Why Go to College?

Without a good degree one is destined for a low class not happy life. What do those peoe do?
Today's universities do serve a purpose! They keep snowflakes off the street (well somewhat) and sheltered before dumping on an unsuspecting job market.
We once had a draft that did that and everyone benefited from it. Hell they could even get educational assistance after under the GI bill. Such a deal.
Maybe we should set the clock back a bit.
Today's universities do serve a purpose! They keep snowflakes off the street (well somewhat) and sheltered before dumping on an unsuspecting job market.
We once had a draft that did that and everyone benefited from it. Hell they could even get educational assistance after under the GI bill. Such a deal.
Maybe we should set the clock back a bit.
Today's universities do serve a purpose! They keep snowflakes off the street (well somewhat) and sheltered before dumping on an unsuspecting job market.
We once had a draft that did that and everyone benefited from it. Hell they could even get educational assistance after under the GI bill. Such a deal.
Maybe we should set the clock back a bit.

You want out of shape druggies with criminal records and low IQs? We should just draft liberals.
To shift gears just a little bit, I would gladly pay (as a taxpayer) for college for "everyone," provided it was limited to people who are "college material." Intelligent, good grades, good mix of HS subjects. If you can't be top quarter of your class in HS, then go to college if you want, just pay for it yourself.

You are getting a lot of flack for something obvious. Junk degrees seem like an expensive hobby. If they are willing to pay for it, knowing they won't get work from it, I don't really care. It is their choice. I'm glad you brought up some requirements on free college proposals. This also seems like a no brainer. I agree, I'd support college for everyone if those in the program were motivated and able. I think it would be reasonable to earn your way in. Just throwing money at people who have shown they could care less about learning is nuts. You ever notice how people who try hard and do the right thing are ignored or ridiculed while those who piss away their lives are priority number 1. Kids with a B average won't get one scholarship cent.
Get a degree in the trades. I recommend HVAC training so you can install hepa filtration systems and address cooling issues in the refrigerated trucks-morgues. Those are expected to see drastic increases as we move along

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