Why honest people have problems believing Obama and his administration...32,000 IRS emails found!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 8.28.01 AM.png

What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:
85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. Politics is corrupt. Politicians lie. Egos, greed, self-service, power, influence, and favoritism RULE government and politics. So, what is so surprising when we hear of such conduct by those involved with or connected to politics? Hasn't this become the norm? Is this not daily headlines?
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. Politics is corrupt. Politicians lie. Egos, greed, self-service, power, influence, and favoritism RULE government and politics. So, what is so surprising when we hear of such conduct by those involved with or connected to politics? Hasn't this become the norm? Is this not daily headlines?

This thread topic is specific because IRS chief told us these emails were destroyed.

Your statement "daily headlines".. that is my point!
Where are the "daily headlines" about this administration penchant for lying especially when this administration brags about being the most
The MSM reluctancy to make any headlines detrimental to Obama is documented!
Please show where ABC,CBS,NBC and major papers have put these stories on lead or front pages?
They won't because they donated to Obama and want their investment protected.
dimocraps are dishonest scumbags.....

And the people they vote for aren't much better
Liberals won't worry about this till a republican becomes president in 2016. Then the will demand regulations between the irs and the president.
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. Politics is corrupt. Politicians lie. Egos, greed, self-service, power, influence, and favoritism RULE government and politics. So, what is so surprising when we hear of such conduct by those involved with or connected to politics? Hasn't this become the norm? Is this not daily headlines?

No, snowflake. They don't 'all do it'.

It's just your side that is being accused of using the IRS to harass and intimidate political opponents.

piss off
If this comes out to be true, and Obama used the irs to intimidate republicans. This will make Nixon look like a saint. I hope it will destroy liberals in politics. Hillary's chance to be president would be eliminated for being in this corrupt administration. Heck yeah!
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
I saw the reporting of this in the mainstream media, and on Fox.

Think long and hard about how the term "life is strange" figures into the possible intent to cover something up

If you had lied about something...like say...I caught a 6 foor Catfish.

I would phrase an email with an accomplice more like this......

"Nobody will ever believe I caught a 6 foor Catfiah, we're in for trouble"

I would not phrase it by saying....

"Nobody will ever believe I caught a 6 foot Catfish, life is strange"

This is not news to the mainstream media, because it's only GOP spin, designed to keep the GOP base/Fox viewers angry, and ready to turn out to vote.

Fox's coverage was hilarious.

Tucker Carlson said about the email "We don't have the full context, but, we'll let you decide"

Then the tag lines on the screen were titled "Liar Liar", and "Unbelievable"

So while telling people to decide for themselves, they brodcast how the GOP wants you to feel.

And YOU do.

If you want to be honest people....admit Fox and the GOP are leading you around by the nose.
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
I saw the reporting of this in the mainstream media, and on Fox.

Think long and hard about how the term "life is strange" figures into the possible intent to cover something up

If you had lied about something...like say...I caught a 6 foor Catfish.

I would phrase an email with an accomplice more like this......

"Nobody will ever believe I caught a 6 foor Catfiah, we're in for trouble"

I would not phrase it by saying....

"Nobody will ever believe I caught a 6 foot Catfish, life is strange"

This is not news to the mainstream media, because it's only GOP spin, designed to keep the GOP base/Fox viewers angry, and ready to turn out to vote.

Fox's coverage was hilarious.

Tucker Carlson said about the email "We don't have the full context, but, we'll let you decide"

Then the tag lines on the screen were titled "Liar Liar", and "Unbelievable"

So while telling people to decide for themselves, they brodcast how the GOP wants you to feel.

And YOU do.

If you want to be honest people....admit Fox and the GOP are leading you around by the nose.
So by your LOGIC Fox is biased because they are showing these stories about IRS, Benghazi,"Net Neutrality", "Obamacare is a bust", but with the other MSM NOT reporting these stories in the same manner then there is nothing there about IRS,Benghazi,"Net Neutrality", ACA?

More FACTS regarding the MSM bias to come... but just remember 85% of MSM donated $$ to Obama!
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
I saw the reporting of this in the mainstream media, and on Fox.

Think long and hard about how the term "life is strange" figures into the possible intent to cover something up

If you had lied about something...like say...I caught a 6 foor Catfish.

I would phrase an email with an accomplice more like this......

"Nobody will ever believe I caught a 6 foor Catfiah, we're in for trouble"

I would not phrase it by saying....

"Nobody will ever believe I caught a 6 foot Catfish, life is strange"

This is not news to the mainstream media, because it's only GOP spin, designed to keep the GOP base/Fox viewers angry, and ready to turn out to vote.

Fox's coverage was hilarious.

Tucker Carlson said about the email "We don't have the full context, but, we'll let you decide"

Then the tag lines on the screen were titled "Liar Liar", and "Unbelievable"

So while telling people to decide for themselves, they brodcast how the GOP wants you to feel.

And YOU do.

If you want to be honest people....admit Fox and the GOP are leading you around by the nose.

I am showing the comment again for clarity..
In Lerner's own words.."no one will ever believe ..."

Why would we not believe it?
I mean after all SHE DID take the 5th in testimony in front of Congress.
Why if there is nothing there, why would she take the 5th?
Why long before taking the 5th did she say"No one will ever believe"? What motivation would she have to say this?

Why waste taxpayer dollars on a silly non-essential email? Who would care? Why respond?
"For the record"???
Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 8.28.01 AM.png
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
I saw the reporting of this in the mainstream media, and on Fox.

Think long and hard about how the term "life is strange" figures into the possible intent to cover something up

If you had lied about something...like say...I caught a 6 foor Catfish.

I would phrase an email with an accomplice more like this......

"Nobody will ever believe I caught a 6 foor Catfiah, we're in for trouble"

I would not phrase it by saying....

"Nobody will ever believe I caught a 6 foot Catfish, life is strange"

This is not news to the mainstream media, because it's only GOP spin, designed to keep the GOP base/Fox viewers angry, and ready to turn out to vote.

Fox's coverage was hilarious.

Tucker Carlson said about the email "We don't have the full context, but, we'll let you decide"

Then the tag lines on the screen were titled "Liar Liar", and "Unbelievable"

So while telling people to decide for themselves, they brodcast how the GOP wants you to feel.

And YOU do.

If you want to be honest people....admit Fox and the GOP are leading you around by the nose.
Your are kidding right?,does criminal investigation mean anything to you?
Your neck must be sore dragging your huge noise ring around??!!
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. Politics is corrupt. Politicians lie. Egos, greed, self-service, power, influence, and favoritism RULE government and politics. So, what is so surprising when we hear of such conduct by those involved with or connected to politics? Hasn't this become the norm? Is this not daily headlines?

This thread topic is specific because IRS chief told us these emails were destroyed.

Your statement "daily headlines".. that is my point!
Where are the "daily headlines" about this administration penchant for lying especially when this administration brags about being the most
The MSM reluctancy to make any headlines detrimental to Obama is documented!
Please show where ABC,CBS,NBC and major papers have put these stories on lead or front pages?
They won't because they donated to Obama and want their investment protected.
In one way or another, in some form, yes, we do hear about government cover-ups, favoritism, corruption, wasteful spending of tax dollars, senseless deadly costly wars, illegal immigration, the injustices in our judicial system, and other headlines daily. Yes, many news media report these disgraceful acts. I read about them on many different web sites, in many different news media, and in newspapers and on TV. The public hears about this activity daily. FYI - ABC, CBS, and NBC are NOT the only sources of news and reports on government activity.
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. Politics is corrupt. Politicians lie. Egos, greed, self-service, power, influence, and favoritism RULE government and politics. So, what is so surprising when we hear of such conduct by those involved with or connected to politics? Hasn't this become the norm? Is this not daily headlines?

No, snowflake. They don't 'all do it'.

It's just your side that is being accused of using the IRS to harass and intimidate political opponents.

piss off
Very intelligent comment. Yes, they ALL do it. It's par for the course in politics. Or, haven't you been paying attention? FYI - I have NO side. I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I am an American for America, period. And, your childish "piss off" probably doesn't impress anyone, and certainly not me. Please try to be civil and adult on this forum, thanks.
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
I saw the reporting of this in the mainstream media, and on Fox.

Think long and hard about how the term "life is strange" figures into the possible intent to cover something up

If you had lied about something...like say...I caught a 6 foor Catfish.

I would phrase an email with an accomplice more like this......

"Nobody will ever believe I caught a 6 foor Catfiah, we're in for trouble"

I would not phrase it by saying....

"Nobody will ever believe I caught a 6 foot Catfish, life is strange"

This is not news to the mainstream media, because it's only GOP spin, designed to keep the GOP base/Fox viewers angry, and ready to turn out to vote.

Fox's coverage was hilarious.

Tucker Carlson said about the email "We don't have the full context, but, we'll let you decide"

Then the tag lines on the screen were titled "Liar Liar", and "Unbelievable"

So while telling people to decide for themselves, they brodcast how the GOP wants you to feel.

And YOU do.

If you want to be honest people....admit Fox and the GOP are leading you around by the nose.
So by your LOGIC Fox is biased because they are showing these stories about IRS, Benghazi,"Net Neutrality", "Obamacare is a bust", but with the other MSM NOT reporting these stories in the same manner then there is nothing there about IRS,Benghazi,"Net Neutrality", ACA?

More FACTS regarding the MSM bias to come... but just remember 85% of MSM donated $$ to Obama!
Don't expect me to defend MSNBC, they have your counterparts watching them, and telling them what to be outraged about too.

Fox has done wll with you. You're outraged over Benghazi, the IRS, and Obamacare, just like they need you to be.

Bet you'll take the time to get out and vote Republican in 2016.

EDIT****wasn't talking to healmyths
Last edited:
Why would they? They knew they were fugged if they turned up


During congressional testimony Thursday, the Treasury Deputy Inspector General Timothy Camus suggested the IRS did not do all it could have to recover Lois Lerner’s missing emails.
Camus told Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) that while investigating, his team realized the IRS had failed to turn over one relevant document. The IG demanded and got the document in question, which subsequently led to the discovery of an additional 424 backup tapes they had not previously been aware existed at a government data center.

Treasury IG IRS Never Asked for Backup Tapes of Agency Emails - Breitbart

"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. Politics is corrupt. Politicians lie. Egos, greed, self-service, power, influence, and favoritism RULE government and politics. So, what is so surprising when we hear of such conduct by those involved with or connected to politics? Hasn't this become the norm? Is this not daily headlines?

This thread topic is specific because IRS chief told us these emails were destroyed.

Your statement "daily headlines".. that is my point!
Where are the "daily headlines" about this administration penchant for lying especially when this administration brags about being the most
The MSM reluctancy to make any headlines detrimental to Obama is documented!
Please show where ABC,CBS,NBC and major papers have put these stories on lead or front pages?
They won't because they donated to Obama and want their investment protected.
In one way or another, in some form, yes, we do hear about government cover-ups, favoritism, corruption, wasteful spending of tax dollars, senseless deadly costly wars, illegal immigration, the injustices in our judicial system, and other headlines daily. Yes, many news media report these disgraceful acts. I read about them on many different web sites, in many different news media, and in newspapers and on TV. The public hears about this activity daily. FYI - ABC, CBS, and NBC are NOT the only sources of news and reports on government activity.
ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS, all together, have a larger nightly audience than Fox, CNN, and MSNBC do combined, for the tiny little half hour of time they're on.

Most American voters don't have time to watch the 24 hour new cycle, and be lead around by it.

Somehow...Fox News has guys like you thinking people with "lives" have enough time to sit through GOP spin about trumped up GOP electioneering. Life is strange indeed, and "toxic media" victims can be even stranger
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. Politics is corrupt. Politicians lie. Egos, greed, self-service, power, influence, and favoritism RULE government and politics. So, what is so surprising when we hear of such conduct by those involved with or connected to politics? Hasn't this become the norm? Is this not daily headlines?

This thread topic is specific because IRS chief told us these emails were destroyed.

Your statement "daily headlines".. that is my point!
Where are the "daily headlines" about this administration penchant for lying especially when this administration brags about being the most
The MSM reluctancy to make any headlines detrimental to Obama is documented!
Please show where ABC,CBS,NBC and major papers have put these stories on lead or front pages?
They won't because they donated to Obama and want their investment protected.
In one way or another, in some form, yes, we do hear about government cover-ups, favoritism, corruption, wasteful spending of tax dollars, senseless deadly costly wars, illegal immigration, the injustices in our judicial system, and other headlines daily. Yes, many news media report these disgraceful acts. I read about them on many different web sites, in many different news media, and in newspapers and on TV. The public hears about this activity daily. FYI - ABC, CBS, and NBC are NOT the only sources of news and reports on government activity.
ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS, all together, have a larger nightly audience than Fox, CNN, and MSNBC do combined, for the tiny little half hour of time they're on.

Most American voters don't have time to watch the 24 hour new cycle, and be lead around by it.

Somehow...Fox News has guys like you thinking people with "lives" have enough time to sit through GOP spin about trumped up GOP electioneering. Life is strange indeed, and "toxic media" victims can be even stranger
You assume way too much. FYI - I do NOT watch Fox news. I do NOT pay attention to spin. I am NOT a Republican nor a Democrat. I am NOT a victim, by any stretch of the imagination. Again, you assume way too much. Since when do you know me so well? Have we ever met? How many conversations have you and I had?
"IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe"
IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal investigation - Washington Times

To date, we have found 32,744 unique emails that were backed up from Lois Lerner’s email box. We are in the process of comparing these emails to what the IRS has already produced to Congress to determine if we did in fact recover any new emails,” Camus said, according to the Washington Times.

In one of the new emails, Lerner apparently wrote,

View attachment 37295
What is even MORE strange is almost NONE of the MSM i.e. the people that according to this research:

85% of media donated money to Democrats or 1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

.....ARE REPORTING THIS as it is NOT NEWS evidently!
Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. Politics is corrupt. Politicians lie. Egos, greed, self-service, power, influence, and favoritism RULE government and politics. So, what is so surprising when we hear of such conduct by those involved with or connected to politics? Hasn't this become the norm? Is this not daily headlines?

This thread topic is specific because IRS chief told us these emails were destroyed.

Your statement "daily headlines".. that is my point!
Where are the "daily headlines" about this administration penchant for lying especially when this administration brags about being the most
The MSM reluctancy to make any headlines detrimental to Obama is documented!
Please show where ABC,CBS,NBC and major papers have put these stories on lead or front pages?
They won't because they donated to Obama and want their investment protected.
In one way or another, in some form, yes, we do hear about government cover-ups, favoritism, corruption, wasteful spending of tax dollars, senseless deadly costly wars, illegal immigration, the injustices in our judicial system, and other headlines daily. Yes, many news media report these disgraceful acts. I read about them on many different web sites, in many different news media, and in newspapers and on TV. The public hears about this activity daily. FYI - ABC, CBS, and NBC are NOT the only sources of news and reports on government activity.
ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS, all together, have a larger nightly audience than Fox, CNN, and MSNBC do combined, for the tiny little half hour of time they're on.

Most American voters don't have time to watch the 24 hour new cycle, and be lead around by it.

Somehow...Fox News has guys like you thinking people with "lives" have enough time to sit through GOP spin about trumped up GOP electioneering. Life is strange indeed, and "toxic media" victims can be even stranger
You assume way too much. FYI - I do NOT watch Fox news. I do NOT pay attention to spin. I am NOT a Republican nor a Democrat. I am NOT a victim, by any stretch of the imagination. Again, you assume way too much. Since when do you know me so well? Have we ever met? How many conversations have you and I had?
I know that you read the Washngton Times this morning.

The Washington Times runs the exact same stories as Fox News does, so they're interchangable. And they can lead you by the nose just as Fox News can.

Which is apparent in the resulting behavior you've displayed.

Poisened by Arsenic, poisoned by Hemlock......the result is the same
Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. Politics is corrupt. Politicians lie. Egos, greed, self-service, power, influence, and favoritism RULE government and politics. So, what is so surprising when we hear of such conduct by those involved with or connected to politics? Hasn't this become the norm? Is this not daily headlines?

This thread topic is specific because IRS chief told us these emails were destroyed.

Your statement "daily headlines".. that is my point!
Where are the "daily headlines" about this administration penchant for lying especially when this administration brags about being the most
The MSM reluctancy to make any headlines detrimental to Obama is documented!
Please show where ABC,CBS,NBC and major papers have put these stories on lead or front pages?
They won't because they donated to Obama and want their investment protected.
In one way or another, in some form, yes, we do hear about government cover-ups, favoritism, corruption, wasteful spending of tax dollars, senseless deadly costly wars, illegal immigration, the injustices in our judicial system, and other headlines daily. Yes, many news media report these disgraceful acts. I read about them on many different web sites, in many different news media, and in newspapers and on TV. The public hears about this activity daily. FYI - ABC, CBS, and NBC are NOT the only sources of news and reports on government activity.
ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS, all together, have a larger nightly audience than Fox, CNN, and MSNBC do combined, for the tiny little half hour of time they're on.

Most American voters don't have time to watch the 24 hour new cycle, and be lead around by it.

Somehow...Fox News has guys like you thinking people with "lives" have enough time to sit through GOP spin about trumped up GOP electioneering. Life is strange indeed, and "toxic media" victims can be even stranger
You assume way too much. FYI - I do NOT watch Fox news. I do NOT pay attention to spin. I am NOT a Republican nor a Democrat. I am NOT a victim, by any stretch of the imagination. Again, you assume way too much. Since when do you know me so well? Have we ever met? How many conversations have you and I had?
I know that you read the Washngton Times this morning.

The Washington Times runs the exact same stories as Fox News does, so they're interchangable. And they can lead you by the nose just as Fox News can.

Which is apparent in the resulting behavior you've displayed.

Poisened by Arsenic, poisoned by Hemlock......the result is the same
No, I have NOT read The Washington Times this morning. Again, you assume way too much. FYI - No one leads me by the nose, no one. And, exactly what behavior have I displayed? Care to tell me?

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