Why do you want to elect Trump again?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Just a question for conservatives. What will Trump do in 4 years he did not do in the first 4 years?

Or are you hoping just to buy time?

It's time to face some facts, the DNC now runs elections on TDS, and effectively as we saw in California. But let's say Trump wins, after another 4 years of multiple impeachments, endless FBI investigations, and probably worse, the DNC will be having a Bernie Sanders look a like waiting to take over the Oval office after the 4 years is up and he can't run anymore.

Now I'm not trying to convince anyone of who to vote for, just telling you what is coming is all as they will run off TDS long after Trump is gone, citing every GOP candidate as a Trump clone.

My main concern is actually addressing the issue at hand, which is a government by and for the DNC.

That is why I support the Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution to take power away from the Federal government, but doing such things as limiting the terms of those in Congress and/or limiting the spending of Congress. Both of these issues about 80% of Americans favor, which would be unifying. But so long as you allow the circus of Biden/Trump to evenly divide the country, we will get nowhere.
Just a question for conservatives. What will Trump do in 4 years he did not do in the first 4 years?

Or are you hoping just to buy time?

It's time to face some facts, the DNC now runs elections on TDS, and effectively as we saw in California. But let's say Trump wins, after another 4 years of multiple impeachments, endless FBI investigations, and probably worse, the DNC will be having a Bernie Sanders look a like waiting to take over the Oval office after the 4 years is up and he can't run anymore.

Now I'm not trying to convince anyone of who to vote for, just telling you what is coming is all as they will run off TDS long after Trump is gone, citing every GOP candidate as a Trump clone.

My main concern is actually addressing the issue at hand, which is a government by and for the DNC.

That is why I support the Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution to take power away from the Federal government, but doing such things as limiting the terms of those in Congress and/or limiting the spending of Congress. Both of these issues about 80% of Americans favor, which would be unifying. But so long as you allow the circus of Biden/Trump to evenly divide the country, we will get nowhere.
Americans want their government to work, not be a little bathtub for corporate interests.

Your 80% claim is wildly wrong.
I want him to do just what he did when he was POTUS. He was good for America and Americans. I loved UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. I loved jobs all across the country and I sure loved a great economy. Nothing wrong with gas at 1.70 a gallon either. Wish that were back.

I liked the tax cuts and I liked that he tried to honor every campaign promise he made. In short IMO he was a great POTUS and I'll be voting for him again if he runs in 2024.

He sure beats the hell out of Bidung.
not be a little bathtub for corporate interests.
oh fuck off...lol!

Biden has appointed several Pharma insiders as top White House advisors, including former Novo Nordisk lawyer Martine Cicconi, former Exact Sciences lawyer Jonathan Cedarbaum, former Mylan lawyer Jonathan Su, and former Eli Lilly and Sanofi lobbyist Steve Ricchetti.

oh fuck off...lol!

Biden has appointed several Pharma insiders as top White House advisors, including former Novo Nordisk lawyer Martine Cicconi, former Exact Sciences lawyer Jonathan Cedarbaum, former Mylan lawyer Jonathan Su, and former Eli Lilly and Sanofi lobbyist Steve Ricchetti.

Not the same thing dude.
Just a question for conservatives. What will Trump do in 4 years he did not do in the first 4 years?

Or are you hoping just to buy time?

It's time to face some facts, the DNC now runs elections on TDS, and effectively as we saw in California. But let's say Trump wins, after another 4 years of multiple impeachments, endless FBI investigations, and probably worse, the DNC will be having a Bernie Sanders look a like waiting to take over the Oval office after the 4 years is up and he can't run anymore.

Now I'm not trying to convince anyone of who to vote for, just telling you what is coming is all as they will run off TDS long after Trump is gone, citing every GOP candidate as a Trump clone.

My main concern is actually addressing the issue at hand, which is a government by and for the DNC.

That is why I support the Article V movement. States need to rise up and amend the Constitution to take power away from the Federal government, but doing such things as limiting the terms of those in Congress and/or limiting the spending of Congress. Both of these issues about 80% of Americans favor, which would be unifying. But so long as you allow the circus of Biden/Trump to evenly divide the country, we will get nowhere.
Trump would have gone the way of Hillary if he'd taken the path of past Losers. Write a book, make millions. Get some sun. See Tuscany. But nnnnooooo. He demands to be in the news and continuse his crusade of "they stole it from me" even though most people know he's full of shit.

The problem for the gop is that they have a host of "characters" who've ridden his ... trail of shit. Perry "trust god to end rape" and DeSantis "stop covid testing to stop covid."

The normally sane actors whove plied their careers on corporate greed and fiscal sanity need some equally news worthy story to ply .... "We never should have left Afgahn. "
Like the first two worked? Dumbass
Assholes like this one really show what they are all about when they post inane drivel like this.

This dumb fool is NOT making millions of dollars from the MIC….so he is a willing DUPE for the rich and powerful commies.


This is the kind of guy who makes breakfast in bed for the guy fucking his wife.
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I don't have any answers to the propaganda and what's become a MFing banana republic under the wing of Democrack communists. Nor an answer to our dumbing down as a country & world led by left communists. But fuck yeah I'll vote for Trump.
How so? Have advisors from industry involved in government is very different than having industry lead government.
You're a fuckin moron.

What do you think ADVISORS do? They advise and affect your decision making processes.

Ok, what if the Biden administration hired current and ex KKK, and white nationalists to advise on racial issues?

They would JUST be advisors....they wouldn't be actually hired...right?

Ya fuckin tosser.
I want him to do just what he did when he was POTUS. He was good for America and Americans. I loved UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. I loved jobs all across the country and I sure loved a great economy. Nothing wrong with gas at 1.70 a gallon either. Wish that were back.

I liked the tax cuts and I liked that he tried to honor every campaign promise he made. In short IMO he was a great POTUS and I'll be voting for him again if he runs in 2024.

He sure beats the hell out of Bidung.
You keep repeating that bunk about gas prices being only $1.70 under Trump's rule....when you have been CORRECTED every time.

Gasoline prices under Trump before the Pandemic shut down, was $2.47 cents a gallon.

The reason gas dropped to about $1.90 a gallon is because we shut down businesses, millions of people were laid off and not traveling to work, and others were told to work from home, restaurants and bars and many businesses were closed or limited so people were not using gasoline for pleasure either...plane travel was also shut down or limited...

All of these things that happened all at once, caused an over abundance of supply...we had way more oil/gasoline than the USA and whole world, needed.

THAT is what caused gasoline prices to drop down below $2, NOT Trump policies.
Kinda hard to correct the truth. I know cause that's what I paid for gas in Florida. 1.70 or a little higher. Not my fault you paid more.

Oh and we were oil independent before Bidung came along. He stopped drilling for oil on Fed lands and wants to get rid of fracking. Now gas is from 2.85 and some at 3.05. Speculators aren't stupid. They see the writing on the wall. Get ready for higher prices.

I liked the 1.70 under Trump.

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