Why do they hate the 2nd Amendment so much?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Of all the rights listed in the Bill of Rights, the 2nd Amendment is so vilified, reviled, and maligned by leftist authoritarians because it is the one right freedom loving people have that is used to keep them in check. I wish the 10th Amendment was used more, and with Xiden in office that may begin to take place, but as it is we can at least keep Queen Antifa's minions confined to the inner city shitholes where they belong.


Make NO MISTAKE about it. Leftists sociopaths and their vacuous drones do not care about human life in the most remote way or there would be no Planned Unparenthood clinics. Public safety is not their concern or green haired beta male rejects would not be fire bombing police stations and court houses. If repulsive bull dykes wanted to ensure no woman was ever raped again, they would be demanding all women be trained and provided handguns as part of a High School Graduation package. Of course horny blind dogs won't even dry hump these miserable repulsive sea cows so "rape culture" is just some more of the insipid shit they bitch about and it's about as legitimate as MMGW.

The "liberal" endeavors to undermine and eliminate the 2nd Amendment has everything to do with their pursuit of a monopoly on violence. Do not remain under any illusions at all, that because there are so many millions of people with semi-automatic weapons who can hit targets at 200M, and millions of others with scoped bolt action rifles who can engage small moving animals at twice that range, that the sort of leftist freaks we see dressed in black uniforms in leftist shitholes aren't state sanctioned troops. If you can see any difference between ANTIFA turds and the Bolsheviks or German Brown Shirts you are indeed suffering from illusions. This is merely their early phase but they can not progress to the next phase while the bulk of the population has the means to crush them like the vermin they are. The only reason they have not been exterminated is because we are God-fearing, ethical and moral people.

Even with the full backing of the Weimar Army, these goons can not oppress the public. That jabbering traitor imbecile Eric Swalwell (Dumbfuck. California) even exposed the left's contempt for the population at large when he suggested using NUCLEAR FUCKING WEAPONS against US Civilians.

The average democrook voter drone who only votes once, otherwise abides by the law and is basically a mushroom because they believe the media is one thing, but they're still the same sort of arm flapping dipshits who joined a cult of personality and ignored the disappearance of millions of their fellow German neighbors. Those who have any real influence in the DNC are absolute sociopaths and treasonous criminals. These ARE NOT just "people we disagree with", they're devoted to creating a soviet dystopia and bringing the nation down. US Army Dr. Douglas Kelley who studied the likes of Herman Goering prior to the Nuremburg Trials concluded...

“[Nazis] are not unique people…They are people who exist in every country of the world. Their personality patterns are not obscure. But they are people who have peculiar drives, people who want to be in power…I would say that I am quite certain that there are people even in America who would willingly climb over the corpses of half of the American public if they could gain control of the other half, and these are people who today are just talking–who are utilizing the rights of democracy in anti-democratic fashion.”

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should we ever back down, give ground, compromise or even merely maintain the status quo regarding our DEVINE RIGHT to wield tools of self preservation. In fact we should be doing more to roll back the regressive laws that force us to pay for licenses, jump through administrative hoops, wait for ridiculous procedures to take place or allow bureaucrooks to establish arbitrary rules. We should be working to repeal the laws that make it more difficult to obtain sound suppressors, prevent us from owning select fire weapons and subvert social trends that make guns some sort of taboo. The BATFE among other bloated federal swine needs to be abolished. Kids should not be graduating the 8th grade without the ability to unload and make weapons safe. They should not be unaware or the history of genocide, forced famines, or industrial mass murder that has taken place due to the madness of left wing political sociopaths in the last 120 years. There shouldn't be a single person in this country stupid enough to wear a Che Guevara T-Shirt or get a fuckin swastika tattoo even if they're an inmate in a maximum security prison.

Of all the rights listed in the Bill of Rights, the 2nd Amendment is so vilified, reviled, and maligned by leftist authoritarians because it is the one right freedom loving people have that is used to keep them in check. I wish the 10th Amendment was used more, and with Xiden in office that may begin to take place, but as it is we can at least keep Queen Antifa's minions confined to the inner city shitholes where they belong.

39,000 gun deaths
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes
213 BILLION in economic losses

All because a bunch of old dead slave rapists couldn't define a militia clearly.
Of all the rights listed in the Bill of Rights, the 2nd Amendment is so vilified, reviled, and maligned by leftist authoritarians because it is the one right freedom loving people have that is used to keep them in check. I wish the 10th Amendment was used more, and with Xiden in office that may begin to take place, but as it is we can at least keep Queen Antifa's minions confined to the inner city shitholes where they belong.

View attachment 497650

Make NO MISTAKE about it. Leftists sociopaths and their vacuous drones do not care about human life in the most remote way or there would be no Planned Unparenthood clinics. Public safety is not their concern or green haired beta male rejects would not be fire bombing police stations and court houses. If repulsive bull dykes wanted to ensure no woman was ever raped again, they would be demanding all women be trained and provided handguns as part of a High School Graduation package. Of course horny blind dogs won't even dry hump these miserable repulsive sea cows so "rape culture" is just some more of the insipid shit they bitch about and it's about as legitimate as MMGW.

The "liberal" endeavors to undermine and eliminate the 2nd Amendment has everything to do with their pursuit of a monopoly on violence. Do not remain under any illusions at all, that because there are so many millions of people with semi-automatic weapons who can hit targets at 200M, and millions of others with scoped bolt action rifles who can engage small moving animals at twice that range, that the sort of leftist freaks we see dressed in black uniforms in leftist shitholes aren't state sanctioned troops. If you can see any difference between ANTIFA turds and the Bolsheviks or German Brown Shirts you are indeed suffering from illusions. This is merely their early phase but they can not progress to the next phase while the bulk of the population has the means to crush them like the vermin they are. The only reason they have not been exterminated is because we are God-fearing, ethical and moral people.

Even with the full backing of the Weimar Army, these goons can not oppress the public. That jabbering traitor imbecile Eric Swalwell (Dumbfuck. California) even exposed the left's contempt for the population at large when he suggested using NUCLEAR FUCKING WEAPONS against US Civilians.

The average democrook voter drone who only votes once, otherwise abides by the law and is basically a mushroom because they believe the media is one thing, but they're still the same sort of arm flapping dipshits who joined a cult of personality and ignored the disappearance of millions of their fellow German neighbors. Those who have any real influence in the DNC are absolute sociopaths and treasonous criminals. These ARE NOT just "people we disagree with", they're devoted to creating a soviet dystopia and bringing the nation down. US Army Dr. Douglas Kelley who studied the likes of Herman Goering prior to the Nuremburg Trials concluded...

“[Nazis] are not unique people…They are people who exist in every country of the world. Their personality patterns are not obscure. But they are people who have peculiar drives, people who want to be in power…I would say that I am quite certain that there are people even in America who would willingly climb over the corpses of half of the American public if they could gain control of the other half, and these are people who today are just talking–who are utilizing the rights of democracy in anti-democratic fashion.”

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should we ever back down, give ground, compromise or even merely maintain the status quo regarding our DEVINE RIGHT to wield tools of self preservation. In fact we should be doing more to roll back the regressive laws that force us to pay for licenses, jump through administrative hoops, wait for ridiculous procedures to take place or allow bureaucrooks to establish arbitrary rules. We should be working to repeal the laws that make it more difficult to obtain sound suppressors, prevent us from owning select fire weapons and subvert social trends that make guns some sort of taboo. The BATFE among other bloated federal swine needs to be abolished. Kids should not be graduating the 8th grade without the ability to unload and make weapons safe. They should not be unaware or the history of genocide, forced famines, or industrial mass murder that has taken place due to the madness of left wing political sociopaths in the last 120 years. There shouldn't be a single person in this country stupid enough to wear a Che Guevara T-Shirt or get a fuckin swastika tattoo even if they're an inmate in a maximum security prison.

Unclean OP.

You can clean it up, or have it moved to Zone 3 if you want it reopened.
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