Why do you want more government in your life?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.
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I want to know how the government will be more involved in my life?

It will check up on you to see if you are gay in the military and it will check up on all your doctors appointments to make sure you aren't having an abortion to save your life.
For sure, if the right wingnuts have anything to do with it. They'd love a theocracy.
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I want to know how the government will be more involved in my life?

It will check up on you to see if you are gay in the military and it will check up on all your doctors appointments to make sure you aren't having an abortion to save your life.
For sure, if the right wingnuts have anything to do with it. They'd love a theocracy.

Some would. That's a fact. The others would be heard screaming on their way to the ovens "I'm not one of them, I'm one of you!"
I don't think anyone will answer that they want more government in their own lives, but more government in other people's lives is fine.
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

I don't think it s good/smart to just say that government in general is good or bad. It would be saying that an apple in general is bad before eating the specific apple and knowing what it tastes like, some apples are bad and others are good: this is not much different with governments. (srry for the very simple explaination, it s just the first comparison that came to my mind :tongue: )

The fact of the matter is that governments have brought us to where we are today, wether we like it or not. For centuries governments have ruled us and provided us wealth and prosperity, but also have caused us harm (by waging wars, corruption, ...). Like many other things government is like a tool that can be used for 2 things: to harm or to protect/improve.

So to say in general that government is bad would be an ignorant and stupid comment. In the same way you can not say that a government is good to solve everything.

What you re also ignoring is that governments can also provide individuals with freedom instead of denying it to them, a government can make it so by creating laws that enable this situation were people can be able to do things freely (free speech, freedom of expression, ...). A government provides you a safe society to live in: a police force and a military that protect your rights and freedom.

It will help you when you are in serious trouble: if a natural disaster happens, you or your family are being assaulted by another person for no good reason, it will provide your society with the means to increase your freedom of movement (roads, bridges, airports, canals, railroads, ...), ...

Unlike in an anarchy (place with no government), were people can be also "free" but not in the same way: they can be oppressed by others who use violence to achieve what they want.

If you look at all the civilications of the past, you ll notice that all of them were ruled by governments and in certain cases more government was good. Look at how the roman empire improved by implementing more laws and rules (over the centuries).

I m assuming with freedom you mean a gov that keeps making more laws and regulations that restrict how people can behave: It s just wrong to assume that rules and the institution that makes them are always bad, it s like having a sport with no rules. I know at first it can be fun to do, but after a while you would like to do a sport in a more efficient way. That s why certain rules in a sport game are good to improve the game, but if 1 rule is bad then it does not mean you should ban the institution that made the rules: you should figure out a way to ban the bad rule (elect new people that would ban the bad rule).

So the irony of your assumption may be that the reason for your freedom is the government.
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Without Government their is chaos.

With government in moderation, there is stability to a degree. Certainly the best choice. The variables being the Quality of Leadership.

With government in excess there is...............well..........look around we have a good sample of what's to come.

Larger more intrusive government brings with it a multitude of issues, one of them raising it's ugly head is that the citizens have less effect in controlling it.
Who do you think wants more government in their lives?

When you call for and support the expansion of government into more and more aspects of life, you are indeed CALLING FOR more government IN your life

Agreed. Which is why for all those who want a return to smaller government and less government power, there is nothing more important than ending the War on Terror, which continues to be the primary justification for expansive government and especially executive powers.

We continue to vest extraordinary powers in the President and to change our form of government based on the bipartisan decree that WE ARE AT WAR! -- meaning not our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq but our "War on Terror" generally. It has been obvious (and openly acknowledged) from the start that this "war" has no real end, at least not for decades, which means all these executive powers to which we are acquiescing are essentially permanent. But just to be sure, the U.S. Government continues to engage in a litany of actions that spawn more and more anti-American hatred and thus ensure that the Terrorism used to justify these always-expanding domestic powers will endure forever. Even for those who are convinced of both the justifiability and morality of our ongoing wars, aren't these costs intolerably high?

Warrantless surveillance of phone calls, e-mails, and personal records; the assassination of U.S. citizens without trial or charge based solely on a president's monarchical decree; the right to indefinitely detain people without charge or trial, imprison them forever, based on the same decree; and of course the military-industrial complex budget that accounts for more than half of our discretionary spending, nearly a trillion dollars a year, and is more than 10 times what out nearest competitor (China, with three times the population and standing army) spends spiraling us ever further into insolvency and debt; all justified by the endless War on Terror.

It couldn't be more self-evident, if you oppose big government, big government spending, big government powers and big government intrusion in your life, the clear choice is to support non-interventionism and an end to invasive foreign occupations that endanger our populace, drain our economy, and are the single biggest factor in the government claiming more unchecked power over its citizens.

I oppose big government, so I oppose the government's efforts to maintain a constant state of war.
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Everytime people here call for more REGULATION they are actually calling for more government whther they understand it or not.

Government is way out of control as it is, we don't need more of it, we need less.

For example, say you live in a big city. You have reps from your district, your city, your county, your state, and that isn't even all the feds. Layer upon layer of mindless bureaucracy that wastes a fortune doing absolutely nothing.
I just want to know why? Why don't you want more freedom to choose what you want to do?

Do you really think government will do everything better than you would?

I just don't get it.

What are you?

Some kind of anarchist?

Do you think YOU can defend this nation all by yourself?
I have the freedom to choose what I want to do.

I would like the freedom to choose where my tax dollars go. Just sayin'....I guess it's that "big government" in action.

You have that freedom in your vote. Except for two things: #1, campaigns are all lies. #2: the lies don't matter because partisans (aka the people who get out to vote) tow party lines regardless.

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