CDZ Why I Support President Trump


  • Economic Policies

  • Trade Policies

  • Immigration Policies

  • Reduction of Regulations

  • Diplomatic/International Relations Policies

  • Environment

  • Promoting Appreciation and Respect for Flag, and Country

  • Abortion and other Social Issues

  • Space Exploration and Promotion of Science

  • Support for Second Amendment

  • Promotion of God and also Freedom of Religion for all

  • Other That I Will Explain in My Post

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Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
NOTE: This is the CDZ so keep it civil and on topic please. This thread is intended for those who will vote for and/or who appreciate President Trump's positions on various issues and policy. There are plenty of other threads to use to trash and bash him. Let's show him some appreciation in this one.

First I want to say that Donald J. Trump was not my first, second, third or whatever choice to be the GOP nominee in 2016. I didn't really rank the candidates but, if I had, early on I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been in my top 10. There was never any question that Hillary would be the Democrat nominee so I wasn't even watching that race all that closely.

But as the campaign progressed, I began to gain a sense that there was something different in this election. ALL the other 16 GOP candidates and all the Democrat candidates were proper, orthodox candidates. Most candidates in both campaigns were members of the professional permanent political class, scripted, poll tested, politically correct, groomed, and trained with all the proper catch words and phrases for the task of winning an election.

Then there was Donald J. Trump. Unpolished. Unorthodox. Sometimes vulgar, sometimes profane, certainly no Cicero as an orator, speaking with a distinct Queens (NYC) accent, unpolished, sometimes seemingly unprofessional, speaking with partially expressed thoughts or incomplete sentences, twice divorced, and with a past that could easily be exploited for negatives. Pretty much nobody gave him a snowball's chance in Hell to even place in the nomination process, much less be elected.

But somewhere in all that, millions of Americans began to sense something was different in this election. This man was no partisan, no ideologue, not a member of the permanent political class. But he offered a vision and sensible goals to achieve it that we had not heard from any candidate maybe in our entire lifetimes. And we began to believe he meant it and respond to it.

And finally, in the end, enough of us voted for that vision to put him in the White House. There he has been unorthodox, sometimes petulant, sometimes saying things that are positively cringeworthy. Sometimes he is not likable. But he has kept campaign promises to a greater extent maybe than any politician ever. He has not disappointed. And I think he will have earned a second term.

So I am aware many of you do not approve of, like, or respect this President. But I suspect many here do.

For those who do respect President Trump's vision, what he has accomplished, what he still hope to accomplish, this is your thread. Please those who just want to bash or criticize the President use one of many other threads for that. This one is to appreciate President Trump.

Thank you for your courtesy in advance.
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The bottom line for me is that I don't find President Trump all that personally likable. Sometimes I want to tell him to just shut up. More than once I have emailed or texted him/his team that I don't find this or that to be helpful and it isn't playing well here in New Mexico. But I also let him know when he gets it right. In both cases I get thoughtful and respectful responses.

But bottom line I have become increasingly convinced that he is a flawed, imperfect person (aren't we all?) who is pretty much perfect for this time in American history. I was sick to death of the permanent political class who all talk a really good politically correct game, but once in office they mostly put all that on the shelf and maintain the status quo throwing us just enough bones to keep us quiet and voting for them.

President Trump isn't that kind of guy. He is actually trying to make a significant difference. He has made mistakes, has had some missteps and misspeaks, has had to back up and take a different tack now and then, but his track record so far has been pretty darn good in making that difference. And he has done it in the face of the most vicious, dishonest, and relentless opposition that any President has had to face.

Unless something drastic changes between now and November 2020, I say he has earned a second term.
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By the way, I think it is okay to say what you don't like about what is happening re policy or results so long as that isn't the only focus here.

I am still on the fence on trade policy though I am leaning toward seeing it the President's way. I hate that spending so far is outstripping revenues to create huge deficits. Sooner or later he has to address that.

But most of his policies I can support and they are yielding good things.
Trade, immigration and not looking for trouble with Russia.

Those three points were a deal maker for me. Everything else was small potatoes.
I personally, reluctantly, heels dug in to resist, and with some trepidation began to listen to what President Trump was saying, and gradually became a believer. And it was with a clear conscience and with a reasonable degree of enthusiasm that I cast my vote for him in 2016. I expect to do the same, with no reservations this time, in 2020.

And I suspect I have a lot of company this time too as the attendance at his campaign rallies has been epic.

He was not Hillary or Jeb or Cruz. It's that simple. He could have spent both his terms sitting in a lawn chair sipping mint julips and he would still be great just for that, but he also goes after criminal illegal aliens, scum like Pelosi and racist Democrats, etc., which is all just icing on the cake. His victory in 2020 will also be great, it will be the end of the Democratic Party criminal syndicate.

And, as we know form the Dem shills here, there is no genuinely valid opposition to his re-election, just lies, raving loons and assorted sexual deviants, and utterly amoral media hacks babbling to themselves.
NOTE: This is the CDZ so keep it civil and on topic please. This thread is intended for those who will vote for and/or who appreciate President Trump's positions on various issues and policy. There are plenty of other threads to use to trash and bash him. Let's show him some appreciation in this one.

First I want to say that Donald J. Trump was not my first, second, third or whatever choice to be the GOP nominee in 2016. I didn't really rank the candidates but, if I had, early on I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been in my top 10. There was never any question that Hillary would be the Democrat nominee so I wasn't even watching that race all that closely.

But as the campaign progressed, I began to gain a sense that there was something different in this election. ALL the other 16 GOP candidates and all the Democrat candidates were proper, orthodox candidates. Most candidates in both campaigns were members of the professional permanent political class, scripted, poll tested, politically correct, groomed, and trained with all the proper catch words and phrases for the task of winning an election.

Then there was Donald J. Trump. Unpolished. Unorthodox. Sometimes vulgar, sometimes profane, certainly no Cicero as an orator, speaking with a distinct Queens (NYC) accent, unpolished, sometimes seemingly unprofessional, speaking with partially expressed thoughts or incomplete sentences, twice divorced, and with a past that could easily be exploited for negatives. Pretty much nobody gave him a snowball's chance in Hell to even place in the nomination process, much less be elected.

But somewhere in all that, millions of Americans began to sense something was different in this election. This man was no partisan, no ideologue, not a member of the permanent political class. But he offered a vision and sensible goals to achieve it that we had not heard from any candidate maybe in our entire lifetimes. And we began to believe he meant it and respond to it.

And finally, in the end, enough of us voted for that vision to put him in the White House. There he has been unorthodox, sometimes petulant, sometimes saying things that are positively cringeworthy. Sometimes he is not likable. But he has kept campaign promises to a greater extent maybe than any politician ever. He has not disappointed. And I think he will have earned a second term.

So I am aware many of you do not approve of, like, or respect this President. But I suspect many here do.

For those who do respect President Trump's vision, what he has accomplished, what he still hope to accomplish, this is your thread. Please those who just want to bash or criticize the President use one of many other threads for that. This one is to appreciate President Trump.

Thank you for your courtesy in advance.
Why I support President Trump? See video. it will be this again in 2020. He is an entertainer, and he entertains me like no other president ever has.

i love when women support the pussy grabber...i assume i can use that in the clean debate zone since the man you admire said it....i love when christians support a man who could not quote or would not quote a bible verse...i love when pro lifers support a man who wants to reduce food programs for about his affairs with porn stars...or his affairs on each of his wives...all three of them....i am glad you are this shallow
You do realize that the choice was the enabler of a rapist president, who kept falling down and needed men to support her. I chose the guy because he makes you TDS people howl like a banshee.
i love when women support the pussy grabber...i assume i can use that in the clean debate zone since the man you admire said it....i love when christians support a man who could not quote or would not quote a bible verse...i love when pro lifers support a man who wants to reduce food programs for about his affairs with porn stars...or his affairs on each of his wives...all three of them....i am glad you are this shallow

1. The pussy grabbing was consensual. Why are you anti-sex.

2. Christians support him, because he is not actively hostile to them, like you and yours are.

3. THe food programs are bloated.

4. The Porn Star affair is a minus, reflects on him badly. He is still far better than any of the other choices.

5. His affairs are a minus, reflects on him badly. He is still a far better choice than any of the other choices.

6. Nothing shallow about picking the best candidate.
Why I support President Trump? See video. it will be this again in 2020. He is an entertainer, and he entertains me like no other president ever has.

He was not Hillary or Jeb or Cruz. It's that simple. He could have spent both his terms sitting in a lawn chair sipping mint julips and he would still be great just for that, but he also goes after criminal illegal aliens, scum like Pelosi and racist Democrats, etc., which is all just icing on the cake. His victory in 2020 will also be great, it will be the end of the Democratic Party criminal syndicate.

And, as we know form the Dem shills here, there is no genuinely valid opposition to his re-election, just lies, raving loons and assorted sexual deviants, and utterly amoral media hacks babbling to themselves.

Trump is an imbecile, but the choice was him or Hillary, a totally disgusting person, and I liked Bill! We need better choices.

I suspect you three have a lot of company too. But I don't think you are typical among Trump supporters. I will admit though, that the GOP nominee would have had to be some bad act to get me to not vote Republican in 2016 as a Hillary Clinton Presidency was simply too awful to contemplate. (Disclaimer: I register Republican as we are a closed primary state, but I consider myself an independent as I am not all that happy with the Republican Party either these days. But I would have voted for any Republican in 2016 as any other vote would have diluted any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton. I just wouldn't have had the same sense of hope that I had when I voted for President Trump.)

But I voted for Trump with some enthusiasm not because he was more likable (he wasn't) or that he offered more than an anti-Hillary vote. I voted for him because he offered a vision and realistic goals and objectives to realize it. And he has not disappointed.

Unless something drastically changes between now and the 2020 election, i will be for him again for the same reasons.
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I've seen how politicians have screwed up this country for the last 50 years.
They have a velvet voice that say the things that people want to hear, and never
deliver the product that they pitch. Are Blacks any better off than they were 50 years ago? Not really,
might even say they are worse off in some aspects.
Political correctness has no place in politics, it gets in the way of good politics.
The choices we had this past election came down to a non politician and a
run of the mill typical lip flapper that wouldn't deliver what is best for America.
I went with the guy who said, "What the hell do you have to lose?"
He has done more for this country than any president in the last 50 years. IMO
He's rough around the edges, but does have Americans first...that's what I was looking for.
He proved it right off with the pick of the Supreme Court justice.
He is trying to clean up from past administrations, and is very unpopular for doing so.
Blame that on past administrations, they are the ones that rolled over putting America
at a disadvantage..
Call him what you want, I'll call him a winner.
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Clean debate zone

Is there a debate or just a bandwagon

Call it what you want. But there are dozens and dozens of active threads out there to use to bash President Trump. All I ask is some courtesy from the Trump haters to allow one thread to use for what we appreciate about the President.
I do not support him because I disagree with him and or his actions, on all of the choices in your list... :eek:
I do not support him because I disagree with him and or his actions, on all of the choices in your list... :eek:

So why are you posting here? There are dozens and dozens of threads out there to trash and bash and indicate your displeasure of the President. Please post there and have a bit of charity and courtesy for those who would like to just give the President some props for doing some really good, even great, things for America. Thank you very much.
I do not support him because I disagree with him and or his actions, on all of the choices in your list... :eek:

So why are you posting here? There are dozens and dozens of threads out there to trash and bash and indicate your displeasure of the President. Please post there and have a bit of charity and courtesy for those who would like to just give the President some props for doing some really good, even great, things for America. Thank you very much.
You're right!

See ya!
The biggest reason why Trump got elected (IMHO) is because he was the anti-establishment candidate. Clinton was the prototype Washington insider, a full-fledged member of the swamp since she got there in 1992. Trump was not, he was the only one who I believed would actually try to drain the swamp, others talked the talk but didn't walk the walk. It was getting ridiculous, and for so many Americans it was time to vote to cut the crap and that's one big reason why Trump won.

I do not agree with many of his policies, but there's no arguing with how much better the economy is doing. And I look at the utter nonsense that the Democrat candidates are pushing, and I'm thinking how can anyone in his/her right mind vote for that? So, almost by default I will vote for Trump more or less because I believe the alternative is so much worse. I don't want to go back to business as usual with a Democrat president, and the thought of a Dem in the WH is actually quite frightening to me. Cuz every last one of them is doing what their political base wants rather than what is actually the best thing for all of us. For at least the most part, Trump is doing it the other way around.
Why I support President Trump? See video. it will be this again in 2020. He is an entertainer, and he entertains me like no other president ever has.

He was not Hillary or Jeb or Cruz. It's that simple. He could have spent both his terms sitting in a lawn chair sipping mint julips and he would still be great just for that, but he also goes after criminal illegal aliens, scum like Pelosi and racist Democrats, etc., which is all just icing on the cake. His victory in 2020 will also be great, it will be the end of the Democratic Party criminal syndicate.

And, as we know form the Dem shills here, there is no genuinely valid opposition to his re-election, just lies, raving loons and assorted sexual deviants, and utterly amoral media hacks babbling to themselves.

Trump is an imbecile, but the choice was him or Hillary, a totally disgusting person, and I liked Bill! We need better choices.

I suspect you three have a lot of company too. But I don't think you are typical among Trump supporters. I will admit though, that the GOP nominee would have had to be some bad act to get me to not vote Republican in 2016 as a Hillary Clinton Presidency was simply too awful to contemplate. (Disclaimer: I register Republican as we are a closed primary state, but I consider myself an independent as I am not all that happy with the Republican Party either these days. But I would have voted for any Republican in 2016 as any other vote would have diluted any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton. I just wouldn't have had the same sense of hope that I had when I voted for President Trump.)

But I voted for Trump with some enthusiasm not because he was more likable (he wasn't) or that he offered more than an anti-Hillary vote. I voted for him because he offered a vision and realistic goals and objectives to realize it. And he has not disappointed.

Unless something drastically changes between now and the 2020 election, i will be for him again for the same reasons.
What really got me to vote for the President is when he said this "Lets Make America Great Again". After 8 years of a 1/2 white community agitator from Illinois who only looked out for himself, and totally took no responsibility for the actions of his acolytes, it was time to start denying those who wanted to fundamentally transform this nation into a country that others were fleeing from. No other Republicrat talked like he did.
Why I support President Trump? See video. it will be this again in 2020. He is an entertainer, and he entertains me like no other president ever has.

He was not Hillary or Jeb or Cruz. It's that simple. He could have spent both his terms sitting in a lawn chair sipping mint julips and he would still be great just for that, but he also goes after criminal illegal aliens, scum like Pelosi and racist Democrats, etc., which is all just icing on the cake. His victory in 2020 will also be great, it will be the end of the Democratic Party criminal syndicate.

And, as we know form the Dem shills here, there is no genuinely valid opposition to his re-election, just lies, raving loons and assorted sexual deviants, and utterly amoral media hacks babbling to themselves.

Trump is an imbecile, but the choice was him or Hillary, a totally disgusting person, and I liked Bill! We need better choices.

I suspect you three have a lot of company too. But I don't think you are typical among Trump supporters. I will admit though, that the GOP nominee would have had to be some bad act to get me to not vote Republican in 2016 as a Hillary Clinton Presidency was simply too awful to contemplate. (Disclaimer: I register Republican as we are a closed primary state, but I consider myself an independent as I am not all that happy with the Republican Party either these days. But I would have voted for any Republican in 2016 as any other vote would have diluted any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton. I just wouldn't have had the same sense of hope that I had when I voted for President Trump.)

But I voted for Trump with some enthusiasm not because he was more likable (he wasn't) or that he offered more than an anti-Hillary vote. I voted for him because he offered a vision and realistic goals and objectives to realize it. And he has not disappointed.

Unless something drastically changes between now and the 2020 election, i will be for him again for the same reasons.
What really got me to vote for the President is when he said this "Lets Make America Great Again". After 8 years of a 1/2 white community agitator from Illinois who only looked out for himself, and totally took no responsibility for the actions of his acolytes, it was time to start denying those who wanted to fundamentally transform this nation into a country that others were fleeing from. No other Republicrat talked like he did.

Agreed. President Obama ran on a slogan of Hope and Change and was able to make enough people believe in it to get elected. Well he didn't produce a lot of hope and the change turned out to be mostly for the worse.

President Trump offered a different kind of hope and change and was able to make enough of us believe in it to get elected. And for the most part, he has not disappointed.
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