Angel Heart
Conservative Hippie
I was once a Democrat. I actually registered voters for the Democrat party (paid BTW as all parties do). I voted for Bill in 92. I started loosing faith when his first order was to over turn the 24 hour waiting period for abortions. Then came the over turn of power in the house in 94. They started making change. One of the things they changed was the Free Lunch program through our schools. They closed down the federal office that ran it. They passed the money directly down to the states, with no shoe strings attached to get it. The Democrats had children marching on the floor holding empty lunch trays, chanting 'don't take our food'. My oldest happened to be on Reduced Lunch prior to the change. When the change happened, we got a letter saying that all Reduced Lunches are now Free Lunches. There was more money getting to where it was needed. I decided at that point to give up being a Democrat and registered with no party. I did a lot of reading up on the history of the Republican party. I learned that they are the ones that caused a lot of the great changes that needed to happen in our country. I registered as a Republican before the 96 elections. I'm now proud to call my self a Republican.