Why Does Harris Want To Keep Kids In Failed Common Core Schools Until 6pm?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
A recent report citing MULTIPLE separate independent studies showing that the current graduates from govt-run public schools using Common Core are the LEAST PREPARED FOR COLLEGE IN 15 YEARS, that Common Core, as predicted, is a completely failed program...unless your goal is the DUMBING-DOWN OF AMERCIA'S FUTURE GENERATIONS IOT CREATE AN IGNORANT POPULATION WHO WOULD BE EASIER FOR SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS TO CONTROL.

So, based on these latest findings, why does Kamala Harris want to 'double-down' on Common Core 'dumbing down' of America's kids / America's 'future' by requiring them to stay in school until 6PM?

(Did Hillary's loss in 2020 lead Democrats into believing the average voter's IQ is too high and their ability to think for themselves is still too great, that their efforts to dumb-down and indoctrinate future generation has not been enough and they need to increase their efforts?)

Even the View's Whoopi Goldberg, a flaming Liberal, slammed Harris' proposal, declaring an increase in mandatory time for children to remain in (proven failed) govt-run public schools amounts to 'institutionalizing' our children:

Whoopi Goldberg says Kamala Harris' school hours plan could be like 'institutionalizing' kids

"I think keeping a kid in school until 6:00 is like institutionalizing them because ... a lot of these buildings do not have gymnasiums. A lot of these buildings do not have a place to have after school programs," she said.

She was referring to Harris' legislation that would incentivize
school districts to extend school days as a way of accommodating parents' work schedules."

So part of the REAL story is that Harris wants the federal government to play a larger role in replacing parents and families in raising their kids, in raising 'your' kids.

Parents should be able to be parents and spend less time working their assess off to pay the US govt's ever-growing demand for a percentage of the money US citizens make.

Rather than find a way to DECREASE the financial govt burden Socialist Democrats seek to place on Middle Class tax-payers, allowing them to keep more / pay less and spend more time being parents, the Socialist 2020 Democrat candidates are running on a platform of taxing the SHITE out of Middle Class tax payers, taking away the gains of more jobs, higher wages, raises, bonuses, and lowest unemployment rates in DECADES / in US HISTORY President Trump has delivered.

The 2020 Democratic Party candidates all raised their hands on stage and declared one of their top goals was to SERVE ILLEGALS, making THEM a higher priority than US citizens, by giving THEM 'free' US CITIZEN TAX PAYER-FUNDED health care, education, housing, food, etc.. They have all declared they want to un-do all of the steps / actions the President has affected that has resulted in millions of Americans end their dependency on US Govt (Democrat) 'freebie' social programs like Welfare, Unemployment, Food Stamps, etc.... Elizabeth Warren's 'Medical Care For All' campaign issue - which makes all privately-owned healthcare illegal and forces Americans onto her govt-controlled program, for example, ADMITTEDLY will cost 2 MILLION AMERICANS to lose their jobs.


With 2 million Americans out of work that means there is less of a need for extended govt-run public school 'daycare'...yet those fortunate enough to HAVE jobs will be forced to work longer hours and more jobs in an attempt to survive themselves while having to pay higher taxes for AOC's 'War on Cowfarts', Warren's mandatory-participation healthcare, and paying to provide 'free health care, education, food, housing, etc,.. for criminal illegals!
I remember one time making the mistake of leaving my daughter at daycare past 4 pm.

That little girl was pissed at me for a week..

Fuck that
More Tax Dollars can be Requested for Schools and The DemTard Teacher's Union which fails to educate our children every day.

Plus, more time to Indoctrinate, Inculcate and Brainwash children in to being Gender Confused, and in to Hating America, and their Parents.
A recent report citing MULTIPLE separate independent studies showing that the current graduates from govt-run public schools using Common Core are the LEAST PREPARED FOR COLLEGE IN 15 YEARS, that Common Core, as predicted, is a completely failed program...unless your goal is the DUMBING-DOWN OF AMERCIA'S FUTURE GENERATIONS IOT CREATE AN IGNORANT POPULATION WHO WOULD BE EASIER FOR SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS TO CONTROL.

So, based on these latest findings, why does Kamala Harris want to 'double-down' on Common Core 'dumbing down' of America's kids / America's 'future' by requiring them to stay in school until 6PM?

(Did Hillary's loss in 2020 lead Democrats into believing the average voter's IQ is too high and their ability to think for themselves is still too great, that their efforts to dumb-down and indoctrinate future generation has not been enough and they need to increase their efforts?)

Even the View's Whoopi Goldberg, a flaming Liberal, slammed Harris' proposal, declaring an increase in mandatory time for children to remain in (proven failed) govt-run public schools amounts to 'institutionalizing' our children:

Whoopi Goldberg says Kamala Harris' school hours plan could be like 'institutionalizing' kids

"I think keeping a kid in school until 6:00 is like institutionalizing them because ... a lot of these buildings do not have gymnasiums. A lot of these buildings do not have a place to have after school programs," she said.

She was referring to Harris' legislation that would incentivize
school districts to extend school days as a way of accommodating parents' work schedules."

So part of the REAL story is that Harris wants the federal government to play a larger role in replacing parents and families in raising their kids, in raising 'your' kids.

Parents should be able to be parents and spend less time working their assess off to pay the US govt's ever-growing demand for a percentage of the money US citizens make.

Rather than find a way to DECREASE the financial govt burden Socialist Democrats seek to place on Middle Class tax-payers, allowing them to keep more / pay less and spend more time being parents, the Socialist 2020 Democrat candidates are running on a platform of taxing the SHITE out of Middle Class tax payers, taking away the gains of more jobs, higher wages, raises, bonuses, and lowest unemployment rates in DECADES / in US HISTORY President Trump has delivered.

The 2020 Democratic Party candidates all raised their hands on stage and declared one of their top goals was to SERVE ILLEGALS, making THEM a higher priority than US citizens, by giving THEM 'free' US CITIZEN TAX PAYER-FUNDED health care, education, housing, food, etc.. They have all declared they want to un-do all of the steps / actions the President has affected that has resulted in millions of Americans end their dependency on US Govt (Democrat) 'freebie' social programs like Welfare, Unemployment, Food Stamps, etc.... Elizabeth Warren's 'Medical Care For All' campaign issue - which makes all privately-owned healthcare illegal and forces Americans onto her govt-controlled program, for example, ADMITTEDLY will cost 2 MILLION AMERICANS to lose their jobs.


With 2 million Americans out of work that means there is less of a need for extended govt-run public school 'daycare'...yet those fortunate enough to HAVE jobs will be forced to work longer hours and more jobs in an attempt to survive themselves while having to pay higher taxes for AOC's 'War on Cowfarts', Warren's mandatory-participation healthcare, and paying to provide 'free health care, education, food, housing, etc,.. for criminal illegals!
More brainwashing time.

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