue. Blaming and edifying various other people's ancestors doesn't make much sense.

Yea sure the founding fathers did some good shit, also plenty of shit to complain about

No one non white had any reason to love this country 100 years ago
No idea you were around back then.

I know, right? Is this guy retarded or deceitful? PLEASE go somewhere else. Oh, wait. No one wants you.

know your place pleb, i'm half white lol

My very pretty blonde momma wanted my daddy

low iq whites saying they don't' want high IQ immigrants, this is why no one asks you
It is simply not fashionable for either political party in 2020 to say anything laudatory about Euro Americans.

Personally, I have NO doubt that many African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, & Native Americans are very grateful to Euro Americans for all their efforts to provide a level playing field since the 1960s. I believe that never in the history of the world has a majority ever been so solicitous of a minority.

The Democrats feel that they have to join in the demonization of the (shrinking) majority in order to curry favor with people of color; Republicans do not dare defend Euro Americans for fear of being further condemned as you-know-what.

If we started to give you credit we'd have to give you blame

Sane non whites are neutral on the issue. Blaming and edifying various other people's ancestors doesn't make much sense.

Yea sure the founding fathers did some good shit, also plenty of shit to complain about

No one non white had any reason to love this country 100 years ago
No idea you were around back then.

Yea neither were you, which is why I don't thank european americans for letting my very high iq and well educated grandfather come here and assimilate.

It wasn't charity.

He was a cognitive elite by western standards, he earned it.
Lmao, makes an impossible claim and then smokes and spins...

impossible claim/

Immigrants are an economic boon, lol

And the brown ones tend to be better than teh white ones. THe whites were rejects...THe brown ones are elites

White elites haven't had a reason to leave europe in centuries, and when they did have a reason they didn't know there were nicer places to go to.

My ethnic groups household income is double whites but our IQ in our ancestral lands on average is 85 lol. You've been on the internet for years you should know what an economic boon your average immigrant is. Immigration is by far the easiest way to grow GDP outside just having more babies
Classic leftist babble-ism. I responded to your remark that you knew what happened 100 years ago, and the babble master comes out!

I'm telling you, your average american immigrant is some of the most valuable capital on the planet

Welcome to modern economies

100 IQ plebs are useless to overall GDP you're just little fungible economic inputs with no real ability to grow the economy.
People...do not for get this. You know where to go and where not to go. You know who to protect and who not to protect. The new realities are just that.

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