Zone1 Why do you need gods?

Cro-Magnon fathers had no better answer to children's questions ... "because I say so" works up to roughly the 18th Century, or say about 8-years-old ...

Science is new ...
Why do people have a need to believe in gods?
Gods and religions provide strength, comfort, guidance and answers. So man has maintained about 2,500 of them over time.

Unfortunately, a lot of bad comes from (a) organized religions and (b) people who pervert the religion to match their own agenda.

Religion ends up being warped and wrecked by politics, ego, hate, lust and greed. As we see on a pretty freakin' regular basis.
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America's war against Russia is one reason why people especially need a god at this critical time.

The god will ensure that the right side wins the war completely unscathed.

Russians will be praying too.
I do when they try to shove it down our throats. Like with state and national policy.
That's understandable on your behalf. I for one think it's a personal choice.
I'm not a 'Jesus Freak', they just hurt more than they help, and haven't a clue with their relationship with God.
I just don't appreciate those who attack only because they have a different belief.
That's not it with you.
I do when they try to shove it down our throats. Like with state and national policy.
Was it the Christians job in the 1700's and 1800's to stand up for slaves for being treated like glorified apes and not human beings and murdered if they got out of line?

If not, what are they good for?
Was it the Christians job in the 1700's and 1800's to stand up for slaves for being treated like glorified apes and not human beings and murdered if they got out of line?

If not, what are they good for?
christians were also the ones enslaving them.
christians were also the ones enslaving them.
Christians were also the abolitionists.

White brother fought white brother in a bloody Civil war over it, so your assertion is somewhat lacking in truth.

But that still does not answer the question, did they have a duty to do so, even if they did not fulfill the call like they should have?

The Catholic church did not come out publicly against the Holocaust either, but they should have


But some did publicly stand up and died for it.

Courage is a rare thing in all groups of people, but without it, we die as a people.

In fact, the early Christians were all thrown to the lions.

Christianity does not allow for a lack of courage, hence there will always be some that stand for the right thing.
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Christians were also the abolitionists.

White brother fought white brother in a bloody Civil war over it, so your assertion is somewhat lacking in truth.
First I made my opinion known. Then, I stated a fact, just as you. Im not lacking in anything.
God is the ultimate realization for an individual who seeks answers to all questions. I agree that organized religion has been corrupted by bad people at times. But that should never stop an individual from seeking the ultimate answer to all questions.
This assumes the existence of an ultimate power.

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