Why Is It That As Soon As The Adults Take Over.....Everything Goes To Hell?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
They must be doing it on purpose....because nobody could possibly be this incompetent.

I've been watching the congressional hearings on Afghanistan.....and all I'm seeing is Democrats trying to blame Trump for everything that Biden did wrong.
They're essentially trying to polish a turd.
Having been in government myself for close to 35 years....I can relate first-hand to what a difference one president can be from another. Bush Senior may have been an evil bastard...but at least he took care of business. Democrats, on the other hand, simply react to everything and then after they screw everything up....they just try to cover it up. Their only skill seems to be causing chaos in any situation and then blaming it all on Republicans.
Every Democrat yesterday said the same nonsense....that they inherited the mess and they did the only thing they could do without expanding the war.
The truth is they turned a workable situation into utter chaos.
This is what happens when you elect people because of who they are rather than what they have accomplished.

Course, if you wanted to hand over $85 billion in weapons to the enemy while leaving behind hundreds...maybe thousands of Americans behind enemy lines.....Antony Blinken would be the man you wanted as Secretary of State. He's been in an administration that did the same thing with respect to Iraq. They simply created ISIS and the Civil War in Syria. The general in charge of CENTCOM in Iraq who handed all of those weapons over to ISIS is now Secretary of Defense. So they couldn't have planned a repeat of Syria any better than the shit they pulled in Afghanistan months after Trump left office. And you on the left claim the adults are in charge now????
They must be doing it on purpose....because nobody could possibly be this incompetent.

I've been watching the congressional hearings on Afghanistan.....and all I'm seeing is Democrats trying to blame Trump for everything that Biden did wrong.
They're essentially trying to polish a turd.
Having been in government myself for close to 35 years....I can relate first-hand to what a difference one president can be from another. Bush Senior may have been an evil bastard...but at least he took care of business. Democrats, on the other hand, simply react to everything and then after they screw everything up....they just try to cover it up. Their only skill seems to be causing chaos in any situation and then blaming it all on Republicans.
Every Democrat yesterday said the same nonsense....that they inherited the mess and they did the only thing they could do without expanding the war.
The truth is they turned a workable situation into utter chaos.
This is what happens when you elect people because of who they are rather than what they have accomplished.

Course, if you wanted to hand over $85 billion in weapons to the enemy while leaving behind hundreds...maybe thousands of Americans behind enemy lines.....Antony Blinken would be the man you wanted as Secretary of State. He's been in an administration that did the same thing with respect to Iraq. They simply created ISIS and the Civil War in Syria. The general in charge of CENTCOM in Iraq who handed all of those weapons over to ISIS is now Secretary of Defense. So they couldn't have planned a repeat of Syria any better than the shit they pulled in Afghanistan months after Trump left office. And you on the left claim the adults are in charge now????

Blinken is a complete moron.
They must be doing it on purpose....because nobody could possibly be this incompetent.

I've been watching the congressional hearings on Afghanistan.....and all I'm seeing is Democrats trying to blame Trump for everything that Biden did wrong.
They're essentially trying to polish a turd.
Having been in government myself for close to 35 years....I can relate first-hand to what a difference one president can be from another. Bush Senior may have been an evil bastard...but at least he took care of business. Democrats, on the other hand, simply react to everything and then after they screw everything up....they just try to cover it up. Their only skill seems to be causing chaos in any situation and then blaming it all on Republicans.
Every Democrat yesterday said the same nonsense....that they inherited the mess and they did the only thing they could do without expanding the war.
The truth is they turned a workable situation into utter chaos.
This is what happens when you elect people because of who they are rather than what they have accomplished.

Course, if you wanted to hand over $85 billion in weapons to the enemy while leaving behind hundreds...maybe thousands of Americans behind enemy lines.....Antony Blinken would be the man you wanted as Secretary of State. He's been in an administration that did the same thing with respect to Iraq. They simply created ISIS and the Civil War in Syria. The general in charge of CENTCOM in Iraq who handed all of those weapons over to ISIS is now Secretary of Defense. So they couldn't have planned a repeat of Syria any better than the shit they pulled in Afghanistan months after Trump left office. And you on the left claim the adults are in charge now????

Someone in government for 35 years doesn't make ignorant statements like you have. If you did, you failed to gain any knowledge how it works. You're just another hate filled Republican
The past 9 months have been far worse than the previous 4 years before that. And during those 4 years the worst part was 2020 but it was bad in almost every country that year and was a mess everywhere, and even then we didn't have it as bad as most did. And the only other bad part about that same year was all those assholes blocking traffic, threatening people, burning buildings, attacking police, etc, and all of that was to blame on governors for not shutting that shit down.

I miss 2019, A LOT
The past 9 months have been far worse than the previous 4 years before that. And during those 4 years the worst part was 2020 but it was bad in almost every country that year and was a mess everywhere, and even then we didn't have it as bad as most did. And the only other bad part about that same year was all those assholes blocking traffic, threatening people, burning buildings, attacking police, etc, and all of that was to blame on governors for not shutting that shit down.

I miss 2019, A LOT
The only reason the Democrats aren't causing riots right now is because they've been hammered for burning their own cities and for the violence they've caused. They're in power.....so if there's riots everywhere.....they know it will be blamed on them even by Democrat voters.
But in some cities....they're still rioting.....but the media refuses to provide coverage of it. Seattle and Portland for a couple of examples.

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