Why does Warren Buffet want higher taxes?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
The Left has been making a lot of noise about Buffets call for higher taxes, and some of the less informed people here have been arguing about it for a couple of days in this thread.


Here are a couple of interesting facts for everyone who holds Buffet up as a hero for being willing to pay more in taxes.

Buffett Profits from Taxes He Supports
Buffett regularly lobbies for higher estate taxes. He also has repeatedly bought up family businesses forced to sell because the heirs’ death-tax bill exceeded the business’s liquid assets. He owns life insurance companies that rely on the death tax in order to sell their estate-planning businesses.
Buffett Profits from Government Spending
Buffett made about a billion dollars off of the Wall Street bailout by investing in Goldman Sachs on the assumption Uncle Sam would bail it out. He also is planning investments in ethanol giant ADM and government-contracting leviathan General Dynamics.
If your businesses’ revenue comes from the U.S. Treasury, of course you want more wealth.

Warren Buffett continuing to profit from his investment in the bailout. Why is this okay? | Timothy P. Carney | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Is it any surprise that a man who makes money off of the government tax policy wants the government to charge higher taxes?
Well... not to blow holes in your argument, but...

the Wall Street Bailout was a one-time deal. You would think he would have taken the money, run and STFU about it. I mean, after all... if he did benefit from it, why wouldn't he stay quiet and wait for the next inevitable meltdown? I'm not saying that he didn't benefit... just saying that if he did, it's obviously not the reason for saying what he did.
Read this. It is a much better explanation by someone who knows something about Buffett as opposed to some political columnist.

So do you think if we stop "coddling the super rich" then a good place to start would be people who didn't earn it other then on the backs of the people directly?

I speak of course of politicians, particularly Obama and the Clintons who earned nothing other then as politicians. Can you think of any more justified plunder then plundering the plunderers?
Buffet a hero? The man is a slime ball who disowned his own granddaughter for speaking out about income inequality.
Buffet a hero? The man is a slime ball who disowned his own granddaughter for speaking out about income inequality.

Actually, he "disowned" her because she wasn't his granddaughter - she's his step-granddaughter from his son's marriage that ended 20 years ago, and hasn't been part of the family since - and she publicly complained that he didn't give her enough money.
Wow if you hate Buffet for profiting off of the bailout, show me where you were just a rantin anda raving about the CEO's of AIG, Lehman and other financial institutions who drove their companies into the ground and still got millions in Bonus' and stock options.

Of course you didnt...your op is phoney. This outrage sounds about a genuine as Pale Rider coming to the defense of Herman Cain against racism lol
Buffet a hero? The man is a slime ball who disowned his own granddaughter for speaking out about income inequality.

Actually, he "disowned" her because she wasn't his granddaughter - she's his step-granddaughter from his son's marriage that ended 20 years ago, and hasn't been part of the family since - and she publicly complained that he didn't give her enough money.

Well, that explains the taxes he thinks he should pay but doesn't because he's too dickless to live by his own ideology
Buffet a hero? The man is a slime ball who disowned his own granddaughter for speaking out about income inequality.

Actually, he "disowned" her because she wasn't his granddaughter - she's his step-granddaughter from his son's marriage that ended 20 years ago, and hasn't been part of the family since - and she publicly complained that he didn't give her enough money.

Well, that explains the taxes he thinks he should pay but doesn't because he's too dickless to live by his own ideology

yeah, everybody's lining up to pay taxes they don't owe, fuckwit.
Buffet a hero? The man is a slime ball who disowned his own granddaughter for speaking out about income inequality.

Actually, he "disowned" her because she wasn't his granddaughter - she's his step-granddaughter from his son's marriage that ended 20 years ago, and hasn't been part of the family since - and she publicly complained that he didn't give her enough money.

Well, that explains the taxes he thinks he should pay but doesn't because he's too dickless to live by his own ideology

Eh? Warren Buffett made the largest donation to charity in history a few years ago (30 Billion dollars).

What part of his "ideology" does he not live by?
Buffet a hero? The man is a slime ball who disowned his own granddaughter for speaking out about income inequality.

Actually, he "disowned" her because she wasn't his granddaughter - she's his step-granddaughter from his son's marriage that ended 20 years ago, and hasn't been part of the family since - and she publicly complained that he didn't give her enough money.

Peter, Warren's son, adopted her into the family when Nicole was quite young. If your child adopted a young child, you would disown them? Just like that?

When did she publicly complain? link?
It's hilarious to watch the fringe right attack such a great man on a PERSONAL level just because they don't like his economic tax message.

According to the wing-nuts...

The rich are paragons of virtue... deserving of our everlasting gratitude... carrying the country on their mighty shoulders... unparalleled geniuses... until one of them says something they don't like.
Actually, he "disowned" her because she wasn't his granddaughter - she's his step-granddaughter from his son's marriage that ended 20 years ago, and hasn't been part of the family since - and she publicly complained that he didn't give her enough money.

Well, that explains the taxes he thinks he should pay but doesn't because he's too dickless to live by his own ideology

Eh? Warren Buffett made the largest donation to charity in history a few years ago (30 Billion dollars).

What part of his "ideology" does he not live by?

He says the government needs more money and should collect higher taxes. He chooses otherwise with his own money. Why is that?
Well, that explains the taxes he thinks he should pay but doesn't because he's too dickless to live by his own ideology

Eh? Warren Buffett made the largest donation to charity in history a few years ago (30 Billion dollars).

What part of his "ideology" does he not live by?

He says the government needs more money and should collect higher taxes. He chooses otherwise with his own money. Why is that?

Do you not see the ridiculousness of this argument?
The Left has been making a lot of noise about Buffets call for higher taxes, and some of the less informed people here have been arguing about it for a couple of days in this thread.


Here are a couple of interesting facts for everyone who holds Buffet up as a hero for being willing to pay more in taxes.

Buffett Profits from Taxes He Supports
Buffett regularly lobbies for higher estate taxes. He also has repeatedly bought up family businesses forced to sell because the heirs’ death-tax bill exceeded the business’s liquid assets. He owns life insurance companies that rely on the death tax in order to sell their estate-planning businesses.
Buffett Profits from Government Spending
Buffett made about a billion dollars off of the Wall Street bailout by investing in Goldman Sachs on the assumption Uncle Sam would bail it out. He also is planning investments in ethanol giant ADM and government-contracting leviathan General Dynamics.
If your businesses’ revenue comes from the U.S. Treasury, of course you want more wealth.

Warren Buffett continuing to profit from his investment in the bailout. Why is this okay? | Timothy P. Carney | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Is it any surprise that a man who makes money off of the government tax policy wants the government to charge higher taxes?

There is one huge difference between Warren and Obama. Warren Defines Rich as incomes over 1,000,000. Not 200,000 Like Obama and the Dems.

Which of course effectively protects most small businesses.

Practical if you ask me.

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